Компоненты УМК Spotlight 4
Оценка 4.7

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 4

Оценка 4.7
Книги +3
английский язык
4 кл
Компоненты УМК Spotlight 4
Публикация является частью публикации:

Virginia Evans

Jenny Dooley Nadezhda Bykova

Marina Pospelova


     Express Publishing   e U e L ' S H E R S

Английский язык

Английский в фокусе

Учебник для 4 класса

общеобразовательных учреждений


Express Publishing



YAK 373.167.1:811.111



ABTOPbt:               HM. SbIKOBa. Ax. Aynv•l, M.A. nocnenoBa, B. 3BaHC

Authors:     Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova, Marina Pospelova


Authors' Acknowledgements

We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor in Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor): Nina Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Special thanks to Daniel and Nadia who play the parts of Larry and Lulu as well as to Nicholas and Kiki.

colour Illustrations: Pan, Stone.

Series consultants: Seamus Murphy, John Parsons, Slava Potapchouck.

POCC"1ùCKue aBTOPbl Bblpaxat0T 6naronaPHocTb yqŽtTeJIBM VI yuangvtMC9 rOY COLLj N2 1279 VI roy COLLI N21971 MOCkBb13a npeaocraBneHHbte 00TorpacpvtV1 noanep*KY npvt C03aaHv-11a pa3nena Y MK Spotlight on Russia.

While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

Distributed in the Russian Federation. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia. Tajikistan. Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan by PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS and CenterCom Ltd.

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A64 [H.VI. 6blKOBa, Ax. M.A. nocnenoga, B. 3aaHC]. — M. : Express Publishing npocee114eHne, 2007. — 168 c. : m. - ISBN 978-5-09-016282-1.

YAK 373.167.1:811.111

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OAO «TBepcK0h opaeHa Tpynosoro Kpao•oro 3HaMeHL•1 nonnrpacÞK0M6"1HaT neTCKOÙ1 nmeparypbi VIM. 50-nerv•lfi CCCP». 170040. Taepb. npocneKT 50 ner OKTR6PR. 46.

C) Express Publishing, 2007

                ISBN 978-5-09-016282-1                                                                                           C' V13nareJ1bCTBO «FIPOCBeL.ueHV1e», 2007

Bce npaBa satiÅV111.geHbl

Student s book

Happy New Year!

P. 138

p. 159


Starter Unit - Back together! (PP. 4-8)

Module I - Family & friends! (pp. 9-24)

In this module you will...

Larry and Lulu meeting Uncle        describe people Harry and his family at the airport,   say where things are things you have got, actions,           describe things numbers 30-100    happening now express ability pronounce the sounds

Now I know (pp. 22-23)

Module 2 - A working day! (pp. 25-40)

In this module vou will...



learn, read and talk about

Uncle Harry's job at the Animal • talk about location adverbs of about one of Hospital, buildings, jobs, a text describe jobs frequency your relatives about Uncle Harry and his• pronounce the sound /3jthe verb 'have to' everyday lifedescribe your everyday


     tell the time Now I know (pp. 38-39)

Module 3 - Tasty treats! (pp. 41-56)

In this module you wilt...

Larry and Paco making a fruit • talk about food • a food quiz .1 salad, food and containers, prices • distinguish between and pronounce the sounds Ids,' and /g/

     buy food

        Now I know (pp. 54-55)                   • talk about prices

Module 4 - At the zoo! (pp. 57-72)


Module 5 - Where were you yesterday? (pp. 72-88)

     talk about Where   • ordinals            • about a scary people were       was/were         fitm

     say where you were last night

     describe feelings

     distinguish between and pronounce the

Module 6 - Tell the tale! (pp. 89-104)

In this module you will...

the Hare and the Tortoise, what • talk about the past people did last night, Lulu's dreams • distinguish and pronounce the sounds

                                                                                      /d/. It/ and /ld/                            the past

Now I know (pp. 102-103)

Module 7 Days to remember'. cpp, this module you will...

people's memorable events during  talk about past actions  about their the year, Larry's magic moments         describe (old)    best day of classmates  the year distinguish and pronounce the sounds /a/, /i/ and /J/

Now I know (pp. 118-119)

Module 8 - Places to go! (pp, 121-136)

In this module you will...

     learn, read and talk about           learn how to                     practise ...                    write

countries, holiday plans, things to • talk about countries • going to a letter from take on holiday • give holiday plans • will holiday

             question words

Now I know (pp. 134-135)

Happy New Year! (pp. 138-139)

April Fool's Day! (pp. 140-141)

Spotlight on Russia (pp. 142-149)

Grammar Reference (pp. 150-156)

Phonetics (p. 158)

Word List (pp. 159-164)

Back together!

Listen and point. Then sing along!

Introduce yourself to someone new.

A: Hi, my name's Kelly. What's your name?

B: Hello! I'm David.

A: Nice to meet you, David.


             Read and choose. Then act out.

1       A: What's your name? B: a) I'm Philip.

b)    This is Philip.

2       A: Sandy's a nice name!

B: a) Yes, it's short for Sandra.

b)    I like her too.

3       A: Do you like playing computer games? B: a) No, I'm playing now.

b)    Yes, it's fun.

4       A: Goodbye, Ron. B: a) Oh, hello!

b)    Bye. See you later.

5       A: Whose is this ball? B: a) It's Peter.

b)    It's Peter's.

Ask your friends. Find someone who...

A: Can you swim?

'Starter Unit

B: Yes, I can swim really well. OR No, I can't./Not very well.

Listen and repeat. Then talk with your friend.

A: I've got a present for you! B: What is it?

In my schoolbag today

o     This is a library card. Read and answer.

1       What's Steve's surname?

2       How old is he?

3       What year is he in?

4       What's his phone number?

Copy the shapes. Listen and colour. Then say.

The big triangle is blue.

I Starter Unit

How good is your memory? Work with a friend. You've got six


In this module you will learn, read and talk about ...

o     Larry and Lulu meeting Uncle Harry at the airport

One big happy O family!

aØListen and repeat.

        1 Uncle Harry                                                                        3 Cousin Robbie

• tall

• short

• tall



. slim

• fair hair

• dark hair

• dark hair

• funny

• kind

• friendly


1 A: What does Uncle Harry look like?

B: He's tall and slim and he's got fair hair.

A: What's he like?

B: He's very funny!

?Let's play!


øØListen and read.

Look, children.

   1 Uncle Harry is in Australia now.        2 He has got a lot of pets.

a Uncle Harry can't find anything! Help him.

Uncle Harry: Where's my hairbrush?

Aunt Pam: It's next to the clock.

a Read and say the word.

1 You can tell the time with this. watch

2 You put this on your head.

3               You open doors with these.

4               You can go very fast on these.

5               You wear these on your hands.

6               You can play music with this.

7               You can brush your hair with this.

8               You can listen to your favourite songs on these.

9               You can talk to your friend on this. 10 You can take photos with this.


Listen and repeat.

Mark likes playing the guitar in the park. Paul is forty and he's very sporty.

        Read.                                                     a Copy, complete and read.


ar Ia./

or /o:/

















1     m...rning

2     ...rm

3     h. rse

4     st. . r

5      p...rty

6      t...rtoise

7      unif...rm

8      g...rden

In picture A, the man has got dark hair.

In picture B, the man hasn't got dark hair. He's got fair hair.


aeListen and repeat.


playing the violin a Chit-Chat

A: What's William doing? B: He's skiing.

He can ski really well.

best friend!

     sailing                                skating

    surfing                                 diving

Larry, Lulu and Chuckles are at the seaside today. The sun is 1) . (shine). Look! What 2) ... (Chuckles/do)? He 3) ... (eat) an ice cream! Lulu 4) ... (not/eat) an ice cream. She's 5) ... (make) a sandcastle. Larry 6) ... (have) fun too. He 7) ... (dive) into the sea!

 bY James

This is my best friend Craig. He's nine years old. Craig has got short dark hair and blue eyes. He's tall for his age and quite plump. Craig is very kind and friendly. In the picture Craig is playing soccer. He likes playing soccer in his free time. Craig is a good friend and we do a lot of things together!

I Who is James' best friend?


How old is he?

3      What does he look like?

4      What's he like?

5      What does he like doing in his free time?

Now use the questions to talk about your best friend.

Portfolio: Write about your best friend.

Let's play!
















a hundred

Listen and repeat.

a Chit-Chat

A: How old is your grandfather? B: He's sixty-two.

Sing along!


I've got a lot of people

In my family There's Mum and Dad and Lulu, There's Betsy and there's me!

One big happy family,

One big happy crew,

One big happy family,

We stick together like glue!

There's Grandma and there's Grandpa And Uncle Harry too!

Aunt Pam and Cousin Robbie

We stick together like glue!


Match the sounds to the pictures: 'Boing, boing, boing!' 'Splash, splash, splash!' , 'Tra-la-la!', 'Shloop, shloop, shloop!'

Complete the poem.


Shloop, shloop, shloop!

I'm playing

Boing, boing, boing!


Splash, splash, splash!



Write your own 'sound poem'. Present it to the class.

Module 1

Now, be good!

Has big blue eyes Don't go walking And golden curls. In the wood! Her mother tells her ...

18 -                    1

Narrator:     She says ...                         Goldilocks: The wood is nice,

Goldilocks: Oh, Mummy,                                             The wood is cool,

Please don't worry! I can walk there Narrator: But Goldilocks On my way to Is in a hurry.  school.


1 -




Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Complete the sentences.

1       Don't go walking ... the wood.

2       Goldilocks is ... a hurry.

3 1 can walk there on my way ... school.

Read and correct.

1 Goldilocks has got brown eyes.

2 She's got dark curls.

3     The wood is cold.

4     Goldilocks can walk in the wood on her way home.

a What can Goldilocks see in the wood? Read and choose.

a Look at the pictures. Match the capital cities to the countries. Use: the UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

       Washington D.C.                  Wellington                            London


London is the capital of the UK.


     A Ireland               B Scotland                 C Wales

2 Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver are cities in A Canada. B Ireland. C the USA. 3 Sidney, Melbourne and Adelaide are cities in

     A Canada.            B Australia.              C Britain.

4     Auckland, the City of Sails, is in

A      Australia.   B Ireland.   C New Zealand.

5     Where is Big Ben?

A      Oxford        B Cambridge       C London



a How much do you know about English-speaking countries? Do


Vocabulary o Choose the correct word. (10 marks)þ<)      1  mobile phone/ camera       2 hat/ helmet

      3 hairbrush/keys          4 roller blades/shoes                5 gloves/coat



a Write the numbers. (18 marks)

      I 60           2 30           3 95            4 00          5 81              6 50




Read and choose. (16 marks)

e.g. She©/are carrying the box of chocolates.

1       He is a great cook. He is/can cook really well.

2       Look! Mary is dance/dancing!

3 Are you/Can you ride a bike?

4 Harry and Tom aren't/isn't sleeping. They're in the garden.




Complete: on, in, next to, behind, under. (12 marks)






Read and match. (20 marks)

1 What does she look like?

2     How old is your mother?

3     Is your uncle from England? 4 Have you got my CD?

Reading and Writing

The keys are on the table.

The mobile phone is the table.

There are roller blades ... the chair.

The helmet is the box.

The camera is ... the box.



a She's tall and slim. b No, he isn't. c No, it's on the shelf. dThirty-six.



(Sr r-thur-t

               Episode I                                                   I'm Rascal.

What's your name?


Hello, are you new here?










Yes, it's my first day!

I'm Wolfie.

           *'$es, it's short for Wolfgang.                        Where are you from?


