Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта по специальности среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО) 13.02.11(140448) Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования от 25.02.2010г., примерной программы учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)» для профессиональных образовательных организаций. Примерная программа учебной дисциплины рекомендована федеральным государственным автономным учреждением «Федеральный институт развития образования (ФГАУ «ФИРО») для разработки Программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык по специальности 13.02.11 (140448) Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям) (Протокол заседания Президиума Экспертного совета по профессиональному образованию при ФГАУ «ФИРО» от « 29 » июля 2014 г. № 3). Регистрационный номер рецензии № 373 от « 05 » августа 2014 г.
ГБПОУ МО «Луховицкий авиационный техникум», преподаватель первой категории , Ю.Г. Сёмина
кос - тэо 3 и 4 (1) ин.язык Семина изменен.docx
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
Московской области
«Луховицкий авиационный техникум»
Комплект контрольнооценочных средств
учебной дисциплины
ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык»
Специальность 13.02.11 (140448) Техническая эксплуатация и
обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по
1 г. Луховицы
Комплект контрольнооценочных средств разработан на основе
Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта по
специальности среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО)
13.02.11(140448) Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического
и электромеханического оборудования от
25.02.2010г., примерной
программы учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)» для
профессиональных образовательных организаций. Примерная программа
учебной дисциплины рекомендована федеральным государственным
автономным учреждением «Федеральный институт развития образования
(ФГАУ «ФИРО») для разработки Программы учебной дисциплины
Иностранный язык по специальности 13.02.11 (140448) Техническая
эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического
оборудования (по отраслям) (Протокол заседания Президиума Экспертного
совета по профессиональному образованию при ФГАУ «ФИРО» от « 29 »
июля 2014 г. № 3). Регистрационный номер рецензии № 373 от « 05 » августа
2014 г.
ГБПОУ МО «Луховицкий авиационный техникум», преподаватель первой
категории , Ю.Г. Сёмина
цикловой комиссией специальности 13.02.11
Протокол № ______ « ____»___________ 2014 г.
Председатель комиссии __________Т.Ю.Обухова
Зам.директора по учебной работе
«_____» __________2014 г.
на заседании методического совета
Протокол № ______ « ____»___________ 2014 г.
Паспорт комплекта контрольнооценочных средств4
Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке6
3. Оценка освоения учебной дисциплины10
3.1. Формы и методы оценивания13
3.2. Типовые задания для оценки освоения учебной дисциплины20
4. Контрольнооценочные материалы для итоговой аттестации по
учебной дисциплине61
5.Приложения. Задания для оценки освоения дисциплины 90
3 Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
Московской области
«Луховицкий авиационный техникум»
ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык»
основной профессиональной образовательной программы (ОПОП)
по специальности СПО 13.02.11 (140448) Техническая эксплуатация и
обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по
4 г. Луховицы
2014 г.
1. Общие положения
Контрольнооценочные средства (КОС) предназначены для контроля и оценки
образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной
дисциплины « Иностранный язык».
КОС включают контрольные материалы для проведения рубежного контроля
форме контрольных и проверочных работ, текущего контроля и
промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачета.
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины Английский язык, обучающийся
должен обладать предусмотренными ФГОС по специальности «13.02.11
Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и
электромеханического оборудования следующими умениями и знаниями,
которые формируют профессиональную компетенцию,
и общими
У 1. Устно и письменно общаться на английском языке на профессиональные
и повседневные темы.
У 2. Переводить со словарем иностранные тексты профессиональной
У 3. Самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь,
пополнять словарный запас
У 4. Понимать основное содержание аутентичных аудио или видеотекстов
познавательного характера на темы, предлагаемые в рамках курса, выборочно
извлекать из них необходимую информацию. Понимать относительно полно
(общий смысл) высказывания на изучаемом иностранном языке в различных
ситуациях общения
5 У 5. Читать аутентичные тексты разных стилей (публицистические,
художественные, научнопопулярные и технические), используя основные
виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в
зависимости от коммуникативной задачи
З 1. Лексический минимум (12001400 ЛЕ), необходимый для чтения и
перевода со словарем иностранных текстов профессиональной
З 2. Грамматический минимум по каждой теме УД.
З 3. Характерные особенности фонетики английского языка
страноведческую и социокультурную
информацию, расширенную за счет новой тематики и проблематики речевого
З 5. Тексты, построенные на языковом материале повседневного и
профессионального общения, в том числе инструкции и нормативные
документы по специальностям СПО
оценку и коррекцию собственной деятельности,
ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей
профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.
ОК2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, исходя из цели и способов
ее достижения, определенных руководителем
ОК3. Анализировать рабочую ситуацию, осуществлять текущий и итоговый
ответственность за результаты своей работы
ОК4. Осуществлять поиск информации, необходимой для эффективного
выполнения профессиональных задач.
ОК5. Использовать информационнокоммуникационные технологии в
профессиональной деятельности
ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами,
руководством, потребителями.
ОК7.Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных),
результат выполнения заданий
ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного
развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение
ОК 9 Ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в
профессиональной деятельности.
6 Формой промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине является
дифференцированный зачет.
2. Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
В результате аттестации по учебной дисциплине осуществляется комплексная
проверка следующих умений и знаний, а также динамика формирования
общих компетенций:
Результаты обучения:
умения, знания и общие
У 1.Устно и письменно
общаться на английском
языке на
профессиональные и
повседневные темы.
ОК1 – ОК9
Показатели оценки результата
Форма контроля
и оценивания
употребление разговорных формул
(клише) в коммуникативных ситуациях;
составление связного текста с
использованием ключевых слов на бытовые
и профессиональные темы;
представление устного сообщения на
заданную тему (с предварительной
воспроизведение краткого или
подробного пересказа прослушанного или
прочитанного текста;
Устный опрос
Текущий контроль
высказываться по
7 беседа с использованием элементов
описания, повествования и рассуждения по
тематике текущего года обучения и
предыдущих лет обучения
обсуждение прочитанного и
прослушанного текста, выражая свое
мнение и отношение к изложенному
У 2. Переводить со
словарем иностранные
ОК1 – ОК9
нахождение слова в иностраннорусском
словаре, выбирая нужное значение слова;
ориентировка в формальных признаках
лексических и грамматических явлений
осуществление языковой и
контекстуальной догадки
адекватная передача содержания
переводимого текста в соответствии с
нормами русского литературного языка.
У 3. Самостоятельно
устную и письменную
речь, пополнять
словарный запас
ОК1 – ОК9
У 4. Понимать основное
содержание аутентичных
аудио или видеотекстов
характера на темы,
предлагаемые в рамках
курса, выборочно
извлекать из них
Понимать относительно
полно (общий смысл)
высказывания на
изучаемом иностранном
лексикограмматическими навыками,
разговорными формулами и клише,
отражающими специфику общения и
необходимой для обмена информацией по
интересующим их проблемам
развитие умения публично выступать с
подготовленным сообщением
составление и запись краткого плана
текста, озаглавливание его части,
составление вопросов к прочитанному
сделать выписки из текста, составить
записи в виде опор, написание делового
письма, заявление, заполнить анкету ....
восприятие на слух речь преподавателя и
диктора в звукозаписи, построенную в
основном на изученном материале и
включающую до 3% незнакомых слов, о
значении которых можно догадываться и
незнание которых не влияет на понимание
понимание относительно полно (общий
смысл) высказывания на изучаемом
иностранном языке в различных ситуациях
выделение ключевых слов и основной
идеи звучащей речи;
распознавание смысла монологической и
диалогической речи;
перевода текстов
общенаучного и
упражнений на
высказываний по
задания по
Аудирование с
языковой догадки
учебных фильмов,
беседа об
8 языке в различных
ситуациях общения
ОК1 – ОК9
У 5. Читать аутентичные
тексты разных стилей
художественные, научно
технические), используя
основные виды чтения
зависимости от
коммуникативной задачи
ОК1 – ОК9
минимум (12001400 ЛЕ),
необходимый для чтения
и перевода со словарем
З.2: Грамматический
минимум по каждой теме
понимание основного содержания
аутентичных аудио или видеотекстов
познавательного характера на темы,
предлагаемые в рамках курса, выборочно
них необходимую
восприятие на слух материалов по
тематике специальности средней
грамотное чтение новых текстов
общекультурного, общенаучного характера
и тексты по специальности;
определение содержания текста по
знакомым словам,
словам, географическим названиям и т.п.;
выделение главной и второстепенной
перевод (со словарем) бытовые,
литературные и специальные тексты
технического содержания с иностранного
на русский и с русского на иностранный
распознавание значения слов по
(тесты на выбор
овладение лексическими и
фразеологическими явлениями,
характерными для технических текстов
выбор нужного значения слова из серии
представленных в словаре
расширение потенциального словаря за
счёт конверсии, а также систематизации
способов словообразования.
