Методические указания и задания для выполнения контрольной работы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» студентами заочной формы обучения по специальности 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений составлены в соответствии с требованиями федерального государственного образовательного стандарта и рабочей программы по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык».
Цель методических указаний – обеспечить контроль освоения иностранного языка в рамках базового курса, а также основ профессионального языка. Контрольная работа 4 соответствует техническому направлению, представленному в методических указаниях и пособиях (см. список). Контрольная работа 4 имеет 5 вариантов.
В контрольной работе предусмотрены задания на проверку навыков чтения, знание грамматического и лексического материала.
Краевое государственное бюджетное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«КомсомольскийнаАмуре строительный колледж»
Иностранный язык
Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов
заочной формы обучения
по специальности
08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений
курс 5
1Методические указания и задания для выполнения контрольной работы по
дисциплине «Иностранный язык» студентами заочной формы обучения по
специальности 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений
составлены в соответствии с требованиями федерального государственного
образовательного стандарта и рабочей программы по учебной дисциплине
«Иностранный язык».
Цель методических указаний – обеспечить контроль освоения иностранного
языка в рамках базового курса, а также основ профессионального языка.
Контрольная работа 4 соответствует техническому направлению, представленному в
методических указаниях и пособиях (см. список). Контрольная работа 4 имеет 5
В контрольной работе предусмотрены задания на проверку навыков чтения,
знание грамматического и лексического материала.
Разработчик: Кузова Е. В., преподаватель английского языка
Рецензент: Коробкова Галина Павловна методист КГБ ПОУ КСК
Рассмотрено и утверждено на заседании ПЦК общеобразовательных и социально
гуманитарных дисциплин
Протокол ____ от «______» ________20____г.
Председатель ПЦК __________________/К.У Бойко /
1 ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ.......................................................................................................................4
2 ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ контрольной работы................................................................................................5
3. СОСТАВЛЕНИЕ И ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ СПИСКА использованных источников...............................7
Задание 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий............................................14
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.....................................14
Задание 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные формы герундия...................18
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.....................................18
Задание 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Participle или Perfect Participle..............................19
Образец: She thought she would go to the country for the weekend.........................................................22
She thought of going to the country for the weekend................................................................................22
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.....................................22
1.modern structure.......................................................................................................................................26
Задание 5.....................................................................................................................................................26
a) Замените придаточные предложения инфинитивными оборотами...................................................26
Образец: He is so old that he cannot skate. He is too old to skate..............................................................26
b) Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив....................................................................................27
1. Isn't it natural that we like to be praised and don't like to be scolded? 2. Which is more pleasant: to give
or to be given presents? 3. He is very forgetful, but he doesn't like to be reminded of his duties. 4. The
child was happy to have been brought home. 5. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr.
Rochester. 6. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus. 7. I am sorry to have spoilt
your mood. 8. Maggie was very sorry to have forgotten to feed the rabbits...............................................27
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.....................................27
Задание 7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle 1 и Participle II..................27
Задание 8. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия..........................................................27
1.1 Настоящие методические рекомендации разработаны с целью организации
выполнения студентами требований контрольной работы.
1.2 Контрольная работа, позволяет комплексно оценить уровень освоение
обучающимися следующих общих и профессиональных компетенций:
ОК1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии,
проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.
ОК2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и
способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и
ОК3. Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них
ОК4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для
эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и
личностного развития.
ОК5. Использовать информационнокоммуникационные технологии в
профессиональной деятельности.
ОК6. Работать в коллективе и в команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами,
руководством, потребителями.
4ОК 7. Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных), за
результат выполнения заданий.
ОК8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного
развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение
ОК9. Ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в профессиональной
Уважаемый студент! Прежде, чем начать выполнять контрольную работу,
пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с правилами выполнения и оформления контрольных
работ. Неправильно выполненная и оформленная работа будет возвращена вам на
Контрольная работа сдается в распечатанном виде, шрифт 14, Times New
Roman, интервал полуторный, поля по 2,0 см со всех сторон.
На обложке указать учебное заведение, группу, кто выполнил работу (ваши ФИО.),
кто проверил работу (ФИО преподавателя), номер и тему контрольной работы,
номер варианта.
Все без исключения задания выполняются письменно. Для вашего удобства вам
лучше брать контрольные работы в электронном виде и сразу в них работать.
1. Внимательно читайте задания. Во многих заданиях имеются образцы выполнения.
Выполняйте задания строго по образцу.
