nanK0Ba 1/1. 11.
ISBN 5-7861-0034-0
Папкова И.П.
Сборник кроссвордов и головоломок на английском языке
ББК 74.261
Папкова И.П.
ГП7 Сборник кроссвордов и головоломок на английском языке. Crosswords and 0ther Puzzles — М.: Издательский дом «РТ-Пресс», 2002. - 40 с.
ввгч 5-7861-0034-0
©Издательский дом «РТ-Пресс»,
Данный сборник кроссвордов и головоломок адресован всем, кто любит английский язык. Он с успехом может быть использован теми, кто только что начал изучать английский язык и теми, кто совершенствуется в языке. В самом начале этого задания вы найдете простейшие кроссворды и головоломки на дни недели и числительные, алфавит и английские имена. По мере расширения вашею словарного запаса вам будут посильны и более сложные тематические кроссворды: «Часы и время», «Семья», «Продукты питания и предметы сервировки стола», «Интерьер жилых комнат», «Страны и национальности», «Фанспорт», «Спорт», «Здоровье», «Внешность», «Одежда и предметы туалета», «Традиционные английские сравнения», «Английский речевой этикет», «Синонимы и антонимы», «Профессии», «Великобритания». В пособии также предложен ряд кроссвордов, направленных на закрепление разделов грамматики, представляющих наибольшую трудность для обучаемых, таких как: нетрадиционные формы образования множественного числа существительных, формы неправильных глаголов. Сборник может быть рекомендован как для самостоятельной работы над языком, так и для работы в аудитории, на факультативных занятиях, так как вносит разнообразие в учебный процесс, способствует расширению и закреплению вокабуляра по изучаемой теме и тренировке спеллинга. Кроме того, автор данного пособия, в течение ряда лет преподававшая английский язык в системе курсового обучения, успешно использовала предлагаемые вам кроссворды в качестве занимательных домашних заданий при работе над учебником НА. Бонк «Английский язык. Часть 1» и учебником Т.Н. Игнатовой «Английский язык. Интенсивный курс.» Желаю вам успехов и приятного времяпрепровождения!
ИП Папкова.
missing letters
mark tbe correct letters in tbe blank spaces you will find numbemfrom 1-12. One
number is mising. Which one?
What are their PLURALS Occupations? CROSSWORD
Rearrange the jumbled letters to find
10 the occupations of six
12 people who live in DEPHRESH
13 14 the village.
2. city;
3. bus;
Across: |
13. day |
1. mouse |
14. man; |
5. potato; |
15. knife; |
80 child |
16, Sheep |
9. goose; |
17. Box |
10. foot; |
19, Deer |
19 4. woman;
6, glass;
Give the plural 7. leaf;
11. tooth; of the following
12. lady nouns:
18. Ox
1. You wear a. .to know the time;
2. A clock has two.
3. A century has one hundred
4. There are seven in a week;
5. A minute has sixty
6. A year has twelve
7 A clock helps to know the
8. It helps you to know the days of the week;
9 A day has twenty four
10. A year has fifty two
Ifyou mark the correct letters in the blank spaces you will find three days ofthe week reading down andfour days of the week reading across
Wiite the comect letters in tbe spaces povided
and you will find tbe names ofnine tastyfruit.
1. Your brother or sister's son;
2. Your father or mother's father;
3. Your father or mother's brother;
6. Person, not a relation whom you know very well and like very much;
12. Sons of the same parents; 13. Your uncle or aunt's child;
1. Brian is David's. . . (father)
2. Pamela is Kate's. . .
3. Kate and John are Samantha's. . .
4. Pat and Helen are David and
4. Your father and mother;
5.Sons and daughters; Rita's. . .
7. Woman or young girl who looks 5, James and Mary are Brian and after babies and small children• Pamela's. . .
Married woman; 6.
James is Charles and Bettyts.
Your brother or
sister's daughter; 7. Mary is Charles and Betty's. .
Pat and
Helen are . .
10. Your father or mother's sister;
9. David and Charles are . . . ll. Married man;
Woman who has children; 10.
Pat, Helen and Samantha are. .
11. Pamela is Samantha's. .
15.Male child;
child; 12. Brian is James'. . of
the same parents ; 13. John Banks is Kate's.
17. Daughters
14. Rita Grey is David's. . .
15. Charles is John's.
16. Kate is Rita's.
17. Brian is Betty's.
. . 18. Pamela is John's.
Rita Grey is
20. John Banks is Brian's. . .
Banks is Pat and Helen's. .
Rita Grey is
Samanthat s.
is David and Rita's. . 24. Mary is Kate and John's. .
