Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия «Ночь фейерверков - Bonfire Night»
Оценка 5

Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия «Ночь фейерверков - Bonfire Night»

Оценка 5
английский язык
3 кл—7 кл
Методическая разработка  внеклассного мероприятия «Ночь фейерверков - Bonfire Night»
Приглашаем вас в виртуальное путешествие по страницам Британской истории.
НАША Методическая разработка.docx

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Октябрьского района города Ростова-на-Дону

«Центр дополнительного образования детей»



На заседании методического совета

Протокол № _________

«___» _____________ 2022_ г.


Методическая разработка

внеклассного мероприятия

«Ночь фейерверков - Bonfire Night»


творческих объединений

естественно-научной и

социально-гуманитарной направленности

 «Познаём мир вместе» и «Первые ступеньки»



Разработали педагоги

дополнительного образования:

Подчалимова Ю.В.

Воротынцева О.В.





2022 г.

Цель мероприятия: обеспечить коммуникативно-психологическую адаптацию учащихся к новому языковому миру, приобщить обучающихся к языку и культуре Великобритании через познание традиций страны изучаемого языка.




-повышать мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка.

- развивать артистизм, творческие способности учащихся.


-формировать умение учащихся работать индивидуально, в паре, в группе;

-формировать умение использовать изученные речевые средства.


- формировать элементарные лексические навыки, необходимые для общения; совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи.

-развивать языковую догадку.

- познакомить учащихся с обычаями и традициями празднования “Bonfire Night” в Великобритании.


Формы работы: индивидуальная, парная, групповая;


Ресурсы: ноутбук с колонками, проектор, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал для учащихся (текст рассказа и упражнения к тексту о традициях празднования Bonfire Night – Ночи фейерверков, видеозапись, презентация к занятию)

Форма занятия: виртуальное путешествие по страницам Британской истории.


Пояснения к занятию.

Ночь Гая Фокса (англ. Guy Fawkes' Night), также известная как Ночь костров (англ. Bonfire Night) и Ночь фейерверков (англ. Fireworks Night) — традиционное для Великобритании ежегодное празднование (но не государственный праздник) в ночь на 5 ноября.


Исторический контекст

В эту ночь, пятую после Хэллоуина, отмечается провал Порохового заговора, когда группа католиков-заговорщиков попыталась взорвать Парламент Великобритании в Лондоне в ночь на 5 ноября 1605 года, во время тронной речи протестантского короля Якова I, когда, кроме него, в здании Палаты лордов присутствовали бы члены обеих палат парламента и верховные представители судебной власти страны.

Гай Фокс пытался поджечь в подвале Вестминстерского дворца бочки с порохом. Один из соучастников предупредил королевского лорда Уильяма Паркера, 4-го барона Монтигла о намечавшемся взрыве и сказал, чтобы тот не приходил на следующий день в здание дворца. Он решил спасти не только свою жизнь, но и королевские жизни. Он предупредил короля, и на следующий день Гай был арестован и отвезён в Тауэр.



В Великобритании в Ночь Гая Фокса зажигают фейерверки и костры, на которых сжигают чучело Гая Фокса. А накануне дети выпрашивают монетки «для отличного парня Гая», чтобы накупить петард.

Помимо Британии, Ночь Гая Фокса отмечается и в некоторых бывших её колониях — в Новой Зеландии, Южной Африке, провинции Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор (Канада), части Британских Карибских островов и Австралии.



Ход мероприятия.

Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls, guests! We are very glad to meet you on our merry holiday “Bonfire Night”.

I. Начало занятия:


T: - Good morning! I’m glad to see you!

Ps: - Good morning, teacher! We`re glad to see you too!

T: - Today we’ll continue to speak about tradition and holidays of Great Britain.
The topic of our lesson is: Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Day.

Речевая зарядка (Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы педагога).

T: - What day is it today?

What season is it now?

What’s the weather like today?