2. Задание «Выполните перевод». В вашей контрольной работе должен быть
полностью приведен английский текст, который нужно перевести. Ниже размещается
3. Задание «Ответьте на вопросы». Приводится вопрос, ниже помещается ответ под
тем же номером. Например:
1. Do your children go to school?
1. No, my son is only three.
54. Задание «Выберите правильное значение слова». Приводится слово, через тире его
5. Задание «Поставьте знак T(true) или F(false)». Приводится утверждение, в конце
которого ставится соответствующий знак, заглавной буквой.
6. Задание «Заполните пробелы в предложении». Предложение приводится
полностью, слово, которым вы заполнили пробел, выделяется жирным шрифтом или
7. Грамматические упражнения приводятся в готовом виде; обязательно выделите
жирным шрифтом или подчеркните то, что вы вставили в предложение или изменили
согласно правилам грамматики.
8. Задание «Вставьте в текст пропущенные предложения». Текст приводится
полностью, вставленные предложения выделяются жирным шрифтом или
9. Задание «Переведите на английский язык». Приводится русский текст, ниже
10. Задание «Сопоставьте начало предложения с его окончанием». Предложение
должно быть приведено полностью в готовом виде.
11. Задание «Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму»,
Приводится изначальное утвердительное предложение, ниже его вопросительная и
отрицательная форма под одним номером.
12. Задание «Выпишите из текста эквиваленты выражений». Следует привести
выражение, а через тире его эквивалент (т.е. равноценное по смыслу выражение на
английском / русском языке).
13. Задание «Найдите в тексте предложения со сходным смыслом». Приводится
исходное предложение, ниже то, которое вы нашли в тексте.
В установленные учебным графиком сроки студент направляет выполненную
работу для проверки в учебное заведение.
После получения прорецензированной работы студенту необходимо исправить
отмеченные ошибки, выполнить все указания преподавателя, повторить
недостаточно усвоенный материал.
Не зачтенные контрольные работы подлежат повторному выполнению.
Для получения зачета необходимо выполнить контрольную работу, сделать
все исправления, указанные преподавателем в выполненных заданиях и защитить
работу, т.е. в процессе опроса по ней показать хорошую осведомленность и
самостоятельность выполнения.
Список литературы является составной частью контрольной работы и
размещается после «Заключения». Список использованных источников оформляется
по ГОСТ 7.1 – 2003.
Библиографический список оформляется по следующим схемам:
Под именем индивидуального автора:
Фамилия автора, * инициалы. * Название книг * [Текст] * : * учебное пособие
* / * инициалы автора . * фамилия автора. * * Город * : * издательство, *
год. * * количество * с. * : * ил.
Под заглавием:
Название книги * [Текст] * : * учебное пособие * / * Под ред. Инициалы. *
фамилия редактора или составителя. * * Город * : * издательство, * год. *
* количество * с. * : * ил.
Статья из журнала:
Фамилия автора, * инициалы. * Название статьи * [Текст] * / * инициалы. *
фамилия автора. * // Название журнала, газеты. * * год. * * номер журнала,
дата выпуска газеты. * * С. * 2035.
* указывает на пробел.
[Текст]. указывает, что использованный источник является печатным изданием т.е
книга, журнал, методический указатель и т.д.
[Электронный ресурс]. указывает, что использованный
электронным изданием или сетевым ресурсом.
источник является
Пример составления списка
Список литературы
1 Алексеева, М. М. Методика развития речи и обучения родному языку
дошкольников [Текст] : учеб. пособие / М. М. Алексеева, В. И. Яшина. –
Москва: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 400 с.
2 Выготский, Л. С. Избранные психологические исследования [Текст] / Л. С.
Выготский. – Москва: Просвещение, 2003. – 598 с.
3 Становление методики развития речи детей как науки [Электронный
ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.detskiysad.ru/rech/metodika04.html
вариант 1
Задание 1 Для выполнения тестовых заданий перевеcти письменно текст.
From the history of building
Many thousands of years ago there were no houses such as people live in today. In hot
countries people sometimes made their homes in the trees and used leaves to protect
themselves from rain or sun. In colder countries they dwelt in caves. Later people left their
caves and trees and began to build houses of different materials such as mud, wood or
Later people found out that bricks made of mud and dried in the hot sunshine became
almost as hard as stones. In ancient Egypt especially, people learned the use of these sun
dried mud bricks. Some of their buildings are still standing after several thousands of
The ancient Egyptians discovered how to cut stone for building purposes. They erected
temples, palaces and huge tombs. The greatest tomb is the stone pyramid of Khufu, King
of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians often erected their huge buildings without thinking of
their usefulness.
