Lesson plan 3
Оценка 4.9

Lesson plan 3

Оценка 4.9
Lesson plan 3
Lesson_Plan 3.pdf

q  Basic  q  Intermediate  q   Advanced

  Lesson Plan





-Basic 1 Structure student’s book.

-Overhead projector





The teacher will write one incorrect and two correct sentences (two truths, one lie) on the board about herself in Simple Present Tense and ask the class to guess the answers. Following the teacher’s examples, the students will also give examples about themselves (truth or lie) and the teacher will write them on the board using the third person singular. (9:00-9:10)



Objective Discussion



Today, we will learn how to use Simple Present Tense correctly in affirmative and negative statements. We will also learn time expressions used in Simple Present and spelling rules for adding –s, -es and –ies to form correct sentences. Also, we will learn to use Adverbs of Frequency with Simple Present Tense.





ACTIVITY 1: Instruct and Model


 q  R


 q  W




 q  S



After the warm up, the teacher points out the differences in sentences by comparing first person and second person singular. The students try to come up with the form and rules of Simple Present affirmative and negative sentences. Teacher writes the rules and examples on the board. (Directs the Ss attention to notice the ‘Form’) Teacher links the students’ prior knowledge by reminding the verb ‘Be’ and ‘Have’. Then explains how to use Simple Present in communication (Focus on ‘Meaning’). She explains the Spelling Rules and how to use Time Expressions and (9:10-9:20) 




Guided Practice


 q  R


 q  W




 q  S


Comprehension Check and Practice: Students Complete the sentences in exercise 2.3 on P. 92. They can also change/adapt these sentences. They will be paired off and the teacher will give each student an index card. They will write sentences about themselves- daily routines, facts, habits- using the verbs from the exercise. After they complete the sentences, they exchange their cards with their partners. Check each other’s sentences and if there are mistakes they correct them. Then they change partners and tell/report their new partners about their previous partners, changing the 1st person singular into 3rd person singular. After they complete, the teacher calls on some students for some examples For extra practice, Ss talk about the schedule on P. 94 focusing on the time expressions. (9:20-9:35)

q  Basic  q  Intermediate  q   Advanced








ACTIVITY 2: Instruct and Model


 q  R


 q  W




 q  S


The teacher presents the Adverbs of Frequency. She explains the usage with main verbs and Auxiliary verbs (Be) (9:40-9:50)





Guided and Independent Practice


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 q  S


Guided Practice: Ss do exercise 3.1 on page 97. They unscramble the sentences. When they complete, they check their answers with their partners. (9:50-10:00)


Independent Practice: (Handout 1) Teacher distributes a information gap handout (Find someone who) Since they haven’t learned to form questions, they copy the question in the worksheet. This will enable students to become familiar with Yes/No questions forms which will be covered next class. 

They will have 10 minutes. In ten minutes whoever talks the most students will be the winner.

Then they report a couple of examples to share with class. (10:00-10:10)

 If there is enough time, teacher draws pictures on board and Ss create sentences. 






 q  R


 q  W




 q  S


Basic q Intermediate q

Basic q Intermediate q

Comprehension Check and Practice:

Comprehension Check and Practice:
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