Разнообразные задания по теме "Неопределенные количественные местоимения" помогают отработать и закрепить грамматический материал учащимися как на уроке, так и в самостоятельной работе. Задания представлены по разным уровням сложности и соответствуют требованиям ФГОС. Лексический материал подобран согласно материала. изучаемого в рамках школьной программы.
Неопределенные количественные местоимения.
1.Вставь необходимое местоимение:
some, any, no
1)Would you like .... to play with us?
2)Have you got .... relatives?
3)Yes, I have got ... .
4)There is .... juice in the glass.
5)Who has drunk my coffee? There is ..... coffee in my cup.
6)Jane wants to tell you ..... interesting stories.
7)Are there .... letters for me today?
8)Sorry, but there are .... letters at all.
9)There are ..... pictures on the walls.
10)My sister has not bought .... new books.
11)May I have .....milk, please?
Many, much
12)Have you got ..... friends?
13)Bob doesn”t speak ...... .
14)I haven’t got ...... pets.
15)How ..... money have you got?
16)There are not ...... cars in the street.
17)There is so .... salt in the soup that I can’t eat.
18)He doesn’t like it very .... .
2. Выбери
somebody, something, somewhere,
anybody, anything,anywhere,
nobody, nothing, nowhere
everywhere, everybody, everything
1)There is ....better then home.
2)When I entered the room my little sister was writing .....in her exercisebook.
3)You must go .... in summer.
4)Are there .....sleeping in the room?
5)The teacher asked the pupils an easy question, but ....knew the answer.
6)Can you see .... under the chair?
7)Father Cristmas brought .... tasty to children.
8)I have looked him ...... already.
9) ...... has taken my coat by mistake.
10)I can’t find my tie ..... .
11)There were flowers ...... .
12)Ask me .... you like, I’ll try to answer.
13) ..... know him very well. He is a popular writer.
14)....was unknown for them in the town.
3. Вставь
much, many, little few, a little, a few.
1)He always works ...... .
2)You have eaten too ..... sweets. It’s bad for you .
3)There is .... meat in the fridge. It’s not enough to make meatballs.
4)Did you walk ..... yesterday? No I stayed at home.
5)There was .... water in the river, and they decided to cross it.6)At the theater we met .... people whom we knew well.
7)My mother knows English .... and she can help you with translation of the text.
8)The hall is almost empty:there were .... people in it.