25. Samantha is Pamela and Brian's. . .
26. James is Pamela and Brian's. ,
(nt. "taggied
6Daoid nt. (Bettu
C}reg (Bank" f)'iee
・ー4、終 、
ミ ミ癶心
ミま ミ92 4ミ む2
aqg ゝ
purzzzy CROSSWORD PUZZZB arreggZar verbs) arreggZar verbs)
2. Pay;
4. Freeze;
5. Catch;
7. Break;
8. sell;
Down: Across:10. Hit,
1 Forget; 2.
Meet;12. Tell;
3. Throw; 4. Sing;14. write;
4 Send; 6 Break; Down: 16.
5. Drink; 7. Write 1. Take; 17. Say;
8. Overtake; 9. Run; 3. Speak; 13. Draw; 19. Blow; 20. 9 Read; 10. Fall; 4. Find; 15. Read; wake; ll. Sleep; 11Swim; 6. Hide; 18. Do, 61ve the 3rd form of
12 Shine 13. Shoot; 7. Build; 19. Buy; the following verbs: 22. Meet;
Feel; 9.
Lose; 22. Make; 24. Hold;
16 Teach . 11. Bear; 23. Tear. 25. Bring.
18 19
1. as . . .as a house;
2. lead;
3 as.
as an axe;
as. .as a toast;
5. as. . .as a peacook;
6. as . . .as a mouse;
as . . .as an
eel (yropb); 8.
as . . .as a bat; ll. as . . .as a feather;
13. as . . .as the hills;
14. as . . .as nails;
17. as . . sas day.
![]() |
4 as. . as snow;
.as a mule;
9 as. .as a cucumber;
10. as. .as a fox;
![]() |
15. as . . .as a post;
16. as. . as hell;
17. as. . as ice; 18.
19. as. . as a rose;
20. as . . .as a bee.
Down: 2. Breathing organs; 3. Take
air into the body and send it out; 4. Exist; 5. The degree of heat or cold; 6.
Be still, relax; 7. Small sports (red or pink) close together on the skin; 8.
Difficulty in digesting (yooeHHe) food; 9. Be aware through the senses; 10.
Catching disease common among children; 12. Give medical care to people; 15.
High temperature; 16. Red liquid in the body; 17. Regular beating of arteries;
20. Open sore (fl3Ba) on internal organs; 21. Special choice of food ordered by
a doctor; 22. Ill, unwell (Am); 24. Person, specially trained to look after
sick people; 26. Short sleep; 27. Not clearly seen.
Across: 1. Common illness of nose and throat; 3. Seize smth with your teeth; 11. Fill a hole in a tooth; 13. Fibers (BOJIOKHa) carrying feelings; 14. let out the air suddenly through the nose and mouth; 18. Instrument for measuring temperature; 19. Medicine (Am); 23. The middle joint of the leg; 25. Hollow in the lungs; 27. Person who practices medicine and treats people; 28. Drink made by pouring boiling water on dried leaves used as a tonic; 29. Liquid used for writing with a pen; 30. Take one's clothes off; 31. Come into two or more parts, crack a bone, joint.
1. Wild animal with stripes on its body;
2. Animal most closely resembling man;
3. Animal with a very long neck;
4. Animal with one or two humps on its back;
5. Large, heavy animal with thick fur;
6. Largest animal with a long trunk;
7. Feathered creatures usually able to fly.
Ifyou write the correct names of animals one can see at the Zoo, you will read in N/' and N8 whom we should love andprotect. Do you agree?
Give synonyms or antonyms to the given words: Across:
1. Prepared (syn.);
6. Go by (syn.);
7. Way
10. Cry, v. (ant);
11. Dirty (ant);
14. Under (ant);
15. Right (ant);
City (syn.);
18. Far (ant.) ;
22. Below (syn.);
23. Let go (ant);
26. Plate (syn.);
27. After (sym);
28. Sit (ant).
2. Difficult (ant);
3. Bright (ant,);
4. Big (svn.);
5. Late (ant);
8. Other (ant);
9. Do (syn.);
12. South (ant);
13. Begin (syn.);
17. Wish, v. (syn.);
19. Every (syn.);
20, Finish, v. (ant);
21. Put up (sym);
24. Close, v. (syn.);
25. Shut (ant).
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Across: 1. eight; 3. four; 5. twelve; 6. one; 7. nine; 9. ten.
Down: 2. three; 3. five; 4. seven; 5. two; 8 eleven. "Six is missing"
Page 5
Page 6
Aa•oss: 1. Mice; 5. Potatoes; 8. Children; 9. Geese; 10. Feet; 13. Days; 14. Men; 15. Knives;
16. Sheep; 17.Boxes; 19. Deer. ANSWERS18 Open.
Down: 2. Cities; 3. Buses; 4. Women; 6. Glasses; 7. Imves; IL Teeth; 12. ladies;
Page 7,
Typist; farmer; dustman; vicar; shepherd; postman; teacher; designer.