I'm from Germany.

Rascal! Are you ready to go?

And this is my dad, Brutus.

                                  Wolfie, this is Arthur.        Oh, oh! Goodbye, Wolfie!

24               I

The Animal





Queen S












                               greengrocer's                   post office


A: Excuse me, where's the Animal Hospital? B: It's in Bridge Street.

You don't need Where's Chuckles? Read again and choose.

A Under the chair.                            B Behind the curtain.

3                                                                                                                   5

4                                                                                                                   6

mechanic   waiter greengrocer postman  nurse a Who says what? Look, read and match.

a     I wear a uniform. I serve food and drinks.

b    I wear a white uniform. I help sick people.

c      I carry a big bag. I take letters to people's houses. d I sell fruit and vegetables.

e I bake bread and make cakes. f I work in a garage. I fix cars.


      A: What do you do?                                  A: Where do you work?


ir /a•/

ur /3:/

er /3.•/

















A girl with golden curls serves burgers on Thursday.


Copy, complete and read.


1       th...rty

2       n...rse

3     s...rve

4     c...rcle

5       s...rfing

6       b...rthday

7     sh...rt

8     h...r

Work and play!

A: How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre? B: Twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

O Look, ask and answer.

quarter to

half past


I A: What time is it? B: It's quarter to eleven.

Read and choose the correct word.

My Uncle

by Larry UncQe

He likes reading comics!



1      A: Does

Work it oat!

How many hours/days do they work? Read, do the maths and say.

Find out how many hours/days these people work per week/ month in your country: teacher, doctor, police officer.


Now in the wood


I've got some porridge


There live three


In this pot.




It's very nice


Mummy, Daddy and


But it's very hot!




We can eat it


Let's take a walk.


When we all return.


Daddy says ...


Let's go outside


And Mummy says ...


And get some sun!


Well, maybe:




2      -

Activities Module 2

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Match and say.

1 golden

a girl

2 naughty

b curls

3 lovely

c porridge

4 hot

d woods

Complete the sentences.

1      Mother says: "Listen ... me. "

2      Goldilocks is a girl ... long golden curls.

3      Goldilocks is ... her way ... school.

4      Goldilocks takes a walk ... the woods.

5      Three bears live ... the wood.

o Talk with your friend.

1      What does Goldilocks' mother tell her every day?

2      Where does she take a walk?

3      Who lives in the wood?

4      What do the bears have for breakfast? 5 Why can't they eat the porridge?

A da in m life!

on the

My name is Danielle Pearson. I live in Wisconsin, USA. My school is called Danver Elementary School and I really like it there.


School starts at 8.30. Every day we have

Morning Meeting and usually start the day with a game or a song. We have a break at 10.30, and most of the students go outside. Every Thursday I have a meeting with my teacher Miss Blake to talk about my school work and projects.

We have lunch every day at 12.15. I usually eat in the school canteen. In the afternoon we usually have Art, PE or Music.

After school, at 3 0'clock, I go home and play with my little sister. Then I help my mother to cook dinnen After dinner I always do my homework and then I read or watch TV for a while. I go to bed every night at 10 0'clock.

o Read and complete the sentences about Danielle's day. 1 She starts school at

2           She has lunch at

3           She goes outside at break time at                                      

4           She goes home from school at ... . 5 She goes to bed at    a Now talk about a day in your life.





Look, read and match. (8 marks)

e.g. He's a baker.

1      He's a waiter.

2      He's a greengrocer.


Make sentences, as in the example. (16 marks)

e.g. clown/circus/make people laugh

A clown works at a circus.

He makes people laugh.

1       teacher/school/teach students

2       greengrocer/greengrocer's/

sell fruit and vegetables

3       postman/post office/take letters to people's houses

4       waiter/café/serve people




3      She's a nurse.

4      He's a mechanic.




a Read and make sentences.

(16 marks)

e.g. you/ often/ Do/ read/ comics?

Do you often read comics?

1     often/ do/ play/ soccer?/

How/ you

2     sometimes/Pam/Saturdays./ goes/cinema/to/on/the

3     go/l/to/usually/once/park/ the/week. / a

4     he/ wash/dishes/Does/ sometimes?/the



What does Betty have to do?


Look, read and match.

(20 marks)

     soccer match 5.15

     volleyball match 1.15

• piano lesson 8.30

     Jenny's party 9.45

1     What time is Jenny's party?

2     What time is the soccer match?

3     What time is the piano lesson?

4     What time is the volleyball match?

a At quarter past one. b At quarter past five.

c At quarter to ten. d At half past eight.



Reading and Writing

e.g. What does Aunt Polly do? She's a mechanic.

1 Where does she work? 2 Where is the garage? 3 Does she wear a uniform at work?

4 Does she fix bikes?









r can

1 talk about buildings & jobs

2 talk about activities

3 tell the time

4 write about a relative

Pirate's fruit

O salad!

Listen and repeat.

        lemon              beans            mango            butter         coconut        flour

                 salt & pepper               tomato

a Chit-Chat


Module 3


Read         complete.

1                 ... oranges are there in the bag?

2                 . . butter is there in the fridge?

3                 . bread is there on the table?

4                 eggs are there in the box?

5                 ... potatoes are there in the cupboard?

Look, ask and answer.

I bread?

2           olive oil?

3           eggs?

4           cheese?

5           lemon juice?

6           potatoes?

7           tomatoes?

8           butter?

9           pepper?

10     biscuits?

1 A: How much bread is there?

B: A lot!

How good is your memory? Close your book and talk with your friend.

There is a lot of bread.


          Listen        repeat.

In the magic garden there are lots of oranges on the green mango tree.

 Read. Then put the words Geography, good, garden, sausage in the right column.















Module 3

a Chit-Chat

A: Can I have a packet of biscuits, please?

B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That's one pound nine pence, please.

1       There are a lot of/much tomatoes in the salad.

2       Do we need much/many bread?

3       1 take many/a lot of sugar in my tea.

4       There aren't much/many eggs in the fridge.

5       There's much/a lot of sugar in the cake. 6 Have you got much/many mangoes?



Read and match. Then act out.

1       May I have some more potatoes, please?

2       May I ask my friend to come for dinner, please?

3       May I wash my hands, please?

4       May I eat my lunch in the living room, please? 5 May I taste the apple pie, please?

A      Not yet. It's still very hot!

B      Yes, the bathroom's down the hall.

C      No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen, please. D Of course you may. What's her name?

On the shelf!

What kind of food: dairy, meat, fruit or vegetable? Read and say.



On my shelf. Draw a shelf with your favourite drinks and snacks on it.

Module 3

Narrator:     Now, to the house                Goldilocks: No one home.

                       Comes Goldilocks                Narrator:         She says ...

                        And on the door                   Goldilocks:       What luck

She gives three knocks!I'll go inside

Activifiês Moduie 3

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Guess the words.

. mohe

• rivoufate

• odor

• ridropge

. seuho


Read and choose.

I Goldilocks comes to the school/the house.

Module 3

2 She gives 2/3 knocks on the door. 3 She goes inside/outside.

4 Her favourite food is porridge/salad.

Heat and stir

Put water and

Eat it with

Add some milk

for 5 minutes.

porridge oats

sugar or

and a little


in a pot.



How to make porridge. Read and put the pictures in the correct order.

Try it at home. It's yummy!

         What is pudding? Read and choose.

a dessert                                         b dinner

Many British families follow their main evening meal with a dessert, or pudding as some people call it. Most puddings

only need simple ingredients such as flour, fruit, milk, bread, eggs, sugar and butter. One question you almost always hear at dinner time is "What's for pudding, Mum?"

a Can you name at least two ingredients for each pudding

below? Check your answers with your teacher.


I know


Look, read and choose. (18 marks)

       e.g.                         1                                    3

          (6) bread                  A flour                        A olive oil              A salt

                       B beansB sugar                                 B lemonade           B pepper

         4                            5                              6

A      biscuit       A coconut        A pineapple




Read and match. (30 marks)

B      butter         B mango   B orange

Choose the correct word.

1 May I have a piece of that cake,

(20 marks)


2 May I leave the room, please?

1 We don't need much/ many

3 May I use your phone?


4 May I bring my sister to your

2 Do we need many/ much


mangoes for the fruit salad?

5 May I eat my dinner in the

3 There isn't many/much butter

living room, please?

left in the fridge.

6 May I have a pen, please?

4 There are a lot of/much

A No, you may not. You can eat it

oranges in the basket.

in the kitchen.

5 How much/many bread have

B Here you are.

we got?

C Not yet. It's still very hot!

D    Yes, but don't be too long.

E      Yes, of course.



F      Of course you may. What's her name?


Communication                      Reading and Writing

e.g. There is a lot of bread. yes

4 There are a lot of eggs. 5 There is a lot of butter.

3 A: Can I have a          please?

B: Here you are.

          That's      please.







talk about food


buy food and say prices


ask for, give/ refuse ermission


write about food



r can



Funny animals!

De Listen and point. Then sing along!

aeListen    read.

Read again and answer.

Module 4

What do the seals always do at lunchtime? A They swim. B They clap.

          clap/ lunchtime                   have lunch/ 1 o'clock



have a bath/ afternoon

play/ morning

I A: What are the seals doing?

B: They're clapping. They always clap at lunchtime.

Read and put the sentences in the right order.

I A: What are you doing?

B: Oh yes! I think they're great!

A: Look at that picture — the dolphin is catching a fish!

B: I'm reading a book about dolphins.

6 B: Of course! Dolphins eat fish, you know. A: Really? Do you like dolphins?

aeListen    repeat.

Have a good look at the cookery book!

Let's go to the zoo after school. It's cool.

Module 4

Read. Then put the words wood, school, book, too in the right column.

oo [U/

00 /u:/













? Let's play!

Wild about O animals!

DeListen, point and repeat. Then put the months in the right order.

Whales are bigger than dolphins.

ÅVWhal of a Timel

Grey Whales, often called 'friendly whales', make the same amazing journey every year! From April to November the whales stay cold waters of the Arctic looking from December to April they go to the waters of Mexico to have their babies!

The Grey Whale travels more miles any other mammal on earth. They don't

2 Where are the whales from April to November? 3 How many months do they stay in Mexico?

 Write about an elephant seal's journey.


1 You mustn't feed the animals.

School rules. Read and choose.

I You can't/don't have to run during the break.

2     1 can/have to wear a uniform at school. All children wear one.

3     You're in the library. You may/must be quiet. 4 Mr Green, may/must I ask you a question?

5 You mustn't/don't have to go to school on Sunday. 6 May/Have I come in, please?


What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores? Read and find out.


Animals are either herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.

    A herbivore eats only plants.

    A carnivore eats meat from animals.

    An omnivore eats meat and plants — usually fruits and vegetables.

           Please put my porridge In a pretty little pot.

I like it for my breakfast

And I like it nice and hot.

Porridge oats, porridge oats       As tasty as can be.

Porridge oats, porridge oats The only food for me!

Narrator:     Then she sits

Upon a chair.

Goldilocks: Oh no! Not this one — That one there!

It's nice and small — Not big at all!

Narrator: But then, poor Goldie Has a fall.

4 - 67

Activifiês Module 4

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Choose the correct answer.

1        What does Goldilocks like for breakfast?

a)burgers     b) porridge

2        How does she like her porridge?

a)hot   b) cold 3 Which chair does she like?

            a) the big one          b) the small one

 What's your favourite hot meal? Replace the words in bold to make your own poem.

Please put my burgers In a pretty little pot.

I like them for my dinner

And I like them nice and hot!

