Unit 8. Our neighbourhood
School: |
Date: |
Teacher’s name: |
Class: 6 |
Number present: |
absent: |
Theme of the Lesson: |
Places in the city |
Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to | ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics; respect differing points of view; use independently familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding |
Lesson objectives |
All learners will be able to: ✓ use grammar and new vocabulary to make sentences; ✓ answer the questions; ✓ speak about places in the city. |
Assessment criteria
✓ Learner can make sentences correctly ✓ Learner can speak about places in the city |
Value links |
Respect, cooperation |
Cross curricular links |
Geography, Social Studies |
Previous learning |
Reading for pleasure |
Plan |
Planned timings |
Planned timings |
Resources |
2-5 |
Organizational moment Greeting students. Introducing learning and lesson objectives. - Hello, everyone. - How are you today?
Warm up Teacher asks some questions to lead-in the topic. Teacher shows a PPT slide and asks - What do you see? ( Different places) - What do you think we are going to discuss at the lesson? - ( Different places in the city) - The topic of our lesson today is “Our Neighbourhood” - What is Neighbourhood? It is one of the part of a town where people live.
PPT Slide 1 |
10 min
10 min
15 min |
Teacher shows PPT slide with new words and asks to open the book on page 87 Bakery, florist’s, chemist’s, sport shop, optician’s, post office, bookshop, bank, newsagent’s, jeweler’s, clothes shop, music shop, supermarket. Work in pairs (Learners are divided into pairs. (Differentiation by support, more able learners with learners who need support, more able learners can help with translation or meaning of the words.). Learners should guess the meaning of the words, if they have any difficulties, they can check the meaning in the paper or online dictionaries.
Teacher shows the next PPT slide
Learners should guess the meaning of prepositions of place.
If learners cannot find the meanings/translations of the words teacher provides the meaning of the words. (Teacher’s support).
Ex.1 Teachers distributes the handouts. Learners are suggested to work in pairs and choose the correct answers. Peer’s support. Open-class activity checking.
Ex. 2 Learners are suggested to work in pairs and make sentences.
Where is it? Make sentences with the given words. 1. school/ Italian restaurant The school is next to the Italian restaurant. 2. cinema/ toy shop 3. library/Chinese restaurant 4. bakery/hotel/ toy shop 5. hospital/park 6. supermarket/ cinema 7. museum/art gallery 8. swimming pool/ museum/ hospital.
Learners can do this activity online. Peer’s support. Open-class activity checking.
Formative assessment Teachers distributes the handouts. Learners work independently. Learners can do this activity online. Answer keys
PPT Slide 2
PPT Slide 3 Handout 1
PPT Slide 4 Handout 2 https://www.liveworksheets.com/yr1437446nu
Handout 3 PPT Slide 5 https://www.liveworksheets.com/mg207880zj
PPT Slide 6
End 40-45 |
The home task is to learn places and prepositions by heart and make 10 sentences using new words and prepositions of places. At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning: Today I’ve found out… It was interesting… It was difficult… Now I can…
PPT Slide 7 |
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? |
ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? |
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