Мероприятие посвящено историческому событию - открытию Америки - сначала Х. Колумбом, затем - европейцами. Студенты представляют презентацию, в которой ведущие рассказывают о ходе событий, участники сценки на английском языке поют песню, а затем - викторина со зрителями на усвоение увиденного и услышанного нового материала.разработка открытого мероприятия
Открытое мероприятие для студентов 1 курсов по теме “Открытие
План урока
1.Тема занятия “The discovery of America”
2.Цели занятия:
познавательный аспект: расширение страноведческих, исторических и
культурных знаний о странах изучаемого языка;
развивающий аспект: а) повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
б) расширить межпредметные связи между дисциплинами «Иностранный
язык», «История», «География»; в) формирование навыков чтения,
произношения, устной речи и перевода; г) расширение лингвистического
воспитывающий аспект: «Общение» научить использовать вежливые
выражения в повседневном общении.
«Труд» ответственное отношение к полученным заданиям, подготовка
своего рабочего места, усердие.
1 Ожидаемый результат усвоение студентами темы.
2 Тип занятия открытое мероприятие.
3 Материальнотехническое оснащение: актовый зал, магнитная доска,
мультимедийный проектор, микрофон, компьютер, текстовые распечатки,
игровые карточки.
4 Учебная деятельность. Учебные задачи: 1. Организационный момент.
2.Постановка темы урока. 3.Просмотр мультипликационного
фильма. 4.Чтение ведущими презентации (Power Point Presentation). 5.
Небольшое театрализованное представление на тему «The discovery of
America by Christopher Columbus.» 6. Проведение викторины с
командами (Power Point Presentation). 7.Подвеление итогов.
5 Литература: 1) English, учебнометодический журнал Английский язык,
издательский дом «Первое сентября», октябрь, 2016, № 9, 64с. 2) Power
Point Presentation “ The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus ”, 3)
мультфильм «The story of Thanksgiving», 4) викторина «Thanksgiving
Quiz».Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
Teacher: Good afternoon students and dear guests! I`m very glad to see you.
We want to demonstrate you a very interesting lesson about «The discovery of
America by Christopher Columbus.
At first let`s watch a funny cartoon.
Посмотреть мультфильм «The
story of Thanksgiving» можно здесь:
English 4 kids (Английский для
Secondly, let`s listen to the
presentation of our students.
1 слайд «The early history of
2 слайд «Native Americans» Native Americans - the general folk
name, inhabited America before its opening by Columbus.
They came from Asia. Indian lived in small earth houses and grew their own
food. Some Indians ate only grass, nuts and fruit. Other people were fisherman
and lived in wooden houses. Most Native Americans were very peaceful.
The famous tradition was smoking the pipe of peace. When they smoked this
pipe together with people they didn’t know, it meant friendship and peacе.
3 слайд «The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus».
Christopher Columbus discovered
America in 1492. He decided to sail west
as he was sure that our planet was
round. But he couldn`t speak about that.
And after sailing 6400 km, he reached some land. Columbus
thoughtthat it must be India, but it was not. It was AmericaCentral
America in fact. People began to speak about this land as
«the New World».
4 слайд The Mayflower was the ship that transported the English Dissenters,
better known as the Pilgrims, from a site near the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth,
England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.There were 102 passengers and a
crew of 25–30.
Thirdly, let`s watch a short performance about Christopher Columbus`s voyage.
- Hello, descendants!
I`m Christopher Columbus. I was born in Genoa in 1451.
First, I was an ordinary sailor, but I always dreamt to become a captain.
When I was 14 I suffered a shipwreck and I was found in Portugal, but its
king refused me to give a ship.
Then I moved in Spain and asked Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand to
give me money, ships and sailors. They said: “Wait!”
I had been waiting for six years until my voyage happened.
My ship was named Santa Maria and I had two another ships.
I`m Martin Alonso Pinzon, a leading mariner from the town of Moguer in
Andalusia. My ship was named Pinta. It is smaller, lighter and faster than
Santa Maria.
- Hello, I`m Vincent Alonso Pinzon. Martin is my brother. I`m a captain of
In chorus: And we have a big team about 90 sailors. They all are brave and
All artists sing a song «The May flower»
1)The May flower, the May flower
A little ship on an ocean trip.