включение в активный словарь учащихся
общенаучной терминологической и
профессиональнонаправленной лексики
расширение объёма рецептивного
словаря учащихся
систематизация, объяснение
грамматических правил и явлений
применять в речи грамматических
конструкций и структур
упражнения на
различение характерных особенностей Тест по фонетике
9 З.3:
особенности фонетики
английского языка
расширенную за счет
новой тематики и
проблематики речевого
З.5:Тексты, построенные
на языковом материале
общения, в том числе
нормативные документы
по специальностям СПО
иностранной языковой речи
(утвердительных и отрицательных) и
вопросительных предложений.
увлечение объема знаний о социально
культурной специфике стран изучаемого
языка при помощи чтения и аудирования
текстов страноведческого характера
совершенствование умений строить свое
речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно
этой специфике
формирование умений выделять общее и
специфическое в культуре родной страны
и страны изучаемого языка
расширение кругозора учащихся, их
информированности и общей эрудиции
подготовка учащихся к участию в
межкультурном общении на иностранном
языке в письменной и устной формах с
учётом интересов и профильных
расширение технического кругозора
учащихся, их научной информированности
и общей эрудиции при помощи чтения
профессиональных текстов
использования иностранного языка в
будущей профессиональной деятельности
Контроль чтения
перевода текстов
Тесты по чтению
Основные показатели оценки
результата и их критерии
Тип задания;
№ задания
воспринимать на слух речь
преподавателя и диктора в
построенную в
основном на изученном материале
и включающую до 3% незнакомых
слов, о значении которых можно
догадываться и незнание которых
не влияет на понимание
понимать относительно полно
задание №5
контроля и
е с
10 Умение аудировать
Умение говорить
(общий смысл) высказывания на
изучаемом иностранном языке в
различных ситуациях общения;
выделять ключевые слова и
основную идею звучащей речи;
монологической и диалогической
понимать основное содержание
характера на темы, предлагаемые в
извлекать из них необходимую
воспринимать на слух материалы
по тематике специальности
средней трудности.
правильно артикулировать и
произносить гласные и согласные
разговорные формулы (клише) в
коммуникативных ситуациях;
составлять связный текст с
использованием ключевых слов на
бытовые и профессиональные
представить устное сообщение на
заданную тему (с предварительной
воспроизвести краткий или
прослушанного или прочитанного
беседовать, используя элементы
повествования и
текущего года обучения и
предыдущих лет обучения
обсуждать прочитанные и
прослушанный тексты, выражая
свое мнение и отношение к
грамотно читать новые тексты
тексты по
определять содержание текста по
увиденном и
задание №1,
ся по данной
общения в
ой форме
11 Умение читать
Умение писать
Знание фонетики
географическим названиям и т.п.;
распознавать значение слов по
второстепенную информацию;
переводить (со словарем)
иностранного на русский и с
русского на иностранный язык;
главную и
правильно писать текст под
письменно излагать содержание
прочитанного текста
письменно переводить текст на
иностранный язык;
языковой речи
воспроизводить все звуки
иностранного языка, интонацию
повелительных, повествовательных
(утвердительных и отрицательных)
и вопросительных предложений.
Систематизировать, объяснить и
дать примеры грамматических
правил и явлений.
Правильно применять в речи
грамматические конструкции и
задание №3,
варианты 17
задание №4
и (тесты на
порядка, на
задание №7
е работы по
задание №8
№9, №10
Знание лексики и
Систематизировать по темам 2000
слов для рецептивного усвоения
Систематизировать и представить
600 слов для продуктивного
задание №11,
на овладение
и единицами
12 Представить рефераты, доклады,
сообщения, презентации, научно
практические работы.
задание №6
знания и умения в
деятельности и
3. Оценка освоения учебной дисциплины:
3.1. Формы и методы оценивания
13 Предметом оценки служат умения и знания, предусмотренные ФГОС по
дисциплине Иностранный язык, направленные на формирование общих и
профессиональных компетенций.
Формы контроля и оценивания учебной дисциплины
ый язык
Форма контроля и оценивания
ный зачёт
Текущий контроль
Формы и методы контроля и
оценки результатов обучения
Формы контроля обучения:
домашние задания проблемного
практические задания по работе с
информацией, документами,
защита индивидуальных и групповых
заданий проектного характера.
устный и письменный контроль
освоения пройденных тем
оценка выполнения заданий для
самостоятельной работы.
практические задания
Методы оценки результатов
накопительная система баллов, на
основе которой выставляется
итоговая отметка.
традиционная система отметок в
баллах за каждую выполненную
работу, на основе которых
выставляется итоговая отметка;
мониторинг роста творческой
самостоятельности и навыков
получения нового знания каждым
14 Показатели и критерии для оценки освоения общих компетенций
Основные показатели оценки
Умение читать
Грамотное чтение, выделение главной
и второстепенной информации.
Умение писать
Грамотное написание текста и
отдельных слов.
Знание грамматики
Правильное применение в речи
грамматических конструкций и
Знание лексики и
Правильное применение лексических
и фразеологических единиц
За правильный ответ
на вопросы или верное
положительная оценка – 1
ответ на вопросы или
неверное решение задачи
отрицательная оценка – 0
подготовленного материала
требуемым критериям
Критерии оценки письменных ответов
Критерии оценки
Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, применение лексики адекватно
коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не
препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи
Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста
незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических и/или лексических
Коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием
грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики.
Коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико
грамматических ошибок или недостаточного объема текста.
15 Критерии оценки устных развёрнутых ответов
Взаимодействие с
оформление речи
реакция на реплики
речевая инициатива
для решения
затруднена, речь
учащийся не
проявляет речевой
Имеется большой
словарный запас,
теме. Речь беглая.
словарный запас, в
беглость речи, но
повторяемость и
затруднения при
подборе слов.
словарный запас,
структуры, в
некоторых случаях
недостаточные для
задания в пределах
лексический запас,
отсутствует какая
Лексика адекватна
ситуации, редкие
ошибки не мешают
Владеет основными
произносительными и
навыками устной речи
и техникой чтения.
ошибки заметно
влияют на
восприятие речи
Учащийся делает
количество грубых
и/или лексических
В достаточной
степени владеет
техникой чтения и
произносительными и
навыками устной
речи. Однако
ошибки в
отдельных звуков и
иноязычной речи.
В недостаточной
степени владеет
техникой чтения и
фонетические и
ошибки, что
затрудняет понимание
Допускает большое
Речь неправильная, с
большим количеством
фонетических и
16 задача не решена
ввиду большого
ошибок или
объема текста.
либо вариативность
в его
трудность при
выборе правильных
глагольных форм и
нужных времен.
ошибки на правила
Шкала оценки образовательных достижений
Процент результативности (правильных
Оценка уровня подготовки
90 ÷ 100
80 ÷ 89
70 ÷ 79
менее 70
балл (отметка)
вербальный аналог
17 Контроль и оценка освоения учебной дисциплины по темам (разделам) Элемент учебной
терминология по
Сложение и
Умножение и
Цифры. Дроби
Закон Ома
Формы и методы контроля
Текущий контроль
Рубежный контроль
Промежуточная аттестация
ОК, У, З
Форма контроля
Форма контроля
ОК, У, З
ОК, У, З
У1, У2, У3,
З1, З2, З3, З4,
ОК2, ОК3,
ОК 4, ОК1,
ОК6 , ОК9,
Практические задания
Устный опрос
Самостоятельная работа
упражнения. Составление
диалогов и монологов,
работа в парах.
Оценка выполнения заданий
для самостоятельной
Опрос НЛЕ стр.5, №1
Упражнения на сложение и
деление и
(Л1)Работа в группе №3
Опрос НЛЕ стр., 6 №1
Упражнения на сложение
и вычитание, деление и
умножение стр 5,6
(Л1)Работа в группе №3
Опрос НЛЕ стр7 №1, Чтение
дробей. Работа в группе.
Опрос НЛЕ стр8, устный
опрос Закона Ома,
самостоятельное решение
задач №2,3 стр8,9. Работа в
парах. Составь свои задачи и
попроси их решить.
У1, У3, У4,
У5, З1, З2,
ОК6, ОК4
У1, У3, У5, У2,
З1, З2, З5, ОК1,
ОК2, ОК4, ОК6
У1, У3, У4,
У5, З1, З2, З3,
З4, ОК4, ОК6 3.2. Типовые задания для оценки освоения учебной дисциплины
3.2.1. Типовые задания для оценки знаний и умений (текущий
Объект оценивания «Умение говорить»
Практическое задание №1
Составить монолог по теме:Электрическая цепь. Параллельное и последовательное
соединение. Измерительные приборы. Резисторы. Электрические элементы. Конденсаторы.
