План – конспект урока английского языка. Тема: « Тема: “At the Zoo” (“В зоопарке”). Модуль 5b
Оценка 4.9

План – конспект урока английского языка. Тема: « Тема: “At the Zoo” (“В зоопарке”). Модуль 5b

Оценка 4.9
План – конспект урока английского языка. Тема: « Тема: “At the Zoo” (“В зоопарке”). Модуль 5b
в зоопарке 5 класс.doc

30 План – конспект урока английского языка.

Тема: « Тема: “At the Zoo” (“В зоопарке”). Модуль 5b

Класс: 5

Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием ИКТ

УМК "Spotlight" ("Английский в фокусе"), 5-й класс, под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули

Технология: коммуникативная, информационно-коммуникационная технология, с элементами здоровьесбережения, работы в группах.

Данный урок - второй урок модуля "World Animals" по УМК "Spotlight-5". Урок носит коммуникативный характер. На уроке используется учебная презентация.

Цель урока: формирование навыков говорения, введение новой лексики


Учебный аспект:

•          научиться описывать животных и рассказывать о жизни животных;

•          повторить и обобщить формообразование и использовать в связной речи глаголы в Present Simple;

•          формировать навыки чтения, аудирования и письма.

Развивающий аспект:

•          развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;

•          развивать умение запоминать новые слова;

•          развивать внимание и познавательную активность;

•          развивать память, смекалку и сообразительность.

Воспитательный аспект:

•          воспитывать любовь к животным;

•          воспитывать уважительное отношение к природе;

•          формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре.


•          повторить и активизировать ранее изученные и освоить новые лексические единицы по темам «Названия животных», «Части тела животных»;

•          отработать лексику по теме «Части тела животных» в связной речи при описании животных (развивать умения монологической речи);

•          развивать умения чтения (поискового и изучающего чтения);

•          повторить и обобщить формообразование и употребление глаголов в Present Simple (отрицательная и вопросительная формы);

•          развивать умения аудирования с извлечением информации;

•          развивать умение вести диалог-расспрос по ситуации «В зоопарке»;

•          развивать умения письменной речи (описывать животное с опорой на образец).

Приемы работы: прием наглядности; прием повторения и обобщения знаний.

Оборудование урока: УМК; карточки с изображением животных; карточки с заданиями по грамматике; фотографии животных; аудиозапись с «голосами» животных;  мультимедийная  презентация в Power Point.

Продолжительность урока: 40 минут

Образовательные технологии:  - коммуникативная, ИКТ, обучение в сотрудничестве, игровая, развития критического мышления

Методы обучения: показ, объяснение, организация тренировки и применения, коррекция, оценка.

Методы учения: ознакомление, осмысление, участие в тренировке и практике, самокоррекция, самооценка.

Формы работы:   - индивидуальная;  - фронтальная;  - групповая;  - работа в парах.

Оснащение урока: УМК; карточки с изображением животных; карточки с заданиями по грамматике; фотографии животных; аудиозапись с «голосами» животных;  мультимедийная  презентация в Power Point.



  1. Организационный момент.

Warming-up activities

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you. Are you fine? (T→Cl). How are you, Rita? (- I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?) (T→P1; P1→P2→P3)

T: Great! So, let’s start our lesson. Look at the blackboard, please. Can you tell me what we are going to speak about? (- About animals)

Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Right you are. Let’s start our lesson with a little poem about the zoo.            (слайд 2)

Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the Zoo.

Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the Zoo.

There is a giraffe there and a zebra too,

A bear and a monkey, and a kangaroo.

Речевая зарядка.

T: Do you like to go to the zoo? (T→Cl). Do you often go to the zoo? (T→P1, P2). What animals can we see there? (P1, P2, P3: Bears, tigers, lions…).

  1. Основная часть урока.

Повторение изученной лексики и введение новой лексики по теме «Название животных».

T: Listen to the sounds. Which of the animals in the pictures can you hear?