The ancient Greeks also understood the art of building with cut stone, and their
buildings were beautiful as well as useful. They often used pillars, partly for supporting the
roofs and partly for decoration.
During the last hundred years many new methods of building have been discovered.
One of the most recent discoveries is the usefulness of steel as a building material.
8Nowadays when it is necessary to have a very tall building, the frame of it is first built in
steel and then the building is completed in concrete. Concrete is an artificial kind of stone,
much cheaper than brick or natural stone and much stronger than they are.
На основе содержания текста выполнить следующие задания.
Задание 2. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на
них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных
вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.
1. What did the ancient Greeks use pillars for?
2. Is steel used as building material?
3. Where did people live many thousands of years ago?
4. What kinds of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect?
5. Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build their houses?
Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.
В. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.
С. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.
D. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.
E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.
Задание 3. Выбрать эквиваленты следующих слов. Записать их соотношение в
бланк ответов по образцу 1 b, 2 d, …
1. твердый, жесткий
2. глина
3. цемент
4. кирпич
5. отвечать требованиям
6. бетон
7. недостаток
8. древний
9. лесоматериалы, строевой лес
10. сталь
a. meet requirement
b. hard
9c. steel
d. concrete
e. timber
f. brick
g. ancient
h. disadvantage
i. clay
j. cement
10Задание 4. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово и
вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное слово, в
бланк ответов.
1. People first lived in ….
a) houses b) palaces c) trees or caves
2. Egyptian pyramids are made of ….
a) stone b) wood c) bricks
3. The cheapest building material is ….
a) wood b) bricks c) concrete
4. The ancient Greeks knew the art of building with ….
a) steel b) cut stone c) concrete)
5. Nowadays very tall and huge building are made of ….
a) steel and concrete b) bricks c) stone
Задание 5. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. We have ... large ... family. 2. My granny often tells us ... long ... interesting .. stories. 3.
My ... father is ... engineer. He works at ... factory. ... factory is large. 4. My ... mother is ...
doctor. She works at ... large ... hospital. She is at ... work now. 5. My ... aunt is ... teacher.
She works at ... school. ... school is good. My ... aunt is not at ... school now. She is at ...
home. She is drinking ... tea and eating ... jam. ... jam is sweet. I am at ... home, too. I am
drinking ... tea and eating ... sandwich. ... sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at ... school. She
is ... pupil. 7. My cousin has ... big ... black ... cat. My cousin's ... cat has two ... kittens. ...
milk, too. cat likes ... milk. ... kittens like.
Задание 6. Вставьте some, any, no, every или их производные.
1. Can I have ... milk? Yes, you can have .... 2. Will you have ... tea? 3. Give me ...
books, please. I have ... to read at home. 4. Put ... sugar in her tea: she does not like sweet
tea. 5. Is ... the matter with you? Has ... offended you? I see by your face that ... has
happened. 6. We did not see ... in the hall. 7. ... was present at the lesson yesterday. 8. He is
busy. He has ... time to go to the cinema with us. 9. Do you need ... books to prepare for
your report? 10. Have you ... questions? Ask me ... you like, I shall try to answer ...
question. 11. ... liked that play: it was very dull. 12. If ... is ready, we shall begin our
Задание 7. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.
1. This is a star. 2. This is a boy. 3. This is a baby. 4. That is a plate. 5. That is a flower, j 6.
That is a bookshelf. 7. Is this a sofa? 8. Is this a bookcase? 9. Is this a man? 10. Is that a
ball? 11. Is that a train? 12. Is that a plane? 13. Is the window open? 14. Is the door closed?
15. Is the boy near the window? 16. That is not a king, 17. That is not a queen. 18. That isnot a bus. 19. This isn't a mountain. 20. That isn't a goose. 21. This isn't a mouse. 22. It is
a sheep. 23. It is a cigarette. 24. It is a cat. 25. It is not a girl. 26. It isn't a bag. 27. It isn't a
tree. 28. It is not a bad egg. 29. It is a good egg. 30. Is that a flower?
вариант 2
Задание 1 Для выполнения тестовых заданий перевести письменно текст.
Building materials
To build a house the civil engineer must consider many factors. The choice of
materials, their physical properties, availability, cost and many others are among them.
Materials to be used for structural purposes should meet several requirements. In most
cases they should be hard, durable and fireresistant.
Steel, concrete, stone, timber and brick are the most commonly used materials.
Timber is the most ancient structural material. It is light, cheap and easy to work with. But
timber has certain disadvantages: it burns and decays. Timber used for building purposes is
divided into two groups: softwoods and hardwoods. Softwoods are chiefly used in
construction and hardwoods are used for decorative purposes.
