Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 10 класса.
Оценка 4.9

Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 10 класса.

Оценка 4.9
Контроль знаний
английский язык
10 кл
Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 10 класса.
Лексико-грамматический тест для 10 класса по английскому языку.
10 класс I триместр.docx

Рассмотрено на заседании МО учителей - предметников                                                                                                                                                           ЧОУ школы «Эврика»

Протокол № 1 от 26.08.20г                                                                                                                                                                         


Зам. директора по УВР  Е.Д. Вишнякова

Дата: 27.08.20г                                                                                                                                                                    




Административная контрольная работа

по английскому языку в 10 классе за  I триместр



Name: ........................................................................................................




1 The people below all want to buy a book. Read the eight book reviews and decide which would be most suitable for the following people. For questions 1–5, write the correct letter (A–H). There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.


1 Sarah belongs to an environmental group. She enjoys books about nature and protecting the environment. _____

2 Fred is interested in the latest technology. He wants to know everything about it! _____

3 Imogene has just finished school. She needs advice about finding a job. _____

4 George is keen on travelling. He is thinking of planning a new holiday. _____

5 Tessa wants to start a new business and wants to read something by a successful business person. _____



A How to Achieve Your Dreams

Stephan O’Neill, who knows what it is like to be poor, is the author of this book. It tells the real life story of how hard work can get you anywhere you want to be in life. He now owns a supermarket franchise.


B The Flowers are Crying

A sad but very well-written piece of fiction describing life in a small country town through the eyes of a little girl over a hundred years ago. The author is Meg Harris.


C A Voyage Overseas

Written in the style of a journal, Clare Couther tells us about her long journey around the world to find a way to stop pollution. The countryside is beautifully described. A book you must read if you love this Earth.


D Modern Technology – A Mistake?

Sima Chandla powerfully explains the threat her country is facing from modern technology taking it over. Anyone who is worried about what our future holds will need to read this.


E We All Need It

Dr H Strauss is a big fan of progress. Here he explains what modern developments are taking place at the moment and how we can expect computerisation to increase. A book for techno-lovers, but also readable for those of us who know very little about the subject.


F Historical Facts in a New Light

Maybe you think you know history or maybe you’re interested in learning more. Miriam Phillips has a new way of looking at our past. Learn things you have never imagined in this fantastic book of historical interest.


G Escape to Another Land

Joe Barclay tells his experiences as a fulltime tourist. He hasn’t missed one continent, one country or one town. They’re all in here, in this super book of travels. From weekend trips to London or 2-year journeys through Africa, it’s got it all.



H The Right Position for You

At 14 years old, Janice Brand already owned her own dot.com company. Over the last ten years, she has been in and out of all sorts of jobs and has used this experience to write this fantastic book. The book is aimed at helping young people decide what career will suit them. We recommend it to all young people who are beginning to step into adulthood.




Listening  Track 19


2 You will hear a woman called Georgina talking on a radio show about her travels around the world. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).


1 Georgina first worked

A as a shop assistant.

B in India.

C as a maths teacher.


2 What did Georgina want to do while she was working in Wales?

A open a shop in India.

B start a business.

C keep her job.


3 Was Georgina’s first shop a success?

A No, she had to get more clothes from India.

B Yes, because the clothes were cheap.

C Yes, because she managed to sell the clothes quickly.


4 Georgina went to Africa

A to find new clothes.

B because she enjoyed travelling.

C so she could travel by coach and ship.


5 Georgina’s shops

A are in many countries.

B will be sold by her daughter.

C haven’t been around for a long time.






3 Choose the correct answer. There is an example at the beginning (0).


0 I haven’t been to the pool for years despite / although I like swimming.

1 You’d prefer / better talk to your mum before you decide.

2 Let’s all go camping, let’s not / shall we?

3 She has already worked / had already worked in three jobs before she was twenty.

4 I wonder if you could/ could you tell me when the ship leaves.

5 Although / In spite of his efforts, he couldn’t find work as a journalist.

6 Ken has acted / had been acting in the theatre for years before he became famous.

7 If we don’t leave soon, the shops will have closed / will have been closing.

8 She hasn’t forgotten her ticket, has / did she?

9 I prefer / would rather go on a cruise than go sailing.



4 Match to make sentences.

0 Tom doesn’t like shopping,                                     a did you?

1 Let’s buy her a gift,                                                  b will you?

2 You didn’t actually pay that much,                          c have you?

3 You have brought your credit card,                              d does he?

4 Don’t forget the receipt,                                               e doesn’t she?

5 They were lucky to get the house so cheaply,           f shall we?

6 You haven’t used up all your pocket money,             g don’t they?

7 Mary really likes silly hats,                                           h was it?

8 Prices keep going up,                                                  i weren’t they?

9 You had the money in your purse when you left,         j haven’t you?

10 That wasn’t a very successful shopping trip,            k didn’t you?


0 __d__ 1 _____ 2 ____ 3 _____ 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 ____ 7 ____ 8 ____ 9 ____ 10 ____





5٭ Complete each sentence using the word given so that it means the same as the sentence before it. Use no more than five words. There is an example at the beginning (0).


0 If she doesn’t apologise right now, I won’t talk to her again.    


I won’t talk to her again ____unless she apologises____ right now.

1 An expert redecorated my shop.    


I ________________________________________ by an expert.

2 ‘When will you graduate from university?’ asked Mary.     I

Mary asked me ________________________________________ from university.

3 It’s a pity I turned down that job.    


I wish ________________________________________ that job.

4 My uncle is developing a new product.    


A new product ________________________________________ by my uncle.


5 ‘Can you help me tomorrow?’ asked Jim.    