 (Ps: the monkey, the lion, the peacock, the elephant, the bear)

(сопоставление слов английского и русского языков; установление ассоциации для запоминания слов)

T: Look at the pictures. What do you call these animals in Russian? Which sound similar? (Ps: lion – лев; giraffe – жираф; tiger – тигр; crocodile – крокодил; kangaroo – кенгуру и др.)

Повторение изученной лексики и введение новой лексики по теме «Части тела животных» - упр.2, стр.68.

Повторение пар прилагательных антонимов                                                            (слайд 3) longshort; bigsmallthinthick

Введение лексики – названия частей тела животных (в сопоставлении с названиями частей тела человека)                                                                                                           (слайды 4 – 9)

nose – beak; toes – paws; hair – fur

Tusks, trunk, feathers, mane

T: And now use new words and adjectives to ask about the animals in the pictures. (P1→P2→P3, etc)

P1: Which animal has got a thick mane?

P2: The lion. Which animal has got long neck?

P3: The giraffe. Which animal has got a trunk?

P4: The elephant…

Развитие умений монологической речи при описании животных (отработка и закрепление лексики по теме «Части тела животных» - работа в парах; карточки –изображения животных)

T: Describe any of the animals. But your task is to make one – two mistakes. Your partner corrects you. (P1→P2)

P1: The giraffe has got a short neck, short legs and a long tail.

P2: The giraffe hasn’t got a short neck and short legs. It has got a long neck and long legs.

Развитие умений поискового чтения – упр.4, стр.68

T: So let’s name animals we can see at the zoo. (Ps: elephant, crocodile, tiger, hippo, rhino…)

T: Now read the text to yourselves and say which animals are in the dialogue. (Ps: a giraffe, a monkey, a bear).

T: That’s right. Now let’s read the dialogue aloud, please.

Развитие умений изучающего чтения (послетекстовое задание) – упр.5, стр.69

T: Now look through the text again and find the words in the dialogue for the underlined pronouns.

It has got a long neck. – the giraffe

They are noisy. – monkeys

I find them cute. – Ben

Динамическая пауза

Look left, look right,

Look up, look down,

Look around.

Look at your nose,

Look at that rose,

Close your eyes,

Open, wink, оpen and smile.

Your eyes are happy again.

Повторение и обобщение формообразования и употребления глаголов в Present Simple (отрицательная и вопросительная формы)                                                                 (слайд 10)

T: Now let’s revise negative and interrogative forms of the Present Simple Tense. Read the table. What do we use to form these forms? (Cl: вспомогательные глаголы do / does).

T: That’s right. And now find examples of short answers, interrogative and negative sentences in the dialogue, please.

P1: Do you like the zoo?

P2: What does it look like?

P3: I don’t like monkeys.

P4: Yes, I do.

Отработка употребления вопросительной формы Present Simple: общие вопросы и краткие ответы – упр.7, стр.69.

T: Good work. And now your task is to fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

do / do; 2) does / doesn’t; 3) do / don’t; 4) does / does)

T: You are very good at that.  But now I’d like you to work in pairs. Your task will be to ask and answer each other’s questions.

(pair work – cards, см. приложение)

Развитие умений аудирования с выборочным пониманием заданной информации.

T: Now I’m going to propose you to listen to the text “Visit London Zoo”. Listen to this text attentively and your task is to complete the advertisement.  Ex8 p. 69                           (слайд 11)

(Задание из звукового приложения к данному уроку, см. приложение)

 Развитие умений вести диалог-расспрос по ситуации «В зоопарке».

T: Look at the board. Let’s revise the names of the animals and describe features of the animals.

                                                                                                                               (слайды 12 – 15)

P1: It’s a zebra. It’s beautiful, fast and friendly.

P2: It’s a lion. The lion is proud, strong and handsome. It has got beautiful mane.

P3: It’s an elephant. The elephant is very big, friendly, strong and fun. It has god very big ears, a long trunk and big tusks. Etc.

