Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть 6 класс (УМК Комарова)
Оценка 4.7

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть 6 класс (УМК Комарова)

Оценка 4.7
Контроль знаний
английский язык
6 кл
Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть 6 класс (УМК Комарова)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть 6 класс (УМК Комарова)
КР за 1 четверть 6 кл.docx

Name_____________________________________________________ Grade______

  Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть       6 класс
Variant 1

1.  Translate words from Russian into English.
a) Канадец - __________________                e) легко -  _________________________
b) Китаец - ___________________                f) привлекательный  - _______________
c) разный - ___________________                g) очки -  __________________________
d) трудный - __________________                h) светлые волосы -  ________________

2.  Answer the following questions.
a) Where are you from? - ___________________________________________________.
b) What language do you speak? - ____________________________________________.

3.  Complete the sentences using adjectives.
a) I think English is ______________________.
b) My school is _________________________.
c) Our teacher is ________________________.

4.  Write questions with be.
a) Moscow \ the capital of Russia? ____________________________________________
b) you \ interested in English? _______________________________________________
c) your parents \ Mordovian? ________________________________________________

5.  Choose the correct words.
a) Anne-Marie is from the Great Britain. His \ Her first language is English.
b) My mums’ \ mum’s birthday in January.
c) Ireland is in Europe. Its \ It’s flag is green, white and orange.

6.  Complete the sentences using have got \ has got.
a) Danny ______________________ a cat.
b) Harry _______________________ a brother.
c) All the boys __________________ pets.
d) I ___________________ a new mobile phone.

Name_____________________________________________________ Grade______

   Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть      6 класс
Variant 2

1.   Translate words from Russian into English.
a) Испанец - __________________                  e) правильно - ____________________
b) Француз - ________________                      f) солнечные очки - _______________
c) говорящий на двух языках - __________    g) стройный - ____________________
d) скучный - __________________                   h) темные волосы - _______________

2.   Answer the following questions.
a) Where are you from? - __________________________________________________.
b) What language do you speak? - ___________________________________________.

3.   Complete the sentences using adjectives.
a) I think English is _____________________.
b) My house is _________________________.
c) Our teacher is ________________________.

4.   Write questions with be.
a) London \ the capital of Britain? ____________________________________________
b) M. Jackson \ from the USA? ______________________________________________
c) you \ 13?  _____________________________________________________________

5.     Choose the correct words.
a) Amy Winehouse is from the Great Britain. His \ Her first language is English.
b) My fathers’ \ father’s birthday in September.
c) Ireland is in Europe. Its \ It’s flag is green, white and orange.

6.     Complete the sentences using have got \ has got.
a) Harry _______________ an interesting book.
b) Danny _______________ a dog called Rex.
c) I _________________ some sweets in my pocket.
d) Kate and Jo _______________ pets.



Name _____________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________
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