Данный материал содержит в себе следующие задания: ученикам предлагается прочитать текст и и выполнить задания после текста,соотнести заголовки, вставить пропущенные слова, ответить на вопросы, преобразовать слова, выбрать правильный вариант, вставить артикли, написать короткое эссе-рассуждение на тему "идеальный дом моей мечты
9 класс
Task 1
Complete the description using these relative clauses:
which tells the story
that we're going to next Saturday
where we cook and eat
whose family have all emigrated
which is the focal point of the room
which means
we haven't seen
I like best
who are cross and sleepy
where family and friends come together
My favourite room
Тhe room in our house (l) ________ is our kitchen. Perhaps the kitchen is the most important room in
many houses, but it is particularly so in our house because it's not only (2) ________, but it's also the
place (3) ________.
I have so many happy memories of times spent there: ordinary daily events such as making breakfast
on dark, cold winter mornings for children (4) ________, before sending them off to school; or special
occasions such as homecomings or cooking Christmas dinner. Whenever we have a party, people
gravitate with their drinks to the kitchen. It always ends up the fullest and noisiest room in the house.
So what does this special room look like? It's quite big, but not huge. It's big enough to have a good
sized rectangular table in the centre, (5) ________. There is a large window above the sink, looking out
onto two apple trees in the garden. There's a big, old cooking stove at one end, and at the other end a
wall with a huge notice board (6) _________ of our lives, past, present, and future: a school photo of
the kids; a postcard from Auntie Nancy, (7) _________ to Australia; the menu from a takeaway
Chinese restaurant; an invitation to a wedding (8) _________ ; a letter from a friend (9) _________ for
years. All our world is there for everyone to read!
The front door is seldom used in our house, only by strangers. All our friends use the back door (10)
_________ they come straight into the kitchen and join in whatever is happening there. The kettle goes
on immediately and then we all sit round the table, drinking tea and putting the world to rights!
Without doubt some of the happiest times of my life have been spent in our kitchen.
Task 1
Language in Use
Complete the paragraph below by putting a definite article (the), an indefinite article (a/an) or no article
() in each space.
The Mekong River, (1) ________ tenth largest river in (2) _________ world, has it origins in Tibet. (3)
________ first two thousand kilometres of (4) ________ river is in Chinese territory. It then flows
2,400 km through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia before entering (5) ________ South China
Sea through (6) _______ huge delta in southern Vietnam sometimes called 'the ninetailed dragon'.
This area is known as (7) _______ Lower Mekong Basin. Hardly anywhere in (8) ________ world domore people depend on (9) ________ single river than in this region. Fifty million people live here and
more than 80% of these are directly dependent on (10) ________ river through (11) ________ fisheries
and (12) ________ agriculture.
Task 2
Combine a word from box A with a word from box В to make up eleven compound nouns to do with
travel. Use the word from box A first.
package arrivals name travel hand
air business credit flight insurance tour
attendant trip tag card luggage hall
insurance tour traffic policy guide
Task 3
Complete each sentence with a compound noun from Task 2
Example: We waited for an hour in the arrivals hall for our bags.
1. He couldn't identify his luggage because the _______________ had fallen off.
2. It's essential to take out ______________ before you go on holiday.
3. We managed to book a really cheap _____________ to Thailand through our travel agent.
4. I'm going on a _____________ next week to Hong Kong to meet our agents and set up a new office
5. The _____________ was very helpful on the plane when I felt unwell.
6. You can get cash on your _____________, so you don't need to take travellers' cheques overseas.
Describe your ideal house and its location, giving reasons for your choices.