Bricks were known many thousands of years ago. They are made of clay into a
required shape. Bricks are usually rectangular in form. They are hardened by burning in a
Concrete is one of the most important building materials. It is difficult to imagine modern
structure without concrete. Concrete is made by mixing together in suitable proportions
fine and coarse aggregates, cement and water. Crushed stone, broken brick and gravel are
considered to be coarse aggregates. Sand is the best fine aggregate. Both quarry and river
sands are extensively used.
На основе содержания текста выполнить следующие задания.
Задание 2. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на
них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных
вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.
1.What are the most commonly used building materials?2.Into what groups is timber divided?
3.What does concrete consist of ?
4.What must the civil engineer consider to build a house?
5.What requirements should building materials meet?
Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.
B. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.
C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.
D. 4, 5, 1, 2, 3.
E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.
Задание 3. Выбрать эквиваленты следующих слов. Записать их соотношение в
бланк ответов по образцу 1b, 2d , … .
1. materials used for structural
2. softwoods and hardwoods
3. rectangular
4. burning in a kiln
5. suitable proportions
6. broken brick
7. ordinary reinforcement and
prestressed reinforcement
8. to introduce steel rods
9. comparatively
a. обжиг в печи
b. сравнительно
c. вводить стальные стержни
d. армированный стекловолокном
e. материалы, применяемые для
строительных целей
f. мягкие и твердые породы дерева
g. подходящие пропорции
h. прямоугольный
i. кирпичный бой (щебень)
j. простая и предварительно напря
10. reinforced with glass fibres
женная арматура
Задание 4. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово и
вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное слово, в
бланк ответов.
1. Materials used in modern construction should ….a) meet several requirements b) meet several purposes с) meet several disadvantages
2. … is light, cheap and easy to work with, but it has certain disadvantages.
a) concrete b) stone c) timber
3. … are hardened burning in a kiln.
a) plastics b) bricks c) timber
4. Concrete is made by mixing cement, sand, gravel and … in suitable proportions.
a) glass b) water c) clay
5. Plastics are produced from ….
a) gravel b) stone c) chemicals
Задание 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.
1. Have you finished writing? 2. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very useful. 3. I
like skiing, but my sister prefers skating. 4. She likes sitting in the sun. 5. It looks like
raining. 6. My watch wants repairing. 7. Thank you for coming. 8. I had no hope of getting
an answer before the end of the month. 9.I had the pleasure of dancing with her the whole
evening. 10. Let's go boating. 11. He talked without stopping. 12. Some people can walk
all day without feeling tired. 13. Living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous
air. 14. Iron is found by digging in the earth. 15. There are two ways of getting sugar: one
from beet and the other from sugarcane. 16. Jane Eyre was fond of reading. 17. Miss
Trotwood was in the habit of asking Mr. Dick his opinion.
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.
1. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it during the general
cleaning. It turned out (to drop) between the sofa and the wall. 16. They seemed (to wait)
for ages.2. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk)
about. 3. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of
her sick brother. 4. He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living. He
wanted (to read) and not (to forget). 5. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous
exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings. 6. He seems (to know) French very
well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Australia. 7. The enemy army was reported (to
overthrow) the defense lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 8. The
woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell. 9. You seem (to look) for trouble. 10.
It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer
of snow. 11. They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door. 12.
Perhaps it would upset her (to tell) the truth of the matter.
Задание 7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.
1. The boy lay sleeping when the doctor came. 2. The broken arm was examined by the
doctor. 3. While being examined, the boy could not help crying. 4. Having prescribed the
medicine, the doctor went away. 5. The medicine prescribed by the doctor was bitter. 6.The dress bought at the department store was very beautiful. 7. While using a needle you
should be careful not to prick your finger. 8. While crossing the street one should first look
to the left and then to the right. 9. People watching a performance are called an audience.
10. Being very ill, she could not go to school. 11. The first rays of the rising sun lit up the
top of the hill. 12. The tree struck by lightning was all black and leafless. 13. Being busy,
he postponed his trip. 14. The door bolted on the in side could not be opened, 15. Having
been shown the wrong direction, the travellers soon lost their way. 16. The room facing the
garden is much more comfortable than this one.
вариант 3
Задание 2 Для выполнения тестовых заданий перевеcти письменно текст.
The various parts of a building
A building consists of two main parts: the substructure and the superstructure. The
substructure is the part of a building below ground level. It includes the footing, the
basement and the foundation walls. The superstructure is the part of a building above
ground level. It includes the walls, floors, roofs, beams, columns and trusses.
