Методическая разработка
по теме
«Моя будущая профессия»
(приложение к учебной программе
по английскому языку.
Профессия «Повар, кондитер»)
Содержание работы:
I. Пояснительная записка
II. Учебные тексты и упражнения к ним, задания для письменной работы, задания для домашней работы
Lesson 1. “Our vocational lyceum”
Lesson 2. “Russian Cuisine”
Lesson 3.” Britain Meals”
Lesson 4. “Britain Cuisine”
Lesson 5. “A tea-party”
III. Список литературы
IV. Приложения
1. Методическая работа урока «Наш профессиональный лицей»
2. Презентация №1 «Наш профессиональный лицей»
3. Презентация №2 «Russian Cuisine»
4. Презентация №3 «Из жизни лицея»
Пояснительная записка.
Реализация требований ФГОС СПО, введение его в образовательный процесс ставят перед преподавателем новые задачи по повышению качества общеобразовательной и профессиональной подготовке студентов.
Одной из главных задач, стоящих перед преподавателем иностранного языка, является совершенствование методики преподавания с учетом профессиональной направленности.
В современных условиях развития общества, с расширением экономического и научно-технического обмена между государствами владение иностранным языком для квалифицированного рабочего является естественной потребностью. Ему необходимо знать английский язык так, чтобы уметь пользоваться им в сфере приложения своего труда: уметь прочитать названия блюд, надпись на машинах, их технические характеристики, вести элементарную беседу на тему по профессии.
В связи со спецификой техникума, связанной с приобретением обучающимися профессии повара, кондитера, обучение английскому языку ведется на материале, связанном с будущей профессией .
Это позволит осуществить принцип межпредметных связей, увязать материалы учебников по английскому языку с теми знаниями, которые обучающиеся получают на занятиях по спецпредметам, создать особый эмоциональный настрой на занятиях, пробуждать у обучающихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка, повысить эффективность знаний.
Методическая работа по теме: «Моя будущая профессия» включает разработку 5 уроков согласно учебной программы, тексты и упражнения, задания для письменных работ, задания для домашних работ по следующей тематике: «Мой профессиональный лицей», «Русская кухня», «Еда в Великобритании», «Британская кухня», «Чаепитие». Для релаксационной паузы используются презентации, содержащие информацию о производственном обучении в лицее, об общественной жизни лицея.
Выбор текстов обусловлен определенной тематикой с профессиональной направленностью.
Предтекстовые упражнения предназначены для введения и закрепления новой лексики, а также способствуют выработке у учащихся навыков бессловарного перевода текстов на основе языковой догадки. Учащиеся подбирают соответствующие русские эквиваленты.
Послетекстовые упражнения служат для контроля знаний и формирования умений учащихся в устной речи. К упражнениям для контроля знаний относятся упражнения на подстановку пропущенных слов, на заполнение схем, таблиц, упражнения вопросно-ответного плана.
В зависимости от цели урока методы и приемы проведения урока могут быть разнообразными. Правильно выбранные методы обучения позволяют при наименьших затратах времени достичь наиболее высоких результатов.
На уроках английского языка большое значение имеет применение наглядности, использованию презентаций.
В приложениях предлагаются презентации к урокам, выполненные на базе
техникума. Обучающимся предлагается составить рассказ по картинке или фотографии. Составление рассказа рекомендуется начинать с общих вопросов, постепенно их конкретизируя. Выбор метода зависит от степени трудности картинки или фотографии. Можно использовать вопросно-ответные упражнения. Новые слова, необходимые для составления рассказа должны быть предварительно введены. Они могут быть введены наглядно (если на картинке или фотографии есть изображение этих предметов или действий), в контексте, или путем перевода.
Рассказ по картинке или фотографии можно проводить по ключевым словам или по плану. После того, как выбраны ключевые слова, учащиеся начинают рассказ по картинке .
Для индивидуальной работы с учащимися можно использовать тестовые задания с различными заданиями: перевести слова с русского языка на английский и наоборот; дать английский эквивалент названиям ,ответить на вопросы.
Методическая разработка урока «Наш профессиональный лицей» дана на основе материала урока первого, проводится урок с использованием презентации, включает ряд дополнительных упражнений и фотоматериалов.
Lesson 1.
“Our professional lyceum”
Exercise 1 . Practice aloud.
Trainee, professional lyceum, vocational training, trade, train, graduate, last, practice, together, future, cook, laboratory, instructor, specialist, canteen feeding.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:
· I am a trainee
· Professional lyceum
· To graduate from the professional lyceum
· The training period
· To have practice
· My future trade
· I am glad
· To train qualified specialists for canteen feeding
Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.
