Разработка содержит материал на трех языках Рекомендован для использования на Неделе, посвященной языкам. Содержание материала имеет большое воспитательное значение,воспитывая толерантное отношение ко всем народностям и национальностям.Служит расширению кругозора учащихся о своей Родине и стране изучаемого языка, в частности английского.Материал апробирован мной среди учащихся 8-9 классов.
The Conference (dedicated to the Day of Languages).doc
The Conference: “ Great Britain , The USA , Kazakhstan , Russia at a Glance “
Visual aids : maps, state symbols , pictures of outstanding people, flags , national
costumes, national food samples , posters , albums .
The Host : “ Hello dear Ladies and Gentlemen !
You are welcome to our party dedicated to the Day of Languages.
The aim of our meeting today is to do everything possible to keep world peace , to
strengthen friendship among all people and nations. Of course everybody knows how
to succeed that by means of communication .
Naturally language is the main type of it. There are nearly 3000 languages in the
world . English and Russian are the languages of an international communication ,
they are the languages of Pushkin , Shakespeare , Lermontov , Byron , Esenin , Burns,
whom we love and respect for their poems, sonnets and novels .With the help of the
knowledge of foreign languages we can communicate with each other through the
internet or get necessary information from it .
Kazakh is the language of our Motherland and we learn it at schools.
Teacher : “ Language is a door between the worlds . Speaking the language we
penetrate the cultural treasury inherited from the past and try to add a trace of
our own . “ said Jozeph Brodsky .
Our president Nursultan Nazarbayev leads a policy of integration , collaboration and
he appeals to everybody with the proposals to learn three languages – Kazakh ,
Russian and English , to respect customs and traditions of each country and to take
care of our common home – the planet Earth. “
( A poem is recited by a student .)
(By Edith Segal)
Friendship is a thing for two .
Three or four even more
Like a song that’s made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing .
( The fragment of the music “ Sary Arka “ is heard , the pupils in the Kazakh
national costumes entered ).
( A poem is recited by a student ).
My Motherland , My dear land !
Let my land be in peace .
Be happy land , be happy people,
Be joyful people of Kazakhstan.
Presentation .
“ My Motherland .” I live in Kazakhstan . Kazakhstan is the most beautiful , richest and largest country.
Kazakhstan borders on Russia in the north, on Mongolia in the east , on China in the
south east . It borders on Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in the south . It is washed by
the Caspian Sea in the west.
Our country has a very beautiful flag and blazon. The flag is blue, with a hawk
painted under the sun on it . On blazon you can see shanyrak symbol of friendship
– supported by two horses.
Our composers and poets composed the hymn for my motherland ; we know and sing
it every day. We have our money – tenge. The best and the most famous people of our
nation are represented on it. Our first president is Nazarbayev. The President is
elected for 7 years . The parliament consists of Senate – 2 persons from each region
and 7 deputies are appointed by the President and Mazhilis 67 deputies .
There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Kazakhstan. The largest lake is Balkhash . people
go fishing there. In the north – west there is the Aral Sea , it is becoming dead
because of the poisoned environment. The main rivers – the Irtysh , the Ural , the
Ishym , the Tobyl , the Esil .
Kazakhstan is rich in national resources such as coal, iron, oil , different coloured
metals. Kazakhstan is a great agricultural region. There are such big industrial centers
in Kazakhstan as Almaty ,Karaganda , Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk, Taraz and others .
Kazakhstan has the population of about 16 million people. Kazakh people have many
interesting traditions like “ Besikke salu “ – when a baby is born in the family .
Relatives , friends are invited and the family celebrate this event . “ Torkindey “ when
a bride marries , and after a definite period of time she visits her parents with her
husband . Her parents are happy to see them and give them different presents .
Kazakh national food is tasty and various : besbarmak , kuurdak, zhent , baursak ;
drinks kumys , shubat .