What holidays do holidays do you know?

What holidays are celebrated in Great Britain?

What holidays are celebrated in our country?

II Основная часть занятия:

1. Проверка знаний по теме «Праздники (Holidays

T: - Complete the phrases according to the text. Ученики заканчивают    фразы педагога.

T: - The most important festival in Britain is ......

P1: - Christmas

T: - Christmas traditions are ......

P2: - Going to church, cooking turkey and pudding.

P3: - Decorating Christmas Tree and buying presents.

T: - The first Foot is......

P4: - A first visitor who enters a house in New Year`s morning.

T: - The first visitor must carry ......

P5: - Some food, a coin and a piece of coal.

T: - Boys send love cards to girls on .....

P6: - On St. Valentine`s Day

T: - Lent is .....

P7: - A period of forty days before Easter.

T: - A May Queen is ......

P8: - A schoolgirl who is elected on the 1st of May.


2. Введение в тему.

When is Guy Fawkes day?

Guy Fawkes Day, or Bonfire Night, is celebrated in the United Kingdom on November 5 every year.

History of the Gunpowder Plot

Around 400 years ago, there was a man named Guy Fawkes who was a part of the group, which was plotting to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London, with the help of gunpowder. Their mission was to kill King James I and his ministers.

James I had passed strict laws against the Catholics. They had to practice their religion in secret and were punished if they would not attend the Protestant church.

A group of twelve protestors decided to blow up the House of Parliament with gunpowder and Guy Fawkes had to keep a watch over the 36 barrels of gunpowder and light them up when it was time. However, fate had something else in store.

On the morning of November 5, soldiers discovered Guy Fawkes. They arrested him.

That night, people lit bonfires to celebrate King James I’s escape.

How to Celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?

Now, every year, people in UK light huge bonfires on the night of 5 November, to burn the ‘Guy,’ the scarecrow type figure made out of old clothes, stuffed paper and straw.

Fireworks are set off, as a reminder of the gunpowder hidden in the cellar by the protestors.

Torch lit processions go on the roads leading to the firework displays.

The bonfires are used to cook soup and bake potatoes for the crowds that come to watch the fireworks.

Children sometimes blacken their faces to look like Guy Fawkes. Before Guy Fawkes Day, some children carry out homemade effigies of Guy Fawkes on the street and ask passersby for ‘a penny for the Guy.’ This money is then used to buy fireworks for Bonfire Night.

3. Развитие навыков чтения — текст Bonfire Night (карточки).

T: - Read and translate the text about the special holiday in Britain - Bonfire Night. Обучающиеся по 2-3 предложения читают текст и переводят его на русский язык. Чтение текста сопровождается показом презентации по изучаемой теме.

Guy Fawkes Day

Remember, remember

The 5th of November,

Gunpowder treason and plot.

We see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

(Текст для обучающихся объединения «Первые ступеньки»)

There is a special day in England, which is called Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Day. It is celebrated on the 5th of November. On this day boys and girls take old clothes and some straw to make a dummy. The dummy is called a “Guy”.

The children go into the streets with a “Guy” and ask people for money:

“A penny for the “Guy”, mister?”  If they collect some money, they`ll buy fireworks and rockets.

In the evening children and their parents make a big bonfire and burn the dummy on it. After that they watch fireworks display and sing a rhyme:

There is a traditional food on this day: sweet biscuits, toffee apples, baked potatoes.

But who is Guy Fawkes? He was a bandit. On the 5th of November 1605 he tried

to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. But the King got to know about it and arrested the bandit.

straw- солома;

a dummy- чучело;

a bonfire- костер;

toffее apples- яблоки в карамели;

to blow up- взрывать.

