Новогоднее представление
1. Welcome, welcome, dear friends to our New Year Party! We are happy to see you today! Let’s play and sing and dance together! In December the New Year is coming! It’s a great holiday! We decorate a New Year Tree and get lots of presents from Father Frost. Listen, dear friends! Someone is knocking at the door. (Ведущий)
2. - Who is at the door?
-It’s me, Father Frost. Open the door, please!
-Hurray! Father Frost has come! Welcome, Father Frost!
- Good evening, children! A Happy New Year to all!
- A Happy New Year to you, dear Father Frost!
Here is a bag full of presents for you.
-Oh! Thank you, Father Frost!
- But first I must ask you some questions.
-Please, do, Father Frost.
-Is there any naughty boy among you?
-No, Father Frost.
-Is there any lazy girl among you?
-No, we have no lazy girls in our group.
-Do you study well at school?
-Yes, we do.
-Do you listen to your teachers?
-Yes, we do.
-Do you love your parents?
-Yes, we do.
-Then you are good children! I’ll give you some presents!
-Welcome, welcome, dear Father Frost!
- Will you show me now what you can do? (Дети и дед Мороз)
3. “Jingle bells!” (Дети поют песню).
4. “Red Riding Hood”. (Постановка сказки)
5. December comes, so white and cold,
With snow it stops the rain.
It comes and draws trees young and old
On every window pane! (Первый ученик)
6. Winter, winter, winter!
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing
The ground is white
All day and all night! (Второй ученик)
7. Танец снежинок.
8. Let’s draw a snowman with your eyes closed! (Несколько учеников рисуют снеговика закрытыми глазами)
9. -Now I see; you are clever little ones. Here are your presents!
Oh, how late it is! I must hurry. Do you promise to be good children and study well? If you do, I’ll come to see you next year.
-We promise to be good children. So please, Father Frost, come back next year.
-All right, children. I’ll come to see you next year. Now I must leave. Good-bye, boys and girls
-Good-bye, Father Frost! And thank you!
10. A Happy New Year!
The day is so clear,
The sky is so bright,
The snow is so white,
We shout with all might
“A Happy New Year!” (Ученики все вместе рассказывают стихотворение-поздравление).
11. “We wish you a Merry Christmas” (Дети поют песню).
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