Проводники и изоляторы. Трансформаторы. Типы тока. Индуктивность. Соединение.
Фильтры. Электронная лампа. Использование электронных ламп. Выпрямитель.
Двухтактный усилитель. Усилители. Электромагнитное реле. Предохранители.
Компоненты сети. Электролинии и их эффективность. Линии передачи. Система заземления.
Электродвигатели. Неполадки в двигателе. Источники энергии. Система потребления.
Распределительная подстанция. Гидроэлектростанции. Атомная станция. Защита окружающей
Практическое задание №2
Составить диалог по теме:Электрическая цепь. Параллельное и последовательное
соединение. Измерительные приборы. Резисторы. Электрические элементы. Конденсаторы.
Проводники и изоляторы. Трансформаторы. Типы тока. Индуктивность. Соединение.
Фильтры. Электронная лампа. Использование электронных ламп. Выпрямитель.
Двухтактный усилитель. Усилители. Электромагнитное реле. Предохранители.
Компоненты сети. Электролинии и их эффективность. Линии передачи. Система заземления.
Электродвигатели. Неполадки в двигателе. Источники энергии. Система потребления.
Распределительная подстанция. Гидроэлектростанции. Атомная станция. Защита окружающей
Объект оценивания «Умение читать»
Практическое задание №3
Вариант 1
1. Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
An electric cell supplies electric energy provided its electrodes are of different
materials. In case the electrodes are of the same material they become charged but
there is no difference of potential across the terminals. Iron and zinc plates are commonly used for producing negative electrodes since these materials produce a
high charge. Carbon is commonly used to produce positive electrodes.
The voltage output of cells in use nowadays is from 1 to 2 V. The value of the
output depends only on the materials used for the electrodes. Besides, it depends
on the electrolyte of a cell. It does not depend on the size of a cell and its
construction, while the current capacity of a cell depends on the size of the
electrodes. The larger the size of the electrodes, the more current capacity they can
supply. When the size of the electrodes is increased the current capacity also
increases while the voltage output does not increase. Such is the relation between
the size of the electrodes and the current capacity.
1. What element is described in the text?
2. In what case does a cell supply energy?
3. What materials are commonly used for producing negative electrodes?
4. Explain why iron and zinc are used.
5. What is the voltage output of cells in use nowadays?
Вариант 2
Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
The capacity of a capacitor is measured in farads. A capacitor has a capacity of
one farad when a charge of one coulomb increases the potential between its plates
by one volt.
The capacity depends on four things:
first, the higher the voltage used to charge the capacitor the more energy it will
second, the larger the size of plates and the greater their number the more
energy will be stored;
third, the closer are the positive and negative plates the greater is the charge;
fourth, some insulators store greater charge than others. 1. What does the capacity of a capacitor depend on?
2. Give the title to the text.
Вариант 3
Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
A wattmeter is used to measure the value of power. It is connected to the
circuit directly. A wattmeter consists of coils: two fixed coils and a coil which
moves in the magnetic field produced by the fixed coils. Wire used for the coils
must have a high resistance; the fixed coils are in series with the load, the moving
coil is connected across the line in series with a resistance. When a wattmeter is
used, the readings onits scale show the value of power being used.
1. What is the wattmeter used for?
2. What does it consist of?
3. In what way are the elements connected?
4. What do the readings on the scale show?
Вариант 4
Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
A rheostat is a resistor whose resistance value may be varied. Thus, a rheostat
is a variable resistor.
It is used to change the resistance of circuits, and in this way to vary the value
of current.
A rheostat consists of a coil and a switch. Take into consideration that wire
used for the coil must have a very high resistance. When a rheostat is used its
terminals are connected in series with the load. The switch is used to change the length of the wire through which the measured current passes. The resistance may
be changed to any value from zero to maximum.
The longer the rheostat wire used in the circuit, the greater is the resistance.
1. What type of resistor is a rheostat?
2. What is a rheostat used for?
3. In what way does a rheostat vary the value of current?
4. What elements does a rheostat consist of?
5. In what way are the terminals connected with the load?
6. What is the function of the switch?
Вариант 5
Read the text and find in it the answer to the question that follows it.
Voltage Values
Voltages up to about 250 V are called low. The common electric lighting
circuit operates either at about 127 or 200 V, and the voltage used on the main
circuit of large houses is usually the same. One can get an electric shock, when one
touches an uninsulated wire of such a circuit.
Voltages above 250 V are high voltages. They are used in industry. Medium
powered motors are usually operated at 380 V. Large motors are supplied by
voltages of from about 500 up to 6,000 V.
What have you read about?
Вариант 6
Read the text and find in it the answer to the question that follows it.
HighFrequency Current Alternating current with frequency of 50 c/s is widely used in industry.
Therefore this frequency is called an industrial frequency and' the current, an
industrial frequency current.
During sound transmission, current flowing in telephone wires changes with
the frequency of sound oscillations, which ranges from 50 to 10,000 c/s. The
currents of such frequencies are called audio or lowfrequency currents.
Radio transmission is based on the use of alternating currents with frequencies
of hundreds, thousands, millions and even tens of million cycles per second. These
currents called highfrequency currents are produced by means of an oscillatory
circuit consisting of a coil and a capacitor. Moving along the turns now in one
direction now in another, the electric charges oscillate in an oscillatory circuit.
By what means are highfrequency currents obtained?
Вариант 7
Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
HV Power Transmission
A highcapacity hydrogenerator produces an a.c. current at 22,000 V.
Thecurrent with the potential difference of 220,000 V is produced by means of the
transformers at a stepup station and then transmitted over the power lines.
The current potential difference is lowered to medium 6,600 V at the main
stepdown substation at the end of the line. From here the power is transmitted to
the next substations. Transformers stepping the voltage down from 6,600 V are
installed at those substations.
Due to voltage conversion, alternating current is used widely in industry.
Direct current for battery charging for trams, trolleybuses and electric locomotives
is changed from alternating current by means of rectifiers.
1. Where is the current potential difference lowered? 2. Where is the main stepdown substation installed?
Вариант 8
Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
One of the important things that an engineer should take into consideration is
«how much»? How much current is this circuit carrying? What is the value of
voltage in the circuit? What is the value of resistance? In fact, to measure the
current and the voltage is not difficult at all. One should connect an ammeter or a
voltmeter to the circuit and read off the amperes and the volts.
Common ammeters for d.c. measurements are the ammeters of the magneto
electric system. In an ammeter of this type an armature coil rotates between the
poles of a permanent magnet; but the coil turns only through a small angle. The
greater the current in the coil, the greater the force, and, therefore, the greater the
angle of rotation of the armature. The deflection is measured by means of a pointer
connected to the armature and the scale of the meter reads directly in amperes.
When the currents to be measured are very small, one should use a
galvanometer. Some galvanometers detect and measure currents as small as 1011 of
an ampere per 1 mm of the scale.
A voltmeter is a device to be used for measuring the potential difference
between any two points in a circuit. A voltmeter has armatures that move when an
electric current is sent through their coils. The deflection, like that of an ammeter,
is proportional to the current flowing through the armature coil.
A voltmeter must have a very high resistance since it passes only very small
currents which will not disturb the rest of the circuit. An ammeter, on the other
hand, must have a low resistance, since all the current must pass through it. In
actual use the ammeter is placed in series with the circuit, while the voltmeter is
placed in parallel with that part of the circuit where the voltage is to be measured. In addition to instruments for measuring current and voltage, there are also
devices for measuring electric power and energy.
1. What is the above article about?
2. What is a voltmeter used for?
Вариант 9
Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
Negative Transconductance Oscillator
A negative transconductance oscillator consists of a pentode with the screen
and suppressor grids coupled together. The screen is more positive than the plate.
The cathode supplies electrons to both the screen and the plate. If the screen
voltage rises, this increase is transferred over to the suppressor. It becomes more
positive than before. A large quantity of electrons passes to the plate and a small
quantity of electrons passes to the screen. Thus, the screen current is reduced. A
negative resistance characteristic is produced in the screen circuit at the terminals.
A tuned circuit is connected to the terminals and in this way oscillations are
1. In what way is the screen current reduced?
2. What does negative transconductance oscillator consist of?
Read the text and find in it the answer to the question that follows it.
What are the names of the Oscillators?
Many types of oscillator circuits are used nowadays. Their tube types, tank
circuits, and feedbacks are different.
Examine the diagrams given below. To answer this question read the following
texts. 1. The Electroncoupled Oscillator uses a multigrid vacuum tube with a
cathode and two grids operating in common. In this device the plate circuit load is
coupled to the oscillator through the electron stream. The diagram shows a tetrode
variant using a seriesfed oscillator.
