Пьеса для самодеятельного театра: Around the Water Cycle
Оценка 4.7
английский язык
3 кл
Пьеса для самодеятельного школьного театра: Around the Water Cycle, чья тематика перекликается со школьной программой. Работа над пьесой начинается с разучивания диалогов, содержащих необходимый минимум современной разговорной, литературной речи. Пьесы-это хороший предлог поговорить по-английски, отметить праздник среди друзей интересно и весело
Around the Water Cycle
The amount of raindrops can be adjusted to fit group size.
Reader's Theater: Around the Water Cycle by Sarah Wood
Cast: 7 Water Drops, the Sun and a Little Kid
Water Drop 1: Here we are hanging around in this puddle.
Water Drop 2 :Yeah, this is the life!
Water Drop 3: Hey! Look behind that cloud! Guess who??
Drops 1,2,3 : It's the sun! Yay! Evaporation!!!
Sun: Hey guys!! I told you I would see you again soon! What have you been
Water Drop 1: I've been in the ocean! I saw a lot of fish!
Water Drop 2: I've been hanging around on Dr. Pepper and tea glasses.
Water Drop 3: I helped water some flowers! They sure smelled pretty!
Sun: It sounds like you were busy! Well, you are up here now, I have done my
job, I will see you later.
Water Drop 1: I wonder who else will show up?
Water Drop 2: It is a little bit cold. I should have brought my jacket!
Water Drop 3: Here are the others! Hi Guys!!
Water Drops 4, 5 ,6, 7 : Hi! How are you?
Water Drop 4: I haven't seen you guys in a long time!!
Water Drop 5: I just got off of a surf board!
Water Drop 6: Really? I just came from a dog's bath. He shook me into the
Water Drop 7: It is really getting cold up here! Gather around guys. We need
to condense!
All the Water Drops: BRRRRRRRRRRR! I am Freezing! A-CHOOOOO!
Water Drops 4 and 5: It is getting crowded. OOPS! Water Drop 6: Ah, my favorite part: Precipitation!
Water Drop 7: Yeah, and my favorite kind, snow!
Little Kid: Yay!! It snowed last night!! I'm going to build a snowman!
Water Drop 3: Tee Hee! That tickles!
Water Drop 5: I'm getting smushed here!
Little Kid: Wow! My snowman looks great! I'm going to go eat lunch.
Sun: Well, that was a nice nap, but now I have to do my work. Guess I had
better thaw out those little guys.
All the Water Drops: We're Melting! We're Melting!
Water Drop 1: Hey guys, we all ended up in the puddle together!
Water Drop 2: And look who is up in the sky!
Water Drop 3: The SUN! Here we go again!!
Пьеса для самодеятельного театра: Around the Water Cycle
Пьеса для самодеятельного театра: Around the Water Cycle
Пьеса для самодеятельного театра: Around the Water Cycle
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