Test Class 6
1. Дополните предложения which или who:
1) Ann often met the famous actor _______lived next to her house.
2) He knows the shop _______sells real English tea. Let’s ask him how to get there.
3) Alexander Milne was the man _______wrote an amazing story about Winnie the Pooh and his friends.
4) A limerick is a poem ______is short and funny.
2. Выбери правильный модальный глагол.
1) (Can/ May)_____you do your homework yourself?
2) (Must/Have to)_____I visit my sick friend every day?
3) They (can’t/ mustn’t) ____go with you. They are busy.
4) (Did /Could)______he have to write the letter yesterday?
5) Can I help you?- No, you (can’t/ need’t)
3. Установите соответствие
Event путь, дорога, способ
Canteen средний
Tropical rain forest начальная
Secondary событие
Primary тропический лес
Way столовая
4. Дополните предложения some /any/ much/many.
1) How ….potatoes do you need for your salad?-Tow or three.
2) Have we got….jam? –Yes, your favourite jam is in the kitchen.
3) Can I have…. coffee?-Yes, here you are.
4) How….does it cost? – 30 pounds .
5) Can you buy….biscuits?- Yes, of course. Anything else?
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