Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard
Оценка 4.7

Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard

Оценка 4.7
английский язык
6 кл—7 кл
Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard
​Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard​, чья тематика перекликается со школьной программой. Работа над пьесой начинается с разучивания диалогов, содержащих необходимый минимум современной разговорной речи. Пьесы-это хороший предлог поговорить по-английски, отметить праздник среди друзей​
Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard NARRATOR 1: Katie was tired of wearing the same old shoes. NARRATOR 2: She went to the store to buy new ones. NARRATOR 1: The clerks asked her, ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose? NARRATOR 2: Katie said, KATIE: I want shoes that are braggy, not baggy. ALL CLERKS: (thinking about it) Hmmm. Let me see. CLERK 1: We have small shoes, CLERK 2: and tall shoes, CLERK 3: and walk-on-the-wall shoes. CLERK 4: We have red shoes, CLERK 5: and head shoes, CLERK 6: and down-the-hill-sled shoes. CLERK 7: We have blue shoes, CLERK 8: and BOO shoes, CLERK 9: and paddle-canoe shoes. ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose? KATIE: I want shoes that are slicky, not sticky. ALL CLERKS: Hmmm. Let me see. CLERK 1: We have jog shoes, CLERK 2: and log shoes, CLERK 3: and hop-like-a-frog shoes. CLERK 4: We have tied shoes, CLERK 5: and wide shoes, CLERK 6: and carnival-ride shoes. CLERK 7: We have trail shoes, CLERK 8: and snail shoes, CLERK 9: and wind-in-your-sail shoes. ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose? KATIE: I want shoes that are spiffy, not iffy. ALL CLERKS: Hmmm. Let me see. CLERK 1: We have black shoes, CLERK 2: and snack shoes, CLERK 3: and ride-on-a-track shoes. CLERK 4: We have wet shoes, CLERK 5: and pet shoes, CLERK 6: and super-speed-jet shoes. CLERK 7: We have moon shoes, CLERK 8: and goon shoes, CLERK 9: and hot-air-balloon shoes. ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose? KATIE: I choose all these shoes. ALL CLERKS: (gasp) NARRATOR 1: She bought the shoes and took them home. NARRATOR 2: And now the store has ALL CLERKS: (to audience) NO MORE SHOES TO CHOOSE!

Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard

Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard

Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard

Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard

Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard

Пьеса для самодеятельного театра Which Shoes Do You Choose? By Aaron Shepard
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