Jim asked ________________________________________ the following day.

6 Branston’s has lifted thousands of workers above the poverty level.    


Thousands of workers ________________________________________ Branston’s above the poverty level.







6 Solve the clues and find the words in the wordsearch puzzle.


         C       U       S       B       C       O      R       O      C

         A       L       H       I        D       F       E       R       R

         T       Z       O      K       U       R       C       M      E

         A       I         P       E       H       B       E       L       D

         L       B       A       R       G      A       I         N       I

         O      L       H       Q      A       K       P       R       T

         G      M      O      B       P       J       T       B       C

         U       P       L       S       H       U       A       D       A

         E       M      I        O      Y       T       G       M      R

         P       Z       C       H       E       Q      U       E       D


1   Someone who can’t stop shopping. _______________

2   A piece of paper from the bank which you can use instead of money. _______________

3   A piece of paper the cashier gives you every time you pay. _______________

4   You can order products which you receive by post from a _______________.

5   A plastic card you can use to pay if you don’t have cash. _______________

6   A product at an unusually low price. _______________






7 Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase in the box. There is an example at the beginning (0).


part-time 	bargain 	call 		guided tour	
pollution 	qualifications	recycling	package holiday






0 He received a ___call___ from his aunt late last night.

1 The ____________________ I booked included accommodation and the air tickets.

2 The price is extremely low. Let’s buy it. It’s a ____________________.

3 She went on a ____________________ of the area because she wanted to know more about its history.

4 ____________________ is a cheap way to reduce the amount of rubbish in the world.

5 ____________________ destroys the environment and makes our life miserable.

6 I am afraid you don’t have the necessary ____________________ for the job.

7 She works ____________________ because she’s a student and needs time to study.




Use of English


8 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.


As the years pass, more and more ways are (0) ___invented___ (invent) to encourage people to buy more. Apart from the classic ways like going to a (1) _______________ (shop) centre or ordering through a mail-order catalogue, now you can buy the

(2) _______________ (produce) you wish online. Sales (3) _______________ (manage) do their best for the (4) _______________ (convenient) of their customers including free

(5) _______________ (deliver).

In fact, a large number of consumers buy more than they need either in the

(6) _______________ (sale) because the prices are lower, or all year round because they are influenced by (7) _______________ (advertise). As a result, (8) _______________ (consume) has increased dramatically. However, there’s a negative side, too. Some people have become (9) _______________ (addict) while others often express

(10) _______________ (complain) about high prices and low quality.






9٭ Complete the text with one word in each gap.


Parents always like to (1) _______________ their children advice, but teenagers don’t always welcome it. The truth (2) _______________ that parents want to help, but they often sound boring and make the kids think they (3) _______________ involving themselves in their lives too much. In the past, parents (4) _______________ not care about their children’s opinions so much, but that (5) _______________ changed. Years ago, parents

(6) _______________ to tell their children what to do, but modern parents want to work together with their child. Nowadays, on occasions when a child should (7) _______________ punished, they can easily get their parents to (8) _______________ them off.

(9) _______________ this change in the future? Somehow I doubt it, as things are better now. I think parents and children ought (10) _______________ have a good relationship, don’t you?







10  Your teacher has asked you to write an article about how to be successful in life. The article will be published in the next issue of the school magazine. Write a paragraph of the article giving some tips and advice on how to be successful.










part-time 	bargain 	call 		guided tour	
pollution 	qualifications	recycling	package holiday

part-time 	bargain 	call 		guided tour	
pollution 	qualifications	recycling	package holiday

                                                                   Final score : 88


Keys 10 grade I term


Exercise 1

1 C          

2 E          

3 H

4 G

5 A


Exercise 2

1 A          

2 B          

3 C

4 A

5 A



Exercise 3

1 better

2 shall we

3 had already had

4 you could

5 In spite of

6 had been acting

7 will have closed

8 has

9 would rather


Exercise 4


1 f

2 a

3 j

4 b

5 i

6 c

7 e

8 g

9 k

10 h






Exercise 5


1 had my shop redecorated

2 when I would graduate

3 I had not turned down

4 is being developed

5 if I could help him

6 have been lifted by


Exercise 6


1 shopaholic

2 cheque

3 receipt

4 catalogue

5 credit card

6 bargain


Exercise 7

1 package holiday

2 bargain

3 guided tour

4 Recycling

5 Pollution

6 qualifications

7 part-time


Exercise 8

1 shopping

2 product(s)

3 managers

4 convenience

5 delivery

6 sales

7 advertising/advertisements

8 consumption

9 addicts/addicted

10 complaints


Exercise 9

1 give

2 is

3 are

4 did

5 has

6 tried

7 be

8 let

9 Will

10 to


Exercise 10



Рассмотрено на заседании МО учителей - предметников

Рассмотрено на заседании МО учителей - предметников

D Modern Technology – A Mistake?

D Modern Technology – A Mistake?

A open a shop in India. B start a business

A open a shop in India. B start a business

You have brought your credit card, d does he? 4

You have brought your credit card, d does he? 4

Vocabulary 6 Solve the clues and find the words in the wordsearch puzzle

Vocabulary 6 Solve the clues and find the words in the wordsearch puzzle

The price is extremely low. Let’s buy it

The price is extremely low. Let’s buy it

Complete the text with one word in each gap

Complete the text with one word in each gap

Keys 10 grade I term Exercise 1 2

Keys 10 grade I term Exercise 1 2

Exercise 5 1 had my shop redecorated 2 when

Exercise 5 1 had my shop redecorated 2 when

Will 10 to Exercise 10 writing

Will 10 to Exercise 10 writing
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