Исследовательская работа по английскому языку
Оценка 4.7

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку

Оценка 4.7
Исследовательские работы +1
английский язык
9 кл—11 кл
Исследовательская работа  по английскому языку
The Far East.ppt

Welcome to Primorye Territory.

Welcome to Primorye Territory.

Welcome to Primorye Territory.

Проектная работа. Совместная работа учителя и ученицы 10 класса

The Far East. The Far East

The Far East. The Far East

The Far East.

The Far East Economic Region extends from the Arctic tundra of the Chukot and Koryak autonomous areas in the North to the forests of Kamchatka peninsula and Ussuriland in the South. The region is know for its large fishing industry. Of particular interest for its wildlife is Wrangell Island, a natural reserve of the Chukotka coast.
Ussuriland, in the southern of the Russian Far East, has jungle- like forest with rare Amur leopard and Siberian tiger. Delicate pink rhododendrons, magnolias, exotic orange irises, lilies are an attraction of the Cedar Ravine nature reserve in the very south, a few kilometers from the North Korean and Chinese borders.
Khabarovsk, a major road, rail and river transport centre of the Far East is situated on the Amur in the Ussuri lowlands. From here the great river turns west and forms the border between Russia and Chine. The cit was named after the seventeenth- century Russian explorer, Yerotei Khabarovsk. His monument stands in the square by the railway station.
Not far from Khabarovsk, in the middle of Amur valley is the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Its main city is Birobidzhan, a stop of the Trans- Siberian Railway.
Next in importance after Khabarovsk is Vladivostok founded in 1860 it stands of the end of a short peninsula, over looking the Sea of Japan. The city is Russia’s main Pacific part and naval base for the Pacific fleet, and also the terminus of him Trans- Siberian Railway.

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Primorski Territory. Primorski

Primorski Territory. Primorski

Primorski Territory.

Primorski Territory settles down in the south of the Far East Russia. It borders on Khabarovsk territory in the north, the Chinese National Republic and the Korean People's democratic republic in the west and the southwest, and its southern and western parts are washed by Sea of Japan. The edge area - 165,900 kilometers square. Capital - Vladivostok. The population of Primorski Krai makes nearby 2,220,300 persons. Big cities: Vladivostok, Ussuriisk, Arsenyev, Artem.
The mountain ridge Sikhote Alin reaching 2,000 kilometers from the north on the south, divides Primorski Territory into east and western macro slopes. The largest river - Ussuri.. Primorski Krai richly mountain lakes, mineral sources, sea bays and lonely islands with picturesque landscapes.

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DALNEGORSK. Dalnegorsk is formed in 1889

DALNEGORSK. Dalnegorsk is formed in 1889


Dalnegorsk is formed in 1889.
Population - 50 thousand people.
Dalnegorsk is located highly in mountains, on the brink of the earth Russian. The former settlement has grown in settlement, and then has received the city status. The history of this city has begun with expedition under the direction of mountain engineer S.V.Maslennikova which in 1897 has found out a deposit of svintsovo-zinc ores in spurs of Sihote-Alinja.
Near to industrial complex the new settlement has grown. Its streets were built up with many-storied houses. Near to Palaces of metallurgists and chemists there were some children's and medical institutions, pool, stadium with a football ground. In 1989 in settlement lived already about 50 thousand people and to it the city status has been appropriated.

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BIG STONE. Big Stone is formed in 1989 the

BIG STONE. Big Stone is formed in 1989 the


Big Stone is formed in 1989 the Population - 80 thousand people.
Big Stone is located in the south of Primorski Krai in east part of the Ussuriysk gulf. The most developed branch of economy - ship repair. In Big Stone the sports complex is constructed and well equipped. Here zone and regional competitions were repeatedly held. Sportsmen samba-wrestling schools, numerous winners and prize-winners of the championships of Russia, prestigious international tournaments are widely known. Swimmers, tennis players, a youthful soccer team "Gulf", the women's team of volleyball players with the same name, club "Union" teams successfully act.