T: Now imagine you are at the zoo. You ask your friend if he likes the zoo and ask about the animals there, describe the animal, give a reason why you like (don’t like) it. Look at the picture and act out the dialogue, please. These phrases can help you to complete the dialogues

                                                                                                                                         (слайд 16).

It’s great! It’s fantastic!

Which one?

What does it look like?

Why not?

I find them… (clever, noisy, fun)


P1: Do you like the zoo, Dan?

P2: Yes, I do. It’s great (fantastic)! What’s that animal over there?

P1: Which one? What does it look like?

P2: It has got four short legs, a long tail and yellow fur with black stripes.

P1: That’s a tiger. Tigers are so beautiful.

P2: Yes, they are. Look, what’s that behind the tree?

P1: It’s a bear.

P2: Oh, I don’t like bears.

P1: Why not?

P2: They are angry and dangerous.

P1: I find them clever and handsome. Let’s go and see zebras.

P2: OK.

Развитие умений описывать дикое животное с опорой на образец.

T: Congratulations. Your dialogues were very good.  But now let’s try to write about a wild animal. Let’s do it together, please. Write its name, what it looks like, its colour.

                                                                                                                                  (слайд 17 - 18)

Model:  The swan is usually white or black. It has got a long neck, a yellow beak with black around the eyes. It has got big wings and lots of feathers. I like swans because they are very beautiful and proud.

Объяснение домашнего задания.

T: Your home task is to write about a wild animal you like, don’t forget to draw or to find a picture of the animal.

                                                                                                 WB – стр. 42; SB - упр.10, стр. 69

1.Заключительный этап урока

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

T: We have spoken a lot today about animals. You did a lot of work today and you did it very well. 

But that’s all for today and our lesson is going to be over. Your marks are…



Карточки – закрепление построения общего вопроса и краткий ответ.

Ask and answer the questions, use do / does. Work in pairs.

….your mum work?

….your friend walk to school?

….you play snowballs in winter?

….your Granny live in the country?

….you swim well?

….your friend like playing computer games?

….your Mum like dogs?

….you feed your pet?

….your Dad like fish?

…..you help your parents?

….your baby brother sleep a lot?

….your like to draw?

Текст для аудирования (Module 5, Unit 5b, упр.8, стр.69)

   Hello, this is the London Zoo information line.

London Zoo, in Regent’s Park, central London, is perfect day for a family day out! We are open every day of the year from 10 am to 4 pm except Christmas Day. Tickets are available online or at the entrance to the zoo and cost twelve pounds for adults and only nine pounds fifty for children aged three to fifteen. We have a wonderful collection of animals for you to see, including otters, penguins, lions, tigers, giraffes and lots, lots more! We hope to see you soon!


Приложение №1 Фонетическая зарядка (Интернет – ресурсы)

Animals Song

The (lion) is the king of the jungle.

The (elephant) is big and strong.

The (crocodile) is very dangerous.

The (snake) is very long.

The (monkey) likes to swing through the branches.

The (camel) likes to walk, walk, and walk.

The (hippo) likes to sit in the mud pool all day.

The (parrot) likes to talk, talk, talk…..


Приложение №2 Ex.32 p.44


On a farm                               in the Zoo                              in the forest

A hen                                      a lion                                      a fox

A cockerel                               a giraffe                                 a bear

A pig                                       a parrot                                   a wolf

A horse                                    a monkey     

A sheep                                   a tiger

A rabbit                                   a kangaroo 

A duck

A cow


Приложение №3 Ex.33 p.44


I am from Africa.

I have got big (ears).

I am big and strong.

I like (bananas) and (apples).

I do not eat (meat).

I can carry things and water the (flowers).

Come to the (Zoo) and see me.

I am….


 Приложение №4  


I am from the North of Russia.

I have got a nice tail.

I am not very big and strong.

I am red and nice.

I like hens and mice.

I do not eat grass and fruit.

I can run and jump.

I can not fly.

Come to the forest and see me.

I am (a fox).