To build a house first the excavation must be dug for the basement, then the foundation
walls are constructed. After that the framework is erected, sheathed with various finishing
materials and protected by several coats of paint.
A foundation is the lowest part of the structure upon which the superstructure rests.
Foundations are usually made of monolithic concrete, concrete blocks, piles or bricks.
They keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil, support the superstructure and
prevent the building from sinking.
Walls enclose internal spaces and support the weight of the floors and roof. Non
structural subdividing walls are called partitions. Walls also protect the interior from
exposure to the weather. They are made of wood, brick, stone, concrete, concrete blocks,
reinforced concrete and/or other natural or artificial building materials.
A window is an opening in the wall of a structure which lets the light and air. Doors are
constructed in the walls to allow access. Floors divide a building into storeys. They may be
of timber or constructed from fireresistant materials.A roof is the topmost part of a building. Roofs cover the building and protect it from
exposure to the weather. They should tie in the walls and give strength and firmness to the
whole structure.
На основе содержания текста выполнить следующие задания.
Задание 2. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на
них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных
вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.
1. What parts of a building do you know?
2. What parts does the substructure (the superstructure) include?
3. What is the substructure (the superstructure)?
4. What materials are foundations (walls, floors, roofs) made of?
5. What is the function of foundation (walls, floors, roofs)?
Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.
В. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.
С. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.
D. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.
E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.
Задание 3. Выбрать эквиваленты следующих слов. Записать их соотношение в
бланк ответов по образцу 1 b, 2 d…
1. фундамент
2. окно
3. лестница
4. крыша
5. перегородка
6. потолок
7. дверь
8. основание9. стена
10. этаж
a. roof
b. window
c. raft
d. door
e. partition
f. ceiling
g. foundation
h. storey
i. wall
j. staircaseЗадание 4. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово и
вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное слово, в
бланк ответов.
1. The substructure is the part of a building … ground level .
a) below b) in c) above
2. The superstructure includes the wall , floors, … , beams, columns and trusses.
a) footings b) basements c) roofs
3. The … keeps the walls and floors from contact with the soil .
a) staircase b) foundation c) door
4. The building is divided into stories by ….
a) walls b) columns c) floors
5. …protect the building from exposure to the weather.
a) roofs b) partitions c) beams
Задание 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные формы
1. Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting
playing football. 2. She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to
her. 3. Can you remember having seen the man before? 4. She was terrified of having to
speak to anybody, and even more, of being spoken to. 5. He was on the point of leaving
the club, as the porter stopped him. 6. After being corrected by the teacher, the students'
papers were returned to them. 7. I wondered at my mother's having allowed the journey. 8.
I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work at once. 9. Everybody will discuss
the event, there is no preventing it. 10. At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody
to walk into the diningroom. 11. On being told the news she turned pale. 12. The place is
worth visiting. 12. I avoided speaking to them about that matter.13. She burst out crying.
14. They burst out laughing. 15. She denied having been at home that evening. 16. He
enjoyed talking of the pleasures of travelling. 17. Excuse my leaving you at such a
moment. 18. Please forgive my interfering. 19. He gave up smoking a few years ago. 20.
They went on talking. 21. He keeps insisting on my going to the south. 22. Oh please do
stop laughing at him. 23. Do you mind my asking you a difficult question? 24. Would you
mind coming again in a day or two? 14. I don't mind wearing this dress. 25. She could not
help smiling. 16. I cannot put off doing this translation. 26. Though David was tired, he
went on walking in the direction of Dover.
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.1. Не seems (to read) a lot. 2. Не seems (to read) now. 3. He seems (to read) since
morning. 4. He seems (to read) all the books in the library. 5. I want (to take) you to the
concert. 6.1 want (to take) to the concert by my father. 7. She hoped (to help) her Mends.
6. She hoped (to help) by her friends. 9. I hope (to see) you soon. 10. We expect (to be)
back in two days. 11. He expected (to help) by the teacher. 12. The children seem (to play)
since morning. 13. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday. 14. She seems (to work)
at this problem ever since she came here. 15 I am sorry (to break) your pen.
Задание 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Participle или Perfect Participle.
1. (to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 2. (to do) his homework, he went for a
walk. 3 (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends. 4. (to
sell) all the fruit, he went to see. his friends. 5. (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank a cup of
tea. 6. (to drink) tea, she scalded her lips. 7. (to run) in the yard, I fell and hurt my knee. 8.