2. The Dynatron Oscillator uses the negative resistance characteristic of a
tetrode tube to eliminate the resistance of its tank circuit in order to keep
3. The Blocking Oscillator uses a plate transformer to provide the feedback
4. A Multivibrator is a form of oscillator using two RCcontrolled triodes.
5. The Tuned Plate Tuned Grid oscillator has parallel or resonant circuits
in both plate and grid circuits. The necessary feedback is supplied by the plateto
grid interelectrode capacitance.
Объект оценивания «Умение писать»
Практическое задание №4
Put down the title corresponding thematically to each of the given
1) Titles:
Twophase System; Singlephase System, Threephase System;
Polyphase System.
1. An a.c. distributing system employing a single
phase at a.c. supplied by the generator;
2. An a.c. distributing system utilizing a number of
alternating currents differing in phase;
3. An a.c. system employing three alternating currents ___________________
of equal strength, differing in phase by onethird of
a cycle;
4. An a.c. system employing two alternating currents
of equal strength, differing in phase by a quarter
cycle, or such that one current has maximum
strength when the other is passing through zero.
2) Titles:
Electric Current; Direct Current; Alternating Current; Continuous
1. A current which always flows in one and the same
2. A flow of passage of electricity along an electric
circuit, usually measured in amperes;
3. A current which periodically alternates or reverses
in direction;
4. A current uniform both in strength and in direction.
A steady direct current.
3) Titles:
Circuit Breaker; Controller; Control Power Switch; Line Switch.
1. A disconnecting or isolating switch in an a.c. or d.c.
2. A switch used for connecting or disconnecting the
source or control power to and from the control bus
or equipment; ___________________
3. A device for controlling an electric machine or a
circuit (a controlling device);
4. A device for opening or closing a circuit, either by
hand or automatically, in the case of an overload.
4) Titles:
Voltage Balance Relay; Emergency Direct Current Relay; Current
Balance Relay; Impedance Relay.
1. A relay which functions when the circuit impedance
increases or decreases to predetermined value;
2. A relay which operates on a difference in current
output or output of two circuits;
3. A device used to interrupt a directcurrent power
circuit under emergency conditions;
4. A relay which operates on a difference of voltage
between two circuits.
5) Titles:
Electric Motor; Synchronous Motor; Asynchronous Motor;
Induction Motor.
1. An a.c. motor in which the rotation takes place in
synchronism with the rotating element of the
generator supplying the operating current;
2. A machine for transforming electric power into
utilizable mechanical power; ___________________
3. An a.c. motor in which the rotation is not
synchronous with the rotating element of the
generator supplying the driving current;
4. An asynchronous a.c. motor in which the current
flowing in the winding of the secondary winding is
induced electromagnetically by the current flowing
in the primary one.
6) Titles:
Control Power T; Airblast T; Oilcooled T.
1. A T which is cooled, when operating, by a flow of
oil through its framework;
2. A T which is cooled, when operating, by a blast of
air delivered through its framework;
3. A T which serves as the source for a.c. control
power for operating a.c. devices.
7) Titles:
Feeder; Commutator; Converter.
1. A machine which operates by means of a rotating
commutator to convert a.c. into d.c. for distribution;
2. In an electric distributing system, a supply
conductor carrying current from a powerhouse to
main conductors, and not itself connected to motors, lamps, or translating devices;
3. A device for changing the direction of a current.
8) Titles:
Series Generator; Shunt Generator; Turboalternator; Compound
1. A machine which generates an electric current
(usually a dynamo electric generator, both a shunt
winding and a series winding are on its field
2. A machine consisting of an a.c. generator mounted
upon the shaft of a steam turbine;
3. A generator whose fieldmagnet winding is
connected in series with or in succession to its
4. A generator whose fieldmagnet winding is
connected in shunt to, or in parallel with its
9) Titles:
Conduction; Conductor; Conductivity; Sound; Circuit; Copper;
Silver; Engine.
1. A device for converting one form of energy into
another especially for converting other forms of
energy into mechanical (i.e. kinetic) energy.
2. The transmission of heat from places of higher to
places of lower temperature in a substance. ___________________
3. The reciprocal of the resistivity or specific
resistance of a conductor.
4. A body capable of carrying an electric current.
5. A red metal. It is unaffected by water or steam.
6. The complete part with an electric current across it.
7. White, rather soft metal. The bestknown conductor
of electricity.
8. A physiological sensation received by the ear. It is
caused by a vibrating source and transmitted as a
wave motion through air.
10) Titles:
Electric Field; Direct Current; Alternating Current; Electromagnetic
Radiation; Continuous Wave; Electromagnetic Spectrum.
1. Radiation consisting of waves of energy associated
with electric and magnetic fields. This radiation is
emitted by matter in units called photons.
2. The range of frequencies over which electro
magnetic radiations are propagated. The lowest
frequencies are radio waves, increases of frequency
produce infrared radiation, light, ultraviolet
radiation, Xrays, gammarays and finally the
radiation associated with cosmic rays.
3. Radio or radar transmissions which are generated continuously and not in short pulses.
4. An electric current flowing always in the same
5. A flow of electricity which, after reaching a
maximum in one direction, decreases, finally
reaching a maximum in the opposite direction, the
cycle being repeated continuously. The number of
such cycles per second is the frequency.
6. The region near an electric charge, in which a force
is acting on a charged particle.
11) Titles:
Energy; Electrical Energy; Chemical Energy; Radiant Energy;
Kinetic Energy; Potential Energy.
1. The capacity for doing work.
2. That part of the energy stored within an atom or
molecule which can be released by a chemical
3. The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its
position. It is measured by the amount of work the
body performs in passing from that position to a
standard position in which the energy is considered
to be zero.
4. The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its
motion. ___________________
5. The energy that is transmitted in the form of
6. The energy associated with electric charges and
their movements. It is measured in watt seconds
(joules) or kilowatthours.
12) Titles:
Accumulator; Cell; Primary Cell; Solar Cell.
1. Device for producing an electric current by
chemical reaction.
2. A storage battery. A device for «storing» electricity.
An electric current is passed between two plates in
a liquid; this causes chemical changes in the plates
and the liquid. When the changes are complete, the
device is charged.
3. Semiconductor devices which are made from thin
slices of silicon. Almost all Russian and American
satellites have used such cells to supply onboard
electrical power. Although the efficiency of these
cells is no more than 10%, they provide a reliable
electric power source that lasts for years on a
4. A device for producing an electromotive force and
delivering an electric current as the result of a
chemical reaction. 13) Titles:
Nuclear Fuel; Nuclear Power; Nuclear Reaction.
1. A substance which undergoes nuclear fission or
nuclear fusion in a nuclear reactor, a nuclear
weapon, or a star.
2. Any reaction which involves a change in the
nucleus of an atom, as distinct from a chemical
reaction which only involves the orbital electrons.
Such reactions occur naturally on the Earth, in
radioactive elements, and in the stars, as
thermonuclear reactions. They are also produced in
nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons.
3. Electric or motive power produced from a unit in
which the primary energy source is a nuclear
14) Titles:
PressuredWater Reactor (PWR); BoilingWater Reactor (BWR).
1. This is a pressurevessel reactor fuelled with
enriched uranium. The reactor is a thermal one,
moderated and cooled with ordinary (light) water.
The heat in the reactor is extracted by the boiling
water as it passes through the core, and the steam is
passed directly to the turbine of the energy
conversion cycle.
2. The primary reactor vessel of this reactor is
operated at considerable overpressure, which
suppresses boiling of the cooling water. 15) Titles:
Nuclear Fusion; Nuclear Fission; Nuclear Charge; Nuclear Energy.
1. Energy released during a nuclear reaction as the
result of the conversion of mass into energy.
Energy of this kind is released in nuclear reactors
and nuclear weapons.
2. A reaction between light atomic nuclei as a result of
which a heavier nucleus is formed and a large
quantity of nuclear energy is released. The
temperatures necessary for fusion reactions are
extremely high. Reactions of this kind are believed
to be the source of the energy of the stars (including
the Sun).
3. A nuclear reaction in which a heavy atomic nucleus
(e.g. uranium) splits into two approximately equal
parts, at the same time emitting neutrons and
releasing very large amounts of nuclear energy.
4. The positive electric charge on the nucleus of an
atom. Numerically it is equal to the atomic number
of the element, to the number of protons in the
nucleus, and to the number of electrons surrounding
the nucleus in the neutral atom.
16) Titles:
Analog Computer; Computer; Digital Computer; Central Processing
1. The central electronic unit in a computer which processes input information, and information from
the store, and produces the output information. This
unit and the store form die central part of the
2. A computer in which numerical magnitudes are
represented by physical quantities such as electric
current, voltage, or resistance.
