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Контрольно измерительный материал для 9кл

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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 9 класса по УМК

                              «Английский в фокусе» (Spotlight 9) за IV четверть


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Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами А–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1.       Late but true

  1. Dangerous art

3.       Found treasure

  1. Total Control
  2. Famous Russian sports model
  3. Trevelling for a job
  4. A very historical date

8.       Changing political status


A.    On Monday Barack Obama will urge a bruised America to renew itself by re-winning its founding principle of opportunity equality, in the second presidential inauguration ceremony. Addressing a crowd expected to total half the 1.8 million who made a pilgrimage to Washington for his swearing-in four years ago, Mr Obama will try to set a purposeful tone for his final four years in power. “This country’s gone through some very tough times before,” he said in a video message released by the White House in advance of the ceremony. “But we always come out on the other side.” Amid terrible unemployment, he said there was “nothing that can stop America” when its people had a “fair goal” to “get a great education, get a good job, look after their kids and get some basic security”. Mr Obama will speak on Martin Luther King Day, 50 years after the civil rights leader’s rousing address at the end of his March on Washington.

B.     Britain may face a flood of Romanian and Bulgarian economic migrants as in December, work permit restrictions for Romanian and Bulgarian economic migrants end, and the European Union labour market is thrown open to them. British ministers, conscious of how wrong the last government got it over Polish immigration in 2004, are refusing to reveal their projections of how many migrants may come to the UK, although one Conservative MP has estimated it to be as high as 425,000. Unexpected or not, there is a mixed opinion.

C.     In the highly anticipated interview on the Oprah Winfrey Network, disgraced US cyclist Lance Armstrong admitted that he used performance-enhancing drugs to win all seven of his Tour de France titles. In the pre-recorded interview Oprah Winfrey asked the disgraced cyclist: “In your opinion was it humanly possible to win the Tour de France without doping, seven times in a row?” “Not in my opinion,” replied Armstrong. Wearing a blue blazer and open-neck shirt, Armstrong was direct and matter-of-fact. “I view this situation as one big lie that I repeated a lot of times,” said Armstrong. He escaped a few questions and refused to implicate anyone else. “I don’t want to necessarily talk about anybody else, I made my decisions, they are my mistake and I’m sitting here today to acknowledge that and to say I’m sorry for that,” he told Oprah. Either way, a story that seemed too good to be true – cancer survivor returns to win one of sport’s hardest events seven times in a row – was revealed to be just that.

D.    The government of the Falklands has set a date for a referendum on the future sovereignty of the islands. On March 10, 2011 Islanders will go to vote on a simple yes or no question: “Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?” The Government of the Falkland Islands has arranged for outside observers to monitor the referendum in order to prove it is free and fair. Argentina claims British forces stole the territory from them 180 years ago and have ruled it as a colony ever since. Islanders have predicted an overwhelming vote for “yes.” The authorities in the Falklands hope the vote to send a firm message to Argentina that islanders want to remain British.

E.     Doctors were battling to save the eyesight of the director of Moscow’s world famous Bolshoi Theatre following a horrific acid attack in the street outside his home. Sergei Filin was returning home from a reception to mark the 150th birthday of famed director Konstantin Stanslavsky at about 11pm on Thursday night when the attack happened. Speaking from his hospital bed on Friday, Mr Filin said he was just getting out of his car near his home when he was approached by an unknown man who shouted at him and then threw acid in his face. “I got scared and I thought he was going to shoot me,” a bandaged Mr Filin said in an interview with Russia’s REN TV. “I turned to run, but he raced ahead of me.” The 42 year-old former ballet star said his attacker was wearing a mask and scarf to cover his face.

F.      Chinese PR officers have been instructed to step-up their online activities and tap into the social-media revolution to spread “positive energy” across the Internet. Beijing’s propaganda chief gave the order at a meeting on Thursday, according to a report in the Beijing News. Beijing’s “2.06 million” propaganda workers “should make more efforts in opinion guiding on hot topics”. It is said in an apparent reference to 60,000 directly employed propaganda officials and 2 million informal collaborators, likely including students and Party members. By expanding its presence on social media sites, the Communist Party would be able to “handle hot topics effectively, strengthen the online mainstream public opinion and improve the ‘ecology’ of online public opinion.” Referring to Weibo, China’s answer to Twitter, propaganda officials should: ‘Browse on Weibo, set up Weibo accounts, send Weibo messages and study Weibo.’ Beijing appeared to tighten its control over the internet by announcing new regulations that, if necessary, would require users to register their real names before using the service.

