Контроль техники чтения для учащихся начальной школы. Английский язык. 3 класс.
Оценка 5

Контроль техники чтения для учащихся начальной школы. Английский язык. 3 класс.

Оценка 5
Контроль знаний
английский язык
2 кл—3 кл
Контроль техники чтения для учащихся начальной школы. Английский язык. 3 класс.
Контроль навыков чтения с разными стратегиями.
Промежуточный контроль 3 класс. Английский язык.doc

                                                      3 класс


№ 1          


Прочитай тексты (1-5) и заглавия к ним (a-f). Установи соответствия между текстами и заглавиями. При этом одно заглавие лишнее.



a. monkey                                 d. elephant

b. mouse                                   e. tiger

c. cat                                         f. dog


1. It is big. It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, bananas and carrots. It drinks water. It likes milk. It is grey. We can see this animal in the zoo.

2. It is small. It lives in houses and in the forest. It eats corn, bread, apples. It likes cheese. It has a long tail.

3. It is very funny. It lives in Africa and India. It is brown, grey or black. It likes fruit. It jumps in the trees. We can see this animal in the zoo.

4. It is very soft. It lives in the house. It is white, black, red, grey or brown. It can, jump and climb. It cannot fly. It lakes fish, meat and milk.

5. It can be big or small. It can run, jump, swim. It likes meat and bones. It is a good friend.





Прочитай текст и запомни данную ниже таблицу по образцу.


  Children must have breakfast, dinner and supper every day. For breakfast you can eat bread and butter, some sausage or eggs and drink some tea or milk. Children don’t like porridge but you must eat it. It is very healthy. For dinner you must have some soup. Then you can eat some fish or meat with potatoes. After dinner you can drink tea, juice or eat some fruit. For supper it is good to have meat or fish with salad or potatoes. Drink tea, juice or milk but don’t drink coffee in the evening! Children like sweets, cakes and ice-cream. But they must eat more fruit. Be healthy! Eat healthy food!




You can eat the


You can drink the





















№ 3.      


Прочитай текст и выполни задание.


                                  My Friend Masha and Her Family.

   My name is Olga. I have got friends from Africa, Great Britain and America. But I love my friend from Russia. Her name is Masha. She has a mother, a father, a sister and two brothers.

   Her mother is a doctor. Her name is Lisa. She is 32. She is from Russia. She loves her family.

   Her father is an engineer. His name is Oleg. He is not from Russia, he is from Great Britain.

   Masha and I are pupils. We are 8. We are from Russia. We are friends. We like to play with her cat and her dog. We don’t play with her brothers. Her brothers play computer games. They are Misha and Sasha, they are 10. They want to be engineers. Masha loves her mother and she wants to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor, too.  My father, my mother, my grandmother and my aunt are doctors.

   How I love my friend Masha!


В каждом задании ( 1-5) обведи букву ( a, b или c), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа. Заполни таблицу.


1. Olga and Masha are …

    a) friends.               b) sisters.           c) friends from Great Britain.

2.  … is from Great Britain.

     a) Lisa                   b) Oleg               c) Masha

3. Olga and Masha want to be …

     a) doctors.             b) pupils.            c) engineers.

4.  … has got an aunt. Her aunt is a doctor.

     a) Lisa                   b) Masha            c) Olga

5.  Her brothers like to play …

     a) with a cat and a dog.           b) computer games.   c) with her dolls.






















































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Прочитай тексты (1-5) и заглавия к ним ( a - f )

Прочитай тексты (1-5) и заглавия к ним ( a - f )

Olga and Masha are … a) friends

Olga and Masha are … a) friends
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