Итоговая контрольная работа по разделу "Food"
Оценка 4.6

Итоговая контрольная работа по разделу "Food"

Оценка 4.6
Контроль знаний
английский язык
3 кл—4 кл
Итоговая контрольная работа по разделу "Food"
Lexical grammar test food.docx

Lexical-Grammar Test «Food».

Ученика(цы) 3 класса__________________________________________

I. Translate into Russian. (Переведите на русский язык.)

1. Father bought a box of sweets yesterday. _____________________________________________________

2. A lot of children eat porridge for breakfast. __________________________________________________________

3. His mother drinks four cups of tea every day. ______________________________________________________________

4. She had meat with potatoes for supper yesterday.__________________________________________________________ 

5. I was not hungry yesterday. __________________________________________

6. Rabbits like carrots.________________________________________________

7. I think bananas are tasty.____________________________________________


II. Complete the sentences using the words given in brackets (juice, vegetables, eggs, brown, glass, cups, vegetable). (Закончите предложенияиспользуя словаданные в скобках.)

1. We drink coffee from ………..

2. She didn't eat ………...salad yesterday.

3. He likes…………….. bread.

4. How many ……………..do you usually have for breakfast?

5. My sister drinks a lot of ……………

6. He has a…………….... of milk for supper.

7. Tomatoes are berries, they are not …………….….


III. Write down the words. (Запиши словами)

hello_html_6eefd4e2.png _e________ hello_html_33c11c69.png _m________ hello_html_mad0e63a.png_j______

hello_html_m31f40204.png _c__________ hello_html_m6fe303cc.png_f_________ hello_html_m54c7f4ae.png_a_________

IV. Put in “a lot of “,“much” or “many” (Вставь “a lot of  “much” или “many”)

1.     I drank…………… milk from the glasses yesterday.

2.     I didn’t see ………….. sweets in the box the day before yesterday.

3.     I can see ……….… cups of tea on the table.

4.     Did your friend like to eat ……………. carrots last year?

5.     Her cousin didn’t like……………. butter in the porridge in her childhood.

6.     I saw ……………….. hamburgers on the plate last evening.


V. Put a general question and a special question to each sentence. (Составьте общий вопрос,  специальный вопрос и вопрос к подлежащему)

1.      He washed his hands yesterday. Did_________________________________________________________________? When_______________________________________________________________?


2.       You got up at 6 yesterday morning.

        Did_________________________________________________________________?                 When____________________________________________________________________?


3.       Parents were in the park with Mary yesterday morning. Were_________________________________________________________________? With whom___________________________________________________________?


VI. Make the sentences negative. (Сделайте предложения отрицательными)

1.     She worked in the hospital last year._______________________________

2.     Ben went to the Zoo last week.___________________________________

3.     My mother was at home yesterday.________________________________

4.     They swam in the sea in summer._________________________________

5.     Her friends were happy to see us._________________________________


Lexical-Grammar Test «Food».

Lexical-Grammar Test «Food».

IV. Put in “a lot of “,“ much ” or “ many ” (

IV. Put in “a lot of “,“ much ” or “ many ” (
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