Пьеса для самодеятельного театра: THE NIGHTINGALE (Hans Christian Andersen), чья тематика перекликается со школьной программой. Работа над пьесой начинается с разучивания диалогов, содержащих необходимый минимум современной разговорной речи. Пьесы-это хороший предлог поговорить по-английски, отметить праздник среди друзей 00 0 0
NARRATOR: About a thousand years ago there was in China a deaf Emperor, who couldn`t hear the birds sing, so
he decided to kill all the birds who didn´t have beautiful feathers. One day his daughter Mita was in the garden and
was happy to hear a nightingale singing in the treetop.
MITA: My dear friend, you have to go, or you will die.
NIGHTINGALE: It doesn´t matter. Nights are cold and I will not survive for a long time.
MITA: I know what!. I will take you to my room and I will take care of you while I listen to your beautiful songs.
NARRATOR: And she did. But one day the Emperor entered his daughter´s room and saw the bird.
EMPEROR: What is this bird doing here!.
MITA: Escape!. Save your life!.
NARRATOR: So the bird flew away.
MITA: Father… why?.NARRATOR: But the emperor couldn´t hear her. Unfortunately, Mita got sick beause she missed the bird and the
Emperor called the doctor.
DOCTOR: There´s nothing I can do for her. I am so sorry.
EMPEROR: You have to do something!.
DOCTOR: I am afraid not.
EMPEROR: Then, tell me if I can get well.
DOCTOR: Yes, you can. You should put in your ear the warm heart of a nightingale.
EMPEROR: Guard!. Come here immediately!.
GUARD: Yes, Emperor.
EMPEROR: Bring me the heart of a nightingale.
GUARD: At once.
NARRATOR: Before the guard could leave the room, a nightingale flew into the room.
NIGHTINGALE: Take my life. I am sure that your daughter will be happy if you can hear again.
NARRATOR: Then the Emperor started to cry.
EMPEROR: No way. I prefer to be deaf, than harm you.
NARRATOR: The nightingale kept living in the castle and Mita´s health got better every day.
MITA: Oh, kind nightingale, you are so beautiful, not only because of your feathers and your songs, but for your
kind heart that saved my life, and that must keep beating for many years.THE END
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