Приложение №5 Мультимедийная программа к учебнику 4 класса М.З.Биболетовой


[ I:] – please, field, sea, eagle

[ e ] – weather, elephant, desert

[эu] – cold, road, most, ocean

[au] – town, flower, cloudy, mountain

[ei] – game, today, change, favourite, whale


Приложение №6 Мультимедийная программа к учебнику 4 класса М.З.Биболетовой


1. Have you got a pet?                         A) Ashby

2.What is its name?                              B) Ashby is big, kind and strong.

3. What does it like to eat?                  C) Yes, I have got a camel.

4. What is it like?                                 D) Ashby helps my father to carry things.

5. What can it do?                                E) Grass and apples.


Приложение №7 Мультимедийное программа к учебнику 4 класса М.З.Биболетовой


 - Have you got a pet?

 - Yes, I have got a (camel).

 - What`s (its) name?

 - Ashby.

 - What does it like to (eat)?

 - (Grass) and apples.

 - (What) is it like?

 - Ashby is big, kind and strong.

 - What (can) it do?

 - Ashby (helps) my father to (carry) (things).


Приложение №8 Мультимедийная программа к учебнику 4 класса М.З.Биболетовой


I would like to have a dolphin. It`s smart and grey. It lives in the sea. It can swim, dive, and jump. I would like to swim and dive with my dolphin. I think, it`s a wonderful animal.


Приложение №9 Мультимедийная программа к учебнику 4 класса М.З.Биболетовой


Choose the correct option:

1. Dima would like to have a………………..

a) camel         b) snake        c) dolphin

2. It is………..

a) blue            b) grey           c) white

3. It lives in the ……………….

a)  ocean          b) sea            c) river

4. It can……………..

a) sing              b) dive           c) play

5. Dima would like to…………..with his animal.

a) swim            b) play            c) live

6. He thinks it is a …………… animal.

a) wonderful     b) beautiful     c) nice


Приложение №10


Now I know:                                  Now I can say:

-          where animals live;                        where the animals live;

-          what they eat;                                 what they eat;

-          what they can do;                           what they can do.


















































План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 11-м классе по теме:

«Осторожно! Опасность!»

(несчастные случаи, чрезвычайные ситуации, болезни и вред здоровью)

Module 4 (a, b, c)

Цели урока:

Обучающая: формировать у учащихся представлений о проблемах по теме: «Несчастные случаи, чрезвычайные ситуации, болезни и врез здоровью», обогатить лексику по данной теме. Продолжить закрепление грамматических тем: Пассивный залог и Каузативные предложения.

Развивающая: расширение представлений о  существующих в мире проблемах, связанных с темой «Осторожно! Опасность!», тренировка в умении задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, развитие навыков работы с текстом и материала для прослушивания.

Воспитательная: научить детей уметь замечать свои и чужие проблемы, понимать их причину, находить способы действий в экстремальных ситуациях.


формировать у учащихся представление о проблемах по теме «Осторожно! Опасность!».

развить навыки самостоятельной работы с текстом,

развить умение задавать вопросы к тексту и отвечать на них,

развить умение написания краткого сочинения по заданной теме.

расширить лексический запас учащихся,

расширить знания по грамматическим правилам.

Оборудование: Учебники, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, аудиозаписи, раздаточный материал.

Учебно-методический комплекс:  УМК «Английский в фокусе»  для 11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (авторы О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс)

•        Учебник;

•        Рабочая тетрадь;

•        Языковой портфель;

•        Книга для учителя;

•        Книга для чтения (с CD);

•        Контрольные задания;

•        CD для работы в классе;

•        CD для самостоятельной работы дома;

•        Интернет-страница курса (www.spotlightinrussia.ru).


План урока.

1. Организационный момент.

2. Сообщение темы урока.

3. Контроль домашнего задания - работа с текстом с учетом поставленных учителем задач. (Подготовить вопросы и ответы для интервью)

4. Контроль написания мини-сочинения.