Page 8.
1. Watch; 2. Hands; 3. Years; 4. Days; 5. Seconds; 6. Months; 7. Time; 8. Calendar; 9. Hours; 10. Weeks.
Across: 2. Tuesday; 3. Sunday; 5, Friday; 6. Monday. Down: 1. Wednesday; 3. Saturday; 4. Thursday.
Pa oe 10.
1. Apple; 2. I£mon•, 3. Fig; 4. Apricot; 5. Pear; 6. Orange; 7. Grape; 8. Peach; 9. Tangerine.
Page 11.
Across: 2. Fruit; 4. Soup; 5. Plates; 7. Knives; 9. Glasses; 12. Potatoes; 14. Cups; 16. Bread; 17. Eggs; 18. Meat.
Down: 1. Butter; 2. Forks; 3. Apples; 6. Salt; 8. Vegetables; 10. Saucers; 11. Spoons; 13. Tea; 15. Sugar.
Page 12.
Across: 4. Parents; 5. Children; 7. Nurse; 8. Wife; 9. Niece; 10. Aunt; ll. Husband; 14. Mother; 15. Son; 16. Daughter; 17. Sisters.
Down: 1. Nephew; 2. Grandfather; 3. Uncle; 6. Friend; 12. Brothers; 13. Cousin.
Page 13.Page 19.
1. Father; 2. Mother; 3. Parents; 4. Children; 5. Grandchildren; 6. Son; 7. Daughter; 8.Across: 2. Paid; 4. Frozen; 5. Caught; 7. Broken; 8. Sold; 10. Hit; 12. Told; 14, Written; 16. Sisters; 9. Brothers; 10. Cousins; 11. Grandmother; 12. Grandfather; 13. Husband; 14.lain; 17. said; 19. Blown; 20. woken; 21. Put; 22. Met; 24. Held; 25. Brought. Wife; 15. Brother-in-law; 16. Sister-in-law; 17. Father-in-law; 18. Mother-in-law; 19.Down: 1. Taken; 3. Spoken; 4. Found; 6. Hidden; 7. Built; 9. Inst; 11. Borne; 13. Drawn; Daughter-in-law; 20. Son-in-law; 21. Uncle; 22. Aunt; 23. Nephew; 24. Niece; 25. Grand-15. Read; 18. Done; 19. Bought; 22. Made; 23. Torn. daughter; 26. Grandson.
Page 20.
Page 14.Across: 4. Switzerland; 6. Poland; 7. French; 11. Indian; 14. Norwegian; 15. Russian; 16. Furniture; chandelier; refrigerator; carpet; pictures; bookcase; sideboard; wardrobe; set-Spain; 17. Japan.
tee; arm-chairs.Down: 1. Britain; 2. Italy; 3. Swedish; 5. Holland; 8. Chinese; 9. Greek; 10. Germany; 12. Denmark; 13. Americans.
Page 15.Page 21.
Down: 1. Pink; 2. Skarlet; 4. Beige; 6. Silver; 7 Grey; 8. Violet; 9. Brown; 10. Cherry;Across: 4. White; 7. Stubborn; 9. Cool; 10. Sly; 12. Good; 15. Deaf; 16. Hot; 17. Cold; 18.
14. Lemon; 17. Light; 19, Deep; 20 Dark.Easy; 19. Red; 20. Busy,
Across: 3. Lilac; 4. Black; 5. Crimson; ll. Orange; 12. Thite; 13. Bluc; 15. Yellow;Down: l. Big; 2. Heavy; 3. Strong; 4. Warm; 5. Proud; 6. Quiet; 7. Slippery; 8. Blind; 11.
16. Purple; 18. Red; 21. Navy; 22. Gold; 23. Green; 24. Pale; 25. Bright.Light; 13. Old; 14. Hard; 17. Clever.
Page 16.Page 22
2. Cupboard; 4. Nursery; 7, Wardrobe; 8. Furniture; 9. T.V.; 10, Bookcase;
12.Across: 2. Chest; 7. Chin; 8. Stomach; 10. Knee; 11. Arm; 12. Eyes; 13.
Toes; 15. Back; Stove; 14. Hall; 16. Bed; 19. Refrigerator; 21. Curtain; 22.
Clock; 23, Mirror; 25.16. Neck; 18. Head; 21. Forehead; 23. Elbow; 24. Liver;
25. Legs; 27. Teeth; 28. Gas-cooker; 26. lamp; 27. Dining-room.Hair.
Down: 1. Carpet; 3, Picture; 5. Sideboard; 6. Sofa; 7. W.C.;II. Chair; 13. Table; 15. Bath-Down: 1. Nose; 3. Thumb; 4. Cheek; 5. Finger; 6. Mouth; 9. Hand; 14. Shoulders; 17. room; 16. Bedroom; 17. Kitchen; 18. Rack; 20, Piano; 24. Rug.Kidneys; 19. Heart; 20, Face; 22. Lips; 26. Ears.