I am a trainee of the professional lyceum number 35. I am learning to be a cook. Our professional lyceum is not very old. It was founded in 1963. It is a modern two-storey building which is situated in a large garden. There is a large sport-ground in front of it, where our people play football, volleyball, basketball. As we come into the school, we take off our coats and hats and leave them in a large cloak-room, which is on the ground floor. On the ground floor of our school there is a dinning-room. All the pupils have their breakfast, dinner and supper there. There is also a gym on the ground floor where we have our physical training.
There are many labs: chemistry lab, physics lab, mathematics lab, literature study-room, history study-room and many others. The labs and study-rooms are equipped with computes.
We work and study six days a week. We learn many special subjects, such as technology, calculation.
The laboratory and study-rooms where we learn special subjects are situated in the second building. They are equipped with modern machines, instruments, which help us to master such profession as a cook. Our professional lyceum trains qualified specialists for canteen feeding. In summer we have our practice in restaurants, canteens, café, open-air café.
The training period lasts three years. The first lesson begins at 8.30. The trainees usually have six lessons a day. We have practice twice a week.
At the end of the training period we will take examination. We will prepare three main courses: soup, a main course and a dessert.
We take an active part in all professional competitions,
besides, the pupils go in for sports. Among them there are many, who become the winners of different competitions and championships.
Many pupils take part in amateur circles, such as dancing, singing, dramatic.
After finishing school, I`ll get a secondary education and a profession. I like my future trade very much.
Exercise 4.
a/Read the questions and translate them into Russian
b/Find the answers to the questions in the text
1. Where do you study?
2. What profession are you learning?
3. Where is the dinning-room situated?
4. Where do you have your physical training?
5. What subjects do you learn?
6. Where will you have your practice?
7. Is your master a good specialist?
8. Will you have an examination at the end of the training period?
9. Do you like your future profession? Why?
10. How do you think to develop your career?
Exercise5. Complete the sentences
1. I am a trainee….
2. I am learning to be…
3. It is a modern two-storey building which is…
4. As we come into the school…
5. On the ground floor there is…
6. We work and study …
7. Our professions lyceum trains qualified specialist for…
8. In summer we have practice in …
9. The trainees usually have…
10. At the end of the training period ….
11. We will prepare three main courses…
12 .After finishing school, I`ll get …
Exercise 6. Give the English equivalents of the Russian words given in brackets.
1. I am (учащийся) of professional lyceum.
2. When I (окончу профессиональный лицей) I shall be a cook.
3. They equipped with modern machines and instruments, which help us (осваивать профессию повара)
4. Our professional lyceum trains (квалифицированных специалистов для общественного питания)
5. At the end of the training period (у нас будут экзамены),(мы будем готовить) three main courses:(суп, основное блюдо, десерт)
WB Lesson 1.
“Our professional lyceum”
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences ,using the text
1. I am a trainee…
2. I am learning to be…
3. It is a modern two-storey building which is…
4. As we come into the school
5. On the ground floor there is…
6. We work and study …
7. Our professions lyceum trains qualified specialist for…
8. In summer we have practice in
9. The trainees usually have…
10. At the end of the training period …
11. We will prepare three main courses…
12. After finishing school, I`ll get …
Exercise2. Give the English equivalents of the Russian words
1. I am______________________of professional lyceum.
2. When I __________________________________________________ I shall be a cook.
3. They equipped with modern machines and instruments, which help us ______________________________________________________
4. Our professional lyceum trains _______________
5. At the end of the training period ____________________________
three main courses:___________________________________________.
Exercise 3 . Match the proverbs and their translations.
1. He works best who knows his trade. |
А. Кот в перчатках мышей не поймает. |
1.Век живи, век учись. |
2. A bad workman quarells with his tools. |
Б. Учиться никогда не поздно. |
2.Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда. |
3.A cat in gloves catches no mice. |
В. Никогда ничего не делай наполовину. |
3.Мастер глуп - нож туп. |
4. It is never too to learn. |
Г. Лучше всех работает тот, кто знает своё дело. |
4.Каков мастер, такова и работа. |
5. Such carpenters, such chips. |
Д.Плохой работник с инструментами не в ладу. |
5.Начатое дело доводи до конца. |
6. Never do things by halves. |
Е. Каковы плотники, таковы и щепки. |
6. Дело мастера боится |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
WB Lesson 1.
“Our professional lyceum”
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences
Russian |
English |
1. Я собираюсь стать квалифицированным поваром. |
2. Мы будем проходить практику в ресторанах, кафе, столовых. |
3. После окончания обучения мы будем сдавать квалификационные экзамены. |
4. Мы будем готовить три блюда: суп, основные блюда, десерт. |
Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.
You Are Looking for a Job.
Some people have part-time jobs, and other have full-time jobs. Some people even have several jobs.