5. Контроль лексико-грамматического материала.

6. Аудирование.

7. Подведение итогов; домашнее задание.


Ход урока

1) Приветствие:


T: Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? The weather is fine today, isn’t it? Are you in a good mood today?

There are some guests at our lesson, aren’t there?

They are in a good mood too, aren’t they?

Why do you think so?

 Are they smiling?

And we hope we’ll have a good time at our lesson, now let’s work.

2) Сообщение плана работы на уроке

The theme of our lesson is DANGER! (Слайд 1)

It means we’ll work with new word and expressions of this topic  and use them in our speech.

Your vocabulary involves such topics as Injuries and Illnesses  and idioms related to health. And don’t forget about your grammar rules: the Passive and the Causative (make/get/have).

3) Контроль говорения:

Recently we’ve read the text about the miraculous [ ] survival of two British mountaineers [ ] and the painful choice one of them had to make.

I want you to retell this story but at first, look at the pictures of magnificent Siula Grande in the Peruvian [ ] Ands. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?  (Слайды 1,2)

Идет пересказ текста. p.64

In 1985 two British mountaineers Joe Simpson and Simon Yates set out to clime Siula Grande in the Peruvian [ ] Ands. They reached the summit without any problems. For their descent, however, Joe slipped and broke his leg. Simon decided to try to get his friend down to safety. But his strength grew weaker, he couldn’t hold on the rope trying to hold Joe’s weight. The fingers were frostbitten. They had no food or water and a real threat of hypothermia [ ]

Simon made a painful decision – to save his own life and cut the rope. But Joe wasn’t killed! He was alive.

The tale of adventure and survival was described by Joe Simpson in his book “Touching the void” and a film of the same name has also been made.


Your next assignment  is  in group of three, imagine and take the roles of an interviewer, Simon and Joe and prepare questions and answers for a radio interview. I found the photos of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates in the Internet. Here they are. (Слайд 3)

Who prepared? Ex.7 b p. 65

Interview: Welcome to the programme.

Simon: It’s nice to be here.

Interview: It’s quite a story you two have to tell.

Joe: Yes, It’s truly amazing. We’re so lucky to be alive after our climb up Siula Grande. 

Interview: What went wrong exactly?

Simon: Everything was fine on the way up the mountain and we weren’t expecting to have any problems at all on the way down. You see, we chose an easier route for our descent [ ] .

Joe: But then I slipped and I broke my leg in three places.

Interview: That must have been painful!

Joe: Extremely. So, Simon tried to get me down the mountain using a rope. But that didn’t work very well as it was already getting dark and before long, I was hanging over the edge of a deep crevasse [ ]. I couldn’t climb back up the rope as my fingers were so frostbitten. I called out to Simon but he couldn’t hear me – I was too far away.

Interview: Did you realize what was wrong, Simon?

Simon: I knew something was wrong when I felt myself being pulled down  towards [ ] the edge of the crevasse. I tried to hold on but I felt myself getting weaker and weaker.

Interview: So what did you do next, Joe?

Joe: I made the most difficult decision in my life. I cut the rope to save my own life. I just knew I didn’t have the strength to hold on to Joe any longer.

Interview: So, you fell down the mountain, Joe.

Joe: Yes, that’s right. But miraculously [ ], I wasn’t killed by the fall. I was in great pain and had no food or water, yet I was determined to stay alive. It took me four days but I managed to get down to safety.

Interview: What an amazing story! What courage (мужество) and strength [ ] (сила) ! So, for all of your listeners out there – anything is possible!

Class, do you have any   questions to our climbers?

4) Контроль письма

Now let’s check your writing. Ex. 8 p. 65

You had to imagine you are Joe and write a paragraph describing what happened and how you felt during your journey down the mountain to safety. Who wants to read?

In reality, I had no choice. Dying on the mountain was not an option when I had so much to live for. The nights were the worst. That’s when the cold, the pain, the lack of food and the despair take over. I knew that if I closed my eyes to get just a little rest, then I might never open them again. I can’t tell you how I felt when I saw the rescuers running towards me but the sense of relief was so overwhelming [ ] (огромное)  that at that point I blacked out (на мгновение терять сознание).