Page 23,
Page 17.Across: 1. Cold; 3. Bite; 11. Stop; 13. Nerves; 14. Sneeze; 18. Thermometer; 19, Drug; Across: 3. Metro; 4. Helicopter; 5. Taxi; 8. Trolley-bus; ll. Car; 12. Motor-cycle; 13. Plane.23. Knee; 25. Cavern; 27. Doctor; 28. Tea; 29. Ink; 30. Strip; 31. Break.
Down: 1. Inrry; 2. Bicycle; 5. Train; 6. Tram; 7. Boat; 9. Bus; 10. Ship.Down: 2. Lungs; 3. Breathe; 4. Live; 5. Temperature; 6. Rest; 7. Rash; 8. Indigestion; 9. Feel; 10. Measles; 12. Treat; 15. Fever; 16. Blood; 17. Pulse; 20. Ulcer; 21. Diet; 22. Sick; 24. Nurse; 26. Nap; 27. Dim. Across: 2. Met; 4. Sang; 6. Broke; 7. Wrote; 9. Ran; 10. Fell; 11. Swam; 13. Shot; 14. Flew;
16. Taught.
Down: 1. Forgot; 3. Threw; 4. Sent; 5. Drank; 8. Overtook; 9. Read; 11. Slept; 12. Shone;Down: l. Zebra; 2. Monkey; 3. Giraffe; 4. Camel; 5. Bear; 6. Elephant;7. Birds.
14. Felt; 15. Sat.Across: 8. ANIMALS.
Page 25.Pages 30—31.
Across: 2. Vest; 4. Trunks; 7. Boots; 9. Blouse; 11. Socks; 12. Tie; 14. Skirt; 15. Gloves;Across: 1. Economist; 3. Electrician; 4. Shop-assistant; 6. Postman; 9. Journalist; 16. Trousers; 18. Pants; 21. Sweater; 22. Kerchief; 23. Cap; 24. Slip; 25. Hat;10. Waiter; 11. Doctor; 13. Physicist; 15. Singer; 16. Librarian; 17. Poet;
26. Coat; 27. Scarf,18. Painter; 19. Nurse; 20. Writer; 21. Architect; 23. Cook; 25. Historian; Down: 1. Shoes; 3. Shorts; 4, Tights; 5. Umbrella; 6. Dress; 7. Belt; 8. Suit; 10. Shirt;26. Mathematician; 28. Housewife; 29. Artist; 30. Biologist.
13. Glasses; 17. Overalls; 18. Pajamas (also: pyjamas); 19. Jacket; 20. Jeans.Down: 2. Mechanic; 5. Pianist; 7. Scientist; 8. Engineer; 11. Driver; 12. Teacher; 14. Student; 17. Pilot; 20. Worker; 21. Actor; 22. Chemist; 24. lawyer; 27. Clerk.
Page 26.
Down: 1. Golf; 2. Archery; 3, Skiing; 4. Wrestling; 5. Handball; 6. Badminton; 7, Basket.Pages 32—33 ball; 8. Yachting; 9. Diving; 10. Sport.Across: 2. Village. 4. Customs. 6. Ball. 8. Fun. 9. Postcard. ll. Swimming-pool.
Across: 11. FRIENDSHIP.17. Snow. 18. Travel-agent. 19. London. 20. City.
Down: l.hotel. 2. Visa. 3. Sun-tan. 5. Florida. 7. Italy. 8. Friends. 10. Island. 12 Guest.
Page 27.13. Crowd 14. Beach. 15. Greece. 16. Ferry.
Across: 1. Good luck; 3, Happy New Year; 4. Congratulations; 5. Happy Birthday; 6. Many Happy Returns of the Day; 7. Best Wishes; 8. Have a Good Time; 9. Take it Easy;
10. Merry Christmas. Down: 2. CHRISTMAS.
l. Ready; 6. Pass; 7. Road; 10. laugh; 11. Clean; 14. Over; 15. IRft; 16. Town;
18. Hear; 22. Under; 23. catch; 26. Dish; 27. Past; 28. Stand
Down: 2. Easy; 3. Dark; 4. large; 5. Early; 8. (he) same; 9. Make; 12. Nonh•, 13. Start;
17. want; 19. Each; 20. Begin; 21. Raise; 24. Shut; 25. open.
Page 29.
Across: 1. Thames; 4. Wales; 6. Snowdon; 8. England; 9. Dublin; 11. Ireland; 12. Edinburgh.
Down: 2. Scotland; 3. Cardiff; 4. Windermere; 5. Imdon•, 7. Britain; 10. Belfast.
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