I Module 4

, ;

A walk in tße wild!


on AuStralia

       Read and answer.

1 Which animals can you see in the park?

2     Where can you have a picnic?

3     Who can you meet?

4 What time is the park open? 5 How much is it for a child?

Module 4

, •





 Read and choose. (15 marks)

1      Pam always is watching/ watches TV in the evening.

2      Gary and Diane never go/are going to school together.

3       Frank is in his room now. He reads/is reading comics.

4      Do they usually play/Are they usually playing basketball in the park?

5      Where's Alan? Is he sleeping/ Does he sleep?

 Read and complete.

(1 5 marks) e.g. A dolphin is cleverer (clever) Read and complete. (24 marks) than a whale.





1      An elephant is .. . (short) than a giraffe.

2      A kangaroo is .   (big) than a lizard.

3      A tiger is ... (tall) than a dog. 4A hippo is . . . (fat) than a seal.

5 A monkey is . (funny) than a parrot.

Read and choose. (12 marks)

1 You must/mustn't eat with your hands.

2 You must/mustn't do your homework.

3 You must/mustn't go to bed late.



4 You must/mustn't help your mum.


Read and choose. (16 marks)

1 A: Jane is playing volleyball!

3 A: Are you listening to me?

B: a) Yes, she loves volleyball.

B: a) Yes, I am.

b) Yes, she does.     

b) Yes, I do.

2 A: Do you always go shopping

4 A: What is he doing?

on Saturdays?

B: a) He swims in the sea.

B: a) I'm going out on

b) He is swimming in the





b) Not every Saturday.

Reading and Writing

Read and complete. (10 marks)

Hippos are very big animals. They live in Africa. They are very fat, and can be 3,000—4,500 kilos! Hippos have their babies during the rainy months of October and April. They sleep most of the day and eat at night. They eat grass and live for about 40 years.


name:      e.g. hippo lives in:

has babies in: 2) ... and 3) eats: lives for:





1 talk about animals

2 name the months

3 talk about rules

write about anima s









Module 4

Tea party!


secondeleventh rd

                               third                                      twelfth





                                        Mike                                              Kelly

Module 5

Where were Larry and Paco?

I was at the cinema yesterday.

Where was Maya two days ago?

Were you at school last Monday? Yes, I was./No, I wasn't.

o Read and complete. Use: was or were.

1       Uncle Harry ... not at work yesterday.

2       ... the cake for Robbie's birthday?

3       Larry and Lulu ... at the zoo last night.

4       Mum and Dad ... not at home last night.

5       Chuckles in Larry's room this morning.

6       ... Larry and Paco in the garden an hour ago?

Where was Kim last week? Listen and write the day in your notebook.




     Thursday Friday



a Correct your teacher.

Teacher: Kim was at the zoo on Saturday.

Student: No, she wasn't at the zoo. She was at the shops!

Module 5


Listen and repeat.

The teacher often asks the class to make masks. The students like the task.

All children like playing with a ball when they're small.

ø Read and complete the lines with the words task, small, talk, grass, glass, always, all and mask.

/a./: ask, pass, class, fast

/o:/: tall, all, walk, salt

Draw and play!


Module 5

All our yesterdays!

Listen and point. Then sing and do.

I wasn't happy yesterday.

       I was sad                   , bored

I wasn't happy yesterday.

I was scared \ / , tired

But not today, not today!

Today I'm very happy!

Get in the mood!

A: Were you angry yesterday? B: Yes, I was.


Module 5


ø Now read again and match. There is one extra picture.

Module 5



































29 305t







Look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences in your notebook. Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago.

1      I was in France on the seventh of March.

I was in France two weeks ago.

2      Mary was at school on the twentieth of March.

3      Mum and Dad were at the cinema on the eighteenth of March.

4      David was at the shops on the fourteenth of March.

5      I was at the zoo on the seventeenth of March.

6      Brian and May were in London on the fifteenth of March.

 sc oo

F n at

What's the occasion?

Match the wishes to the cards.

       1 Happy Birthday!                    2 Congratulations!

3 Thank you!Bon Voyage!

Design a card for a special occasion for a friend or relative.

Module 5

Goldilocks: Never mind the chair! Narrator: The bed she finds Narrator: She says ... Is nice and small.

Goldilocks: I need a bed — She goes to sleep I'll go upstairs! In no time at all.

Module 5 -

Activities Module 5

Goldilocks and the Three Bears o Read and complete.

I She goes to sleep ... no time.

2     Think ... your porridge.

3     Sleep ... the soft bed.

4     Sleep ... a while.

5     Stay warm ... bed. 6 Wake ... a smile.

There is one wrong word in each sentence. Correct it.

1 Goldilocks says, "l need a chair. " 2 The bed is nice and big.

3 Think of your porridge with lots of milk. 4 Sleep with a smile.

aWhat is Goldie dreaming about? Draw and say.

Read and say which of the words in bold you can see in the picture.

a Sing the 'Happy Birthday' song.

aWhat are your birthday parties tike? Talk with your friend.

I Module 5





a Read and match. (16 marks)

a George and Jan are talking about their last holiday.

       th      1 second

Read and complete. Use

   a                                  80th        

2 eleventh was, wasn't, were or b 9th    weren't. (20 marks)


. sad

. scared

• tired


. hungry








Complete the questions, using was or were. Then match them to the answers. (16 marks)

1 Paul/at school/yesterday?

 Yes, it was yummy!


2 John and Jane/on holiday/last week?

B Yes, they were.


3 the food/nice/at lunchtime?

C No, he was ill.


4 the shops/open/yesterday?

D Yes, they were in France.





Reading and Writing

Read about Neal's day and complete. Use: was or were. (24 marks)

Yesterday was great!

by Neal

I e.g. was at home yesterday. 1 1) ... with my friend, Peter, in the morning. We 2) ... in my room playing. My new game 3) ... really good, but Peter 4) ... the winner! In the afternoon, 1 5) ... in the living room. There 6) .., a film on about clowns. They 7) ... really funny! Yesterday 8) ... a great day!




Now r can


1 use ordinal numbers

2 say & write about where people were

3 express feelings



Now read again and answer the questions. (12 marks)

1       Who was Neal with yesterday morning?

2       Where were they?

3       Who was the winner of the game?

4       What was on TV?








Module 5


In this module you will .

The Hare and the Tortoise

Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise.


                                                                    Read and put H for hare

Read and complete.

1      watch — watched

2      jump

3      walk

4      talk

5 climb

6 play

       What did they do last night? Look and match. Then say.

 • watch TV  paint a picture  cook dinner  walk the dog

    play basketball

    listen to music

1 She cooked dinner.



Listen and repeat.

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints.

Read. Then put the words passed, closed, opened, added, started, talked, lived, shouted, danced, wanted, smiled, clapped in the right column.




























Once upon a time!


What did they do last Saturday? Copy the table in your

                 notebooks. Listen and tick          Then say.

play soccer watch a film visit a friend

paint a picture

listen to music













Last Saturday Larry played soccer and then visited a friend.



nineteen-eighty-four 1234 thirty-four


Match the events to the year.

Choose one of the events. Design the front page of a newspaper.

What are the important dates in your country's history? Write five of them and say why.

Mummy: Now, come on, Baby: But where is mine? everyone! Narrator:Says Baby Bear. Narrator:Says Mummy. Baby: It's not here, Mummy: Let's eat the porridge! Is it there? Yummy, yummy!

Daddy: Oh dear! Oh dear! Baby: Mummy, Mummy, Narrator: Says Daddy Bear It's not fair! And then he sees Now I haven't Poor Baby's chair. Got a chair!


6 -

Activities Module 6

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Read and match.


1 mummy

A curl

2 chair

B fall

3 pot

C yummy

4 small

D hot

5 girl

E bear

Read and complete.

I "But where is mine?" says . Bear.

2     Mummy says, "Let's

3     "Oh dear! Oh dear!" says ... Bear.

4     And then he sees Poor Baby's . . . .

5     Baby Bear says, "Now, I    a chair."

Design a chair for Baby Bear! Present the picture to the class.


Tße stert leßind the rßtme!

Match the rhyme to its history.

Mary had a little lamb,

Its fleece was white as snow; And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day,      

Which was against the rule; It made the children laugh and play, To see a Iamb at school.

In 1014, King Olaf, a Viking, and his men sailed up the river Thames

and pulled down the first London Bridge.

Now sing along!


London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down, My fair lady!

Mary Sawyer's Iamb followed her to the Redstone School House (Massachusetts) around 1820.

Do you know any rhymes from your country? Draw a picture of one.



i Now



Sue ... (play)

Look and complete.                                                        tennis yesterday.

Mark ... (listen) to music last night.

Mum ... (cook) supper an hour



Bob ... (wash) the dishes this morning.

Read and write. (20 marks)

1     Did Ben visit (Ben/visit) Egypt last summer?

2     1 . (phone) my aunt yesterday. 3 She . . . (not/visit) the zoo on Friday.

                                                                 4        (Tom/wash) the dog two

(18 marks)

3 f— st4 r — st



6 w _ nn — r


Look, read and write. (18 marks)

Tom ... (visit) the zoo last Saturday.

The children ...

                                  (watch) a film last             days ago?


Module 6





weekend. 5 She . . . (not/cook) meat yesterday afternoon.


Communication                                Reading and Writing

c Yes, d e Yes, film on.

f No, he Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed at home and watched a funny film on TV.

A: Where were you yesterday?


2 A: Did you watch TV last night? B:

The film finished at 10 0'clock.

The girls were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for supper. Then, they listened to their favourite

3 A: Did you play tennis last week? B:                  

CDs. It was a wonderful evening!

4 A: Did you talk to Sue today?

e.g. Who is Kate's best friend?



5 A: Did Gary paint the kitchen?

1 What did the girls watch on



2 What time did the film finish?

6 A: Did you dance with Paul at

3 What did they cook?

the party?

4 What did they do after







Listen and point. Then read.



Read again and choose.

Lulu's best time was at the museum/funfair.

I went to a concert last night.

Did you go to the party yesterday? I didn't go to the party.

go — went         see — saw ride — rode      have had

c Read and complete.



One day a man 1) went (go) to the cinema. In front of him, he 2) ... (see) a woman and her dog. He 3) . . (be) very surprised! When he 4)

(come) out of the cinema, he said to the woman, as a joke: "Did your dog like the film?" "Oh, yes!" she 5) . (answer), "But he thought the book        

was much better!"



o Where did they go last weekend? Read and say.

1       "l danced all night! The music was great!" (Phil)

2       "l went on the Big Scream! It was really scary!" (Grace)

3       "l saw some dinosaurs! They were fantastic!" (David) 4 "l rode a camel! I had a really good time!" (Kate)

             a concert Phil               b zoo                         c funfair                   d museum

o Now ask and answer.

            A: Where did Phil go last weekend?          A: What did he do?

B: He went to ...


Listen and repeat.

Did you like my yellow yacht?

Yes, it was yummy. I liked it a lot.

Read. Then put the words party, bye, yacht, spy, yellow, why, really, year, funny, rhyme, story, yesterday in the right column.



















Bring photos and make a poster for your class. Then present it.

Magic moments!

         1 draw 2 make 3eat drink 5 sing                  leave 7 write buy give

a made b wrote c drew d bought e ate f gave g drank h sang i left

What did Paco do yesterday? Look and say.

            1                                                    3                            4                      5


. buy a • drink  • write a • draw a jacket milk sandwich letter picture

1 He bought a jacket.

a Read and put the paragraphs in the correct order.