3. An electronic device which accents data, applies a
series of logical processes to it, and supplies the
results of these processes as information. The
device is used to perform mathematical calculations
at a very high speed. This makes them useful for
various purposes, such as office calculations,
control of industrial processes, and the control of
flight paths.
4. A computer which operates on data in the form of
digits rather than the physical quantities.
Объект оценивания «Аудирование»
Практическое задание 5
Вариант 1
Listen to the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.
Disconnecting Switches Application. Indoor disconnecting switches are devices that are intended to
make and break electric circuits rated at 6 to 10 kV, a.c. with no load currents. The
singlepole disconnecting switches are controlled manually, by means of an
insulated rod. The triplepole disconnecting switches are controlled by means of
manual levertype operating mechanisms.
Mounting Instructions. 1. Clean the switch from dust and dirt. 2. Inspect it on
the outside. 3. When insulating the switch, see that the bolts and switch terminals
are reliably protected.
1. What are indoor disconnecting switches intended for?
2. What means are the singlepole switches controlled by?
3. What means are the triplepole switches controlled by?
4. What recommendations do the mounting instructions include?
Вариант 2
Listen to the texts and find in them the answers to the questions that follow.
a) Windscale Accident
Throughout the years, accidents causing a release of radioactive material to the
environment have occurred. Since World War II all over the world large scale
nuclear facilities have been built and operated both for civil and defense purposes.
Some of the sites on which these facilities were located are heavily contaminated
with radioactive substances.
One of the first nuclear reactor accidents of environmental concern was the
Windscale accident in October 1957. During the accident the military aircooled
graphitemoderated naturaluranium reactor used for plutonium production caught
fire during the liberation of energy in the graphite. Emission from the Windscale
lasted for 18 hours. Radioactive material was detectable in many parts of Western
Europe but the majority of it was deposited in the United Kingdom. 1. How long did the emission from the Windscale reactor last?
2. What did the emission result in?
b) Chernobyl Accident
The accident, which was of global concern was the accident in Ukraine in the
Chernobyl power plant located in Polesye on the River Pripyat.
On 26 April, 1986, Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear plant suffered a major
accident. The Chernobyl 4 reactor was a graphitemoderated, lightwatercooled
system. The installed electrical generating capacity was 1 GW. The accident
followed some engineering tests of a generator.
During the tests, basic operating safety rules were being violated. Most control
rods were withdrawn from the core and the safety systems were switched off. Two
explosions and a fire that followed them damaged the reactor and the containment
building. The graphite started to bum. Explosive energy was released, which
resulted in the 1000 ton cover plate of the reactor being lifted up.
A prolonged release of large quantities of radioactive products transported by
the cloud from Chernobyl was detected not only in northern and southern Europe
but also in Canada, Japan, and the US.
The major part of the release took place over the period of' about ten days.
There were two peaks in release rate (26th April and 5th May). Later on, the
release continued for many weeks at a lower rate before the destroyed reactor was
finally sealed, which took place some five months later.
Initially the cloud of radioactive material was carried over the Baltic Sea into
Scandinavia. After a few days the wind direction rotated clockwise and the cloud
travelled eastwards across the USSR and southwards to Turkey.
The total mass of the radioactive particles released in the accident was about
60008000 Kg. More than half of it was deposited near the plant but the rest
travelled thousands of kilometres (see Fig. 26). There is no doubt that the nuclear plant accidents offer a number of lessons to
be learnt.
At present, over 200 nuclear power reactors for commercial electricity
production operate in Europe.
The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant has shown that largescale
accidents in nuclear power plants can lead to contamination of the entire continent.
1. What was the cause of the Chernobyl accident?
2. What was the path of the radioactive material released in the accident?
3. What can accidents at the nuclear plants lead to?
Практическоезадание №6
1. Solve the following problems using the formulas of Ohm's Law.
Model: Current equals 5 amp; resistance equals 10 ohms. How much is the
Voltage equals current times resistance. 5 x 10 = 50 V
1) R = 80 ohms
V = 55 V
I = ?
2) R= 10.25 ohms
I = 35 amp
V = ?
3) V = 50.05 V
I = 120 amp
R = ?
4) 1= 10,500 amp
V = 2,000 V
R = ?
5) V = 20.05 V
6) I = 0.24 amp
R = 0.015 ohm
I = ?
R= 1.36 ohms
V = ?
2. Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
R1 R2 a) R1 b)
R2 c) d)R1 R2
Compare circuits a and b. Circuit a consists of a voltage source and
two resistors. The resistors are connected in series. Circuit a is a series
circuit.Circuit b consists of a voltage source and two resistors. The
resistors are connected in parallel. Circuit b is a parallel circuit.
A parallel circuit has the main line and parallel branches.
In circuit b the value of voltage in R, equals the value of voltage in R2. The
value of voltage is the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit while
the value of current is different. A parallel circuit is used in order to have
the same value of voltage.
In circuit a the value of current in R, equals the value of current in R2.
The value of current is the same in all the elements of a series circuit while
the value of voltage is different. A series circuit is used in order to have the
same value of current. In R1 V1=IR1is the voltage drop in R1. In R2the
voltage equals I*R2; IR2is the voltage drop in R2. In circuit с a trouble in
one element results in no current in the whole circuit. In circuit d a trouble
in one branch results in no current in that branch only, a trouble in the
main line results in no current in the whole circuit.
3. Arrange the paragraphs of the text below in the
logical order.
Testing Motors and Generators
It is of great importance, therefore, to make regular tests of insulation
resistance of all machinery so as to detect possible faults. Different conditions may
influence the value of the insulation resistance.
It is advisable, therefore, to make the test of the machine as soon after it has
been shut down as possible, when the insulation resistance is likely to be lowest. If,
after the motor has just been shut down, the insulation resistance is found to be
satisfactory, it may be assumed that it will be better at any other time provided that
the machine does not stand idle for long in a humid atmosphere. Faults on electrical machinery must be due to one of two causes. One is the
absence of continuity in the conductor which is supposed to be carrying the
current. The other is the absence, or partial absence, of insulation. The latter is by
far the more common and the more dangerous of the two. A burnt out armature, for
example, is usually due to insulation failure.
A drop in insulation resistance may often be accounted for, for example, by
damp weather.
As regards the effect of temperature it should be noted that the insulation
resistance of motors and generators is generally lower when they are hot than when
they are cold as the insulating varnishes used in the building of the machines have
a lower resistance when hot than when cold.
4. . Study Fig. and complete the sentences stating what
metals are used for producing the devices a-e.
5.What Metals Are Used in Making Electrical
6. 1. Alnico is an alloy of iron, aluminium, nickel, and cobalt
used in making … .
7. 2. Phosphor bronze springs are used to produce … .
8. 3. Tungsten is used in … .
9. 4. Nickel and cadmium are used in … rechargeable.
5. Nichrome is high-resistance alloy of nickel and
chromium used for … . Объект оценивания «Знание фонетики»
Практическое задание №7
оценка «5» ставится при выполнении задания более чем на 80%, оценка «4» более чем на
60%, оценка «3» более чем на 40%, оценка «2» менее чем на 40%.
Уровень различия
Прослушайте следующие слова. На листе ответа рядом с номером слова поставьте знак
«+», если вы услышите долгий звук, и знак «», если вы услышите краткий звук.
Образец: 1) it 1) 2) Pete 2) + 3) meet 3)+
Тест 1
Предъявление слова в исполнении преподавателя, либо в записи.
1) In, 2)live, 3) tree, 4)little, 5)read, 6)please, 7) this, 8)sit, 9) thin, 10) milk, 11) arm, 12) park,
13) come, 14) father, 15) bus, do, 16) book , 17) soup, 18) two, 19) fall, 20) form , 21) not, 22)
door, 23) box, 24) fork
Тест 2
1) speak, 2) field, 3) spring, 4)eat, 5)sheep, 6) season, 7)which, 8) six, 9)ship, 10)these, 11)clean
12) cup, 13) mother, 14) shut, 15) large 16) wool, 17) look, 18) good, 19) shoe, 20) boot 21)
clock, 22) hot, 23) wall, 24) short, 25) fork
Уровень различия
Задание: прослушайте следующие пары слов. На листе ответа рядом с номером слова
поставьте знак «+», если в паре содержатся слова с одинаковым звуком [æ] или[ e] , и знак
«», если в паре составляют с разными звуками.
Образец: 1)bed – bad 1) 2) flag – flat 2) +
Тест 3 Пары слов:
1) head hat, 2) back black ,3) lamp left, 4) flat friend, 5) shelf twelve, 6) man men, 7)
bread red, 8) desk dress, 9) stand sell, 10) lad – led.