The May flower, the May flower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
2)The lightning was frightning
The winds were strong as they rode along
On the May flower ,the May flower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
3)Twas dreary and bleary,They nearly froze in their Pilgrim Clothes
On the May flower, the May flower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
4)The land ho! We all know,
They came to dock
Up at Plymouth Rock
On the May flower, the May flower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
The first sailor: Captain, we have sailed four weeks but we haven`t
seen a land. We want to go back.
Columbus: If we don`t find a land in three days we will go back. And I`ll give a
prize to the first man to see land.
The second sailor: I`m a mariner from a ship “Pinta”. My name`s Rodrigo de
Triana. I see a land. Remember that day. It was October the twelfth.
Columbus: Is it Japan? Is this island a part of Japan? OK. It will be San Salvador.
All the artists are leaving the scene, and the presentation is continued:
5 слайд “The relation of Native Americans and first white Americans.”
When English colonists came to the New World on board the «Mayflower» the
Native Americans met them and were very friendly and helped them a lot. They
wanted to live happily with nature, each other and with new comers.
6 слайд «Thanksgiving Day»
In 1620 first colonists came to America and began new life there.
In the autumn of 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was very good.
They wanted to thank God for rich harvest.
The colonists had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people, they invited Native
Americans, too. For the whole 3 days they gave thanks for their happy Year in a
new world.
7 слайд «Thanksgiving Day»
Wild turkeys were on the table of this meal, and since then the turkey has
become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.8 слайд «Сonclusion»
Many years ago Native American tribes lived in all parts of the USA , and hunted
and fished wherever they choose. Now most of them live in poor lands to the west
of Mississippi River. Many of them live on «reservations».
Fouthly, let us start the most interesting part of our presentation. This is the
competition. There are two teams: a group 1 CS and a group 1 TM. They should
get as many points as they can.
Q1: When is Thanksgiving?
(A) First Thursday in November
(B) Fourth Thursday in November
(C) Third Thursday in November
Q2: The Thanksgiving Holiday began almost
(A) 400 years ago
(B) 500 years ago
(C) 600 years ago
Q3: What did the Iroquois Indians teach the Pilgrims to grow?
(A) Cranberries
(B) Watermelon
(C) Corn
Q4: What is maize?
(A) Cranberries
(B) Corn
(C) Pumpkin
Q5: What does 'Indian Corn' as a decoration represent?
(A) The harvest and the fall season
(B) The invention of popcorn
(C) Corny jokes
Q6: What is a small, sour berry grown in bogs?
(A) Blueberries
(B) Cranberries
(C) Strawberries
Q7: What did the Indians use Cranberries for?
(A) To treat infections
(B) To dye their rugs and blankets
(C) Both of the above
Q8: What does 'ibimi' mean?
(A) Itty bitty berry
(B) Better berry
(C) Bitter berry
Q9: Why did the colonists name the cranberry a craneberry?(A) It looked like the longnecked bird called a crane
(B) They talked funny
(C) They used the plant as a tool
Q10: Before being shipped, what does the cranberry have to do to make sure
it is not too ripe?
(A) Bounce at least four times
(B) Bounce at least four inches high
(C) Bounce at least four feet high
Thanksgiving Quiz (Answers)
Q1: When is Thanksgiving?
(B) Fourth Thursday in November
Q2: The Thanksgiving Holiday began almost
(A) 400 years ago
Q3: What did the Iroquois Indians teach the Pilgrims to grow?
(C) Corn
Q4: What is maize?
(B) Corn
Q5: What does 'Indian Corn' as a decoration represent?
(A) The harvest and the fall season
Q6: What is a small, sour berry grown in bogs?
(B) Cranberries
Q7: What did the Indians use Cranberries for?
(C) Both of the above
Q8: What does 'ibimi' mean?
(C) Bitter berry
Q9: Why did the colonists name the cranberry a craneberry?
(A) It looked like the longnecked bird called a crane
Q10: Before being shipped, what does the cranberry have to do to make sure
it is not too ripe?
(B) Bounce at least four inches high.
At last, dear guests, we hope that our event has taken you much pleasure. See you