What is a day`s work? A day`s work means many different things to different people. For a cook, day`s work may be 12-14 hours. For a waiter the day begin at 7.00 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m., or begin at 6.00 p.m. and end at 11.00 p.m. For a manager in restaurant the day`s work may begin at 5.00 p.m. and finish at 1.00 a.m.
When you come to the personnel manager, he/she offers to fill in the application form or to present your resume.
Here are the samples of a resume and an application form.
Application Form
1.Application date:
Application Form
1.Application date:
2. Name, middle name, surname:
3. Year, date, month and place of birth:
4. Marital status and your children`s age:
5.Your home address and telephone :
6.Command of foreign languages, how long did you study them:
7.Desired position
8.Can you work in shifts (from 6 or 7 a.m. or till midnight)?
9.Your present job, since when:
10.Your previous job:
11.Your education and training:
12.What do you expect from working?
13.When could you start working?
14.Your present salary:
15. Desired salary at our restaurant:
16. Your hobby:
Part-time job-работа с частичной занятостью
Full-time job-работа с полной занятостью
Personnel-менеджер по персоналу
Application-бланк заявления
Lesson 2.
“Russian Cuisine”
Exercise 1. Read the words, mind the pronounciation
Cuisine-кухня Variety-разнообразие
Cream-сливки, крем Cheese-сыр
Choice-выбор Appetizer-закуска перед обедом
Caviare –икра Salmon-лососина
Sturgeon-осётр Pike-perch-судак
Jellied tongue-заливной язык Shchee-щи
Borshch-борщ Rassolnik-рассольник
Okroshka-окрошка Sour cream sauce-сметана
Beef Stroganoff-бефстроганов Mashed potatoes-картофельное
Cream sour –сметана пюре
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following word-combinations.
1. Russian cuisine
2. a large variety of milk products
3. several types of sour milk products
4. a big choice of appetizer
5. you can recommended your guests
6. as for cold meat dishes
7. cold boiled pork with spices
8. delicious Russian pancakes with caviar and mushrooms and thick sour cream
9. for the main course
10. to be eaten with meat
11. in a good old time
12. a pie with meat or cabbage filling
13. a pie with fish filling
14. open curd tarts
15. twist of bread
Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.
Russian Cuisine.
Russian cuisine is a rich and varied. In Russia there is a large variety of milk products: a sort of dry cream cheese called “tvorog”, thick sour cream and several types of sour milk products. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. You can recommended your guests caviar, salmon, hot and cold smoked sturgeon, pike-perch in aspic or stuffed, herring, sprats, smoked, fried, marinated fish and the like.
As for cold meat dishes one can taste ham, cold boiled pork with spices, jellied tongue and various salads. For a change you can taste delicious Russian pancake /blini/ with caviar and mushrooms and thick sour cream.
How about soups? There are plenty of them. Fresh cabbage shchee, borshch, kidney and cucumber soup /rassolnik/, soup in season-okroshka.
For the main course you can order fish and meat dishes to your taste: fried pike-perch or carp in thick sour cream sause, beef-Stroganoff and mashed potatoes, stuffed cabbage-rolls/golubtsy/, Siberian pelmeni, ets.
A few words about buckwheat “kasha”, which may be eaten with meat like potatoes as well as a cereal with butter or milk. It is very popular in Russia.
Russian cuisine is famous for its Russian pies which were baked in Russia good old times and remain popular nowadays. They are: kulebiaka /a pie with meat or cabbage filling/, rastegay /a pie with fish filling/, open curd tarts /vatrushki/, honey-cakes, twists of bread /krendeli/, boubliki, baranki, sooshki, Russian Easter cakes and various fancy-cakes.
Exercise 4. Find the English equivalents of the following words. Write down them. / Exercise1.WB/
Творог, икра(рыбная), лососина, осетрина, судак, блины, грибы, капустные щи, капустные щи, рассольник, окрошка, голубцы, сибирские пельмени, каша, кулебяка, расстегаи, ватрушки, крендели, бублики, баранки, сушки.
Exercise 5. Translate the following word-combinations in Russian. /Exercis2.WB/
Russian cuisine, variety of milk products, several types of sour milk products, hot and cold smoked sturgeon, marinated fish, cold boiled pork with spices, jellied tongue, kidney and cucumber soup, soup in season, fried pike-perch, mashed potatoes, stuffed cabbage-rolls, a pie with fish filling, open curd tarts, honey-cakes, twists of bread, various fancy-cakes.
Exercise 6. Answer the questions:/ Exercise3.WB/
1. What is rassolnik?
2. What is kulebiaka?
3. What is rastegay?
4. What is vatrushki?
5. What is golubtsy?
6. What is tvorog?
7. What are the most popular soups in Russia?
8. What can you recommended your guests?
WB. Lesson 2.
