Итоговый диагностический тест для обучающихся 9 класса по УМК Английский в фокусе
Оценка 4.7

Итоговый диагностический тест для обучающихся 9 класса по УМК Английский в фокусе

Оценка 4.7
Контроль знаний
английский язык
9 кл
Итоговый диагностический тест для обучающихся 9 класса по УМК Английский в фокусе
В соответствие с планом внутришкольного контроля и КТП в 9-11 классах в мае месяце проводятся контрольные работы по английскому языку. Контроль уровня предметных достижений проводится в форме тестов множественного выбора и подстановочных упражнений. Тесты рекомендованы авторами УМК «Английский в фокусе» 9 кл. Ваулина Ю., Подоляко О. Контрольные задания к учебнику «Английский в фокусе» Москва «Просвещение» 2019 г.
9 класс итоговый диагностический тест.docx

Exit Test 9 (I)

1.      Since Adam has always been interested in the stars and planets, it`s no wonder he chose to study …. .

A. astronomy      B. engineering       C. chemistry

2.      This school ………..in the 1960s.

A. was built     B. built      C. had built

3.      After the huge earthquake, the small village was left……….ruins.

A. on      B. in       C. by

4.      You don`t need a ……….to get on the Internet.

A. data          B. software         C. password

5.      Sam  …… for 6 hours without a break, so he decided to stop   somewhere to rest.

A. had been driving           B. drove            C. was driving

6.      Ben is very ……… because he does weightlifting five times a week.

A. plump          B. overweight             C. muscular

7.       Tim spends a lot of time on his computer………with his online friends.

A. chatting           B. telling             C. texting

8.      Ann asked her brother ….. her computer without asking her first.

A. don`t use         B. not to use           C.  to not use

9.      It`s not worth ….. so much money on a pair of shoes   that you`ll    only wear once or twice.

A.  spending               B.  you spend              C. spend

10.  The show ….. at 8.00, so we have plenty of time to get to the theatre.

A. started                B. is starting                  C. starts

11.   She usually has a small ….. of chocolate after lunch.

A. bar               B. loaf                C. slice

12.   The children ….. in the garden all morning, that`s why their clothes are dirty.

A. have played             B. have been playing           C. play

13.   The Prague Spring International Music Festival ….. in the middle of May and lasts for about  2 weeks.

A. starts            B. is starting            C. has started

14.  When Rose was a child, she ….. a lot of books about sea monsters.

A.  was having         B. would have             C. used to have

15.   Dave, ….. brother works on the ISS, wants to become an astronaut someday.

A.  who             B. whose              C. which

16.  Experts say machines that will do most of household chores will soon ….. part of our everyday life.

A.   become          B. overcome              C. exist

17.   One of the most exciting events in Berlin`s Carnival of Cultures is its  colourful, 4-day street ….. 

A.   contest                 B.  march                C. parade

18.   Sally ….. into tears   when a car almost hit her dog as it ran into the street.

A. took                        B. made                   C. burst

19.   Although you can`t really tell by  her untidy desk, Ann is actually     a very ….. secretary who does her job well  and quickly.

A.  efficient                        B. organised                   C. practical

20.  This is ….. idea you’ve ever had, Joe!

А. the worse      B. the worst     C. worst

21.  I ran ….. a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time yesterday.

A. over       B. into     C. across

22.  Don`t believe ….. he tells you; he isn`t a very honest person, you know!

A. whichever         B. whenever      C. whatever

23.  The teacher told us ….. the classroom until the test ended.

A. don’t leave   B. to not leave   C. not to leave

24.  If Chris had asked for my help when he was in trouble, I ….. happy to help him.

A. would have been     B. would be      C. will be

25.  You ….. wash the dishes. Ann has already done it.

A. don`t have to     B. ought to     C. mustn`t



Exit Test 9 (I keys)

1.      A. astronomy   

2.      A. was built  

3.      B. in      

4.      C. password

5.      A. had been driving         

6.      C. muscular

7.      A. chatting          

8.      B. not to use          

9.      A.  spending              

10.  C. starts

11.  A. bar             

12.  B. have been playing          

13.   A. starts           

14.  C. used to have

15.  B. whose            

16.  A. become         

17.  C. parade

18.  C. burst

19.  B. organised                  

20.  B. the worst    

21.  B. into   

22.  C. whatever

23.  C. not to leave

24.  A. would have been  

25.   A. don`t have to  




















Exit Test 9 (II)

1.      Susan ….. into tears   when a car almost hit her dog as it ran into the street.

A. took                        B. made                   C. burst

2.      Although you can`t really tell by  her untidy desk, Sally is actually     a very ….. secretary who does her job well  and quickly.