Guy Fawkes Day

(Текст для обучающихся объединения «Познаем мир вместе»)

Guy Fawkes Night is a very British celebration. It celebrates a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament (that’s where Big Ben is) in London. This was probably one of the first examples of terrorism, only it didn’t work. It all happened on November the fifth, 1605. A group of Catholics who were unhappy with their Protestant rulers wanted to bring the government down. Their leader was a man called Guy Fawkes and his plan was called the Gunpowder Plot. Fortunately, some passers-by saw Guy Fawkes and his followers with the gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was arrested. He was put on a bonfire and burned to death. In Britain and former British colonies, this day is also called Bonfire Night.

Bonfire Night is perhaps the biggest outdoor celebration in Britain. Unfortunately, it is in winter and takes place at night. You have to brave the cold, but it is a happy occasion. Every town and village puts on a fireworks display. There is usually a large bonfire in the middle of the town. People gather at it to watch the fireworks and eat traditional Guy Fawkes Night food. Baked potatoes and toffee apples are the most popular treats. There is usually a mock guy on the bonfire to represent the real one that died 400 years ago. Many families have smaller celebrations and will have their own, private fireworks display in their garden. There are many warnings to be careful because every year, children are injured in fireworks accidents.

Sources: http://www.wikipedia.org/ and assorted sites.

4. Динамическая пауза

Stand up.

Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips, sit down
Bent left to the side
Bent left bent right
1, 2, 3 hop 1, 2, 3 stop!
sit still.

5. Развитие навыков письменной речи (используется раздаточный материал).


Упражнения для обучающихся объединения «Первые ступеньки»

T: -. Write if the statements true or false. Ученики письменно заканчивают предложения.

1. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on the 6thof November.

2. On this day children make a dummy.

3. They go into the streets with a “Guy” and ask people for sweets and cakes.

4. On this holiday people buy some presents and souvenirs.

5. In the evening children burn the dummy on a big bonfire.

6. Toffee apples are a traditional food on this day.

7. Guy Fawkes is a bandit.

8. He killed the King.


1- False; 2- True; 3- False; 4- False; 5- True; 6- True; 7- True; 8- False.


Упражнения для обучающихся объединения «Познаем мир вместе»

Match the following phrases from the article.

1.     blow up the Houses                                    a. down

2.     the first examples                                       b. burned to death

3.     bring the government                                 c. colonies

4.     his plan was called the                               d. of Parliament

5.     He was put on a bonfire and                      e. of terrorism

6.     former British                                            f. Gunpowder Plot


Guy Fawkes Night _______________ celebration. It celebrates a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament (that’s where Big Ben is) in London. This was probably _______________ examples of terrorism, only it didn’t work. It all happened on November the fifth, 1605. A group of Catholics who were _______________ Protestant rulers wanted to bring the government down. Their leader was a man called Guy Fawkes _______________ called the Gunpowder Plot. Fortunately, _______________ saw Guy Fawkes and his followers with the gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was arrested. _______________ bonfire and burned to death. In Britain and former British colonies, this day is also called Bonfire Night.

Bonfire Night is perhaps _______________ celebration in Britain. Unfortunately, it is in winter and takes _______________. You have to brave the cold, but it is a happy occasion. Every town and village puts on a fireworks display. There is usually _______________ in the middle of the town. People gather at it to watch the fireworks and eat traditional Guy Fawkes Night food. Baked potatoes and toffee apples are the most popular treats. There is _______________ guy on the bonfire to represent the real one that died 400 years ago. Many families have smaller celebrations and will _______________, private fireworks display in their garden. There are many warnings to be careful because every year, children are injured in _______________.

Put the words into the gaps in the text.

Guy Fawkes Night is a ____________ British celebration. It celebrates a failed attempt to ____________ up the Houses of Parliament (that’s where Big Ben is) in London. This was probably one of the first examples of ____________, only it didn’t work. It all happened on November the fifth, 1605. A ____________ of Catholics who were unhappy with their Protestant rulers wanted to ____________ the government down. Their leader was a man called Guy Fawkes and his ____________ was called the Gunpowder Plot. Fortunately, some passers-by saw Guy Fawkes and his ____________ with the gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was arrested. He was put on a bonfire and burned to ____________. In Britain and former British colonies, this day is also called Bonfire Night.