Portfolio: Write about your best day of the year.

Team up! Let's play!


Larry's magic moments! Look and say.


Uncle Harry/come/from Australia.

We/meet him/at the airport.                         Nanny/take us/to a safari park. l/ride an elephant!


l/go/to the mountains/Dad.

l/swim/for my school team. We/sleep/in a tent.

I/win/a trophy!

1 This year Uncle Harry came from Australia. We met him at the airport.

Sing along!

I went


Oh, what a year,

What a

The best



This year

Match the sounds to the instruments. Which one is the loudest?


                               violin                                       guitar

Listen to the three types of music. Which makes you feel: happy, sad, scared? Tell the class.

1 It makes me feel

Bring your favourite music to class. Play it and say how it makes you feel.

Module 7

                    Daddy:         Let's check the beds!

Narrator:Says Daddy Bear And then they all go Up the stairs!



Poor Baby, poor Baby Poor Baby Bear!

No porridge for him It just isn't fair!

Poor Baby, poor Baby Poor Baby Bear!

Now he hasn't even Got a chair!

Poor Baby, poor Baby Poor Baby Bear!

He doesn't know Goldie Is sleeping upstairs!

Module 7 -

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

o Cheer up! Complete the joke to make Baby Bear smile.

Q: bear/How/can/fly?/a/make/you A: on/Put/bear-o-plane!/a/him

Module 7

Alton Towers

A visit to Alton Towers in Staffordshire is a fun day out for all the family. The rides at the theme park are some of the best in the world. Here's what some young people said about their time at Alton Towers:

Read and match.

I Alton Towers is a

a 'Pinball Whizzer'.

2     Jackie went on a ride called

3     Richard and Jamie went on a

b 'Air'.

ride called

c 'Rita — Queen of Speed'.

4 Kerry went on a ride called

d theme park in Staffordshire.

a Which of the rides would you like to go on? Why? Tell the class.

Module 7

' Now


Vocabulary 5 A: Everyone wants to take a picture of Kay.

B: She's a very ... girl!




Read and choose. (30 marks)

4 un a _ r    5 r _ d _s

a Look and write: good, pretty,

loud, strong, kind. (15 marks)

1        A: We call Charles 'Hercules'. B: He's a very ... boy!

2        A: Rob buys cakes and sweets for everyone in the class. B: He's a very ... boy!

3        A: When Tim shouts, everyone in the class jumps! B: He's a very boy! 4 A: Stuart gets good marks in all his tests!

1           She ... at the concert last year. a sang b sings

2           Harry is the ... student in my class.

a  better     b best

3           Bob a poem last night.

a  wrote      b write

4           They didn't ... to the theatre. a went b go

5           Liz is the ... girl in my school. a pretty b prettiest

6           Did the school team         the trophy?

a  win b won

7           Ron is a very ... swimmer! a fastest         b fast

8           Clara is ... than Sue. a shyer b shyest

9           I ... a ticket an hour ago. a bought b buy

            B: He's a very ... student!                          a met                     b meet



 , Module 7

10     Julie ... a famous person.


Read and choose. (20 marks)

1       A: Where's Sam?     B: a) He's tall.

b)   In his room.

2       A: Why are you walking to school?

B: a) I like school.

b)   I missed the bus.

3       A: How do you usually go to school?

B: a) It's next to the station.

b)   By car.

Reading and Writing

4      A: When's the next match? B: a) On Saturday.

b) In the park.

5      A: Who's coming to the party? B: a) All our friends. b) It's a big party.



a Read and complete. Then answer yes or no. (20 marks)

• day • waiter • go • sing • tickets • eat • band

The Best Day of the Year by Marianne

The best e.g. day of the year was when I e.g. went to concert with my friend, Liza.

We bought 1) for the front row — the best seats in the theatre! We 2)    all the songs, and later we danced on stage with the 3) ...

After the concert, we went Pizza Zone and we 4) ... pizza. The 5) ... gave us a free Coke. was a very special day!


6          Marianne went to a concert with Liza.

7          They sat in the front row.

8          They sang on stage with the a band.

9          They ate burgers.

10    The waiter gave them a free


In this module you will .

learn, read and talk about


Good times Oahead!

Listen and repeat.

           Greece                     Italy                   Portugal                Russia

              Mexico                      Poland                        Spain                      Turkey

                               go to the seaside                                                go to the lake

Module 8


ØØListen and read.

Read again and answer.

Where is Chuckles going to go on holiday?

What are you going to do this summer?

I'm going to travel to Portugal.

Are you going to make a sandcastle? Yes, I am./No, I'm not.

o What are you and your family going to do this Sunday? Tell the class.

I'm going to visit my grandmother this Sunday. My brother is going to play soccer this Sunday.

aTalk with your friend.

1        Are you going to watch a video this evening?

2        Is your friend going to play tennis after school?

3        Are your parents going to visit their friends on Saturday?

4 Is your grandma going to make a cake on Sunday?

5 Are your grandparents going to work in the garden at the weekend?

1 A: What is Wendy going to do on holiday? B: She's going to go camping.


Listen and repeat.

Listen! Somebody's knocking on the door. Who's there? It's your brother Joe.

Read the words and name the silent letter.

know, when, lamb, where, what, climb, why, write, who, knock, whale, listen, wrong, white

What a memory! Let's play!

A: On holiday, I'm going to go swimming.

B: On holiday, I'm going to go swimming and I'm going to eat ice cream.

 Module 8

Hello, sunshine!

tent      flippers    sleeping bag a Choose three things to take on an island holiday or a camping holiday in the mountains.

I'm going to go on an island holiday and I'm going to take ...

aWhat will the weather be like tomorrow? Look and say.

A: What will the weather be like in London tomorrow? B: It'll be cloudy.


What are Mum and Dad going to do? Read and say yes or no.

Dear Larry and Lulu,

Hope you're having a good time in Australia! We're in Italy now and having a great holiday! Rome is wonderful — tomorrow we're going to visit the Coliseum, then on

Tuesday we're going to travel to Venice. We can't wait!

It will be very hot today. Dad and I are going to swim in the pool in a while. After that we're going to have lunch in a really nice restaurant close to the hotel.

This evening we're going to have a walk around the city and Dad is going to take some photos. There's so much to see and do here!

Anyway, that's all for now,

Take care and be good ... we miss you!


             1 go to the Coliseum                     yes

Mum and Dad

2 visit a museum 3 travel to Venice

4      buy a camera

5      go for a swim

6      have lunch in a nice restaurant

Portfolio: You are on holiday. Write a letter to a friend.

5079tasses shorts rainy

Let's play!

Teacher: What doesn't belong?

Team A Sl : Rainy! Sunglasses and shorts are for sunny weather.

Module 8


ø Read and choose the best answer. Then act out.

1 A: Hello, Jane! Why are you 4 A: How are you going to get there? carrying a suitcase? B: a) By plane.

          B: a) I'm going to go on holiday.                b) I like planes.

b) I'm on holiday. 5 A: When is your train? 2 A: Where are you going to go? B: a) In three hours.

          B: a) Turkey's nice.                                       b) Three hours ago.

b) To Turkey.         6 A: When are you going to come 3 A: Who are you going with?  back?

Countr(es and costumes!

Look and match the costume to the country.

1          Spain

2          Japan

3          Scotland

4          Greece

5          India

6          Turkey

Draw or find pictures of other costumes around the world. Present them to the class.



Who's this? Who's this

Come to my house,


In my nice bed?


Come with me!


Then Goldie lifts


We can eat some cakes


Her sleepy head!


And drink some tea!


Oh no!


So Goldilocks


She says . . .


And her three new


I'm very sorry!



But please don't cry!       Are very happy Please don't worry!       In the end!

Q? Let'S


And so our little story

Reminds us every day To always say we're sorry When we make mistakes.

We all need friends, We need to care.

We all need friends, We need to share!

Now everybody's happy!

Let's sing a happy tune.

Goodbye, everybody

We hope we see you soon!

8 -

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

aWho says these words?

I Come with me!

2     Who's this? Who's this?

3     Then Goldie lifts her sleepy head. 4 1'm very sorry.

Copy the invitation and complete it.

To the .

Please come to my . and some tea!



we can eat some ...

a Talk with your friend.

I What lesson does the tale teach?

2     Why do we need friends?

3     What is your friend like?


Module 8

                  Florida un!

Where do people go on holiday in your country? What can they see and do there? Talk with your friend.






Module 8

Mike is very hungry.

a He's going to go climbing.

Jim wants to buy some biscuits.

b He's going to go to the supermarket.

Alice likes sports.

She's going to play soccer in the

4 Fiona is going to the baker's.


She's going to buy some bread.

Jeff is going to the mountains.

e He's going to make a pizza.


Vocabulary o Look, read and match. (24 marks)


Read and match. (15 marks)


a What will the weather be

A In a big hotel.

like tomorrow? Look and

B I'm going to swim all day!

write. (24 marks)

     C To Spain.

D My big sister.




1 Moscow

Reading and Writing

It will be . . . in Moscow tomorrow.

2     Rome  

3     Paris

4     Cairo  




Read and match. (12 marks)

I Where are you going to go on holiday?

2    Who are you going to go with?

3    Where are you going to stay?

4    What are you going to do?

This is a note from your friend Tom. Write a letter to him and answer his questions. Write 20-25 words. (25 marks)

I'm very happy because I'm going to go on holiday next week. I'm going to travel to Mexico and I'm

going to spend all day in the sun! What about you? Where are you going to go on holiday? What are you going to do?













1 name holida items

2 talk about holida lans

3 ask and answer uestions

4 talk about countries

5 write a letter about my holiday

6 talk about the weather


Pass the party hat! Look and play!


Moscow, St Petersburg

Talk with your friend.

I Do you, your relatives or friends live in one of these cities?

2 What famous sights in these cities do you know?

3 What sights are there in your city/town/village?

o Read and match.

I Tanya wants to be

2     Dasha wants to be

llya wants to be

a a scientist. b a teacher.

c a doctor.                        TaNya

1        Why are bubliki, baranki and sushki so popular in Russia?

2        Where can you buy them?


What is your favourite treat at teatime?

a How many of them are there in one kilo?

I Sushki: about

a) 70

b) 100

c) 80

2 Baranki:

a) 20-30

b) 25-50

c) 40—60

3 Bubliki: up to

a) 10

b) 15

c) 20

oWhat does WWF mean? Read and answer.

WWF — World Wildlife Fund — helps to save the wildlife on our planet. In Russia there are 100 reserves and 33 national parks where different kinds of animals live.

Near Ryazan and Moscow there are bison reserves where WWF supporters have a special project, called "Adopt a Bison". People donate money to buy food, pay vets and raise a baby bison. They can give a name to it too. Every adopter gets a Certificate of Adoption. July 2 is a "A Day of Adopters" in the bison reserves.

Read the text again. What do the words in bold mean in your language?

aTalk with your friend.

1      Are there any nature reserves and national parks where you live?

2      What animals live there? How do people help them? 3 How can you and your classmates help animals?

Draw pictures of animals that need our help. Present them to your classmates. Have a display at school.

                      5 Tße        Oftße Cit/


Cities and towns have their birthdays like people do. They are called 'The Day of the City' in Russia. People want their home town to look especially beautiful on this day. There are a lot of flowers, balloons, flags and other decorations everywhere. You can buy a special city birthday card too.

This is a family celebration. Everybody has a lot of fun. People can watch parades and carnivals or take part in them. They enjoy street performers and concerts.

There are a lot of competitions for sports, dancing and singing. A lot of people join in. The evening is the time for fireworks.

