Билет №1
1. Назвать случаи употребления Past Continuous.
2. Как образуется Past Simple. Перечислить схемы утвердительного, отрицательного и вопросительного предложений.
3. Слова спутники Past Perfect
4. Определите время в предложении:
1/I had not written the essay by the end of my exam.
2/He was constantly talking
3/She was always coming to class late.
4/We had been discussing the problem at the meeting for 2 hours.
5/This libraryhada great collection of books.Контроль знаний по английскому языку на времена группы Past для 7 класса (билеты)
Билеты 7и класс.docx
Билет №1
1. Назвать случаи употребления Past Continuous.
2. Как образуется Past Simple. Перечислить схемы утвердительного,
отрицательного и вопросительного предложений.
3. Слова спутники Past Perfect
4. Определите время в предложении:
1/I had not written the essay by the end of my exam.
2/He was constantly talking
3/She was always coming to class late.
4/We had been discussing the problem at the meeting for 2 hours.
5/This libraryhada great collection of books.
Билет №2
1. Назвать случаи употребления Past Perfect
2. Слова спутники Past Simple
3. Перечислить схемы образования отрицательных и вопросительных
предложений в Past Perfect
4.Определите время в предложении:
1/I finally caught Lucky and looked around. The nasty dog had scratched the
furniture, had torn the wallpapers and had eaten my lunch on the table.
2/She had written the paper by five o’clock.
3/ I deleted your photos when you asked me to keep them.
4/I was writing a novel last winter.
5/She was working on this article from 9 to 12 — Она работала над этой статьей
с 9 до 12.
Билет №31. Время Past Perfect Continuous: образование
утвердительных,отрицательных и вопросительных предложений.
2. Слова спутники в Past Perfect.
3. Назвать случаи употребления Past Continuous
4. Определите время в предложении:
1/Picasso painted “The Sunflowers”
2/Tom entered the room, sat at the table, and started eating.
3/I had not written the essay by the end of my exam.
4/Had they reached the station when it began to rain?
Билет №4
1. Назвать случаи употребления Past Continuous.
2. В чем отличие Past Perfect от Past Simple?
3. Cлова спутники Past Continuous
4. Определить время в предложениях:
1/Although the sun was shining, it was still cold because it had been
snowing for 2 hours before our arrival.
2/I finally caught Lucky and looked around. The nasty dog had scratched the
furniture, had torn the wallpapers and had eaten my lunch on the table.
3/I was having my breakfast at nine.
4/What were you doing when the earthquake started?
Билет №5
1. В чем отличие Past Continious от Past Simple?
2. Определить время в предложениях:
1/We had lived in Paris for 12 years before we moved to America.2/The Browns explained that they had been growing tomatoes in the greenhouse
since they bought the summer cottage.
3/How did you hope to pass the exam if you had not (hadn’t) even opened the
3. Перечислить схемы утвердительного, отрицательного и вопросительного
предложений Past Simple
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