“Russian cuisine”
Exercise 1.Translate the following word-combinations in Russian.
English |
Russian |
· Russian cuisine |
· |
· variety of milk products |
· |
· several types of sour milk products |
· |
· hot and cold smoked sturgeon |
· |
· marinated fish |
· |
· cold boiled pork with spices |
· |
· jellied tongue |
· |
· kidney and cucumber soup |
· |
· soup in season |
· |
· fried pike-perch |
· |
· mashed potatoes |
· |
· stuffed cabbage-rolls |
· |
· a pie with fish filling |
· |
· open curd tarts |
· |
· honey-cakes |
· |
· twists of bread |
· |
· various fancy-cakes. |
· |
Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents of the following words. Write down them.
Russian |
English |
1. творог |
2. икра(рыбная), |
3. лососина |
4. осетрина |
5. судак |
6. блины |
7. грибы |
8. капустные щи |
9. борщ |
10. рассольник |
11. окрошка |
12. голубцы |
13. сибирские пельмени |
14. каша |
15. кулебяка |
16. расстегаи |
17. ватрушки |
18. крендели |
19. бублики |
20. баранки |
21. сушки |
Exercise 3: Answer the questions.
Answers |
· What is rassolnik?
· |
· What is kulebiaka?
· |
· What is rastegay? |
· |
· What is vatrushki? |
· |
· What is golubtsy?
· |
· What is tvorog?
· |
· What are the most popular soups in Russia?
· |
· What can you recommended your guests?
· |
WB. Lesson 2.
“Russian cuisine”
Exercise 1: Choose the right answer:
1. Golubtsy is…
a/ a pie with fish filling; b/ shiffed cabbage-rolls;
c/ a pie with a meat or cabbage filling.
2. Fresh cabbage shchee is a kind of …
a/ dessert; b/ salad; c/ soup.
3. Twists of bread is…
a/ baranki; b/ krendeli; c/ boubliki.
4. The Russian countepart of Italian ravioli is…
a/ rasstegai; b/ pelmeni; c/ pirozhki.
5. The name of Russian Easten cake is…
a/ kulebiaka; b/ rasstegai; c/ koolich.
Exercise 2: Read and translate the text.
As for drinks, Russian cuisine offers you its original beverages:kvas and zbiten, and a lot of different fruit and berry beverages. Kvas is a beverage made from rye bread and water fermented by yeast. There is a lot of sorts of kvas: mushroom kvas, kvas with mint, beetroot kvas, kvas with horseradish and a lot of others. Zbiten is an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices.
Russian people are very hospitable and generous at the table. They invite everyone who enters their house to eat with them. Bread and salt are the symbolic offering at welcome and also a sigh of respect from host to guest. The guest is welcome to share the food even if the house has no more to offer than bread and salt. Hospitality is a typical trait of character of a Russian.
Exercise 3.Translate the following sentences, using the text:
· Сбитень-это старинный русский напиток, который готовят из кваса, коньяка или водки, мёда, чая и специй. |
· |
· Гостеприимство - типичная черта русского характера.
· |
· Русские люди очень гостеприимны, они приглашают к столу каждого, кто входит в дом.
· |
Lesson 3.
British Meal
Exercise 1. Listen and read.
Cottage cheese- творог
Sour cream-сметана
Pot cheese-брынза
Clear soup-бульон
Cream soup-протёртый сыр
Chicken broth-куриный бульон
Thick soup-густой суп
Set soup-жирный суп
Lean soup-нежирный суп
Mushroom soup-грибной суп
Meal soup-молочный суп
Exercise 2. Read and translate the text
“British Meal”
Traditionally English people have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Breakfast is served in the morning. It used to be a large meal with cereal, eggs and bacon, sausages, tomatoes. But such a large breakfast takes a long time to prepare and is not very healthy. Nowadays, Britain`s most popular breakfast consists of toast with marmalade, juice and yogurt with a cup of tea or coffee.
Lunch is a light meal. Most people have no time to go back home for lunch so they eat at school, cafes, pubs or restaurants.
The main meal is dinner, which is usually between 6 and 7 p.m. A typical evening meal is a meat dish with vegetables and dessert. The most important meal of the week is usually eaten at 1 p.m. The traditional Sunday dish used to be roast beef, but nowadays pork, chicken or lamb are more common.