Look at the pictures and say how people celebrate 'The Day of the City'.

Do you celebrate this holiday in your home town? What do people do on this day?

Design a programme for this day.

aMatch the pictures and the tales.

Write the beginning of your favourite fairy tale (4—5 sentences). Read it to your classmates. Can they guess the name of the tale?

Tße da s we rememger

Spot*           2

a Read and match.

Goodbye to the ABC Book

       3                                                                              4

The First of September

Goodbye, Primary School!



At first I was scared. But my teacher and classmates were very friendly. I loved my first day at school! (Veronika)



At the end of the year we have to say goodbye to primary school and our first teacher. I'm a little bit sad about it. We get special diplomas on this day. (Marina)



We sang songs about school and put on a play about the letters. Our parents came to see our concert. Everybody had a really good time. (Nadia)



I had a lot of fun on this day. I loved the blini (pancakes). We had a concert and my friends gave a performance with wooden spoons.

It was really something! (Slava)


What are your most memorable days at school? Why? Bring photos and present them to your classmates.


o Describe Natasha's photos. Which place do you like best?


Most people like travelling and visiting new places. Natasha often goes hiking with her classmates and teachers. Here are

Do you like travelling? Say:

o where you travelled last • who you travelled with • what you saw there • what you did there • what you liked best

Грамматический справочник


Prepositions of ptace — Предлоги места

o Предлоги места употребляются для того, чтобы указать, где находится предмет /лицо.



Present Contjnuous — Настоящее продолженное время


Полная форма

Краткая форма


1 ат playing

Уои аге playing Не is p[aying She is playing lt is playing We аге playing

Уои аге p[ayjng

They аге playjng

1'т p(aying

You're playing He's playing She's playing lt's p[aying We're playing

You're p[aying

They're playing




Полная форма

Краткая форма


ат not ptaying

Уои аге not playjng Не is not playing She is not playing lt is not p(aying We аге not playing

Уои аге not p[aying

They аге not playing

l'm not playing Уои aren't playing Не isn't ptaying She isn't playing lt isn't p[aying We aren't playing

Уои aren't ptaying

They aren't playing




Ат playing?

Аге уои playing?

               he/she/it playing?

Аге we p[aying?

Аге уои playing?

Аге they ptaying?

Утвердительная форма

o Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to Ье (ат, is, аге) и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing.

We аге playing а game.

Отрицательная форма

o Отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи отрицательной формы глагола to be (от not, is not/isn't, аге not/aren't) и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing.

Пеу аге not playing а game.

Вопросительная форма

o Вопросительные предложения образуются при помощи нужной формы глагола to be (ат, is, аге) + подлежащее + смысло-

вой глагол с окончанием -ing. Аге they playing а game?

Краткие ответы

o В кратких ответах употребляется Yes или Но, личное местоимение в именительном падеже (/, уои, he и др.) и глагол to be в нужной форме. Смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing в ответе опускается.

Yes, am/we аге.

Аге уои eating? Но, l'm пои we aren 't. г— Yes, he/shelit is.

Is he/she/it eating?  но, he/she/it isn't.

б Yes, they аге.

Аге they eatjng?         Но, they aren't.


o Present Continuous употребляется, когда речь идет о действиях, происходящих сейчас, в момент речи.

Указатели времени (сигналы), употре дяемые с Present Continuous: поиз the moment и др.

Грамматический справочник


Present Simp[e — Настоящее простое время


      Утверждение              Вопрос



Уои work

Не works She works lt works We work

Уои work

They work

Do 1 work?

00 уои work?

Does he work?

Does she work?

Does it work?

Do we work?

Do уои work?

Do they work?



Полная форма

Краткая форма


do not work

Уои do not work

Не does not work She does not work lt does not work We do not work

Уои do not work

They do not work

don't work

Уои don't work

Не doesn't work She doesn't work lt doesn't work We don't work

Уои don't work

They don't work


Утвердительная форма

o Настоящее простое время образуется с помощью смыслового глагола без части-

цы to. В 3-м лице единственного числа к глаголу добавляется окончание -s. Не works at а hospital.

Отрицательная форма

o Со всеми лицами, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа, используется вспомо-

гательный глагол do в отрицательной форме do not (don't) + смысловой глагол без частицы to.

o don't often play soccer.

o В 3-м лице единственного числа используется вспомогательный глагол does not (doesn't) + смысловой глагол. She doesn't iike ТНК.

Вопросительная форма

o В вопросах для всех лиц, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа, используется вспомогательный глагол do + подлежащее + смысловой глагол.

o В 3-м лице единственного числа используется вспомогательный глагол does + подлежащее + смысловой глагол.

Do уои like cakes? Does he like vegetables?

Краткие ответы

o В кратких ответах используется Yes или Но, личное местоимение (Л уои, heva др.) и вспомогательный глагол do/don't или does/doesn't.

Yes, do/we do. Do уои like cats? Но, don't/we don't.

Does he/shelit б Yes , he/she/it does.

Iike cats?               Но, he/shelit doesn't.

Yes, they do.

Do they like cats?        Но, they don 't.

Правила правописания глаголов в 3-м лице единственного числа

 К большинству глаголов в 3-м лице единСТВеННОГО числа добавляется -s:  eat — he eats

*       К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -ss, -sh, -ch, -х и -0, добавляется -es:

[ miss — he misses, finish — he finishes  У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется

study — he studies

*       К глаголам, оканчивающимся на гласную + у, добавляется -s:

! Дау — he plays

Произношение (3-е лицо, единственное число)

Окончания -s и -es произносятся как:  lsl, если глагол оканчивается на глухие согласные: he eats

*       [17], если глагол оканчивается на шипящие или свистящие звуки: he watches  И, если глагол оканчивается на ГЛаСНЬ\е или звонкие согласные: he goes


*       Present Simple употребляется, когда речь идет о регулярно повторяющихся, повседневных действиях, привычках. get ир at 7 ат every day.

r parv1MaruqecKHV1 cnpaeoqHHK

Kaaarenu gpeMeHH (curHanbi)J ynorpe6c Present Simple: every hour/ day/ week/ month/summer/year etc, usually, always, every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night, in the morning/afternoon etc, on Monday/ Tuesday etc, once/ twice/ three times q week/a day

He plays tennis on Saturday.

They visit their grandmother twice a week.

Adverbs of frequency — HapeqvtR qaCTOTHOCTH


   C Present Simple yr10Tpe6J1fi10Tcq cneayeot.uue Hapeqns: never, sometimes, usually, often, always. OHh  KaK qaCTO I-ITO-JIH60 nponcxoAHT.

I   usually go to school at 7:30.

He never goes to bed late. He is always very friendly.

Have to — Don't have to


   Have to ynorpe6nseTcq, LIT06bl BblPa3HTb He06XOAHMOCTb.

I   have to be at school at 9 0'clock.

   BonpocHTeT1bHafi cþoptqa H OTPhqaTeJ1bHaq cþopr•aa c rnaronotvl have to 06pa3Y00Tcq nOMOLUh BCnOMOraTeJ1bHblX rnaronog do does.

Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, I do.

   Don't have to ynoTpe6nqercfi, 9T06b1 Bblpa3HTb OTCYTCTBPte He06XOAHMOCTH.

Peter doesn't have to go to school on Saturday.


Much/Many/A lot of



Much ynorpe6nqeTcq B BOnPOCHTeJ1bHblX OTPHqaTeJ1bHblX npeanoxeHHqx C HeptcqvtcnqeMblMH CYU.4eCTBHTeflbHblMH (e.g. milk, cheese AP.).

There isn't much butter in the fridge.

Is there much sugar in the tea?

Many ynoTpe6nqercq B BonPOCHTeJ1bHblX H OTPHgaTeJ1bHblX  C HCHHCJ1flerv1b1MH CY1.geCTBHTeT1bHblMH BO MHO>tŒCTBeHHOM HHcne (e.g. books, apples H AP.).

There aren't many apples in the bag.

Are there many girls in your class?

   A lot of yr10Tpe6nqercq B YTBePAHTeJ1bHblX

C hC9HCnseMbtMH HevtcqucnqeMblMH cytqeCTBHTeJ1bHbiMh.

She's got a lot of friends.

There is a lot of cheese in the fridge.

 B BOTIPOCHTenbHblX npeanoxeHv•tqx c HevacqHCnqeMblMH cytueCTBHTeJ1bHblMH ynorpe6nneTCR how much, a c HCHHCnqeMblMH how many. How much milk have we got? Not much. / A lot.

How many boys are there in your class? Not many. /Å lot.



     May ynorpe6nqercq, gr06bl cnpocHTb paapeu.JeHHfi cþoptvla).

May I leave the classroom?

OTBeT: Certainly. /Of course you may. or Sorry, no./No, you may not.


Present Simple B cpaBHeHHH c Present



     Present Simple yn0Tpe6nqeTcq      ortHca-

HHS perynqpHblx 'IOBTOP¶OLUHXCR aeüCTBHýl.

She works from 9 to 5 every day.

     Present Continuous yn0Tpe6nqeTcB onqcaHhq ne¥fCTBHVf, B MOMeHT pegm

George isn't sleeping at the moment.

He is at the cinema.

He is watching a film with his friends.

Comparatives — CPaBHHTeJ1bHas CTenet-lb npHnaraTe11bHbtx


small big busy popular

smaller bigger busier more popular

     OAHOCJIO>KHbte ABYCJIO>KHbte npunararenb-

Hble, OKaHYHBaK)1-LIHeC9 Ha -y, 06pa3Yi0T cpaBHHTeJ1bHYiO creneHb nwervl a06aBneHv•19 -er. old — older (than)

HeKOTopble ABYCJIO>KHble BCe MHOrOCJIO>KHbte npunararertbHbte 06pa3YK)T CPaBHHTeTlbHYK) cTeneHb c noM0t.UbtO more. beautiful — more beautiful (than)

npagnna npagongcaHHR

     K OAHOCJIOHHblM nPHnaraTeT1bHblM, 0KaHYHBaeOLUhMCfi Ha -e, B cpaBHHTeflbHoVi CTeneHH A06aBnqeTCfi -r. nice — nicer

     Y OAHOCnO>KHb1X npqnaraTeJ1bHbtx, OKaHqHBaiOU4HXCR Ha + cornacHag, 3Ta cornacHaq YAB01BaeTcq H A06aBnqercq -er. thin — thinner (than)

     B rtpvtnaraTeJ1bHblX, 0KaHqHBat0U4Hxcq Ha cornacHYi0 + y, y 3araeHReTCB Ha i H

A06aBnneTCfi -er.

funny — funnier (than)


     CpaBHHTeJ1bHaq creneHb + than ucnonbayeTCR CPaBHeHH9 moneVi/npemaeT0B/ 06beKTOB.

Elephants are bigger than monkeys.

Must/ Mustn't

     Must ynorpe6nqercq, Torna, Koraa rogopm, LITO aeVICTBHe AOJI>KHO 6blTb 06513aTeJ1bH0


I must put my rubbish in the bin.

     Must not ynorpe6nqercq, Koraa 3anpeu.1a-

10T qTO-TO aenaTb.

You must not run.

r parqrvtaTqqec.Kv•lÿi cnpaB0¼HHK

nonHas cþopMa

KpaTKaq tþopMa

I was not

You were not He was not

She was not

It was not

We were not

You were not

They were not

I wasn't

You weren't

She wasn't

It wasn't

We weren't

You weren't

They weren't

     B BonpocqreJ1bHblX npeanoxeHH9x was/ were CTaBhTCfi nepea noane>Ka14HM (I, you, he, she AP.).