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VLADIVOSTOK. The city of Vladivostok - the largest in

VLADIVOSTOK. The city of Vladivostok - the largest in


The city of Vladivostok - the largest in Primorski Territory and as a whole in the Far East Russia. It is the industrial, transport, scientific and cultural centre, the largest port at Pacific coast of Russia.
Vladivostok is formed in 1860
Population - 634 thousand people

The transport economy of a city includes all types of transport. Vladivostok is a terminal point of the longest in the world of the Trans-Siberian highway..
The seaport is "a heart “of the city.
Vladivostok is a scientific and cultural centre. The Far East branch of Academy of sciences of Russia with 14 academic institutes here takes places.
Vladivostok is the largest historical centre of Primorski Krai. In architectural shape of a city has mixed up old and new. Buildings of the end XIX - the beginnings of XX centuries adjoin to the buildings constructed in the end of XX century apartment houses - monuments of Russian wooden architecture of the end of a XIX-the century have remained also. Despite the massed town-planning of last decades, a city still keeps also separate historical buildings, and the whole streets.

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Исследовательская работа  по английскому языку

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку

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USSURIYSK. Ussuriysk is formed in 1898

USSURIYSK. Ussuriysk is formed in 1898


Ussuriysk is formed in 1898.
Population - 161 thousand people.
The city of Ussuriysk has been based in 1866 by immigrants from the Astrakhan and Voronezh provinces on territory there is no time the prospering Bahia state. Passed hundreds years before on this place the village Nikolsky was formed.
Today Ussuriysk is one of the largest cities of Primorski Krai. In 2009 to it 143 years were executed. Its local industry is presented powerful food and overworking, easy, metal cutting and the building industry.

The richest flora of Ussuriysk area totals 865 kinds of plants, 15 from them are brought in the Red Book. In area there is a reserve located in a zone hvojno-shirokolistvennyh of woods in which are found the Amur tiger, a leopard, and a wild boar. Are available here and deposits of minerals: coal, brick clay.

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POKROVKA. There are 23 regions in

POKROVKA. There are 23 regions in


There are 23 regions in Primorye Territory. I live in one of the most beautiful
places in the world. My region is called Oktaybrsky. It is located area of it is about 1635 square kilometers. The population is over 34000 people. The biggest settlements are hills covered with different kinds of trees and also you can see fields, rivers, lakes. Forests are full of trees, birds, wild flowers. In autumn the leaves of trees are golden, brown and red.

Pokrovka is my native village.

Pokrovka is my native village.

Pokrovka is my native village. It is an administrative and cultural centre of the district. The position of Pokrovka is good. The big cities Vladivostok and Ussuriysk are located near Pokrovka. Pokrovka is situated in the valley of the Razolnaya River. From one side Pokrovka is surrounded by hills, from the other side Pokrovka is surrounded by fields, forest, lakes. The people of Pokrovka love the green of Russian countryside with its trees, flowers, sunflowers in summer. In summer people like to spend their holidays on the bank of the Razdolnaya River. It is a favorite place of many people.

Razdolnaya River.

There are a lot of cottage in Pokrovka

There are a lot of cottage in Pokrovka

There are a lot of cottage in Pokrovka. 70% of the population live in their own houses. But in the centre of the village there are a lot of thee- and five- storied buildings. The first three- storied block of flats was built in 1962 in Oktaybrskaya Street. The first- street was called after the founder of working movement Karl Marx.
In the centre of the village there is a large square with monuments to V. I. Lenin and to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, a club and some shops.
Pokrovka was founded in 1880. The first settlers were Cossacks from the central Russian regions. Since that time it has been a cultural centre. There is a beautiful museum in my village, it was founded in 1992. You can find much interesting information there. When an Englishman visited Pokrovka he was greatly surprised to see such unique things in it. Many people prefer visiting the museum in free time.

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My school is the biggest school in our region

My school is the biggest school in our region

My school is the biggest school in our region

Would you like to live in Pokrovka?

Would you like to live in Pokrovka?

Would you like to live in Pokrovka?

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Исследовательская работа  по английскому языку

Bibliography. 1. A Few Glimpses of

Bibliography. 1. A Few Glimpses of


1. A Few Glimpses of Vladivostok
2. The Preserves
4. GUIDE- The Towns of Primorye
5. The Modern Russian for English Speakers- E. A. M. Wilson
6. Справочник школьника по английскому языку
The information and the pictures used in this presentation
were taken from the Internet.

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