Date _________________
Grammar Test I
I. Переведите на русский язык название времен
1. Present Simple ______________________________________
2. Future Simple ______________________________________
3. Past Simple ________________________________________
II. Сопоставьте время и его формулу
1. Present Simple a) shall/will V1
2. Future Simple b) (did) V2, Ved
3. Past Simple c) (do/does) V1, Vs, Ves
III. Определите время (Present Simple, Future Simple, Past
1. The pupils are in the class. _____________________________
2. Yesterday we had 5 lessons. ____________________________
3. Usually my mum cooks breakfast for me. _________________
4. I shall read this book tomorrow. _________________________
5. Last Sunday he worked much. __________________________
IV. Вставьте глагол в нужной форме (Present Simple, Future
Simple, Past Simple)
1. Tomorrow I ____________________(to write) a letter.
2. Yesterday they __________________________(to dance).
3. Every morning Tom _________________________(to get up)
at 7 o’clock.
English Tests I
4th term
Name ___________________________________
Surname __________________________________
4____ formDate _________________
Reading Comprehension I
Прочитайте текст.
Betty and Lucy are friends, and they are in the same class.
Every day Betty and Lucy meet in the yard. Then they go to
school together.
One day the two girls met in the street when it began to rain.
Betty had on her school uniform, and Lucy had on a raincoat.
“Let’s run!” said Lucy. “Take off your raincoat, and we can put
it on our two heads,” Betty said.
“I can’t. I don't want to get wet. And it is my raincoat!” Lucy
When they came to school, the teacher said: “Betty's dress is all
wet, and Lucy’s dress is not wet. How’s that? Weren’t you
“Yes, we were together,” Betty answered, “but Lucy had a
raincoat and I hadn't a raincoat.”
“Why didn’t you put Lucy’s raincoat on your two heads?” the
teacher asked, “you are friends.”
And then she said:
“I see, you are friends only when it doesn't rain.”
together – вместе
to have on — быть одетым
to get wet — промокнуть
Отметьте предложения, которые соответствуют тексту
буквой Т (True) и отметьте буквой F (False) предложения,
которые не соответствуют тексту.
Betty and Lucy are friends, and they are in the same
Every day Betty and Lucy meet at school.
3. One day the two girls met in the street when it began to
4. Betty had on her school uniform.
5. Betty asked to take off the raincoat and put it on two
When they came to school Betty’s dress was all wet, and
Lucy's dress was not wet.
The teacher understood that the girls were friends only
when it didn’t rain.
Date _________________
Listening Comprehension I
Прослушайте текст и отметьте предложения,
которые соответствуют тексту
(Верно) и
предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту False
(неверно). Вы услышите текст дважды.
Прослушайте текст и установите соответствие
заголовков и текстов. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы
услышите текст дважды.
A. Summer
B. Autumn
C. Spring
D. Winter
4ЗаголовокDate _________________
Grammar Test II
I. Переведите на русский язык название времен
1. Past Simple _________________________________________
2. Present Simple ______________________________________
3. Future Simple _______________________________________
II. Сопоставьте время и его формулу
1. Future Simple a) (did) V2, Ved
2. Past Simple b) (do/does) V1, Vs, Ves
3. Present Simple c) shall/will V1
III. Определите время (Present Simple, Future Simple, Past
1. My friends walk in the park every day. ___________________
2. The cat played on the carpet 2 days ago. __________________
3. The ball is in the box. _________________________________
4. She will finish her picture soon. _________________________
5. Yesterday there was a holiday. __________________________
IV. Вставьте глагол в нужной форме (Present Simple, Future
Simple, Past Simple)
1. Every evening we ________________________(to watch) TV.
2. Ann ______________________(to break) a vase a day ago.
3. Next Tuesday the people ________________________(to go)
to Victory park.
English Tests II
4th term
Name ___________________________________
Surname __________________________________
4___ formDate _________________
Reading Comprehension II
Прочитайте текст.
Betty and Lucy are friends, and they are in the same class.
Every day Betty and Lucy meet in the yard. Then they go to
school together.
One day the two girls met in the street when it began to rain.
Betty had on her school uniform, and Lucy had on a raincoat.
“Let’s run!” said Lucy. “Take off your raincoat, and we can put
it on our two heads,” Betty said.
“I can’t. I don't want to get wet. And it is my raincoat!” Lucy
When they came to school, the teacher said: “Betty's dress is all
wet, and Lucy’s dress is not wet. How’s that? Weren’t you
“Yes, we were together,” Betty answered, “but Lucy had a
raincoat and I hadn't a raincoat.”
“Why didn’t you put Lucy’s raincoat on your two heads?” the
teacher asked, “you are friends.”
And then she said:
“I see, you are friends only when it doesn't rain.”
together – вместе
rain — идет дождь
to have on — быть одетым
to get wet — промокнуть
Отметьте предложения, которые соответствуют тексту
буквой Т (True) и отметьте буквой F (False) предложения,
которые не соответствуют тексту.
1. Betty and Lucy are friends, and they are in different
2. Every day Betty and Lucy go to school together.
3. One day the two girls met in the street when it began to
4. Lucy had on a raincoat.
5. Lucy said that she didn’t want to get wet because it was
her raincoat!
6. Betty explained that Lucy had no raincoat and she hadn't
a raincoat too.
7. The teacher understood that the girls were friends only
when it didn’t rain.
Date _________________
Listening Comprehension II
Прослушайте текст и установите соответствие
заголовков и текстов. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы
услышите текст дважды.
A. Winter
B. Summer
C. Autumn
D. Spring
Прочитайте тексты и сопоставьте их с заголовками:
1 Winter
2 Summer
3 Autumn
4 Spring
Text А
The weather is cool and cold. The winds blow. There are clouds
in the sky. It rains. There is fog. There are puddles. The forests,
parks, gardens are red, yellow, green. The leaves come down.
The farmers are busy. The carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes,
cabbages ripe. There are apples, pears, in the gardens. What
season is it?
Text B
The weather is warm and cool. It is fine. The sun is in the
sky. Snow melts. There are puddles in the streets. The first nice
flowers are in the gardens, parks, fields, forests. The green grass
peeps out. The gardens break into blossom. The farmers are
busy. They do gardening. What season is it?
Text C
The weather is cold. There are clouds in the sky. The cold
winds blow. It snows. There are no leaves in the trees. The
houses, fields, trees are white with snow. It is frosty. Boys and
girls play in the snow, make snowballs, snowmen and huts.
They skate and ski. It's fun. What season is it?
Test D
The weather is warm and hot. The sun is in the sky. It rains,
and there is a nice rainbow in the sky. There are blue, white, red,
yellow flowers in the forests, parks, gardens and fields. The
days are long, and the nights are short. Boys and girls have
holidays. They play games, swim, go in for sports.
What season is it?