Was Mike at the party yesterday?

     B OTPHuaTenbHbtX npeanoxeHuqx nocne was/ were CTaBhTCB not.

Chris wasn't at work yesterday.


     B KPaTKHX OTBeTaX ucn0J1b3yeTcq Yes

No, JIHHHoe MeCTOHMeHHe (I, you, he AP.) rnaron to be B COOTBeTCTBYEOU4eü (þopMe.

Were you at the

Yes, was/we were.

cinema yesterday?

No, I wasn't/we weren 't.

Was he/she/it at the

Yes, he/she/it was.

cinema yesterday?

No, he/she/it wasn't.

Were they at the

Yes, they were.

cinema yesterday?

No, they weren't.


r parqvtaThgecKHù cnpaB014HYtK

YRaaarenH BperaeHH (CHrHMb1), ynoTpe6ngeMb1e c Past Simple: yesterday, last

0 week, last month, last year, two days ago,o weeks/months/ years ago, in 1975 H AP.

Ordinal Numbers — nopRAKOBbte


There are fifteen (15) children coming to Ann's party on the fifteenth (15th) of June.

1               first (1 st )

2               second (2nd )

3               third (3rd )

4               fourth (4th)

5               fifth (5th )

6 — sixth (6th )

7                   seventh (7th )

8  eighth (8th ) 9  ninth (9th ) tenth (10th ) eleventh (1 1 th) twelfth (12th ) thirteenth (13 th) fourteenth (14th ) fifteenth (1 5th ) sixteenth (16th ) seventeenth (17th ) eighteenth (18th ) nineteenth (1 9th ) twentieth (20th ) twenty-first (21 st ) twenty-second (220d) twenty-third (23 'd ) twenty-fourth (24th ) twenty-fifth (25th ) twenty-sixth (26th ) twenty-seventh (27th) twenty-eighth (28th) twenty-ninth (29th ) thirtieth (30th ) thirty-first (31 st )


Past Simple — npoweauee npocToe Bpetqq


I did not work

You did not work He did not work

She did not work

It did not work

We did not work

You did not work

They did not work

I didn't work

You didn't work He didn't work

She didn't work

It didn't work

We didn't work

You didn't work

They didn't work

YTBepAHTenbHaq cþopMa

      npoujeawee npoaoe apervlfl rnar0T10B 06pæyercB   npH6agneHHB -ed K HaqaJ1bHOVi 4)oprv1e CMb1CJIOBOrO rnarona. Kate visited her granny yesterday.

OTPHuaTeJ1bHag cþopraa

      OTPqqaTeTlbHble npeAJ10>Ket-1H9 CTPORTCfi C nOMOt.Ub}O Bcn0MoraTeTlbHoro rnarona did not (didn't) CMb1CJIOBOrO rnarona 6e3 -ed. She didn't play the violin on Sunday.

BonpocHTenbHag tþopraa

      BonPOCHTeflbHb1e npeanoxeHHR CTP0flTCfl C notqot11bE0 Bcn0MoraTeJ1bHoro rnarona did + nognexat.uee + CMb1CTIOBOÜ rnaron 6e3 -ed. Did she help her mother last night?


      B KPaTKHX OTBeTaX ucn0T1b3yercq Yes No, nuqe-iOe MeCTOHMeHHe (I, you, he H AP.)

H rnaron did.

Yes, /we did.

Did уои go?                      Но, I/we didn't.

      Yes, helshelit did.

Did he/she/it go? П— Но, he/she/it didn't.

б Yes, they did.

Did they go?                     Но, they didn't.

Правила правописания

      К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -е, добавляется только -d.

dance — We danced all night.

      В глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется

study — She studied for her test yesterday.

      В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -1, эта буква 1 удваивается и добавляется -ed. travel — She travelled to Scotland when she was а student.

      В односложных глаголах с кратким глас-

ным между двумя согласными удваивается последняя согласная и добавляется -ed. plan — Не planned this party months ago. clap — Пе seals ctapped because they were hungry.


Окончание -ed произносится как:

[tl после глухих согласных (кроме t): washed, worked

после гласных и звонких согласных

(кроме opened, played

*        /ld/ после букв t, d: wanted, visited


*        Past Simple употребляется, когда речь идет о действиях, которые происходили в прошлом (см. указатели времени (сигналы) в Модуле 5).


Past Simple (irregutar verbs) — Неправильные глаголы

*        Прошедшее простое время неправильных глаголов образуется не путем прибавления -ed, а другими способами, например: go — went, see — savv, таке — made, have — had,

They had а [ос of Гип yesterday.

Грамматический справочник

*        Вопросительные и отрицательные предло-

жения строятся при помощи did/did not и основной формы смыслового глагола.

Did he go surfing last week?

Не didn't see this film yesterday.

Supertatives г— Превосходная степень прилагательных

     Прилаг.           Сравн. степень Превосх. степень

tat[ tasty fat interesting

taller tastier fatter тоге interesting

tatlest tastiest fattest most interesting

*        Односложные и двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на согласную или на -у, образуют превосходную степень путем добавления -est. fast — faster — fastest

 Многосложные и некоторые двусложные прилагательные образуют превосходную степень при помощи most.

beautiful — тоге beautiful — most Ьеаиtiful

Правила правописания

*        К односложным прилагательным, оканчивающимся на -е, в превосходной степени

добавляется -st.

nice — nicest; late — tatest  В прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется -est.

happy — happier — happiest  У односложных прилагательных, оканчиВаЮЩИХСЯ на краткую гласную + согласная, эта согласная удваивается и добавляется -est. big — bigger — biggest



Сравн. степень

ревосх. степень

good bad

better worse

best worst


     The + превосходная степень + of/in

употребляется для сравнения трех и более людей или предметов.

rparvwaTHqecKH¥i cnpaB0LlHH1<

He is the shortest of all.

He is the shortest in the class.




nom-lag cþopMa

I am not going to swim

You are not going to swim He is not going to swim

She is not going to swim

It is not going to swim

We are not going to swim

You are not going to swim

They are not going to swim

KpaTKag 4)opMa

I'm not going to swim

You aren't going to swim He isn't going to swim

She isn't going to swim

It isn't going to swim

We aren't going to swim

You aren't going to swim

They aren't going to swim

Be Going To (C06HPaTbC9, HaMepeBaTbCR)


Am I going to swim?

Are you going to swim?

Is he going to swim?

Is she going to swim?

Is it going to swim?

Are we going to swim?

Are you going to swim?

Are they going to swim?

YTBePAHTeJ1bHaq 4)opMa

     YTBePAHTeJ1bHble npeAJ10>KeHHR 06pa3Y}0Tcs npH rtOMOl.4H rnarona to be (am, is, are) + going to 4- OCHOBHag cþopraa CMb1CnOBOrO rnarona.

He is going to watch a film tonight.

OTPHqarenbHag cþopMa

     OTPHqaTeJ1bHble npeAJ10>KeHHfi 06pa3Yt0Tcq npH (IOMOU\H qaCTHUbl not, K0Topaq CTaBHTCR nocne rnarona to be.

He is not going to watch a film tonight.

BonpocHTeJ1bHaq cþopraa

     BonpocHreJ1bHble npeanoxeHHR 06pa3YK)Tcq npH norv1014H rnarona to be, KOTOPb1¥1 CTaBhTC9 nepea 110AnexaU4HM.

Is he going to watch a film tonight?


     Be going to ynoTpe6nqeTcq, Koraa peHb HAeT o nnaHax Harv1epeHHRx Ha 6JIHxaV11.uee 6YAYLuee.

I am going to go to a party.

Future Simple (Will) — 6YAY1uee npocToe Bpetqq



nom-tag cþopMa

KpaTKag cþopMa


I will travel

You will travel He will travel

She will travel

It will travel

We will travel

You will travel

They will travel

I'll travel

You'll travel He'll travel

She'll travel

It'll travel

We'll travel

You'll travel

They'll travel


110JIHaq 4)opMa

KpaTKaq cþopMa


I will not travel

You will not travel

He will not travel

She will not travel

It will not travel

We will not travel

You will not travel

They will not travel

I won't travel

You won't travel He won't travel

She won't travel

It won't travel

We won't travel

You won't travel

They won't travel


rpatv1MaTHqec.Kþ1Vi cnpaB0HHHK


Will I travel?

Will you travel? Will he travel?

Will she travel?

Will it travel?

Will we travel?

Will you travel?

Will they travel?

'YKæarenH BpeMeHH (cwHanb1), ynorpe6-ngeMb1e c Future Simple: tomorrow, next week/month/year, soon AP.

Question words — BonpocHTenbHb1e CJIOBa

Mb' yn0Tpe6nqerv1 B011POC"TeJ1bHbje cnoBa, qT06b1 nonyqHTb KOHKPeTHY0 HHCþ0Ptv1aUHIO (BpeM9, MeCTO, npHHhHa h T.

K BOnPOCHTeT1bHblM cn0Barv1 OTHOCBTCB cnoBa,

YTBePAHTenbHag 4)opraa                                               Hat-IHHa}014Hecq Ha wh- (who, what, where,

Who: KTO

Who phoned you yesterday?

What: LITO

What did they buy?

Where: rae, KYAa

Where is the cinema?

Where are you going to go in summer?

When: Koraa

When did she speak to him?

Why: noqerqy

Why did you visit him?

How: Kat(

How did they find me?

      YTBePAhTe/1bHble npeanoxeHHfi 06pa3yeTcq when, why) H how. npH nOMOU.4H Bcn0Mora-reJ1bHoro rnarona will + HaganbHag 4jopr•aa CMbtCTIOBOrO rnarona.

He will watch a video.

OrpHgaTeJ1bHaq qjoptaa

• OTPHqaTeJ1bHbte npennoxeHHR 06pa3YE0Tcq npl.d rlOMOU4H qaCTHUbl not, KOTOPEiB CTaBHTCB nocne rnarona will.

He will not/won't visit his cousin.

BonpocHTenbHag (þopMa

      BonPOCHTenbHble npeAT10>tGHHR 06pa3Y'0TcR npH noM0(14H rnarona will + noAnexatuee + OCHOBHag cþopraa CMb1CJIOBOrO rnarona. Will he go to school today?


      B KPaTKhX OTBerax hcn0J1b3yeTcq TOJ1bKO Jlktqtaoe tv1eCTOHrvteH1.te H BCnOMoraTeJ1bHbiÜ rnaron will/ won't.

Will you eat? T Yes, I will. Yes, we will.

No, I won't./No, we won't.

Will he/she/

Yes he/she/it will.


it eat?

No, he/she/it won't.

Will they                                

Yes, they will. No, they won't.


      Future Simple yn0Tpe6nqercq, Koraa pet-lb "AeT:

      6YAY14hx C06blTHh. You will be a great teacher one day. 06 06etuaHHqx          peweHH9x, npHHBTblX B MOMeHT peqh.

I'll buy you a new car.