(to look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about UFOs. 9. (to
write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily. 10. (to
live) in the south of our country, he cannot enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg's White
Nights in summer. 11. (to talk) to her neighbour in the street, she did not notice how a
thief stole her money. 12. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf.
13. (to buy) some juice and cakes, we went home. 14. (to sit) near the fire, he felt very
вариант 4
Задание 1. Для выполнения тестовых заданий перевести письменно текст.
Construction work
The building erected nowadays can be divided into two general classes: buildings for
housing and industrial buildings.
As far as material is concerned buildings can be divided into brick, wood, concrete, and
steel buildings. Brick is an artificial building material made of clay which is then brunt for
hardening. Natural stone (rubble masonry) is used for footing and foundations for external
walls carrying the load.
Buildings made of stone are durable and fireresisting.
The floors divide a building into stories. They may be either of timber or, in brick
buildings, of reinforced concrete details of big and small sizes.The coverings or upper parts of buildings meant to keep out rain and wind and to
preserve the interior from exposure to weather are called roofs. They tie the walls and
give the construction strength and firmness.
Every building must have a beautiful appearance. The interior should be planed to suit
the requirements of the occupants while the exterior must be simple with nothing
Every building should be provided with water, electricity, ventilation and heating
systems. The water supply and sewerage systems are called plumbing.
Careful consideration must be given to the amount of money which is going to be spent
in building the house.
На основе содержания текста выполнить следующие задания.
Задание 2. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на
них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных
вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.
1. How should the interior be planned?
2. What should every building be provided with?
3. In what way should the exterior be planned?
4. Into what groups can the buildings be divided as far as material is concerned?
5. Of what material are the building built?
Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.
B. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.
C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.
D. 4, 5, 1, 2, 3.
E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.
Задание 3. Выбрать эквиваленты следующих слов. Записать их соотношение в
бланк ответов по образцу 1b, 2 d, … .1. крыша
2. промышленное строительство
3. водопровод
4. фундамент
5. основание
6. прочный
7. потолок
8. центральное отопление
9. гражданское строительство
10. недостаток
a. buildings for housing
b. disadvantage
c. raft
d. industrial buildings
e. central heating
f. ceiling
g. foundation
h. durable
i. roof
j. running water
Задание 4. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово
и вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное
слово, в бланк ответов.
1. Artificial building materials are made … .
a) of wood b) of brick c) clay2. Buildings made of stone are … .
a) indurable b) light c) durable
3. The coverings or upper parts of the building are called ….
a) roofs b) ceilings c) walls
4. The water supply and sewerage systems are called ….
a) ventilation b) heating c) plumbing
5. Materials used in modern construction should ….
a) meet several requirements b) meet several purposes с) meet several
Задание 5.
a) В следующих предложениях замените придаточные дополнительные
герундием с предлогом of.
Образец: She thought she would go to the country for the weekend.
She thought of going to the country for the weekend
1. I thought I would come and see you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking that I shall go
out to the country tomorrow to see my mother. 3. What do you think you will
do tomorrow? 4. I don't know now; I thought I would go to the zoo, but the
weather is so bad that probably I shan't go. 5. I hear there are some English books
at our institute bookstall now. So you are thinking that you will buy some,
aren't you? 6. I thought I would work in the library this evening, but as you have
come, I won't go to the library.
b) В следующих предложениях замените придаточные времени
герундием с предлогом after.
Образец: When she had bought everything she needed, she went home. After
buying everything she needed, she went home
1. After I had hesitated some minutes whether to buy the hat or not, I finally
decided that I might find one I liked better in another shop. 2. When she had
graduated from the university, she left Tomsk and went to teach in her home town.
3. When he had proved that his theory was correct, he started studying ways and
means of improving the conditions of work in very deep coalmines. 4. After she
took the child to the kindergarten, she went to the library to study for her
examination. 5. When he had made a thorough study of the subject, he found that it
was a great deal more important than he had thought at first.
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму
инфинитива.1. We expect (to be) back in two days. 2. He expected (to help) by the teacher. 3.
The children seem (to play) since morning. 4. I am glad (to do) all the homework
yesterday. 5. She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here. 15 I
am sorry (to break) your pen. 6. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning:
the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow. 7. They seemed (to quarrel): I
could hear angry voices from behind the door. 8. Perhaps it would upset her (to
tell) the truth of the matter. 9. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the
last two months. 10. The only sound (to hear) was the snoring of grandfather in the
bedroom. 11. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it during
the general cleaning. It turned out (to drop) between the sofa and the wall. 12.
They seemed (to wait) for ages.
Задание 7. Замените придаточное предложение на причастный оборот.