On Sunday evening people have supper or high tea. The famous British afternoon tea is becoming rare, except at weekends.
to prepare-готовить
Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English:
-обильный прием пищи-
-такой большой завтрак отнимает много времени-
-наиболее распространенный английский завтрак-
-ленч - легкая еда-
-главный прием пищи-
-обычная еда вечером-
-традиционное воскресное блюдо-
-знаменитый английский дневной чай-
Exercise 4. Read and translate from English into Russian:
-three meals a day-
-a large meal with cereal, eggs and bacon, sausages, tomatoes-
- consists of toast with marmalade, juice and yogurt –
- with a cup of tea or coffee-
-to eat at school, cafes, pubs or restaurants-
- a dish with vegetables and dessert-
- used to be roast beef-
- chicken or lamb-
-to have high tea-
-to become rare-
Exercise 5. Answer the questions.
1. How many meals a day do English people have?
2. What did they use to eat for breakfast?
3. What do they usually eat nowadays?
4. Is lunch a large meal?
5. What dishes are served for dinner?
6. Where do English people eat lunch?
7. What is the most important meal of the week?
8. Is British afternoon tea still popular?
WB Lesson 3.
British Meal
Exercise 1. Translate from Russian into English:
Russian |
English |
-обильный прием пищи-
-такой большой завтрак отнимает много времени-
-наиболее распространенный английский завтрак-
-ленч - легкая еда-
-главный прием пищи- |
-обычная еда вечером-
-традиционное воскресное блюдо-
-знаменитый английский дневной чай
Exercise 4. Read and translate from English into Russian:
English |
Russian |
-three meals a day- |
-a large meal with cereal, eggs and bacon, sausages, tomatoes- |
-consists of toast with marmalade, juice and yogurt – |
- with a cup of tea or coffee- |
-to eat at school, cafes, pubs or restaurants- |
- a dish with vegetables and dessert-
-used to be roast beef-
- chicken or lamb- |
-to have high tea- |
-to become rare-
Exercise 3 . Answer the questions.
English |
Russian |
1.How many meals a day do English people have?
2.What did they use to eat for breakfast?
3.What do they usually eat nowadays?
4 .Is lunch a large meal?
5. What dishes are served for dinner?
6. Where do English people eat lunch?
7. What is the most important meal of the week?
8. Is British afternoon tea still popular?
WB Lesson 3.
British Meal
Exercise 1. Read and translate the dialogue.
“English Breakfast”
Sergey: Tania, have you had breakfast yet?
Tania: Oh, yes. Mary cooks an English breakfast every morning.
Sergey: What has she done for breakfast today?
Tania: We have had boiled eggs, toasts, bread and butter, marmalade
and tea. Everything was delicious. I think there is nothing like
an English breakfast.
Sergey: My breakfast at the hotel is always rolls and coffee.
Tania: Do you like English coffee?
Sergey: Oh no! English people can`t make good coffee.
Tania: Yes, I enjoy English breakfast but their coffee is bad.
Sergey: Did you get used to English tea with milk?
Tania: Yes, and I prefer it to coffee.
Exercise 2. Ask the questions to each other.
1. What do Russian people usually have for breakfast? What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you drink black or white coffee? Do you like tea with milk? Can you afford to have freshly squeezed out oranges in the morning? What do you think is the healthiest breakfast?
2. The English usually have for lunch (the midday meal) some light food. And what about you? When do you usually have your midday meal? How do we call it? What do you usually have for dinner?
3. The main meal of the English is in the evening and it is called dinner. When do you have dinner? When do you usually have
supper? What do you usually have for supper?
Exercise 3.Translate the following proverbs and saying:
1. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. |
2. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. |
3. As slippery as an eel. |
4. All sugar and honey.
5. Hunger breaks stone walls.
Lesson 4.
“British Cuisine”
Exercise 1. Listen and read the words:
Aubergine-баклажан Egg plant-баклажан
Marrow-кабачок Maize-кукуруза
Pepper-перец Beetroot-свекла
Cauliflower-цветная капуста Leek-лук-порей
Brussels spouts-брюссельская капуста Cabbage-капуста
Potato-картофель Cucumber-огурец
Radish-редис Mushroom-грибы
Beans-бобы Greens-зелень
Spinach-шпинат Dill-укроп
Tomato-помидор Carrot-морковь
Turpin-репа Peas-горох
Onion-лук Pumpkin-тыква
Black radish-редька Olives-оливки
Garlic-чеснок Parsley-петрушка
Lettuce-салат Sorrel-щавель
Spring onion- Asparagus-спаржа
Exercise 2. Read and translate the text using the new words:
Salad is generally made with lettuce, tomato, cucumber with a dressing of “smetana” (thick sour cream), mayonnaise, oil, lemon or vinegar.
The common vegetables are: cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, peas, French beans, turnips, onions, beets,
celery, dill, parsley, parsnip, spinach, asparagus, melon, water-melon, egg-plant, vegetable marrow.
Vegetables are usually eaten raw or cooked or pickled.
Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.
