Which room do you like?” план 5 класса

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  • 19.01.2017
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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

1. Organization moment. 2. Phonetic drill. 3. Checking up the homework. 4. New words. 5. Grammar. 6. New theme. 7. Do exercises. 8. Homework. 9. Marking. 10. Conclusion. Good morning, pupils! P: Good morning, teacher! T: Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? P: I’m on duty today. T: What date is it today? P: Today is the 7th of February. T: What day is it? P: It is Thursday. T: What is the weather like?
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Маңғыстау облысы                                Ақтау қаласы                                №21 орта мектептің                                Ағылшын тілі пәні  мұғалімі                                Нургалиева Тлектес Абдыхалыковна Subject: English 5 (Аяпова)  Form: 5 «Е» Theme: “Which room do you like?” Aim of the lesson: 1. Educational.                                      To explain about the theme                                 2. Practical.                                     To develop pupils reading, writing and listening.                                 3. Cultural.                                     To teach pupils foreign languages. Visual aids: pictures, cards and posters The procedure of the lesson 1. Organization moment.  2. Phonetic drill. 3. Checking up the homework. 4. New words. 5. Grammar. 6. New theme. 7. Do exercises. 8. Homework. 9. Marking. 10. Conclusion. I. Organization moment.  Т: Good morning, pupils!                                                                                                                   P: Good morning, teacher!                                                                                                                  T: Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?                                                                                       P: I’m on duty today.                                                                                                                          T: What date is it today?P: Today is the 7th of February.                                                                                                           T: What day is it?                                                                                                                                P: It is Thursday.                                                                                                                                 T: What is the weather like?                                                                                                               P: ………..                                                                                                                                          T: Who is absent?                                                                                                                               P: … is (are) absent.                                                                                                                            T: Ok, thank you, sit down. Let’s begin our lesson! I hope we’ll have good time! II. Phonetic drill. Look at the blackboard. There is a small phonetic drill. At first, I’ll read, then repeat after me.  Listen to me carefully!  I like to read. I like to play. I like to study every day. I like to jump. I like to run. I like to play. It’s fun!  III. Checking up the homework. T: I’ll check your homework… What was your homework for today?                                              P: Our homework was…                                                                                                                     T: Who is ready?                                                                                                                                 P: May I?                                                                                                                                             T: Begin, please! ∫ Λ  – ыдыс жуу                                                IV. New words. T: Today we have new words, as usual look at the blackboard! I’ll read it and repeat after me!      to read [ri:d] ­ оқу                                                   to watch [wɔt ]∫  ­ қарау                                                   to listen [lisn] ­ тыңдау                                                    to wash up [wɔ   p] to relax [rilæks] ­ демалу                                                     to talk [tɔ :k] – сөйлеу, әңгімелесу                                                        to play [plei]  ­ ойнау  to drink [dri k]η  ­ ішу                             T: ­ What’s the Kazakh for “to read”……                                                                                          What’s the English for “ішу”……?                                                                                                    T: Well, done. Open your vocabularies and write down all these words! V. Grammar. Today’s our new grammatical theme is the “There is/There are”.  1) ………… lamps on the table. 2) …………a bed and a chair in the room.3) …………two armchairs in the bedroom. 4) …………. cupboards in the kitchen. 5) …………..plates in the kitchen 6) …………..a sofa in my living room. 7) ………….two clocks on the table. 8) …………a carpet on the floor.  VI. New theme. T: Today is our new theme is. “Which room do you like?”. In Kazakh it means “Қай бөлмені  ұнатасың ” T: Now open your books at page 123 ex 1. Look at the words in the box. Match them to the  pictures. Listen and repeat the words. 7. Do exercises. T: Ok, look at ex 3. Write the words. Ex 4. What do you do in your kitchen? Write all the ideas that come to your mind and exchange  ideas with your classmates. Ex 7. Read and complete the sentences, and write some more ideas about the living room. T: Thank you! Look at ex 9. Read and listen. VIII. Homework. T: Open your diaries and write down your homework: ex 6. p124. Describe your bedroom. IX. Marking. I’ll put your marks:                                                                                                                   Excellent…                                                                                                                                         Good…                                                                                                                                            Satisfied… X. Conclusion. T: Have you understood the lesson?                                                                                                   P: …                                                                                                                                                    T: Ok, everybody stand up, the lesson is over, thank you for your work. Good­bye!                        P: Good­ bye, teacher!