Task 1. Read and translate the text.
“What do you want to be?” the director asked a boy, who looked sixteen. “An electrician,” he answered. “I am very fond of technical things and my elder brother is also an electrician.” “Now I see,” the director said, “all right, Igor Orlov, welcome to our technical school.”
“What shall I be?” is a question which confronts all school-leavers and it is often quite difficult to choose. There are thousand of vocational and specialized schools in Russia. They train radio assembles, shop-assistants, nurses, turners, bakers, draftsmen, fitters, computer operators, dress-makers. The vocational training system offers 1,264 of them. Students learn not only the trade but get a complete secondary education. Compulsory education is one of socialism’s important victories. In Russia not only education is free, but students at higher school and technical school get grants. Workers studying at specialized secondary schools either in the evenings or part-time get paid leaves for tests and exams, shorter working hours and weeks and other benefits.
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. What do you want to be? 2. Why does Igor want to become an electrician? 3. What question confronts all school-leavers? 4. Where can you get a profession? 5. What are the benefits of our system of education? 6. What does the Constitution of Russia guarantee to young people?
Task 3. Translate into English.
Я спросил: «Кем ты хочешь быть?» Он ответил: «Электриком». Я сказал: «Это интересная профессия». Он спросил: «Где я буду работать?» Я ответил: «На заводе». Я сказал: «Ты должен учиться хорошо, потому что эта специальность очень важна для нашей промышленности». Я рассказал ему о выпускниках нашей школы.
Task 4. Complete the sentences.
1. I want to be a technician because … . 2. It is often difficult to chose a profession because … . 3. Vocational and specialized schools train … . 4. If a students does well, he gets … . 5. Everybody gets a job because there is no … in our country.
Task 5. Translate into English.
ПТУ и техникумы готовят рабочих и специалистов для нашей промышленности. Каждый может выбрать любую (any) специальность. Образование в нашей стране бесплатное. Студенты получают стипендию. Конституция России гарантирует работу каждому гражданину (citizen). В нашей стране нет безработицы.
Task 6. Make up the text “My Speciality”.
Этот текст вы должны составить сами, отвечая на вопросы и подбирая слова и выражения, соответствующие действительности.
1. Who are you? (My first name is … . My surname is … .) 2. How old are you? (I am … years old.) 3. Do you work or do you study? 4. Where do you study? (I study at ….) 5. Are you a full-time or a part-time student, or do you study by correspondence? (I am a … student. I study by … .) 6. What faculty (department) are you in? (I am in a … .) 7. What year are you in? (I am in … year.) 8. What is your future speciality? (My future speciality is … .) 9. What will you be? (I shall be a … .) 10. Where will you work? (I shall work at … as a …) 11 .Do you like your future speciality? 12. Why do you like your future speciality? (I like my speciality because … .)
Task 7. Translate without dictionary.
Russian children go to school at the age of six or seven and spend the first three years at a primary school where they learn to read and write, and get to know a little history and natural science. This is followed by the five-year secondary school (4-8 forms). Over this eight-year education pupils learn enough to be able to continue their studies at specialized secondary schools where they learn to be technician, designers, medical assistants, etc., and complete their secondary education.
In Russia every young man and woman must complete full ten-year secondary course in one form or another, and this can be made up of a combination of secondary education and vocational training at special schools or factory evening courses. Or they can simply complete a ten-year school education. Education in Russia is free at every level.
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