Criticize-критиковать Tasteless-безвкусный
Overcooked-переваренный Ingredient-ингредиент
To invent-изобретать Sauces-соус
To disguise-скрывать Spice-специя, пряность
Herb-трава Delicious-очень вкусная
Disappointing-обидно Lend-одалживать
British Cuisine
Some people criticize English food. They say it`s unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it`s chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables.
The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven`t had to invent sauces to disguise their fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious?
If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say: ”Fish and chips” then stop. It is disappointing, but true, that there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food does`t lend itself to such preparation. England cooking is found at home. So it difficult to find English restaurant with a reasonable prices.
In most cities in Britain you`ll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you`ll also find Indonesian, Greek… Cynics will say that this is because English have no “cuisine” themselves, but this is not quite the true.
Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word-combinations:
English food, overcooked vegetables, basic ingredients, full of flavour, to invent, sauces, spring lamb, typically English dishes, eating in restaurants, found at home, reasonable prices, quite the true.
Exercise 5. Translate the following word-combinations:
Чипсы ко всем блюдам, основные ингредиенты, испортить натуральный вкус, только что сваренным, вымачивать молодую баранину, очень вкусная рыба к чипсам, английская кухня, разумные цены, найдёте индийские, китайские рестораны.
Exercise 6. Answer the questions:
1. What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?
2. Do English people use a lot of sauces?
3. What are typically English dishes from a foreigner’s point of view?
4. Do all English eat in restaurants?
5. What kind of restaurants can you find in Britain?
6. Is it the true that English have no cuisine?
Exercise7. Read and learn the dialogue.
A: What shall we have for breakfast?
B: Let`s have bread and butter, two eggs and a cup of tea.
A: And what about you?
B:I think I`d like a cup of milk.
WB Lesson 4.
“British Cuisine”
Exercise 1. Read and translate the following word-combinations:
English |
Russian |
· English food |
· overcooked vegetables |
· basic ingredients |
· full of flavour |
· to invent |
· sauces |
· spring lamb |
· typically English dishes |
· eating in restaurants |
· found at home |
· reasonable prices |
· quite the true |
Exercise 2. Translate the following word-combinations:
Russian |
English |
· Чипсы ко всем блюдам |
· основные ингредиенты |
· испортить натуральный вкус |
· только что сваренным |
· вымачивать молодую баранину |
· очень вкусная рыба к чипсам |
· английская кухня |
· разумные цены |
· найдёте индийские, китайские рестораны
Exercise 3. Answer the questions:
1. What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?
2. Do English people use a lot of sauces?
3. What are typically English dishes, from a foreigner’s point of view?
4. Do all English eat in restaurants?
5. What kind of restaurants can you find in Britain? |
6. Is it the true that English have no cuisine?
WB Lesson 4.
“British Cuisine”
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
What do the English eat? One`s daily diet depends (probably as everywhere) on taste, income and pattern of everyday life. For breakfast, someone dashing off to work will grab a cup of tea or coffee and croissant en route! But at weekends, when there is more time, they might on Saturday or Sunday have the “Great British Breakfast” (which is now marketed everywhere in cafes as “all day breakfast”- very popular with tourists). This consists of fried bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, sausage, baked beans and fried bread. This food is ironically known as “heart-attack specials”- but if one goes away to stay in bed-and-breakfast place or hotel, you have it all the same. Anyone health-conscious may have cereal, e. g. muesli, fruit juice and perhaps a piece of toast and marmalade. At weekends, I may have scrambled eggs on toast, with grilled bacon, coffee. Lunch for me would be a sandwich with brown, wholemeal bread, a banana, occasionally soup and / or fruit juice - most people eat their main meal in the evening, because of work, and for preference. Again main dinners – anything! Traditional English food is fish and chips with peas, steak and kidney pie, sausage pie, sausage and mashed potatoes, but people also eat Indian or Chinese food, pasta with a meat or vegetable sauce, with the usual Mediterranean herbs, such as basil, oregano, plus olives, Pesto sauce, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. As for eating out – income determines this. As I am on pension, it is usually Indian or Chinese, and there is a cheap Polish restaurant near my place – this would be once a month, and I may also get in a takeaway you phone the restaurants and they delivers – usually Indian) once or twice a month. However if you are young on a high income, you may eat out several times a week, and get frequent takeaways: you may have to pay $100-150 for in the modern European, Mediterranean or even some up-market Indian restaurants (compare the ones we go to -$30-40 for two).
income-доход Pattern-образ (жизни)
o dash-бежать, мчаться Croissant- круасан, рогалик
en route-по пути To market-рекламировать
bacon- бекон
baked beans-консервированная белая фасоль в томатном соусе
bed-and-breakfast-гостиничное обслуживание, в цену которого входят размещение и завтрак
health-conscious-заботящийся о своем здоровье
muesli- мюсли
wholemeal- цельнозерновой
steak and kidney-пирог с мясом и почками
oregano-ореган (растение из семейства мяты)
pesto sauce-песто (итальянский соус из базилика и чеснока)
to sprinkle-посыпать
Parmesan-сыр пармезан
takeaway-еда на вынос ( в ресторанах быстрого питания)
to deliver- доставлять
up-market-элитарный, дорогой
Exercise 2. Translate the following word-combinations in Russian.
