Контрольная работа за 4 четверть по учебнику "Rainbow English "(2 варианта)
Оценка 4.6

Контрольная работа за 4 четверть по учебнику "Rainbow English "(2 варианта)

Оценка 4.6
Контроль знаний
английский язык
Контрольная работа за 4 четверть по учебнику "Rainbow English "(2 варианта)
9 класс 4 четверть тест.docx

1        variant . 1 term.  1. Choose the words from the box  to complete the sentences.

    shaking           rebel         riddles          bottom         expect        various     note      

1.      When Aunt Polly came over, there was nobody in, so she decided to leave ….. a for her sister.

2.      There are …. reasons why Molly didn’t accept Tim’s proposal.

3.      Teens often …. against their parents.

4.      I  …. him  to give reasonable explanations of his absence.

5.      The child was  frightened. She stood …. all over.

6.      What  documents are there on the …. of the  box.

7.      Yesterday was my nephew’s  birthday so I decided to give him a book of ….. .


2.      Choose the words from the box  to complete the sentences.

at           away with         down to       along/on                over      

1.      Cats  don’t usually …. with dogs, but my friend’s pets are an exception.

2.      Sam  is a brave boy. He will get …  his fear.

3.      What was Mary getting … ? I couldn’t understand it.

4.      Sometimes teenagers think they can get …. lying to adults.

5.      We  should get …. making  the project  as soon as possible.

3.The sentences below have mistakes, correct them.

1.      I saw she was dancing.

2.      I would like them  join us.

3.      They were made repeat their lines.

4.      I didn’t notice the girls to give them any papers.

4.Use the where necessary to complete the sentences.

1.      The number of … poor in the country is rising every year.

2.      Mr. White was … deaf to our offers and was sure  that we would change our point of view.

3.      … young often rebel  against a lot of things.

4.      Mrs. Brown is too …. old to fly to the USA alone.

5.      In some European countries … unemployed get a good unemployment benefit.


5.     - ity      - ive         -ous     un-       

1.      We admired Rob’s   ….. (invent)  mind.

2.      There were a lot of ….. (employed) people in the city

3.      We  were not able to do it for …… (vary) reasons.

4.      What’s his …… (national)?

6.Choose the right variant.

1.      When Liz doesn’t want to help about the house, she says she (is/gets) tired.

2.      The (blind/ deaf) cannot see.


2 variant . 1 term.  1. Choose the words from the box  to complete the sentences.

        preserve          annoying      bored    wrapping       inventive      reasonable       couples


1.      Many Asian peoples try to ….  their customs and traditions carefully.

2.      Their marriage has never been a success. I think they have been one of the unhappiest …. from the very beginning.

3.      It was so … to hear that they had been late as usual.

4.      Mr White has made one of the most …. decisions in his life.

5.      This children’s writer has such an … mind.

6.      Jenny was so …. with the film that she fell asleep while watching it.

7.      When I returned, she was … up the children’s gifts. 

2.Choose the words from the box  to complete the sentences.

at          down to             along/on                     over             away with   

1.      The man has robbed the bank but he didn’t manage to get …. the money.

2.      Ann is really unhappy but she will get … it.

3.      It’s difficult to get ….. with moody people.

4.      Mary couldn’t understand what Richard was getting …..

5.      You should get ……. your work right now or you won’t  get enough to finish it in time.

3.      The sentences below have mistakes, correct them.

1.      I want the boys play another piece of music on the piano.

2.      My parents let us to return home later than usual.

3.      She watched that the children were playing badminton.

4.      The children were allowed go to the river alone.

4. Use the where necessary to complete the sentences.

1.      Nowadays people have more opportunities to find work for …. deaf  and …. dump.

2.      Molly looks …. old enough to go to the bar alone but she is only fourteen.

3.      Sandra became … deaf because of the accident.

4.      Loud music sometimes annoys… old.

5.      A special school for … blind has been opened in this area recently.

5.        - ive        -able        -ing   -ly

1.      The article was not only interesting, it was …. (inform) too.

2.      That was a fairly …… (reason) explanation.

3.      It was ….. (challenge) and rewarding job.

4.      His  plan was …… (extreme) dangerous.


5.Choose the right variant.

1.      The (dumb/deaf) cannot speak.

2.      Granny  (is/gets) tired very quickly.



Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences

Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences

Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences

Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences
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