G.    An amateur prospector has discovered a massive gold nugget in Australia, worth an estimated AUS $300,000 (£200,000). The man, who wants to remain anonymous, located it with a metal detector in Ballarat, in the state of Victoria. It has not been revealed exactly where the nugget, which weighs 177 ounces, was found but Ron Wheaton at Ballarat Goldfields outdoor museum says it is likely there is more gold in the region. “If you research where the gold has been in the past, yes, there’s gold to be found in Ballarat,” said Mr Wheaton. Cordell Kent, owner of The Mining Exchange Gold Shop in Ballarat, who is selling the nugget on the finder’s behalf, says it was one of the most significant in his 20 years in the business.




















2) Лексико-грамматический тест

Choose the correct answer:

  1. If I see Tim, I……………him to the party.

a)      invite       b) will invite        c) would invite

  1. Plants die if you………..them.

a)      don’t water        b) won’t water        c) didn’t water

  1. ‘Can you help me with my homework?’ ‘If I wasn’t busy, I……..you.’

a)      help       b) will help       c) would help

  1. ‘I’m not feeling well today.’ ‘If I were you, I……….at home.’

a)      would stay       b) am staying       c) will stay

  1. If you………… hard, you will get good grades.

a)      would study     b) will study    c) study

  1. If I had known it was your birthday, I…………you a present.

a)      would have bought   b) would buy    c) will buy

  1. If you ………..more, you would be a lot healthier.

a)      exercise      b) will exercise     c) exercised

  1. ‘Where are my sunglasses?’ ‘If you……in your desk drawer, you’d have found them.’

a)      look     b) looked     c) had looked

  1. If you finish your homework, we …………..out.

a)      will go      b) go       c) would go

  1.  If you miss school because you’re sick, you……get a note from the doctor.

a)      might    b) may      c) have to

  1.  ………..I have another slice of cake, please?

a)      May      b) Should      c) Must

  1.  I know you don’t like Ben, but you ………at least say hello to him.

a)      need     b) could    c) shall

  1.  You…….do the washing up – I’ve already done it.

a)      needn’t       b) can’t      c) mustn’t

  1.  Liam was ………with envy when he saw Jack’s new car - he wanted one too!

a)      red        b) blue       c) green

  1.  Meat, poultry and fish are……….in iron. 

a)      rich       b) full        c) big

16.   He …….….me to meet him outside the cinema.

a)      said        b) told       c) spoke

17.  ‘I’m feeling much better today!’ Linda ……..

a)      says         b) tells       c) speaks

18.  ‘Where’s Sue?’ ‘She said she ………a headache.’

a)      has       b) had        c) have

  1. ‘I’ve just broken a glass,’ Jack…………me.

a)      said       b) told         c) spoke

  1. The teacher told me ……….before she spoke to me.

а) don’t leave       b) not leave        c) not to leave

  1. Dad promised……….at the train station when we arrive.

а) to be       b) he will be       c) be

  1. After the accident the police ………us if we were hurt.

а) told        b) asked        c) said

  1. The band told us they …………at the park on Saturday.

а) will perform          b) would perform       c) are performing

  1. He didn’t tell me ………..about it.

а) nothing        b) anybody        c) anything

  1.  Did ……..call while I was out?

а) anyone        b) one      c) nobody

  1.  Is…………..wrong  with Jane?

а) nothing         b) something         c) everything

  1.  He called the doctor, ………..?

а) did he?         b) didn’t he?        c) doesn’t he?

  1.  Let’s go home now,………….?

а) shall we?           B) will we?       c) do we?

  1.  We……..our way in the dark and had to spend the night in a cave.

а) lost           b) missed          c) got






















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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 9 класса по

Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 9 класса по

A. acknowledge that and to say

A. acknowledge that and to say

Лексико-грамматический тест Choose the correct answer:

Лексико-грамматический тест Choose the correct answer:

The band told us they …………at the park on

The band told us they …………at the park on

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Ответы (лексико-грамматический тест 4 четверть) 1
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