Уровень узнавания
Задание: на листе ответа перед вами семь рядов слов. В каждом ряду выберите то слово,
которое произносит диктор, и напишите букву, обозначающую это слово, на листе ответа
около номера соответствующего ряда.
A b c 1) what 2) water 3)wall
они слышат: water. Они отмечают на листе ответа: 1)b
Тест 4
Abc 1) sheep she ship 2) task path ask 3) took true two
4)watch what wall 5)doll draw door 6)still eat ill
онислышат: 1) ship, 2) path, 3) two, 4) watch, 5) draw, 6) ill, 7) stood
Уровень различия
Задание: прослушайте следующие пары слов. На листе ответа рядом с номером слова
поставьте знак «+», если в паре содержатся слова с одинаковым звуком [æ] или[ e] , и знак
«», если в паре составляют с разными звуками.
Образец: 1)bed – bad 1) 2) flag – flat 2) +
1) head hat, 2) back black ,3) lamp left, 4) flat friend, 5) shelf twelve, 6) man men, 7)
bread red, 8) desk dress, 9) stand sell, 10) lad – led.
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматики»
Практическое задание №8
Вариант 1
1. Поставьте существительное во множественное число: Flowermanlanguagecountryaddress
2. Напишите 3 формыглагола: Buildlose give drive forget
3. Поставьте прилагательное в сравнительную и превосходную степень:
4. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:
1) … she in the park yesterday? (were, is was)
2) Mike and Nick … at 3 o’clock tomorrow. (are, were, will be)
3) Did you … English last week? (has, have, had)
4) They … 5 lessons tomorrow. (had, have, will have)
5) The teacher … us at the next lesson. (asked, asks, will ask)
6) Usually our lesson … at 8.30. (will begin, begins, begin)
7) He … this book when he was a child. (has, have, had)
5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя пассивный залог:
1) Нас спрашивают на каждом уроке.
2) Наш город был основан в 1838 году.
3) Завтра он будет приглашен на вечеринку.
4) Меня попросили помочь ему.
5) Деревья красят каждую весну.
Вариант 2
1. Поставьте существительное во множественное число:
2. Напишите 3 формыглагола:
3. Поставьте прилагательное в сравнительную и превосходную степень:
4. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:
1) We … not in the fourth last summer. (was, were, will be)
2) Where … they now? (are, am, were)
3) … he got a car? (will have, has, have)
4) We … a new flat next year. (have, will have, had)
5) They … to the radio yesterday morning. (listening, listened, listen)
6) I … tennis tomorrow. (will play, played, play)
7) She always … to the shop on Sunday. (go, goes, went)
5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя пассивный залог:
1) Фильм показывают каждый день.
2) Этот дом был разрушен в 1944 году.
3) Завтра меня спросят на уроке истории.
4) Его выслушали очень внимательно.
Практическое задание №9
Вариант 1 Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.
1.Mike is looking for … job. a) a b) the c) an d) –
2. I want those books. Please give … to me.a) theyb) themc) thosed) these
3. It was 10 o’clock. I … leave.a) mustb) hadc) have tod) had to
4. If I don’t know a word I … in my dictionary.a) lookb) look forc) look upd) look at
5. How much money do you spend … food each month?a) onb) atc) ford) to
6. You should … alone at night.a) not driveb) not to drivec) don’t drived) not driven
7. She is a kind of person … likes to go to parties.a) whichb) whoc) whomd) where
8. Tom … study hard but now he doesn’t study very hard.
a) useb) didn’t use toc) usedd) used to
9. Have you ever been to England? Yes, I … there last year.
a) was beingb) had beenc) have beend) was
10. He was supposed … after the matter.a) to lookb) lookc) lookedd) looking
11. Before you …, don’t forget to turn off the TV set.
a) will leaveb) leftбc) leaved) have left
12. I heard a knock on the door but when I opened it there was … outside.
a) somebodyb) nobodyc) anyoned) anything
13. Why is Mike late? He has … missed the nine o’clock train or something really serious has
happened to him.a) eitherb) neitherc) bothd) so
14. Will you give me two … stamps?a) elseb) stillc) mored) another
15. Can you tell us … amusing story?a) anotherb) otherc) else d) more
Вариант 2
Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.
1. Could you close … window, please.a) ab) thec) and) –
2. We are going for a walk. You can go with … .a) web) usc) ourиd) ours
3. It was a through train so we … change trains.
a) mustn’tb) hadn’tc) didn’t have tod) had not to
4. If I want to buy a jacket I always … .a) try it onb) try on itc) try itd) it try on
5. We have been warned … the danger of smoking here.a) aboutb) againstc) atd) from
6. You’d better … out alone at night.a) not to gob) don’t goc) not god) didn’t go
7. A vegetarian is someone … doesn’t eat meat.a) whomb) whoc) whichd) whose
8. When Tom was a child he … icecream, but he doesn’t like it now.
a) use to eatb) used eatc) use eatd) used to eat
9. It was raining when Kate … the bus.
a) waitsb) was expectingc) expectedd) was waiting for
10. They were supposed … with us till Monday.a) stayedb) stayc) to stayd) had stayed
11. I will give you my address when I … somewhere to live.
a) findb) will findc) foundd) have found
12. We don’t know … about car engines.
a) nothingb) somethingc) anythingd) everything
13. I … like the film nor the novel it’s based on.a) bothb) neitherc) sod) either
14. Is the baby … crying?a) stillb) yetc) elsed) more
15. You needn’t say anything … .a) yetb) otherc) else d) still
Практическоезадание №10
Вариант 1 Выберите правильный вариант ответа
1.Iwanttobecomeateacher ___________.
A. when I will leave school B. when I leave school
C .when I am leaving school D. when I had left school
2. The Sahara is ___________ desert in the world.
A. the hottest B. hottest C. the most hotD. the hotter
3. John is not interested ___________ politics.
A. about B. in C. for D. over
4. I am sure we ___________ before.
A. have never met B. haven't never met
C. didn't met D. had met
5. I don't know ___________.
A. where this museum B. where is this museum
C. where this museum is D. this museum is this
6. They were in Spain last summer, ___________?
A. were they B. isn't it C. didn't theyD. weren't they
7. When I came home late in the evening, ___________?
A. had already had dinner B. have already had dinner
C. have been having dinner D. had dinner
8. New Year Day is ___________ popular in Britain then Christmas.
A. more less B. more little C. less D. little
9. __________ Michelangelo began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
A. At the age of 33 B. At 33 years
C. At the age of 33 yearsD. At the age of 33 years
10. The cost of living in our country has ___________ again.
A. rose B. raised C. picked up D. risen
11. I want ___________ at the airport.
A. you meeting me B. that you meet me C. you to meet meD. you meet me
12. What ___________ we are having!
A. the rainy weather B. a rainy weather C. rainy weathers D. rainy weather
13. Who ___________ to go to the cinema with us?
A. want B. does want C. wants D. is wanting
14. The teacher asked me ___________ for the lesson.
A. was I ready B. if I was ready C. if was I ready D. that I was ready
15. I think that John Lennon is ___________ musicians in the world.
A. greatest one of B. the greatest C. one of greatest D. one of the greatest Вариант 2
1. I ___________ Michaelforages.
A. didn't see B. don't see C. haven't seen D. saw not
2. I ___________ get up very early now.
A. must to B. have to C. should toD. ought
3. How much ___________ to fly to New York?
A. costs it B. it costs C. does cost D. does it cost
4. My brother Nick is very good ___________ maths.
A. for B. at C. aboutD. in
5. When did you discover that your car ___________?
A. was disappeared B. had been disappeared C. had disappeared D. disappearing
6. If he ___________ hard, he'll fail his final exams.
A. doesn't work B. won't work C. hadn't workD. wouldn't work
7. Have you heard the ___________ news?
A. last B. previous C. latest D. latter
8. Which of you ___________ to go on an excursion?
A. wants B. want C. does wantD. do want
9. I'd like to know ___________.
A. where is my diary B. where it is my diary C. where my diary is D. my diary is where
10. I'm very busy at the moment. I ___________ for my English exam.
A. am preparing B. prepare C. have been preparing D. am going prepare
11. Ann said that she ___________ a new dress.
A. had bought B. bought C. will buy D. buy
12. Christmas is ___________ popular and colorful holiday in Great Britain.
A. most B. the most C. most of allD. very
13. This time tomorrow ___________ in the Black See.
A. I swim B. I'll swim C. I'll swimmingD. I'll be swimming
14. I have known Dr Simon ___________ 1982.
A. since B. for C. about D. from
15. This book ___________ into 14 languages .
A. translated B. has translated C. being translated D. has been translated Контрольнотренировочные упражнения по грамматике
для проведения текущего контроля
1. Переведите на русский язык следующие сочетания слов
и определите используемые средства словообразования.