/p/ postman

1b/ badminton

/d/ dream

/t/ tennis /k/ key

/g/ guitar

,/f/ funfair

/v/ yolleyball

/9/ theatre

/ð/ those /s/ salt /z/ zoo

/// shy

/5/ usually /h/ hockey

/tf/ cherry

/d3/ jar /m/ monkey

In/ nurse angry

/w/ week

/r/ cide

/// lemon

W yesterday

Vowels and diphthongs

/// slim

/e/ vet

/æ/ sad

ID/ hgspital

W butter

/ê/ waiter

/Ö/ good

/i/ sixty

/i:/ beans

/a:/ last

/o:/ tall

/u:/ cool

/3/ first /el/ station

/al/ diving

/01/ oil

/oÖ/ slow

/aÖ/ loud /æ/ hare he/ really


Word List

Starter Unit

activity kektJwti/ деятельность back together taggoa'l снова вместе feel /f!l/ чувствовать hope /hoopj надеяться join /сђа_щп/ присоединяться remember lnmgmba'l помнить same так же, такой же

Module 1

Unit 1: Опе big happy family!

camera [Каетга/ фотоаппарат CD /si: di;/ компакт-диск friendty /frendli/ дружелюбный

glove /ghv/ перчатка guitar     гитара hairbrush [hea'brAf/ расческа Кеу /ki;/ ключ kind /Кщпс1/ добрый mobite phone /moobarl fo_on/ мобильный


rotter blades /roolar bleIdz/ роликовые

коньки slim /sl!mj стройный sporty /sp$ti/ спортивный vet /vgt/ ветеринар watch   часы

What does he look like? /hwpt daz hi lok lalk.l Как он выглядит?

What's he (ike? /hwnts hj 1агК/ Какой у него характер?

Unit 2: Му best friend!

best friend /'bgst frgnd/ лучший друг both /b000/ оба crew /КгщЈ команда dive /daw/ нырять glue /ql!W клей

р[ау the viotin /ple1 ба varahn/ играть на

скрипке р[итр /р1дтр/ полный, пухлый quite /kwaJt/ довольно skate /skeIt/ кататься на коньках кататься на лыжах sound !saond,' звук

5tjck together держаться

вместе surf /S3:rf/ заниматься серфингом

Modute 2

Unit З: The Animal Hospital

always /m•lwew] всегда bake /berk/ печь baker фетКаг/ пекарь, булочник baker's /belkatz/ булочная сапу /ku•i/ носить clean /kli;n/ убирать(ся) curtain [Кз:тп;' штора fix /f!ks/ чинить, ремонтировать garage /gtergz¶ гараж go shopping ходить по магазинам greengrocer lgrmgroosa¶ продавец

овощей и фруктов greengrocer's /grtngroosarz/ овощной

магазин hospitat /hpspIt31/ больница injection укол mechanic /тгКгептК/ механик never /ngva[l никогда nurse /пз:$/ медсестра play sports /spa;rts/ заниматься спортом post office /poost DflS/ почта postman /poostmanj почтальон подавать на стол, обслуживать sick /S!k] больной

sometimes /sAmtarmz/ HHoraa station /steffan/ BOK3an usually /jU3uali/ 06bNHO waiter lweJtaT/ OCþH14HaHT wake (up) /weJkap/ npocbtnaTbcq wash the dishes /wnJða dlflð MblTb nocyay

Unit 4: Work and play! badminton /bædmmtan/ 6aAMHHTOH baseball /belsbo:l/ 6eüc60n doctor /dnktar/ Bpaq free time /fri; talm/ CB060AHoe Bpetvlfi hockey /hnki/ XOKKeV1 meal /mi;l/ ena month /manÕ/ Mecqq parcel /pŒ'sal/ nOCblTlKa pay /peJ/ nnaTHTb police officer /palts nfisar/ nonvtueVtcKHÞt polite /palalt/ postcard /poostka:td/ noqT0Baq OTKPb1TKa sports centre /spxrts sentar/ CllOPTHBHblÿ1

geHTP surprise /sorprav-/ clopnpH3 volleyball /vnlibo:l/ BonneV160n wait /welt/ >KAaTb week /wi;k/ Heaenq whistle /hwžsil/ CBHCTeTb

Module 3

Unit 5: Pirate's fruit salad!

basket /bAsk1t/ KOP3HHa beans /bi;nz/ 606bl, ropox butter /bAtar/ MaCJIO coconut /koukamt/ KOKOC easy /tzi/ nerKHÿt, npocT0Vt flour /flauat/ MYKa

It's your turn /ltsjxr t3}n/ Tenepb TBOfi oqepeAb

lemon (leman/ nHM0H make sure /melkouof/ y6eAHCb mango /mængoo/ MaHro olive oil /DIIV OJI/ OTIHBKOBoe Macno pass /pŒs/ nepenagaTb pepper /pgpar/ nepeq pineapple /pmnæpal/ at-iaHac put /put/ KnaCTb salt /so:lt/ com,

sugar /Jugar/ caxap tasty /teusti/ BKYCHblü

tomato /tama:too/ notv1HAop treat /trtt/ yr-ou4eHHe, yrotuaTb

Unit 6: Make a meal of it! bar (ba: r/ rlTIHTKa (WOKonaaa) barbecue            6ap6eKi0

beef /btf/ rOBflAHHa bottle /bnt'l/ 6YTblJIKa carton /ka.•rtan/ naKeT cherry /tJgri/ BHUJHfi cookie /kUki/ neqeH1,e dairy /deari/ MOTIOqHblÿ1

French fries /frentf frau/ KapTocþeJ1b cþPVi jar 6aHKa kilo /ktlou/ KunorpaMM lamb /læm/ MBCO Mononoro 6apaLLIKa loaf (loof/ 6aTOH, 6yxaHRa onion /ßnjan/ JIYK packet /pæklt/ Kop06Ka, naKeT, nat4Ka paella /palgla/ naanbfi (HcnaHcKoe 6moao) snack /snæk/ 3aKycRa sushi /sucli/ taste /terst/ np060BaTb tin /tJn/ >KeCT9Hafi 6aHKa world /wm•rlcl/ MhP yogurt /jngart/ horypT

 Word List

Module 4 Unit 7: Funny animals!

cookery book (kokari bold KYTIHHapHas

KHHra giraffe /cbrra:f/ >KHpacþ lazy /lelzi/ neHHBblÞi lunchtime /lnntftarm/ BpeMfi 06eaa seal /sj;l/ zoo /zu;/ 300napK

Unit 8: Wild about animals!

a whale of a time la t'werl av a talm/ oc06eHH0 npHBTHoe Bper,aq amazing /amerzll)/ YAHBHTeJ1bHblÞ1 carnivore         nn0T0RAHoe

}KHBOTHOe cuckoo Ikuku:/ KYKYLLIKa elephant seal /gllfant si;l/ MOPCKOŽ cnoH herbivore TpaB0fiAHoe NBBOTHOe journey /ctg;rni/ nyrewecTBHe omnivore /Dmmvn:'/ Bcenm-ioe >KHBOTHOe panda /pænda/ naHAa passport nacnopT plant /plg;nt/ pacTeHHe rubbish /rAblJ/ Mycop suitcase /su:tkers/ qerv10AaH ticket /tlklt/ 6HneT

Module 5

Unit 9: Tea party!

delicious /dllúas/ oqeHb BKYCHblÿt yesterday /jgstardel/ Bqepa

Unit 10: All our yesterdays!

angry /ængri/ 3110ÿ1 bored         CKyqaK)1LIHVi dream /drtm/ COH, MeqTa

calendar          KaneHAaPb dancer /da:nsa'/ Tai-i140P scared /skeard/ HcnyraHHblÿt tired /tarard/ YCTaBUJHÞi

Module 6

Unit I l: The Hare and the Tortoise

finish line /fimJlam/ CþHHhUJHaa TlHHV•tfi hare /hear/ 3afi1-1 pass /pg;s/ npox0AHTb soon /su;n/ cKopo

Unit 12: Once upon a time!

beanstalk /bi:nstxkj 6060Bblÿi CTe6eJ1b bumblebee /bAmb'lbi:/ discover /dlsksvah/ 06HaPYHHBaTb saxophone /sæksafoon/ catccocþ0H

Module 7

Unit 13: The best of times!

camel /kæmal/ Bep6JlK)A dinosaur /damaso:r/ AHH03aBP funfair /fnnfear/ qprqapeca c aTTPaKUHOHatv1H

Unit 14: Magic moments!

drum /dnm/ 6apa6aH loud /laod/ rp0MKHh shy /J@J/ 3aCTeHqHBbiÞ1, p06KHÞ1 trumpet /tnmplt/ rpy6a

Module 8

Unit 15: Good times ahead!

go camping /goo keempll)/ OTAblXaTb Ha npupoae B nanaTKax go to the lake /gogž ta ða lerk/ XOAhTb/ e3AHTb Ha 03epo

go to the mountains /g0U ta ða maunttnz/ XOAHTb/e3AHTb B ropbl go to the seaside /goo ta si;sald/ e3AHTb Ha Mope

Unit 16: Hello, sunshine!

boots /bu:ts/ 60THHKH, canorv•i cloudy /klaudi/ 06naqHblVl Coliseum /knlnstam/ Konuaeöd flippers /flupatzl naCTbl rainy /reuni/ AO>KAJIHBblÞt sleeping bag Islj;pll) bæg/ cnaJ1bHblÿl

MeU]OK sunglasses /songla:srz/ COJIHet4Hble OHKH

swimsuit /swJmsu:t/ KynaJ1bHVIK tent /tgnt/ nanaTKa

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

break a rule /brelk ru;l/ HapyujaTb npaBHJ10 check /(fek/ np0BepRTb curl /ka;tl/ aaBHTOK fair /fea'/ qeCTHbtÙ, cnpaBe4VlVtBblÞi golden /goold'n/ 30TlOTHCTblÞt horrid /hnrld/ CTPaUJHblh, yxacž-iblöi

inside /tnsald/ BHYTPH knock /nnk/ CTyqaTb luck (IAk/ yaaga mine Imam/ mistake /nustC1k/ 011JH6Ka naughty /no:ti/ HerlOCJIYWHblVt never mind Inevar mamd/ HeBa>KHO, He

6eaa oats louts/ OBec on my way Inn mal weJ no nyTH outside /aotsald/ porridge //pnrlcb/ Kawa

pot !pnt/ ropLLJOK remind Irtmarnd/ HanOMHHaTb return /rlt3:'J1/ì B03BPaUÅaTbC9 share Tea'/ genHTbCfi soft   tvtqrRHVt tune           MenoAHS wood /wud/ nec

worry /WAri/ 6eCnOKOHTbC9

Cultural Sections on Englishspeaking Countries

1.     English-speaking countries of the world

capital (city) /kæpltal SJti/ CTOJlHqa

2.     A day in my life!

for a while Tar "wall/ Ha BpeM5 is called /IZ ka•ld/ Ha3blBaeTCfi project /pmcbekt/ npoeKT

3.     What's for pudding?

almost /xlmoost/ no-ITV,I at least lot no KpaViHeýi Mepe bread pudding (bred pudll)/ nyAHHr dessert /dlzg;rt/ aecepT dinner /dlnar/ Y>KHH follow /fDloo/ CneAOBaTb ingredients /lngrtdiants/ HHrpeav•teHTbl,

COCTaB jam tart to:'t/ nv•tpor c A>KeMOM lemon meringue /lgman maræn/ flhMOHHaq Mepvo-qra simple /sJmp'l/ npocToùi

4.     A walk in the wild

fun-loving Ifsn IAVII)/ Becenblÿt hug /hsg/ 06HHMaTb river Invar/ peKa

 Word List

5.    Birthday wishes!  Special Days!

balloon /balu:n/ B03AYlLIHblVf wapresolution /rgzaluf'n/ peu.jeHVte birthday boy /bxr9de1 bQJ/ HMeHHHHhKApril Fool's Day /elprrl fu;lz del/ AeHb birthday girl /b3: tOde1    nepBoro anpenq (npa3AHPiK LLJYTOK H


