Конспект урока биологии 8 класс Характеристика живых организмов
Оценка 4.9

Конспект урока биологии 8 класс Характеристика живых организмов

Оценка 4.9
Разработки курсов
8 кл
Конспект урока биологии 8 класс Характеристика живых организмов
Краткосрочное планирование урока биологии по теме "Обмен веществ – основное свойство живых организмов. Пластический и энергетический обмен".

Кондрашова О.А. учитель биологии

                                                     Высшей категории СОШ№17

                            г.Уральск  ЗКО


Characteristics of living things

Objectives: develop pupil’s logical and critical thinking;

                  teach children to know seven characteristics of living things.

Equipment: presentation, video.


Organization moment:

Good afternoon students.

I’m very glad to see you.

How are you today?


One, two, three,

Look at me!

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips

Sit down.


Are you ready for the lesson?

Let's look at the board. You see the words.

Think and write a sentence.


Words:  life, organism, you need, processes.

These processes are need for the life of organism.


How do you think?

What is the theme of our lesson?

Today a new theme is «Characteristics of living things».


Activity: answer the questions.

How can you tell if something is living or dead?

What are some characteristics of living organisms?


Activity: read the text page 1, 2 and write down new words and translation?

New  words:    Movement – движение

Respiration – дыхание

Sensitivity – чувствительность

Growth – рост

Reproduction – размножение

Excretion – выделение

Nutrition – питание


Activity: complete the diagram using the text




living things


ANIMALS                                  PLANTS

                    Change of position          MOVEMENT               Can only move parts




What kind of characteristics are important?   Why?

Compare your chart with the list on the page 4.


Activity: test

1.     Why do we need oxygen for?

a)     Movement

b)    Sensitivity

c)     Respiration

2.     What organisms grow indefinitely?

a)     Plants

b)    Animals

c)     Bacteria

3.     Why do plants drop the leaves?

a)     Excrete toxins

b)    Growth

c)      Reproduction

4.     What can move from place?

a)      Plants

b)      Animals

c)       mushrooms

5. This creates new individuals.

a) Excrete

b) Growth

c) Reproduction

Answers: 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 – b, 5 – c


Homework: Ad the text page 2, 3 and to learn the new words/

Reflexive - evaluative stage.


- I am excited about …

- I like to learn more about…

- a question I have is…


Summary: you worked very well.


Кондрашова О.А. учитель биологии

Кондрашова О.А. учитель биологии

Activity: complete the diagram using the text

Activity: complete the diagram using the text
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