Unpaid job, an unknown writer, freshlymaid tea, a poorlydressed old man, a shortened
dress, an inattentive listener, a hardlyrecognizable man, an unforgettable performance,
changeable weather, a sleepless night.
2. Поставьтеправильноеместоимение.
She speaks to (we, us, ourselves ) every morning.
( She, her, hers ) and John gave money to the boy.
Mary and ( I, my, me ) will go to the movie.
Mr. Johns cut ( he, himself, his ) shaving.
( Your, yours ) book is English and ( my, mine ) is not.
3. Поставь правильное наречие или прилагательное.
Rita plays the piano ( well, good ). The girl speaks ( fluently, fluent ).
The sun shines ( brightly, bright ). The music sounded ( noisy, noisily ).
I don’t like to drink ( bitter, bitterly ) tea.
4. Употребиправильнуюстепеньприлагательного.
His job is (important, more important, the most important) than his friend’s.
He plays the piano (well, better, the best) of all.
Last week was ( hot, hotter, the hottest) than this week.
Physics is (difficult) subject at college.
Our institute is (old ) than the college.
The book is as (interesting) as the film.
5. Поставь правильную временную форму глагола.
I (practice) the piano every day.
They (drive) to Moscow Tomorrow.
Mary (swim) now.
She (meet) her friend yesterday near college.
John (go) to France last year.
Bob already (see) this film.
When his mother entered the room children (watch) TV.)
Tomorrow at this time we (do) lessons.
6. Поставьпредложенияв Passive
Students speak English at the lessons.
My parents read interesting book.
We bought a nice dress in the shop yesterday.
The teacher asked me at the lesson last week.
I will clean the room on Saturday.
Mary will finish the story tomorrow.
7. Составь предложения, используя придаточные ( if/when сlause )
1. if you go to the country… a) enjoy the beauty of the countryside
2. when you stay in the country… b) visit museums and galleries 3. if you live in the city… c) take long walks in the forest
8. Составь свои собственные предложения
IfIvisitLondon, …..
If I have a long holiday …..
If I have a lot of money …..
Объект оценивания «Знание лексики и фразеологии»
Практическоезадание №10
Вариант 1
Ohm’sLaw. Electric circuit.
I. Decimal fractions.
11.Translate into Russian
decimal fractions
O [ ou ]
Decimal fractions.
0.002 zero point two zeros two
1.1 one point one
5.36 five point three six
65.57 sixtyfive point five seven
zero point seven
0.7 o point seven
point seven
12.Read these decimal fractions:
0.23 0.009 10.01 205.35 79.31 0.0003
II. Ohm’s Law 1. Translate into Russian
to suppose
to equal
to divide
divided by
Resistance equals voltage divided by current.
Current equals voltage divided by resistance.
V = IR
Voltage equals current times resistance.
Вариант 2
Electric Circuit
1. Translate into Russian
to reduce
to supply
to connect
to compare (with) to pass through
to result in
to result from
to consist of
2. Translate the word – combinations:
Voltage source,to supply current,to reduce current, to connect the elements,to
result from an open, to result in no current, trouble in a circuit.
3. Translate the sentence. Mind the word ,,while’’
Current passes through circuit (a) while no current passes through circuit (b).
4. Translate into Russian
1. An open and a short are troubles in a circuit.
2. A trouble in a circuit results in no current in it.
3. What does an open in a circuit result in?
4. What does a short in a circuit result in?
5. What does a trouble in a circuit result from?
5. Read and translate the text
This is a circuit. Its elements are a voltagesource, a resistor and a conductor. The
circuitconsists of a voltage source, a resistor and aconductor. A voltage source
supplies current. Aresistor reduces current. A conductor connectsthe elements of
the circuit.
Compare circuit a with circuit b.What is thedifference between them? Current
passesthrough circuit a while no current passesthrough circuit b. Circuit b has an
open. No currentthrough circuit b results from an open. Anopen and a short are
troubles in a circuit. Atrouble in a circuit may result in no current in it.
Вариант 3
Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
1. Translate into Russian
line value
voltage drop
in order (to)
(the) same
(the) whole
to use
2. Translate the word – combinations:
main line, parallel branches, the same value of voltage, different values of
current, the whole circuit.
3. Translate the sentences. Mind the word ,,while’’.
1.Circuit (a) is a series circuit while circuit (b) is a parallel circuit.
2.The value of voltage is the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit
while the value of current is different .
3.The value of current is the same in all the elements of a series circuit
while the value of current is different .
4. Fill in the verbs : "to connect", "consist of", "to equal", "to compare":
1. Resistance ... voltage divided by current. 2. See Fig 1; ... circuit (a) with
circuit (b); are they different? 3.Circuit (a) ... a voltage source and two
resistors. 4. The elements in circuit (b) are ... in parallel. 5.How many
elements does circuit (b) ... ?
5. Read and translate the text
Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
R1 R2 a) R1 b)
c) d)R1 R2
R2 Compare circuits a and b. Circuit a consists of a voltage source and
two resistors. The resistors are connected in series. Circuit a is a series
circuit.Circuit b consists of a voltage source and two resistors. The
resistors are connected in parallel. Circuit b is a parallel circuit.
A parallel circuit has the main line and parallel branches.
In circuit b the value of voltage in R, equals the value of voltage in R2. The
value of voltage is the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit while
the value of current is different. A parallel circuit is used in order to have
the same value of voltage.
In circuit a the value of current in R, equals the value of current in R2.
The value of current is the same in all the elements of a series circuit while
the value of voltage is different. A series circuit is used in order to have the
same value of current. In R1 V1=IR1is the voltage drop in R1. In R2the
voltage equals I*R2; IR2is the voltage drop in R2. In circuit с a trouble in
one element results in no current in the whole circuit. In circuit d a trouble
in one branch results in no current in that branch only, a trouble in the
main line results in no current in the whole circuit.
6 .Complete these sentences using the correct variant:
1. A parallel circuit has
a) parallel branches only.
b) the main line and parallel branches.
2. A parallel circuit is used in
a) to have the same value of current in order all the elements.
b) to have the same value of voltage in all the elements.
3. In a parallel circuit a trouble
a) results in no current in that branch in one branch only.
b) results in no trouble in the whole circuit.
4. No current in a parallel cir
a) results from a trouble in one branch.
b) results from a trouble in\he main
5. The sum of IR voltage drops
a) equals the value of voltage in the circuit.
b) is less than the smallest voltage drop.
c) is more than the value of voltage in the circuit.
7. Complete the sentences using while. Follow the model:
Model: Resistors connected in series have the same value of current...
Resistors connected in series have the same value of current while resistors
connected in parallel have the same value of voltage. 1. Resistors connected in series have different values of voltage while ....
2. A trouble in one element of a series circuit results in no current in the
whole circuit while ....
3. In order to have the same value of current in all the elements, a series
circuit is used while ....
No current in a parallel circuit results from a trouble in the main line
while ….
8. Translate the words, mind the suffixes and the prefixes.
to differ indifferent
equal to equal
main mainly
ampere+meter ampermeter
conductor semiconductor
useto use
to connect interconnection
to compare comparative
supply+ water – watersupply
open to open
9. Answer the following questions:
1. What type of circuit has the main line and parallel branches?
2. What type of circuit is used in order to have the same value of current in
all the elements?
3. What type of circuit is used in order to have the same value of voltage in
all the elements?
4. What does a trouble in the main line result in?
5. What does a trouble in a branch result in?
6. What does no current in a series circuit result from?
7. How much does the sum of IR voltage drops equal?
8. What is the difference between series and parallel circuits?
Вариант 4
1 Translate the sentences. Mind one. 1. The second sputnik was launched about a month after the first one.
2. There are many insulating materials from which one may choose.
3. Some substances are efficient conductors, others, poor ones.
4. One uses special devices to measure current, voltage, and resistance.
5. One should take into consideration the difference between these circuits.
6. One should take into consideration that the ammeter is connected to the
circuit in series.
7. What should one take into consideration using the ohmmeter?
8.One must choose only one of those variants.
2 Translate the sentence. Mind Complex Subject, one.
The new method proved to be much more efficient that the old one.
3 Translate the word –combinations.
the most common, the value of resistance, the measured value, in order to
measure, to be connected in series.
4 Read and translate the text.
Among the most common meters used there are the ohmmeter, the
ammeter and the voltmeter. The ohmmeter is used to measure the
value of resistance. It consists of a milliammeter calibrated to read
in ohms, a battery and resistors. The meter is connected in parallel
and the circuit is not opened when its resistance is measured. The
readings on the scale show the measured value.