1. Ежедневный рацион англичанина зависит от его предпочтений, дохода и образа жизни.
2. «Большой английский завтрак» состоит из бекона, яиц, помидоров, грибов, консервированной фасоли в томатном соусе и тостов.
3. Те, кто заботится о своем здоровье, предпочитают на завтрак мюсли, фруктовый сок, тосты с апельсиновым джемом.
4. Традиционная английская еда – рыба с картофелем во фритюре, зелёный горошек, слоёный пирог с мясом и почками, колбаса, картофельное пюре.
5. Ужин в современном дорогом ресторане с европейской, средиземноморской или индийской кухней обойдется в 100-150 фунтов на двоих.
Lesson 5.
A tea-party.
Exercise 1. Listen and read:
bread-хлеб roll-булочка
hamburger-гамбургер sandwich-бутерброд
biscuit-печенье Easter cake-кулич
Puff-слойка Raisins-изюм
Bun- булочка с изюмом Scone-сладкая булочка
Cake-кекс Cookie-печенье
Gem-пресная сдобная булочка Fancy cake-пирожные
Jam puff-слойка с повидлом Dumpling-пончик
Exercise 2. Remember the following expressions:
-to buy bread at the baker`s-
-покупать хлеб в булочной
-loaf of bread-
-караван хлеба
-bread is white, or brown, or black, fresh or stale-
- Хлеб белый, ржаной хлеб, свежий или черствый
- Ржаной хлеб. Rye bread is known as black bread.
Exercise3. Read the words and plan: breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and supper.
Bread, biscuit, soup, meat, fish, sugar, porridge, cabbage, potatoes, pudding, poultry, carrot, cheese, sausage, fruit, salad, cream, jam, cake, tea, coffee, milk, juice, butter.
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text.
A tea-party.
English people like to invite their friends to have tea with them. On a certain day, perhaps once a month, the house is made very clean and fresh flowers are put in the rooms. Children are told not to leave their things about, and they are sent to their own room.
The guests arrive and soon the sitting-room is full of people, all talking. They talk about their homes, their families, their friends, clothes, the cost of things
in the shops; they tell each other about the things that other people have said and done. The conversation never stops.
Then tea is brought in. In England making tea is a very serious matter. This is how it is done. Fresh water is poured into the kettle and when it is hot, a little is put in the tea-pot to warm it. The teapot is then dried and the tea put in one spoonful for each person and “one for the pot” When the water is quite boiling, it is poured on the tea and then the tea-pot must stand in a warm place for four or five minutes before it is ready.
Tea must be poured as carefully as it is made. Some people like to have milk in the cup first and then tea, others like to put tea in first and add milk, while others say they cannot see much difference. Some people do not take milk in their tea at all. When you are pouring tea, you should ask each person don`t like sugar in their tea, others like one, two or three lumps
Exercise 5. Find the English equivalents from the text to the following:
Свежая вода, наливать в чайник, заварной чайник, одна чайная ложка для каждого, одна- на чайник, когда вода закипит, поставить в теплое место на четыре минуты, добавить сначала молоко, не любят сахар в чае.
WB Lesson 5.
A tea-party.
Exercise1. Read the words and plan: breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and supper.
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Dinner |
Tea |
Supper. |
Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents from the text to the following:
Russian |
English |
· Свежая вода |
· наливать в чайник |
· заварной чайник |
· одна чайная ложка для каждого |
· одна- на чайник |
· когда вода закипит |
· поставить в теплое место на четыре минуты |
· добавить сначала молоко |
· не любят сахар в чае |
Exercise 3. Give it a name.
1. It is the first meal of the day.
2. It is yellow fat which is made from cream. |
3. An oval object lid by female birds, has a hard shell and contains a baby bird. |
4. It is a white or brown powder made by grinding grains such as wheat. |
5. It is a sweet sticky liquid that is made by bees. |
WB Lesson 5.
A tea-party.
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
What is Tea for the British?
Tea is the national drink of the British.
Britain imports about 20% of all the world`s tea. It was introduce to Britain in 1657 by Catherine of Braganza, King Charles II`s wife and become so popular that special ships (“clippers”) were designed to bringing it quickly from China.