6.    The story behind the rhymethrow 6PocaTb fleece /fli:s/ ogeqbfi LLjePCTb

Spotlight on Russia

lamb /læm/ 0Bet-lKa, qrHeHOK pull down [pul dil(jn/ pa3pywaTb, CHOCHTb 1. Russian millionaire cities

church /tfg:/tf/ gePROBb, xpatvl

7.    Alton Towersmillionaire /mJljaneaü MHJIT1h0Hep brilliant /brlliant] 3aMeqaTeJibHbl¥tmonument /t11J2njumant/ narv1fiTHHK it is worth it /lt WT.'O It/ OTO Toro croqr sight /satt/ AOCTonPHMeqaTeTibHOCTb ride /rald/ aTTpaKLIHOH, noe3AKa rollercoaster /roolïkooslïl aMePhlGHCKhe 2. What Russian children want to be

ropKþi theme park /0j;m pŒ'k/ TerqaThqecKHïi napK pa3BneqeHHýt young /jA1)/ MOJIOAOÞI

8. Florida fun!

rest /rest/ OTAblX sandy       nec01AHblÿl

Arthur & Rascal

bark /ba: rW nafiTb busy /bJZi/ 3aHRTOÞt celebrate /sgllbrelt/ npa3AH0BaTb fast food /fa:st fu:d/ eaa, KOTopaq 6blCTPO rOTOBHTCq (COCHCKH, rlHqua T. n.) hate (Inert/ HetaaBHAeTb hungry /hßl)gri/ ron0AHbl¥1 kitten (kJt'n/ KOTeHOK programme Iproogræm/ nporpaMMa scary film /skeari film/ cþHTlbM yxacoB

astronaut /æstrono:t/ aCTPOHaBT,

KOCMOHaBT scientist Ismantlst/ yqeHbl¥i spaceship /spelsrtp/


3.              What would you like for your tea?

cheap /tfL•p/ aeU.JeBblÿi hiking (hmkll)/ noxoa last a long time lla:st 101) tmm/

XPaHHTbCfi aonro oval louv"l/ OBaJ1bHblÿ1

4.              Animals need our help!

adopt /adnpt/ YCbiHOBDfiTb, yaoqepflTb bison Ibals>n) 3Y6p donate /dounelt/ xePTBOBaTb, AapHTb national park /næfan'l park/

HEILIHOt-taT1bHblÿi napK

raise /I©JZ/ PaCTHTb reserve !rtzfv/ 3an0BeAHHK save /seJV/ cnacaTb

5.              The Day of the City carnival   KapHaBan competition /knmp1tLfrn/ copeBHOBaHHe decoration /dgkarg_lf'n/ YKpaweHHe fireworks /fmawxrks/ cþeŽepæpK, camoT parade /pareJd/ napan street performer /strj;t pana ma'/


6.              The world of fairy tales

character /kærlktat/ nepc0Ha>K rYCH thief /9tt7 BOP wolf /wuIt7

7.              The days we remember

diploma /dlplooma/ A"nnotvl pancake /pænkelk/ 6JlHH performance /parfn;rmans/ npeaaaaneHPte

8.              Travelling is fun travel /træval/ nnewecTBOBaTb diary /dalari/ AHeBHHK


April /elprll/ anpeJ1b

August /xgast/ aBrycT

December /drsembar/ aeKa6pb

February /fgbjoari/ cþeBpaJ1b

January /cbæn.joari/ BHBapb

July /ct5UlaJ/ HtOJ1b

June /cbu;n/ HiOHb

March /mŒ rtf/ MapT

May /meJ/ Mah

November (nouvembaf/ HOR6Pb

October /nktoubar/ OKTS6Pb

September /septgmbar/ CeHTB6Pb


eighty /©Jti/ BOCerv1bAeCAT first /f3.rst/ nepBblV1 hundred /hnndrad/ CTO ninety /namti/ aeBRHOCTO second Isekand/ BTOPOVi seventy /sevanti/ CeMbAeC9T sixty /SLksti/ LLjeCTbaeCfiT third /93:rd/ TpeTHÿi

Geographical Names and


Athens /æ9rnz/ ACþHHbl

Australia /nstrellio/ ABcrpaTlHfi

Canada /kænada/ KaHaaa China mama/ KHTaVi

England /JngIand/ AHrnvtq

Florida /flnrlda/ OnopHAa

France /fra:ns/ CDpaHL4HR

Germany /cbxrmani/ reptv1aHHR

Greece /grj;s/ rpet4HA

Ireland kualand/ V'1pnaHAHfl

Italian /rtælian/ HTaJ1b9HCKHÞt

Italy /Jtali/ V'1TaJIHB

Japan /ct;apæn/ finoHHR

Japanese /cbæpanj;z/ qr10HCKHVi

London /lnndan/ JIOHAOH

Madrid /madrJd/ MaApHA

Mexico (mekslkoo/ MeKcHKa

Moscow (moskoo/ MOCKBa

New Zealand /nju: zi;land/ H0Baq 3enaHAVtq

Paris /pærrs/ napH>K

Poland /pooland/ nonbl-ua

Portugal /po;rtJogal/ nopTyraJIHfi

Rome /room/ PHM

Russia /rxfa/ PoccHfi

Russian /rAPn/ pyccwü, pocCViüCKHVi

Scotland /skDtland/ LLJ0TnaHAHfi

Spain /spem/ V'IcnaHHB

Turkey /txrki/ Typqv•ifi

Useful English

Bon voyage! /bo:n   CqacTTIHBoro nyTH!



Excuse me, where's ... ? /1kskL•z mi hwearð Vå3BHHHTe, rae HaXOAHTCfl ...?

Happy New Year! /hæpi nju;jlar/ C HOBblM roAOM!

Nice to meet you. /nars ta             Paa c

BaMH n03HaKOMHTbCfi.

See you later. /stju: Igutat/ YBHAhMCfi./ noKa.

Thank you.                Cnacu60. —

You're welcome. /joar welkam/ noxanyhcra.


Introduce yourself to someone new.

npeacTaBbcq He3HaKOMOMY qeJ10BeKy.

Read and choose. Then act out.

npoqHTaVi H Bb16ePH. 3aTeM pa3blrpaV1 cueHKY.

Ask your friends! Find someone who...

CnpocH CBOHX AE)Y3eh!

HahAh Koro-TlH60, RTO...

Ilp0Bepb CBO}O naMfiTb.

Match the sounds to the


Who says what? Look, read and match.


Put the words in the right column.

r10MecTV•t cnoBa B npaBHJ1bHY}0 KOJIOHKY.

Read and choose the correct answer. npoqHTaÞt H Bb16ePH npaBHJ1bHblV1 OTBeT.

Replace the words in bold to make your own poem.

3aMeHH BblaeneHHble CJ10Ba, '4T06b1 Hanv•tcaTb CBOe CTHXOTBOPeHHe.

Design a card for a special occasion for a friend or a relative.

CAena¥1 OTKPblTKY           apyra POACTBeHHHKa no noB0AY Kat<oroHV16YAb C06blTHfi.

There is one wrong word in each sentence. Correct it.

B Ka>KAOM    OAHO CTIOBO HeBepH0. V'1cnpaBb ero.

Read and say which of the words in bold you can see in the picture.

Kaeo,te 143 BblaeneHHblX CDOB Tbl BHAHUJb Ha KaPTHHKe? np0LIHTaVl H CKa>KH.

Noughts and crosses. Let's



Read and put the paragraphs in the correct order.

npot-1HTaÿ1 h pacaaBb a63aL.4bl B nPaBHTlbHOM nopfiAKe.

Read the words and name the silent letter.

np0HHTaV1 CJ10Ba H Ha30BH HenPOH3HOCHMble 6YKBbl.

Read and match the captions to the pictures.

np014HTaÞ1 H COOTHecH

KaPTViHKVi noanqcv•l.

Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley

Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley



AHrn-922 64 ABTOPbt:

AHrn-922 64 ABTOPbt:

Hanor0BaB nsrora — 06tuepoccHlhcKV1ù1

Hanor0BaB nsrora — 06tuepoccHlhcKV1ù1

Contents Starter Unit - Back together! (PP

Contents Starter Unit - Back together! (PP

Uncle Harry's job at the Animal • talk about location adverbs of about one of

Uncle Harry's job at the Animal • talk about location adverbs of about one of

Module 5 - Where were you yesterday? (pp

Module 5 - Where were you yesterday? (pp

Happy New Year! (pp. 138-139)

Happy New Year! (pp. 138-139)

Introduce yourself to someone new

Introduce yourself to someone new

A: Can you swim? ' Starter

A: Can you swim? ' Starter

In my schoolbag today o

In my schoolbag today o

The big triangle is blue. I Starter

The big triangle is blue. I Starter



In this module you will learn, read and talk about

In this module you will learn, read and talk about

Larry and Lulu meeting Uncle Harry at the airport

Larry and Lulu meeting Uncle Harry at the airport

One big happy O family! aØListen and repeat

One big happy O family! aØListen and repeat

B: He's very funny! ?Let's play! la øØListen and read

B: He's very funny! ?Let's play! la øØListen and read

Look, children. 1 Uncle Harry is in

Look, children. 1 Uncle Harry is in

Uncle Harry can't find anything!

Uncle Harry can't find anything!

You can play music with this. 4

You can play music with this. 4

In picture A, the man has got dark hair

In picture A, the man has got dark hair

He can ski really well. best friend! sailing skating surfing diving

He can ski really well. best friend! sailing skating surfing diving

Larry 6) ... (have) fun too. He 7)

Larry 6) ... (have) fun too. He 7)

Let's play!

Let's play!

Listen and repeat. a Chit-Chat

Listen and repeat. a Chit-Chat

Big I've got a lot of people

Big I've got a lot of people

Match the sounds to the pictures: 'Boing, boing, boing!' 'Splash, splash, splash!' , 'Tra-la-la!', 'Shloop, shloop, shloop!'

Match the sounds to the pictures: 'Boing, boing, boing!' 'Splash, splash, splash!' , 'Tra-la-la!', 'Shloop, shloop, shloop!'

Write your own 'sound poem'. Present it to the class

Write your own 'sound poem'. Present it to the class

18 - 1

18 - 1

Narrator: She says ...

Narrator: She says ...

Acti Vifi ês Mo d ul e

Acti Vifi ês Mo d ul e

What can Goldilocks see in the wood?

What can Goldilocks see in the wood?

Canberra London is the capital of the

Canberra London is the capital of the

How much do you know about English-speaking countries?

How much do you know about English-speaking countries?

Write the numbers. (18 marks)

Write the numbers. (18 marks)

Reading and Writing The keys are on the table

Reading and Writing The keys are on the table

S r r -t hur-t

S r r -t hur-t

Wolfie, this is Arthur.

Wolfie, this is Arthur.

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 4

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 4

The Animal

The Animal

Chit-Chat A: Excuse me, where's the

Chit-Chat A: Excuse me, where's the

You don't need Where's Chuckles?

You don't need Where's Chuckles?

A Under the chair.

A Under the chair.

Who says what? Look, read and match

Who says what? Look, read and match

A girl with golden curls serves burgers on

A girl with golden curls serves burgers on

1 th...rty 2 n...rse 3 s...rve 4 c...rcle 5 s...rfing 6 b...rthday 7 sh...rt 8 h...r Work and play!

1 th...rty 2 n...rse 3 s...rve 4 c...rcle 5 s...rfing 6 b...rthday 7 sh...rt 8 h...r Work and play!

A: How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre?

A: How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre?

Read and choose the correct word

Read and choose the correct word

He likes reading comics!

He likes reading comics!


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