Данный урок проводился на этапе обобщения и тренировки умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи учащихся. Урок проводился в нестандартной форме, в форме путешествия по «Королевству Знаний», что создавало мотивацию для формирования языковой компетенции, вызывало интерес учащихся. Данный урок характеризуется коммуникативной направленностью. На уроке эффективно использовался мультимедийный проектор, что формировало компьютерную грамотность учащихся
Открытый урок в 5 классе.docx
Тема урока: At School
Класс: 5 Б
Тип урока: урок обобщения и тренировки изученного материала.
Вид урока: урокпутешествие по Королевству Знаний.
Задачи урока:
1. Формировать языковую компетенцию при обучении и тренировке
учащихся устно речевым навыкам в устноречевых упражнениях.
2. Развивать языковую компетенцию при формировании навыков
говорения, аудирования и письма.
3. Развивать грамматическую компетенцию при организации контроля
навыков употребления множественного числа имен существительных,
степеней сравнения имен прилагательных, видовременных форм глагола,
неправильных глаголов.
4. Осуществить контроль лексико грамматических навыков учащихся в
употреблении множественного числа имен существительных, степеней
сравнения имен прилагательных, видовременных форм глагола, неправильных
5. Тренировать произносительную компетенцию при интонировании
английской речи в стихах и песне.
6. Формировать компьютерную грамотность как фактор развития
межкультурной компетенции учащихся.
7. Способствовать развитию социальной компетенции через воспитание
толерантности и интереса к стране изучаемого языка, любви к школе,
доброжелательного отношения к друзьям.
Оборудование урока.
дидактический материал для игры “Red and Yellow”;
компьютер; мультимедийный проектор;
План урока.
1. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и целей.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
3. Речевая тренировка.
4. Развитие навыка монологической речи.
5. Развитие навыка диалогической речи.
6. Динамическая пауза.
7. Тренировка навыков монологической речи.
Монологические высказывания «Расписание в английской и русской
Монологические высказывания «Мой любимый предмет»
8. Игра «Красный жёлтый».
9. Тест.
10. Исполнение песни.
11. Подведение итогов урока.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you. Take your
seats, please.
How are you today? (TP, PP) What season is it now? What month is it now?
What is the weather like today? Do you like to go to school? Do you like to study?
Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a lot of guests. Let’s show them
our knowledge of English. Do your best. The motto of our lesson is “At school”. All together, please. Today we will
speak much about schooling, speak English correctly, write and, of course, play.
Today we will travel over the Kingdom of Knowledge. But our way will be very
difficult and long. Everyone can see the student’s card on the tables in front of you.
You should do all the tasks given in your cards during our journey. And at the end
of the lesson we will do the test. Let’s begin. I wish you good luck.
Look at the map of our trip. The Kingdom consists of different towns.
2. Фоно речевая зарядка
The first town we will visit is “The Town of Sounds”. There we will train to
speak properly. We have a video with the proper pronunciation of some sounds.
Look on the blackboard and repeat, please. Say after me.
[t]– timetable, Tuesday, Art, subject, technology, Information technology;
[k]– clever, nickname, mark, speak, speak English, speak correctly;
[l]– literature, lesson, school, school uniform, learn, local;
[f]– form, foreign, foreign language, physical, physical education;
[h]– how, happy, homework, to do homework, history;
[e]– spend, technology, friend, help;
Misha, read please. Well done.
3. Речевая тренировка
Do you like to go to school? Do you go to school every day? How many
days a week do you go to school? How many lessons have you got every day? Do
you go to school on weekends? Thank you.
4. Развитие навыка монологической речи
Next town is “The Town of Speech”. Here you should speak about your
summer holidays. Listen to the task, please: Your summer holidays have passed. You are at school now. You missed your friends and would like to tell them about
your holidays.
Thank you. Your stories were very interesting and good.
5. Развитие навыка диалогической речи
Let’s move into next town, which is called “The Town of Communication”.
Listen to the situation: One of you is a Russian student, another is a British one.
You are interested in the school system of each other’s school. Ask questions to
each other. Pair off, please.
6. Динамическая пауза
Thank you very much. You worked hard. I see you are tired. We have
reached another town“The Town of Rest”. Let’s have a rest.
Head and shoulders
Knees and toes (3 times)
Head and shoulders
Knees and toes
Ears, lips and nose.
Thank you, take your seats.
7. Тренировка монологической речи
Next town is “The Town of Education”. Here we see a school. To go there
we must do the following tasks: The first task is to compare 2 timetables. Here you
can see a timetable in British school and a timetable in Russian School.
Vika, please, compare two timetables. (монологическое высказывание)
What timetable is more difficult for you? In what school would you like to study?
Thank you.
Next task is to tell about your favorite subject. What is your favorite subject? 8. Игра «Red and Yellow»
Look, next town is the largest one. It is “The Town of Games and Songs “.
Here we’ll play word games. Let’s play a bit. You should divide into 2 groups. On
the blackboard you see the table for our game. You will open the squares of the
table and have the task to do. Each group will do the task. The first team will be
“Red” and the second team will be “Yellow”.
Fill in the right word.
1. Look at our …! There are a lot of new subjects.
b) uniform c) timetable.
a) paper
2. Students like to go to ….
b) the bank c) the hospital.
3. Where will they … Christmas holidays?
c) go
а) travel
4. What … languages do you learn at school?
a) interesting
b) dull
c) foreign.
Put the verb into the correct form.
Last weekend my mother and father (go) to the country. I (be) at home alone. I
(play) computer games, (do) my homework.
Soon I (feel) hungry. But there (be) nothing to eat in the fridge. So I (go) to the
shop. I (buy) lots of food. Next Sunday my mother (go) to their friends. And I
(stay) at home again.
Give the English equivalents for the following.
1. Я люблю ходить в школу.
2. Мой любимый предмет – информатика.
3. На уроке физкультуры мы бегаем, прыгаем и играем. 4. В понедельник у меня 6 уроков.
5. Я хожу в школу каждый день.
Form the degrees of comparison.
All together, please.
Give the plural forms of the following nouns:
School …, dress …, man …, child …, language …, hobby …, lesson …
Say after me, please.
Fill in the missing letters
t…metab…e, ni…knam…, sub…ect, un…for…, His…ory, inf…rm…tion.
Let’s read and say the in Russian.
Find the opposites.
to finish
in the town
in the country
to start
Guess what lessons they are.
1. At this lesson we learn how to use computers.
2. At this lesson we study events in the past. 3. At this lesson we don’t speak Russian.
4. At this lesson we read books and learn poems by heart.
5. At this lesson we draw and paint pictures.
9. Тест.
Well done. The last town of our Kingdom is called “the Town of Tests”. Here our
knowledge of grammar and words will be checked up. Look on the blackboard.
You can see the tasks and three variants of answer. Choose the only right variant.
Be attentive and quick, please.
10. Исполнение песни «Jingle Bells»
Let’s open the last card on the table. It is a song. Let’s sing it together to our
guests. (песня Jingle Bells)
11. Подведение итогов.
It’s a pity, but our trip is over. We visited many towns today in the Kingdom
of Knowledge. Did you like our trip? What did we do during the lesson? Did you
like today’s lesson?
I liked your work today. The top students were…
Thank you for your work. I wish you good luck and all the best.
Открытый урок "В школе" в 5 классе
Открытый урок "В школе" в 5 классе
Открытый урок "В школе" в 5 классе
Открытый урок "В школе" в 5 классе
Открытый урок "В школе" в 5 классе
Открытый урок "В школе" в 5 классе
Открытый урок "В школе" в 5 классе
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