The ammeter is used to measure the value of current. When the
ammeter is used the circuit should be opened at one point and
the terminals of the meter should be connected to it. One
should take into consideration that the positive terminal
of the meter is connected to the positive terminal of the
source; the negative terminal to the negative terminal of
the source.
The ammeter should be connected in series. The readings
on the scale show the measured value.
A wattmeter is used to measure the value of power. It is
connected to the circuit directly. A wattmeter consists of coils: two fixed
coils and a coil which moves in the magnetic field produced by the fixed
coils. Wire used for the coils must have a high resistance; the fixed coils are
in series with the load, the moving coil is connected across the line in series
A with a resistance. When a wattmeter is used, the readings on its scale show
the value of power being used
5 Complete the sentences using the correct variant:
1. The ammeter is
a) a common meter.
b) an uncommon meter.
2.In order to measure the value of current
a) the ohmmeter is used.
b) the voltmeter is used.
c) the ammeter is used.
3.A meter has
a) positive terminals only.
b) negative terminals only.
c) positive and negative terminals.
4. When the ammeter is used
a) the circuit should be opened.
b)the circuit should not be opened.
5. The ammeter should be connected
a) in series,
b) in parallel.
6. One should take into consideration that
a)the positive terminal should be connected to the negative terminal.
b)the positive terminal should be connected to the positive terminal of
the source.
Вариант 4
Resistors. 1. Translate into Russian
in case
protection in case
the (more)
the (more)
to rise
to rate
to move
to left
to produce
to change
to vary
2. Translate the word combinations:
Constant value, fixed resistors, high conductivity, free electrons, variable
resistor, current caring, capacity.
3. Translate into Russian using чем ... тем:
1) The more one studies nature, the better one knows its laws.
2) The longer one learns, the more one knows.
3) The higher the atmosphere, the less is its pressure.
4) The heavier the object, the more work one has to do in order to lift it.
5) The greater the number of free electrons in any metal, the higher is its
conductivity. 4. Translate into Russian. Mind no.
1.There is no energy in this machine.
2. No charges move through an open circuit.
3. No material is a perfect conductor of electricity.
4. No electric machinery is used without protection.
5. No special material is needed in this case.
5. Read and translate the text.
A resistor is one of the most common elements of any circuit. Resistors are
1. to reduce the value of current in the circuit;
2. to produce IR voltage drop and in this way to change the value of the
When current is passing through a resistor its temperature rises high. The higher
the value of current the higher is the temperature of a resistor. Each resistor has a
maximum temperature to which it may be heated without a trouble. If the
temperature rises higher the resistor gets open and opens the circuit.
Resistors are rated in watts. The watt is the rate at which electric energy is supplied
when a current of one ampere is passing at a potential difference of one volt. A
resistor is rated as a 1W resistor if its resistance equals 1,000,000 ohms and its
currentcarrying capacity equals 1/1,000,000 amp, since P = E x I = IR x I = I2R
where P power is given in watts, R resistance is given in ohms and I current is
given in amperes.
If a resistor has a resistance of only 2 ohms but its currentcarrying capacity equals
2,000 amp, it is rated as a 8,000,000W resistor.
Some resistors have a constant value these are fixed resistors, the value of
other resistors may be varied these are variable resistors.
6. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:
1. A resistor is used
b) to reduce the current.
c) to change the resistance.
a) to measure the resistance.
d) to produce IR voltage drop.
2. When current passes through a resistor a) its temperature drops.
b) its temperature rises.
3. Resistors are rated
a) in ohms.
b) in volts. 4. Power is given
c) in watts.
a) in amperes,
b) in watts.
5. Fixed resistors have
6. The value of a variable resistor
7. A twoohm resistor rated as a
8,000,000 W resistorequal to 2,000 amp.
a) a constant value.
b) a variable value.
a) is fixed.
b) is varied.
a) has a currentcarrying capacity
b) has a currentcarrying capacity
to 200 amp.
7. Complete the sentences using while.
1. The value of a fixed resistor is constant..........
2. Currentcarrying capacity is given in amperes..........
3. The lower the value of current, the lower is the temperature of a resistor ..........
4. An electric source produces energy..........
8. Translate the words. Mind the suffixed .
Activity, active, act, active by, additional, add, addition, additionally,
Equalize, equally, equality, equal, differ, different, difference, common,
commonly, use, usefully, useful, user.
9. Answer the questions:
1. What isa resistorused for?
2. When does the temperature of a resistor rise?
3. What element is used to change the value of voltage?
4. How are resistors rated?
5. What types of resistors do you know?
6. When does a resistor get open?
7. What does an open resistor result in?
8. What is the difference between a fixed resistor and a variable resistor?
9. How much is the currentcarrying capacity of a twoohm resistor?
10.What resistors have a variable value?
Вариант 5
Capacitors 1. Translate into Russian.
provided that
for this reason
to store
to apply
to move
to prevent
2. Translate the word combinations
paper insulators
air insulators
electrolyte capacitors
advantages of electrolyte capacitors
disadvantages of air insulators
cells under test
capacitors incommon use nowadays
radio sets under test
PC in common use nowadays
a radioman
radio work
radio parts
telephone and radio work
3. Translate into Russian. Mind provided that.
1. A circuit operates well provided that it does not have any trouble.
2. The bulb lights provided that the circuit is connected to the cell. 3. A cell supplies energy provided that its electrodes are of different mate
4. Read and translate the text
A capacitor is one of the main elements of a circuit. It is used to store
electric energy. A capacitor stores electric energy provided that a voltage
source is applied to it.
The main parts of a capacitor are metal plates and insulators. The
function of insulators is to isolate the metal plates and in this way to
prevent a short.
In the diagram one can see two common types of capacitors in use
nowadays: a fixed capacitor and a variable one. The plates of a fixed
capacitor cannot be moved; for this reason its capacity does not change.
The plates of a variable capacitor move; its capacity changes. The
greater the distance between the plates, the less is the capacity of a capacitor.
Variable capacitors are commonly used by radiomen; their
function is to vary the frequency in the circuit. Fixed capacitors are
used in telephone and radio work.
Fixed capacitors have insulators produced of paper, ceramics and
other materials; variable capacitors have air insulators. Paper capacitors
are commonly used in radio and electronics; their advantage is their
high capacity: it may be higher than 1,000 picofarad.
Besides, electrolyte capacitors are highly in use. They also have a
very high capacity: it varies from 0.5 to 2,000 microfarad. Their
disadvantage is that they change their capacity when the temperature
changes. They can operate without a change only at temperatures not
lower than 40° C. ,
Common troubles in capacitors are an open and a short. A capacitor
stops operating and does not store energy in case it has a trouble. A capacitor
with a trouble should be substituted by a new one.
5. Complete these sentences using the correct variant 1. A capacitor is used
a) to supply voltage.
b) to increase the voltage output.
c) to store energy.
2. The main parts of a capacitor are
a) insulators only.
b) metal plates only.
c) metal plates and insulators between
3. The function of insulators is
a) to store energy.
b) to isolate the metal plates.
c) to prevent a short between the
metal plates
4. The capacity of a capacitor depends
a) the size of the plates.
b) the distance between the plates.
c) the material of the insulators.
5. The capacity of a fixed capacitor
a) is constant,
b) is varied.
6. The plates of a variable capaci
a) can be moved,
b) cannot be moved.
7. In order to charge a capacitor a
voltage source is applied
a) to the metal plates.
b) to the insulators.
8. The greater the distance between
the plates,
a) the greater is the capacity of a
b) the less is the capacity.
9. Variable capacitors have
a) air insulators.
b) paper insulators.
c) ceramic insulators.
10. Electrolyte capacitors have
a) a very low capacity.
b) a very high capacity. 11. In case a capacitor has a trouble
a) it operates.
b) it stops operating.
6. Complete these sentences using while. Follow the model on page 13:
1. The plates of a fixed capacitor cannot be moved to vary the capacity ...
2. The capacity of a variable capacitor is varied.......
3. Electrolyte capacitors change their capacity when the temperature
4. The less the distance between the plates, the greater is the capacity ...
5. When a capacitor has no trouble it stores energy.......
7. How many parts does each word consist of? What are the stems?
Translate the words and their stems.
Model: undoubtedly
failure, indifferent, uncommonly, unequality, numerously, uselessly,
noiseless, advantageous.
8. Pairwork. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask him/her to
answer them.
1. What is a capacitor used for?
2. What are the main parts of a capacitor?
3. What is the function of insulators?
4. What does the capacity of a capacitor depend on?
5. What is the difference between a fixed capacitor and a variable one?
6. What should be done in order to change a capacitor?
7. What is the relation between the value of capacity and the distance of
8. What type of insulators have variable capacitors?
9. What should be done in case a capacitor has a trouble?
Вариант 6
Conductors and Insulators
1. Translate into Russian.
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