People of different nationalities live in Kazakhstan in a friendly family. The state
language is Kazakh , but people speak Russian as well . Our motto is “ Peace and
Friendship “. The main wealth of our country is the bread. We have also Baiconur
spaceport .Our first cosmonaut T. Aubakirov – flew to the space. We have many
famous people known all over the world . These are cosmonauts, Olympic
champions, singers and many other people from our country .I want to be like them .
I am proud of my motherland!
“ Егемен , Елім – ай . “
Біз қазақ ежелден ел едіқ жаны бай ,
Өр мінез , ақ қөңіл , мейірбан , қонақжай .
Даналық дарыған , ақын ел , батыр ел ,
Бабалар мекені – асқар тау , шалқар көл .
Ақ бесік , ақ отау мәнгіліқ ,
Жасай бер жаңарып , жаңгырып .
Достық пен ынтымақ мекені , Гүлденер халқымның ертеңі .
Жасай бер , жері бай ,
Егемен , елім ай ,
Жасай бер , жері бай ,
Тәуелсіз елім –ай !
( Б. Батырбекқызы . )
(The song “ Козімнің қарасы “ is sung by the students .)
THE HOST : Now we are greeting our guests from Russia .
( the students in the Russian national costumes entered ).
(The poem : “ When I say Russia “ is recited ).
Когда говорю Россия
Мне чудится неспроста
Высокой небесной сини
Коснулись мои уста
И вижу горит сквозь годы
Огонь , что солнце желт
Жар пушкинского глагола
Мне заново сердце жжет .
Когда говорю Россия
Сквозь дали и дым годин
Одну другой красивей
Я вижу сотни картин .
Presentation :
“ Russia is the biggest country in the world , it is situated on two continents : Europe
and Asia . The Urals form a natural border between the continents. Russia is a very
rich country . There are many mountains , rivers , lakes and forests in our country .
The Volga River is the longest . It flows into the Caspian Sea . Seas and oceans wash
Russia in the north , south , east and in the west . There are many animals , birds ,
insects and plants in the forests, fields , and mountains of Russia.
The Russian symbol is the national flag . The flag has 3 wide stripes on it . The stripes
are white , blue and red . These colours have always been symbolic in Russia :
white – noble and sincere , blue – honest and devoted – devoted to the friends ,
family and the country . The red colour – have always meant bravery and love . The other symbol of Russia , which all people know and love – is the birch tree . You
can find this tree everywhere. People sing beautiful songs with poetic words about
birch trees and like to plant them near their houses . In old Russian towns people
often call young lovely girls as little birch trees ( beryozka , beryozonka ).
( The song : “ Moscow Suburb Nights “ is sung by the students ).
A poem “ Bridges “ ( by Edith Segal ) is recited .
If I were a builder
I’d make big bridges ,
Bridges to far – away lands :
To Asia , Africa , South America ,
Bridgers to Europe , Iceland , Iraq.
I’d walk round the world
To visit the people ,
And when we shook hands
We’d make little bridges.
The host : “ To walk round the world , to visit the people , to shake hands , to make
little bridges … “ . Here it refers to the idea that we tend to make friends with
different countries and respect their history , culture , traditions .
( A cowboy music is played and the USA group in cowboy costumes enter ).
Presentation :
The United States of America is one of the largest country in the world. It is situated
in the central part of the North American continent . it is washed by two oceans : the
Pacific and the Atlantic. The USA borders on two countries – Canada and Mexico.
There are a lot of mountains , rivers and lakes .The biggest mountain is the
Cordilliera .The main river is the Mississippi .There are five Great Lakes between
the USA and Canada – Superior , Michigan , Huron , Ontario , Erie.
The USA has 50 states and one Federal district of Columbia where the capital of
the country is situated . The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the
Potomac river in the eastern part of the country . The main cities are New York ,
Boston ,Chicago , San Francisco , Los Angeles , Hollywood , and others.