Образец: When he heard her voice he stopped writing. – Hearing her voice he
stopped writing.
1. When she saw me, she asked my permission to ring me up. –
2. As she had forgotten my address, she rang up my friend to ask about it.
3. As I am often sent on a commission to the North, I have seen the
wonderful northern lights. –
4. The houses, which were ruined during the war, have been repaired and are
inhabited now. –
5. When I entered the forest, I suddenly saw a young hunter who was
followed by a dog. –
6. My friend gave me no answer as if she were dreaming. –
7. As I felt that I was not right I confessed my fault. –
8. After he had waited some minutes for an answer he turned round and left
the room.
9. The cold wind that was blowing fiercely drove the boat on and on. 10.
The news, which was published there, interested us greatly. –
вариант 5
Задание 1. Для выполнения тестовых заданий перевести письменно
It is difficult to imagine modern structure without concrete. Concrete is the
very building material which led to great structural innovations. The most
important quality is its property to be formed into large and strong monolithic
units. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, aggregate and water.
Cement is the most essential material and the most important one for making
concrete of high quality. Cement is made of limestone and clay. It is burnt at high
temperature and ground up into powder. During the grinding a small percentage of
raw gypsum is added otherwise it would set too quickly. Depending on the kind
and composition of the raw materials different types of cement are obtained:
Portland cement, blast furnace cement, rapidhardening cement and many others.
Concrete is made by binding together particles of sand and gravel, stone or
broken brick. The binding agent used is a paste of Portland cement and water, in
suitable proportions. When water is added to the cement, hydration takes place.
This causes the whole mixture to set and harden, forming a solid mass. Cement
starts hardening one hour after the water has been added and the process of
hardening lasts for about twentyeight days. The process is called concrete curing.
The strength of concrete under favourable conditions increases with age. The
strength of concrete is very rapid in the early stages, but continues more slowly for
an indefinite period amounting to years. The sand, gravel (or broken stone) are
termed “aggregate”; sand is known as “fine aggregate”, and gravel as “coarse
aggregate”. Concrete can be made on a building site and poured into position as a
wet mix, or it may be used as the materials for making prefabricated units in a
The characteristics of concrete depend upon the quality of the materials
used, grading of the aggregates, proportioning and amount of water. The most
important requirements for concrete are: it should be hard, strong, durable, fire
resistant and economical. To get the best of concrete the following considerations
should be kept in mind (помнить):
1. The most suitable proportions of cement and aggregate are: 1 part cement, 2
parts sand and 4 parts of gravel.
2. The water used for mixing cements, limes and plasters must be reasonably clean.
Pond, river and canal water often contain different impurities and should not be
used without examination. Water fit for drinking can be assumed to be free from
harmful ingredients. Excess of water is detrimental to the ultimate strength of the
concrete.3. The sand should be clean. Therefore, if impurities are present, the binding is
Concrete can be divided into two classes: mass or plain concrete and
reinforced concrete (ferroconcrete) where it is necessary to introduce steel. Plain
or mass concrete can be used for almost all building purposes. Ferroconcrete is
used in building bridges and arches, dams and dockwalls, for structures
underwater, for foundations, columns and beams. The use of concrete and ferro
concrete is almost universal.
На основе содержания текста выполнить следующие задания.
Задание 2. К каждой данной паре слов вспомните русское слово с тем же
корнем, что и английское:
состав, соединение, смесь
смесь, смешивать
вид, тип, форма; принимать форму, образовывать,
место, положение
соотношение, часть, доля
составная часть
нововведения (технические новшества)
средство, вещество
универсальный, всеобщий
structural innovations
Задание 3. Вспомните значение следующих английских слов и подберите
к ним синонимы из правого столбца. Дайте перевод данных синонимов:
1. grind
2. rapidly
1. modern building
2. broken brick3. put into position
4. ingredient
5. set
6. suitable proportions
7. essential material
8. broken stone
9. mass concrete
10.reinforced concrete
11.modern structure
12.solid mass
3. plain concrete
4. right amount
5. place
6. hard artificial stone
7. quickly
8. ground up into powder
9. component
11.important material
Задание 4. Вспомните значение следующих английских слов и подберите
к ним эквиваленты из правого столбца:
1. modern structure
2. raw materials
3. ground up into powder
4. blast furnace cement
5. rapidhardening cement
6. concrete curing
7. broken stone
8. binding agent
9. fine aggregate
10.coarse aggregate
11.building site
12.wet mix
13.prefabricated units
14.water fir for drinking
15. take place
1. вяжущее
2. быстротвердеющий цемент
3. мелкий заполнитель
4. щебень
5. строительная площадка
6. современное здание
7. сборные конструкции
8. происходить, случаться
9. питьевая вода
11.выдержка бетона
12.крупный заполнитель
13.мокрая (сырая) смесь
15.измельчать в порошок
Задание 5.
a) Замените придаточные предложения инфинитивными оборотами.
