Контроль по теме "Досуг и увлечения (хобби) современного подростка»
1. Listen (https://en7-vpr.sdamgia.ru/test?theme=1) and complete these sentences
А. Max is going to his _________ class.
1) Theatre; 2) Swimming; 3) Reading
B. The new theatre is _________.
1) far from the supermarket; 2) near the park; 3) next to school
C. Lucy gets to the theatre _________.
1) on foot; 2) by bike; 3) by bus
D. Lucy likes _________ in the Theatre club.
1) the timetable; 2) meeting friends; 3) the teacher
E.The Theatre club starts at _________.
1) 4:30 pm; 2) 3:30 pm; 3) 4:00 pm
2. Decide which category each activity or word belongs to
Making cocktails Camping Swimming Papercraft DVDs Painting Baking Clothes making Dancing competition Cycling Coins Creating recipes Playing cards Going to the country Going to the seaside Party games Stamps Puzzles
Collecting things
Doing arts and crafts
Playing board games
Going travelling
Doing sport
3.Choose a paragraph (A–F) which provides the answer to the given questions. There is one extra question
A. Is travelling a hobby which is always interesting and fun? Well, what about its cost? Some people need to save a lot to travel somewhere. You can also get lost in an unknown place or lose your luggage at the airport.
B. Sport is a good way to be healthy and fit. Just don't forget that you must know when to stop. If the exercises you do are too difficult, they may be bad for your body and health.
C. Want to have fun? How about playing board games? Wait a minute! Don't you need a company to do it? If you're alone and have no one to play with, then this hobby is not for you.
D. If your hobby is cooking, then you'll always have tasty meals on your table. Just don't get burnt or cut yourself while cooking. And don't forget to turn off the cooker when you finish.
E. Would you like to collect stamps, or postcards, or maybe plates? How long can it take to collect them? A good collection takes a lot of time.
F. Arts and crafts is a really creative hobby. There are even special shops where you can buy everything you need. Just take more money with you when you go there. Some things can be expensive.
4.Match the hobbies with the words related to them
playing board games |
scissors and glue
collecting things
doing arts and crafts
doing sport |
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