The English custom of afternoon tea goes back to the late 18th century, when Anne, wife of the 7th Duke of Bedford, decided that she needed tea and cakes to bring back her strength around 5 p.m.
The British drink more tea than any other nation – about 4 kilos a head, or 1,650 cups of tea a year.
Most people in Britain drink tea with black leaves, but now herbal teas, which do not contain caffeine, are becoming more popular.
The British way of making tea is special. There are some strict rules how their tea is made:
· The teapot must be warmed before the tea is put in.
· The water must be boiling properly.
· The right quantity of tea – “one spoon for each person and one for the pot”- must be used.
· Tea must be brewed for three minutes.
The drinking of tea is the opportunity for the British to rest for a few minutes.
“If you are cold, tea will warm you,
If you are heated, it will cool you,
If you are depressed, it will cheer you,
If you are excited, it will calm you.”
Exercise 2.Translate the following word-combinations:
· The teapot must be warmed before the tea is put in.
· The water must be boiling properly.
· The right quantity of tea – “one spoon for each person and one for the pot”- must be used.
· Tea must be brewed for three minutes.
Список литературы:
1. Большой англо-русский словарь :В 2-х т. (Под общей редакцией И.Р.Гальперина и Э.М. Медниковой. – М,.1988
2. Щербакова Н.И. и Звенигородская Н.С. «Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания» М., Академия, 2005
3. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь ресторанной лексики. (сост. М.и Ж.-П. Дюбу, И.А. Кусый.- М. 2000)
Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.
I am a trainee of the professional lyceum number 35. I am learning to be a cook. Our professional lyceum is not very old. It was founded in 1963. It is a modern two-storey building which is situated in a large garden. There is a large sport-ground in front of it, where our people play football, volleyball, basketball. As we come into the school, we take off our coats and hats and leave them in a large cloak-room, which is on the ground floor. On the ground floor of our school there is a dinning-room. All the pupils have their breakfast, dinner and supper there. There is also a gym on the ground floor where we have our physical training.
There are many labs: chemistry lab, physics lab, mathematics lab, literature study-room, history study-room and many others. The labs and study-rooms are equipped with computes.
We work and study six days a week. We learn many special subjects, such as technology, calculation.
The laboratory and study-rooms where we learn special subjects are situated in the second building. They are equipped with modern machines, instruments, which help us to master such profession as a cook. Our professional lyceum trains qualified specialists for canteen feeding. In summer we have our practice in restaurants, canteens, café, open-air café.
The training period lasts three years. The first lesson begins at 8.30. The trainees usually have six lessons a day. We have practice twice a week.
At the end of the training period we will take examination. We will prepare three main courses: soup, a main course and a dessert.
We take an active part in all professional competitions,
besides, the pupils go in for sports. Among them there are many, who become the winners of different competitions and championships.
Many pupils take part in amateur circles, such as dancing, singing, dramatic.
After finishing school, I`ll get a secondary education and a profession. I like my future trade very much.
6. Релаксационная пауза. Презентация 2. «Квалификационный экзамен.»
7. Контроль уровня понимания. Выполнение упражнений 4 и 5 с использованием рабочего листа.
Exercise 4.
a/Read the questions and translate them into Russian
b/Find the answers to the questions in the text
10. Where do you study?
11. What profession are you learning?
12. Where is the dinning-room situated?
13. Where do you have your physical training?
14. What subjects do you learn?
15. Where will you have your practice?
16. Is your master a good specialist?
17. Will you have an examination at the end of the training period?
18. Do you like your future profession? Why?
19. How do you think to develop your career?
Exercise5. Complete the sentences
(упражнение 1 рабочего листа) “Exercise 1 WB”
10. I am a trainee….
11. I am learning to be…
12. It is a modern two-storey building which is…
13. As we come into the school…
14. On the ground floor there is…
15. We work and study …
16. Our professions lyceum trains qualified specialist for…
17. In summer we have practice in …
18. The trainees usually have…
10. At the end of the training period ….
11. We will prepare three main courses…
12 .After finishing school, I`ll get …
Exercise 6. Give the English equivalents of the Russian words given in brackets.
(упражнение 2 рабочего листа) “Exercise 2 WB”
6. I am (учащийся) of professional lyceum.
7. When I (окончу профессиональный лицей) I shall be a cook.
8. They equipped with modern machines and instruments, which help us (осваивать профессию повара)
9. Our professional lyceum trains (квалифицированных специалистов для общественного питания)
10. At the end of the training period (у нас будут экзамены),(мы будем готовить) three main courses:(суп, основное блюдо, десерт)
8. Проверка домашнего задания. Пословицы и поговорки о труде.
(упражнение 3 рабочего листа) “Exercise 3 WB”
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