A.  efficient                        B. organised                   C. practical

3.      This is ….. idea you’ve ever had, Joe!

А. the worse      B. the worst     C. worst

4.      I ran ….. a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time yesterday.

A. over       B. into     C. across

5.      Don`t believe ….. he tells you; he isn`t a very honest person, you know!

A. whichever         B. whenever      C. whatever

6.      The teacher told us ….. the classroom until the test ended.

A. don’t leave   B. to not leave   C. not to leave

7.      If Chris had asked for my help when he was in trouble, I ….. happy to help him.

A. would have been     B. would be      C. will be

8.      You ….. wash the dishes. Ann has already done it.

A. don`t have to     B. ought to     C. mustn`t

9.      Since Adam has always been interested in the stars and planets, it`s no wonder he chose to study …. .

A. astronomy      B. engineering       C. chemistry

10.  This school ………..in the 1960s.

A. was built     B. built      C. had built

11.  After the huge earthquake, the small village was left……….ruins.

A. on      B. in       C. by

12.  You don`t need a ……….to get on the Internet.

A. data          B. software         C. password

13.  Den  …… for 7 hours without a break, so he decided to stop   somewhere to rest.

A. had been driving           B. drove            C. was driving

14.  Ben is very ……… because he does weightlifting five times a week.

A. plump          B. overweight             C. muscular

15.   Tim spends a lot of time on his computer………with his online friends.

A. chatting           B. telling             C. texting

16.  Ann asked her brother ….. her computer without asking her first.

A. don`t use         B. not to use           C.  to not use

17.  It`s not worth ….. so much money on a pair of shoes   that you`ll    only wear once or twice.

A.  spending               B.  you spend              C. spend

18.  The show ….. at 8.00, so we have plenty of time to get to the theatre.

A. started                B. is starting                  C. starts

19.   She usually has a small ….. of chocolate after lunch.

A. bar               B. loaf                C. slice

20.   The children ….. in the garden all morning, that`s why their clothes are dirty.

A. have played             B. have been playing           C. play

21.   The Prague Spring International Music Festival ….. in the middle of May and lasts for about  2 weeks.

A. starts            B. is starting            C. has started

22.  When Rose was a child, she ….. a lot of books about sea monsters.

A.  was having         B. would have             C. used to have

23.   Dave, ….. brother works on the ISS, wants to become an astronaut someday.

A.  who             B. whose              C. which

24.  Experts say machines that will do most of household chores will soon ….. part of our everyday life.

A.   become          B. overcome              C. exist

25.   One of the most exciting events in Berlin`s Carnival of Cultures is its  colourful, 4-day street ….. 

A.   contest                 B.  march                C. parade


Exit Test 9 (II keys)


1.      C. burst

2.      B. organised                  

3.      B. the worst   

4.      B. into   

5.      C. whatever

6.      C. not to leave

7.      A. would have been  

8.       A. don`t have to  

9.      A.  astronomy   

10.  A. was built  

11.  B. in      

12.  C. password

13.  A. had been driving         

14.  C. muscular

15.  A. chatting          

16.  B. not to use          

17.  A.  spending              

18.  C. starts

19.  A. bar             

20.  B. have been playing          

21.   A. starts           

22.  C. used to have

23.  B. whose            

24.  A.   become         

25.  C. parade


Exit Test 9 ( I) 1.

Exit Test 9 ( I) 1.

Exit Test 9 (I keys) 1.

Exit Test 9 (I keys) 1.

Exit Test 9 ( II) 1.

Exit Test 9 ( II) 1.

Exit Test 9 (II keys) 1.

Exit Test 9 (II keys) 1.
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