Образец: He is so old that he cannot skate. He is too old to skate.
1. She has got so fat that she cannot wear this dress now. 2. The accident was so
terrible that I don't want to talk about it. 3. They were so emptyheaded that theycould not learn a single thing. 4. The window was so dirty that they could not see
through it.
b) Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив.
1. Isn't it natural that we like to be praised and don't like to be scolded? 2. Which is
more pleasant: to give or to be given presents? 3. He is very forgetful, but he
doesn't like to be reminded of his duties. 4. The child was happy to have been
brought home. 5. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Rochester. 6.
The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus. 7. I am sorry to
have spoilt your mood. 8. Maggie was very sorry to have forgotten to feed the
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму
1. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their
work. 2. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to
talk) about. 3. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know)
the state of her sick brother. 4. He began writing books not because he wanted (to
earn) a living. He wanted (to read) and not (to forget). 5. I consider myself lucky
(to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings.
Задание 7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle 1
и Participle II.
a) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.
b) A person taking a sunbath must be very careful.
c) Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.
a) A line seen through this crystal looks double.
b) A teacher seeing a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.
c) Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: "Fire! Fire!"
Задание 8. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия.
1 .a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard
is our best pupil.
b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.
2. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful.
b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high.
3. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table?
b) The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.
4. a) The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister.
b) The floor (washing, washed) by Helen looked very clean.
5. a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Russian folk songs.
b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls.5. ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫХ УЧЕБНЫХ ИЗДАНИЙ, ИНТЕРНЕТ
Основные источники:
1. И.П. Агабекян. Английский язык для СУЗов. Ростов н /Д : Феникс,
2015. 318с.
Дополнительные источники:
Учебные пособия
1. About Myself. Составители: Тен З.В., Азаркина Н.И. колледж,
КомсомольскийнаАмуре строительный колледж, 2016.24с.
2. My Family. Пособие для студентов: . Составители: Тен З.В., Азаркина
Н.И., Королева Т.Д., КомсомольскийнаАмуре строительный колледж,
3. KomsomolskonAmur. Пособие для студентов: Составители: Тен З.В.,
Азаркина Н.И. КомсомольскийнаАмуре строительный колледж, 2016.
4. Simple Tenses. Passive Voice. . Составители: Тен З.В., Азаркина Н.И.
КомсомольскийнаАмуре строительный колледж, 2016.36с.
5. Практикум по грамматике. Составители: Тен З.В., Азаркина Н.И.
Королева Т.Д., Трухина Т.А. КомсомольскийнаАмуре строительный
колледж, 2016.52с.6. Новый англорусский, русскоанглийский словарь:45000слов, М.:
Гамма Пресс 2000, К : Кобза.,2014. – 736с.
7. Русскоанглийский и англорусский словарь:32000 слов/ Сост.
В.М.Шапиро. – СПб.: Издательский Дом «Литера»,2013. – 768с.
Дополнительные источники:
1. Луговая А.Л. Английский язык для строительных специальностей
средних профессиональных учебных заведений: Учеб. пособие/ А. Л.
Луговая – М. Высшая школа , 2006. – 166с.
2. Грамматика современного английского языка) / под ред. А.В.
Зеленщикова, Е.С.Петровой. – СПб.: Филологический факультет
СПбГУ; М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2015.
Периодические издания:
1. Журнал "Speak out"
2. Газета «Английский язык»
Интернет – ресурсы:
. longman
. oup
. com
. com
. oup
. oup
. com
. com
/ elt / naturalenglish
/ elt / englishlife
/ elt / wordskills
1 Учебники и интерактивные материалы.
2 www
3 www
4 www
5 www
6 LessonResources
7 www
8 www
. uk
9 www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise N/
10 сайт “Виртуальная
. htm
. bntishcouncil
. teachingenglish
/ learnenglish
. org
. org
11 сайт City Net ()
12 сайт Metro Link Метро (http://www.subwaynavigator.com)
13 сайтWILDe ()
14 сайтAmerica’s homepage()
15 http://www.abcenglishgrammar.com
16 http://www.englisheasy.info
17 http://www.english4u.dp.ua
18 http://www.homeenglish.ru
19 http://www.learnenglish.ru