Americans are very proud of their flag .It is called “ the Stars and Stripes “. It is of
three colours : red , white and blue . There are 50 stars on it , each star for each state .
The flag has 13 stripes , there is one stripe for each of the 13 colonies of the USA.
The stripes are red and white .People must know much about the flag : they should display it only during the day and fold it in a special way . In some schools there is a
flag in each classroom and children stand in front of the flag every day. You can see
it in shops and offices , in the streets and squares , in small towns and big cities .
The national symbol of the USA is the Bald Eagle . The USA constitution was
adopted in 1787 . The Independence Day is on the 4th of July .
The main holidays are : Christmas , Thanksgiving Day , Independence Day,
Halloween .
The host : “ Now let’s greet our guests from the UK.”
( The British group in Scottish costumes ( kilts ) , and dressed as a typical
Englishman –John Bull , appeared on the stage .)
Presentation :
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( or the UK ) is made up
of England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .The British Isles consists of
Great Britain and Ireland and a lot of small islands . The North Sea , the Strait of
Dover and The English Channel separate Great Britain from the continent . The UK is
washed by the Atlantic Ocean , the Irish and the North Seas . The mountains in Great
Britain are not very high ; the highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland. The main
rivers are the Thames and the Severn . Great Britain is a highly developed industrial
country .There are many big industrial cities in Britain : Sheffield , Liverpool ,
Cardiff , Manchester ,Birmingham .
The capital of the UK is London. It is one of the biggest ports of the world. It is also
an important political , cultural and educational centre. The educational centres in
Great Britain are : Oxford and Cambridge with the famous oldest Universities . The
total population of Great Britain is about 60 million people . The official language is –
English , but there are many other languages spoken in Britain .
The flag of the UK is known as “ The Union Jack “. It is made of three crosses : the
cross of St. George , the cross of St. Andrew , the cross of St. Patrick ( the patron
Saints of England, Scotland and Ireland .) Each country of the UK has its symbols :
the symbol of England is the thistle , the symbol of England is the red rose , the
symbol of Ireland is the shamrock , the symbol of Wales is the daffodil .
British people have different traditions. The don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays.
On the New Year the First Foot must be a man . The Queen has two birthdays . The
British like to queue, never shake hands , they are great tea drinkers and like cereal
for breakfast .
The Queen is the symbol of Great Britain , officially the Prime Minister rules the
country . The main holidays are : Halloween , Easter , Christmas , St. Patrick’s Day.
Teacher: What is the main treasury of each country ?
The students’ answer ( It’s people .)
Teacher : You are quite right . Let’s draw the association card about people.
noble hospitable
↓ ↓
kind prudent
(talented, industrious , generous, cultural ).
Teacher : Can these characteristics be referred to Kazakh , American , Russian, and
English people ? – Sure. I think a lot of famous people in many countries
became great because of these qualities.
As for Kazakh people we can name great poets : A. Kunanbayev, I. Altynsarin,
scientist Chokan Valikhanov , Kurmangazy, Zhambyl and others .
The great Americans – M Twain , T. Dreiser, E. Hemingway, A . Lincoln.
The British – W. Shakespeare , G. G. Byron. Ch. Dickens, M. Thatcher and many
others .
The great Russians : Kutuzov, Gagarin, Rublev, Pushkin, Chaikovsky, Tolstoy.
Teacher : I’m sure you read and heard a lot about them. And I want you , my dear
students, to be like them .
Usually when foreign guests leave your country they usually have different feelings.
They may criticize many things in your country , but everybody say that people are
wonderful, hospitable, kind and polite.
That is the end of our meeting. And I hope that you will take a part of Russian,
Kazakh, English and American souls with you.
( the song We”ll Say “ Yes” is sung by the students ).
Конференция, посвященная Дню Языков
Конференция, посвященная Дню Языков
Конференция, посвященная Дню Языков
Конференция, посвященная Дню Языков
Конференция, посвященная Дню Языков
Конференция, посвященная Дню Языков
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