Инсценировка "The Day of Sweethearts"
Оценка 4.8

Инсценировка "The Day of Sweethearts"

Оценка 4.8
английский язык
10 кл—11 кл
Инсценировка "The Day of Sweethearts"
Идея создания этой постановки пришла мне в голову накануне проведения недели английского языка в нашей школе. Премьера состоялась на вечере старшеклассников, посвященном Дню всех влюбленных, понравилась участникам мероприятия, создала атмосферу искренности, доброжелательности и праздничного настроения.
инсценировка The Day of Sweethearts.pdf


Characters:  God Zeus



                        2 boys

                        2 girls




                                                                        Scene 1


God Zeus (Sitting on the throne): Oh! How the world has changed! There is no place for love in people’s hearts! There is no place for the light and kindness. It’s a pity,  that the times of Romeo and Juliet have passed. But the holiday is coming!

Cupid and Valentine are walking along and arguing.

Cupid: I say we must shoot arrows  in them! O-o-ups, and they are in love already!

Valentine: My dear, love is a divine feeling! It is necessary for people to wait for love and wish to love and to be loved.

Cupid: You are not right. It takes too much time. I can’t wait. I must work, I don’t want to lose my job. I eager to buy summer cottage by the sea.

Valentine: My friend, I sympathize with you, but unexpected love may become a misfortune!

                                    They notice God Zeus and greet him.

Valentine: Good morning, Your Majesty!

Cupid: How do you do, boss!

God Zeus: I was listening to your arguing and I’ve got an idea. I see, you are experts in love affairs. So I give you the task: make everything for the victory of love in people’s world. If you succeed, I will reward you and give you a lot of money!





Scene 2

The Earth. In the morning Valentine and Cupid are talking.


Cupid: Well, good-bye, my friend. You’ll go to the right, and I’ll go to the left. If anything happens – ring me up! We’ll meet at the café “Two Hearts” and share our success.

Valentine: All right, I wish you good luck!

                                                            They are parting and go away.


Scene 3

Café “Two Hearts”. 2 girls are sitting at the first table, 2 boys are sitting at the second one. The 3d table is vacant. Cupid enters the café  and sits down at the third table.


Waiter (comes up to Cupid): Good evening! What do you want?

Cupid: A cake and strawberry juice, please.

Valentine rushes into the café and joins Cupid.

Valentine: How tired I am!

Waiter: Do you want anything?

Valentine: Double coffee “Espresso” and a bar of milk chocjlate with nuts, please.

Cupid: Well, how are the things going on?

Valentine: I‘ve failed. No one loving person! Nobody wants to love! I don’t know the reason. And what about you?

Cupid: The same with me! Farewell to my summer cottage by the sea! I’ve shot so many times, but not any results! Their hearts are arrow-proof. My boss will be furious!

Valentine: And I will be pensioned off without money!

The girls are talking.

1st girl: Sveta, you see, I don’t need a prince. I want to be loved by a kind, reliable and well-bred young man.

2nd girl: Oh, Irene, where could you find such a man? Frankly speaking, I’d like to fall in love too.

The boys are speaking.

1st boy: I say, Vanya, don’t be upset! Real love comes suddenly and all your life changes at once… If only I fall  in love with somebody!

2nd boy: Sergey! And I believe in love too. I hope to find my Laura. 

Valentine: Cupid, have you heard those words?

Cupid: Oh yes! I feel that my dreams may become real – I’ll have a summer cottage!

Valentine: Let’s  shoot!

Cupid shoots an arrow into the boys. They come up to the girls.

Vanya: Good evening, girls!

Girls: Hello, boys!

Sergey: May we join you?

Girls: Of course you may.

Boys: Let’s make an acquaintance.

They begin to talk being merry and happy.

Cupid: My congratulations, Valentine! In 7 days you will marry these two beloved couples

Valentine: Oh, it’s great! Do you remember the words: “A man if he is a man can’t live without love!”

They leave the café laughing.


Scene 4

God Zeus is on the throne. It is the 14th of February. Cupid and Valentine come in.

Valentine: The marriage was excellent! Our couples are very happy. By the way, I’ve married 15 beloved couples more.

Cupid: 17 couples! Well done!

God Zeus: Good boys you are! You have fulfilled your task wonderfully! Thank you for your work! And you, young people, be happy and loved on that Saint Valentine’s Day!





Cupid: Well, good-bye, my friend

Cupid: Well, good-bye, my friend

Cupid: Oh yes! I feel that my dreams may become real –

Cupid: Oh yes! I feel that my dreams may become real –
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