Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Оценка 4.6

Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Оценка 4.6
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
past simple vs present perfect.ppt

Past simple vs present perfect

Past simple vs present perfect

Past simple vs present perfect

Learn and use
By Gureva Olga

Past simple (образование) V2 (played, wrote) didn’t

Past simple (образование) V2 (played, wrote) didn’t

Past simple (образование)

V2 (played, wrote)
didn’t V (didn’t play, didn’t write)
did … V? (did … play? did … write?)


Глагол be:
I/He/she/it was… Was he? He wasn’t…
You/we/they were… Were they? We weren’t…

Past simple (употребление) yesterday,last week, in 1980, … ago

Past simple (употребление) yesterday,last week, in 1980, … ago

Past simple (употребление)

yesterday,last week, in 1980, … ago He didn’t come last night. Was she at home yesterday?
с вопрос.словом ‘when’ When did you see her?
для выражения ряда последовательных действий в прошлом She got up at 6 o’clock, had a cup of coffee and left home.

Present perfect (образование) I / you / we / they have

Present perfect (образование) I / you / we / they have

Present perfect (образование)

I / you / we / they have V3 (have played, have written)
He /she / it has V3 (has played, has written)
Have you played? Has he written?
We haven’t played. She hasn’t written.

Present perfect (употребление)

Present perfect (употребление)

Present perfect (употребление)

Перед сказуемым - ever (?), never, already, just, always
В конце предложения - yet (?/-), lately, recently, so far, before, by now
нет указателя (важен результат)
How long? Since /for с гл. to be, to know и др. (вместо Perfect Continuous)

Примеры предложений Are you hungry? –

Примеры предложений Are you hungry? –

Примеры предложений

Are you hungry? – No, I’ve just had lunch.
She hasn’t worn her new dress yet.
I have bought some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
How long has he known her?

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.

Niki 1)… (go) to the supermarket yesterday and 2) … (buy) lots of food. She 3) … (already/decorate) her house, but she 4) … (not/make) a birthday cake yet.

Present perfect / Past simple …

Present perfect / Past simple …

Present perfect / Past simple

…. (you/choose) a dress for the party yet? – Yes, I … (buy) one yesterday.
… (you/see) any new films lately? – Yes, I … (see) the new James Bond film last week.
The children ….(leave/already) for school.
Tina … (study) with Andy three years ago.

Present perfect / Past simple

Present perfect / Past simple

Present perfect / Past simple

Ben …(break/just) a plate.
I… (know) her since we were six.
He … (be) in Spain in 2010.
… (you/ever/meet) anyone famous? – Yes, last summer I …(sit) next to Bred Pitt on a plane to LA.

Present perfect / Past simple

Present perfect / Past simple

Present perfect / Past simple

When … (you/start) painting? – Ten years ago. I …. (recently/complete) a painting that the National Gallery … (ask) me to do a year ago.
Tim isn’t here. He … (go) out.

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