(followers, terrorism, plan, very, group, death, bring, blow)

Bonfire Night is perhaps the ____________ outdoor celebration in Britain. Unfortunately, it is in winter and takes place at ____________. You have to brave the cold, but it is a happy ____________. Every town and village puts on a fireworks display. There is usually a large bonfire in the ____________ of the town. People gather at it to watch the fireworks and eat ____________ Guy Fawkes Night food. Baked potatoes and toffee apples are the most popular ____________. There is usually a mock guy on the bonfire to represent the real one that died 400 years ago. Many families have smaller celebrations and will have their own, ____________ fireworks display in their garden. There are many warnings to be careful because every year, children are ____________ in fireworks accidents.

(occasion, biggest, traditional, treats, middle, injured, night, private)


Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs of italics.

Guy Fawkes Night is a too / very British celebration. It celebrates a failed attempt to blow up / down the Houses of Parliament (that’s where Big Ben is) in London. This was probably one of the first examples / example of terrorism, only it didn’t work. It all happened on November the five / fifth, 1605. A group of Catholics who were unhappy with their Protestant rulers wanted to brought / bring the government down. Their leader was a man called Guy Fawkes and his plan / plans was called the Gunpowder Plot. Fortunately, some passers-by saw Guy Fawkes and his followers with the gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was arresting / arrested. He was put on a bonfire and burned to death. In Britain and farmer / former British colonies, this day is also called Bonfire Night.

Bonfire Night is perhaps the biggest outdoor celebrate / celebration in Britain. Unfortunately, it is in winter and takes place at night. You have to bravery / brave the cold, but it is a happy occasion. Every town and village puts in / on a fireworks display. There is usually a large bonfire in the middle of the town. People gather / gathered at it to watch the fireworks and eat traditional Guy Fawkes Night food. Baked potatoes and toffee apples are the most popular treaties / treats. There is usually a mock guy on the bonfire to represent the really / real one that died 400 years ago. Many families have smaller celebrations and will have their own, private fireworks display / spray in their garden. There are many warnings to be careful because every year, children are injury / injured in fireworks accidents.


6. Развитие визуально-аудитивных навыков — видеоролик «Bonfire Night» (ноутбук, интерактивная доска).

T: - And now we watch a video – how British celebrate Bonfire Night. обучающиеся смотрят видеоролик.



7. Завершающая часть занятия (Подведение итогов)

T: - Now you know much about celebrations and traditions in Great Britain.

What holiday do British celebrate on the fifth of November?

Who was Guy Fawkes?

Do you like this holiday?

Your marks are good (excellent).

Stand up. See you at the next lesson.

Good bye.




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Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Цель мероприятия: обеспечить коммуникативно-психологическую адаптацию учащихся к новому языковому миру, приобщить обучающихся к языку и культуре

Цель мероприятия: обеспечить коммуникативно-психологическую адаптацию учащихся к новому языковому миру, приобщить обучающихся к языку и культуре

Гай Фокс пытался поджечь в подвале

Гай Фокс пытался поджечь в подвале

T: - Complete the phrases according to the text

T: - Complete the phrases according to the text

Torch lit processions go on the roads leading to the firework displays

Torch lit processions go on the roads leading to the firework displays

Guy Fawkes Day (Текст для обучающихся объединения «Познаем мир вместе»)

Guy Fawkes Day (Текст для обучающихся объединения «Познаем мир вместе»)

They go into the streets with a “Guy” and ask people for sweets and cakes

They go into the streets with a “Guy” and ask people for sweets and cakes

Put the words into the gaps in the text

Put the words into the gaps in the text

Bonfire Night is perhaps the biggest outdoor celebrate / celebration in

Bonfire Night is perhaps the biggest outdoor celebrate / celebration in
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