Итоговая контрольная работа о учебнику "Rainbow English" 7 класс за 4 четверть
Оценка 5

Итоговая контрольная работа о учебнику "Rainbow English" 7 класс за 4 четверть

Оценка 5
Контроль знаний
английский язык
7 кл
Итоговая контрольная работа о учебнику "Rainbow English" 7 класс  за 4 четверть
Итоговая контрольная работа о учебнику "Rainbow English" 7 класс за 4 четверть
Rainbow English 7 кл. 4 чет.тест.docx

    4 unite (7 form)

1        variant.

  1. Choose the right item.

1)      The patient was  (enough / too )  weak to walk fast.

2)      What is the  (wide / width)  of  this street?

3)      I have a sore throat.  I can  (hard /hardly )   swallow.

4)      The doctor did the best to cure the  (sick/  ill)  boy of his cold.

5)       Julia couldn’t  choose    (among / between)    the two dresses.

6)       We spent our summer holidays   (among / between)    our relatives in England.

7)      There is a bridge (among / between)  the island and the bank of the river.

8)      It is raining (hard/ hardly)

9)       Never give (up/ away) hope.

10)   My cousin (took/ stayed) up gardening when she was fifteen.

11)    The young man (made/ took) off with my mobile.

12)    The film was very interesting and I (gave/ stayed) up till 2 a.m. in the morning.

13)    I can’t (give/ make) out what she is trying to explain.

14)   Haven’t you finished the job (yet/ still)?


2.      Use the new words from the box to complete the sentences.

 cure       meal       prescribe        habit      coughing      meal       toothache

1)      Do you usually eat at home or go for a …  in the evening?

2)      I think you should give up your harmful ….. s.

3)      Doctor, can you … something for my pain in the left side?

4)      How long have you been … like that? And how long have you been smoking?

5)      When you have ….,   you should go and see a dentist.

6)      I have had a cold since Monday. Can you … me of it, doctor?


3.      Use the appropriate function words from the box to complete the sentences.

for (3)        of (2)         in (2)          from      

1.      Larry is slowly recovering …. his bad cold.

2.      Well, what’s …. the menu?

3.      Smoking  and taking drugs are dangerous …  people’s health.

4.      The weight … the box was about three pounds, less than one kilogram and a half.

5.      Rebecca has been studying medicine … four years.

6.      Phil says he has a strong pain …. his right side.

7.      I would like to cure you … your bad cough.

8.      What medicine has the doctor prescribed …. your sore throat?

4.      Rewrite the sentences. Begin them with the word what.

How healthy the teenager is! – What a healthy teenager!

1.      How harmful your habits are!-

2.      How quick the worker is!-

3.      How hard these jobs are!

5.      Rewrite the sentences. Begin them with the word how.

What a clever answer it is!- How clever the answer is!

1)      What a quick meal it was! –

2)      What a long recovery it was!-

3)      What a bad cough you are having!


6.      Use a/an or the zero article.

1.      What … beautiful face!

2.      what … sweet pies!

3.      What … cute kitten!

4.      What … slow animals!

5.      What … tasty chocolate!

6.      What … powerful kings!

7.      What … clear air!

8.      What … unpleasant person!

9.      What… tasty coffee!

10.  What … easy text!





























4 unite (7 form)

2        variant. 

1) Choose the right item.

1)      Betsy was running  (such / so) a high temperature that the doctor took her to hospital.

2)      John could ( get up /stay up)   all night without getting tired.

3)      The  ( pain /ache)  was so strong  and sudden that I couldn’t even speak.

4)       If you eat junk food,  it will do you  (worse/ harm)

5)       She sat in (among / between)   her two sons.

6)      I could see small houses  (among / between)  the trees.

7)      The tents were situated (among / between)  the high trees.

8)      Every winter she (comes/ gets) down with the cold.

9)      Ellie has been cleaning the flat for two hours and she is (yet/ still) busy.

10)   After the operation the patient could (hard/ hardly) move.

11)   Don’t forget to (weigh/ weight) your bags at the airport.

12)   It is dangerous to cut (down/ off) forests.

13)   The (sick/ ill) boy lay on the sofa.

14)  The damage to Emma’s health was (such/ so)  big!


2)      Use the new words from the box to complete the sentences.

ankle            heart            swallow        sneezing           weight             wrist       

1.      I am coming down with a cold. I am coughing and …. , and think I am running a high temperature.

2.      Lily is too thin. In my view, she should put on …. .

3.      Betsy has a sore throat. She says it hurts her to ….  .

4.      Brenda has a weak  … . They took her to hospital.

5.      Russian- speaking people never say they wear watches on their …. .

6.      I fell and have twisted (вывихнуть) my left  … .


3)      Use the appropriate function words from the box to complete the sentences.

for (2)                   in (2)               on (2)              off                down  with

1.      Chris is taking this medicine … his earache.

2.      Don’t eat too much pizza. You will put … weight.

3.      By  the way, pizza is low … vitamins.

4.      Our football team brought the opponents … their knees.

5.      Little Rick is really a pain … the neck.

6.      Some pupils stay up all night before their exams, which is a harmful habit … their health.

7.      Doctors usually recommend their patients to stay … fat food.

8.      Pete is coming … a cold.


4)   Rewrite the sentences. Begin them with the word what.

How healthy the teenager is! – What a healthy teenager!

1.      How bitter the medicine is!

2.      How long our meals are!

3.      How dangerous the operation is!

5)   Rewrite the sentences. Begin them with the word how.

What a clever answer it is!- How clever the answer is!

1.      What fine weather we are having!

2.      What a powerful river the Volga is!

3.      What tasty desert we had!

6)      Use a/an or the zero article.

1.      What … beautiful face!

2.      what … sweet pies!

3.      What … cute kitten!

4.      What … slow animals!

5.      What … tasty chocolate!

6.      What … powerful kings!

7.      What … clear air!

8.      What … unpleasant person!

9.      What… tasty coffee!

10.  What … easy text!





Choose the right item. 1)

Choose the right item. 1)

What a clever answer it is!- How clever the answer is! 1)

What a clever answer it is!- How clever the answer is! 1)

Choose the right item. 1)

Choose the right item. 1)

How dangerous the operation is! 2)

How dangerous the operation is! 2)
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