Computers today
Yesterday’s computers were tools for scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. Today many businesses and organizations own computers although they have different types of computers and use them for different purposes. Hardly a day goes by when do not make a controlled business transaction. Each time we visit the bank, use a credit card, pay a bill or a ticket a computer lurks behind the scene, recording each transaction. Computers can process data in a fraction of the time it would take to perform the same jobs manually. They reduce the paperwork involved in these transactions and also reduce costs. No area of enterprise seems without computers nowadays. Scientists build computer models of airplane crashes in order to determine the ‘crash behavior’ of airplanes, which in turn helps aircraft designers plan safer seats, windows, and fabrics to decrease fire hazards during a crash. Ecologists use computers to monitor environmental problems like acid rain and suggest solutions. Engineers use computers to design replacement for the damaged bones. Educators use computers in the classroom to perform chemistry experiments that might otherwise be dangerous. There seems to be no limit to computer applications. Hard copy, modem, database, peripherals: all these words refer to a relatively new and rapidly changing technology – that of the computer. Computers are changing our language, and they are also changing us. No longer are computer expert the only people who interact with computers. Today the lives of most of us are affected by computers every day.
tool инструмент;
Peripheral devices (peripherals) периферийные устройства;
instruction команда, инструкция, указание;
enable разрешать, позволять, делать возможным,
fraction of the time за короткое время;
tolurk скрываться, оставаться незамеченным;
transaction сделка, группа операций;
tomonitor наблюдать, контролировать, следить;
toprocess обрабатывать;
solution решение
application применение, использование
tointeract взаимодействовать;
tocontrol управлять, регулировать;
toreduce costs сокращать затраты;
otherwise иначе, иным образом;
toaffect влиять, воздействовать.
I. Answer the following questions:
1. Who interacted with yesterday’s computers?
2. What service do computers in business provide?
3. How do ecologists use computers?
4. How do engineers use them?
5. How do educators use them?
6. Where can we find computes in our life?
7. What computer manufacturers do you know?
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