Ex. 9 p. 65

Do you agree with the statement?                                                              (Слайд 4)

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

                                                                                              (Andre Gide, French writer)

I agree with the quote that in order to move forward we often have to let go of our previous ways of thinking and be openminded to new possibilities and ideas.

Yes, it’s important to have courage and look tj the future. We should not forget the past, but be careful not to become stuck there

And now let’s do some exercises using  your knowledge of English

5) Первичный контроль изученного материала.

Контроль лексико-грамматического материала

    Использование лексики по теме Injuries and Illnesses  и грамматики The Passive

Ex. 1 Complete the spidergrams                                                             (Слайд 5)

cut (leg, toe, finger)

bruise [ ] (подбить) (arm, knee, eye)

fracture [ ] (collarbone, scull, hip)

Ex. 2 Now draw your attention to the words in these columns. Match the words to form phrases    

                                                                                                             (Cлайд 6)

Runny/ streaming/ blocked          nose             

Splitting/thumping/bad/terrible  headache

Throat/chest/ear/eye                    infection

Streaming/bad/stinking               cold

Stomach/ear/back/head              ache

High/slight                                  Temperature

Sharp/dull/throbbing       Pain

Hacking/dry/tickly                      cough

Well done! Use these phrases to describe the symptoms of the people in the pictures

For example, (Слайд 7)  The man looks like he’s got a streaming cold I also think he’s got a high temperature and thumping headache.

(Слайд 8) The boy look likes he’s got a strange rash on his body. Perhaps he’s got a chickenpox.

(Слайд 9) The boy looks like he’s got a hacking cough. I also think he’s caught a cold

(Слайд 10) The man looks like he’s got a stomachache. Maybe he’s got a stomach bug. Perhaps he was vomiting all night.

(Слайд 11)  The dog looks like he’s got a terrible headache. I think he’s in a bad mood.

Ex. 3 Fill in: caught, running, aching, rash, attack, allergic, breathing, sore, blowing, hoarse, wheeze, sneezing, dizzy, vomiting                                                                   (Слайд 12)

1.John's grandfather has just had a heart attack.

2. John was     vomiting      all night. He must have a stomach bug.

3. I feel    dizzy  I think I’m going to faint.

4. Are you ill? Your voice sounds hoarse

5. I think I've     caught    a cold. My nose won't stop  running and I've got  aching    muscles.

6. I've got a strange   rash    on my arm. Maybe I've had a(n allergic    reaction to something.

7. My brother has asthma so running makes him  wheeze

8. I had difficulty breathing       after I ran the race.

9. My nose is  sore because I've been   blowing  it so much.

10. My hay fever's really bad today. I can't stop sneezing

6) Аудирование

Listening for specific information

Listen and fill in the gaps (1-7). What does the operator think James might have?

Telephone Health Service

Name of caller: James 1)…..

Symptoms: severe 2) / 3) ……/ loss of 4) ……       /feeling dizzy

Information/Advice given:

take up to 5)  …. aspirin every four hours

6) … may be necessary

Action taken: organized doctor's doctor's at home on 7)  … at 10am


Operator: Good evening, 24-hour Telephone Health

Service. Patricia Brown speaking. Can I take your full

тате first, please?

Caller: Yes, it's James French.

Operator: Is that spelt F-R-E-N-C-H?

Caller: Yes, that's right.

Operator: Ok. So, what seems to be the problem, Mr.


Caller: Well, I've been feeling really unwell since yesterday. I have really bad earache and a high :emperature.

Operator: I see. Have you got any other symptoms? Caller: Well, yes. My hearing has been affected. Both of my ears are really blocked up and I can hardly hear anything from the left one. I feel a bit dizzy too. Operator: OK, well, for the moment you should take some painkillers such as paracetamol or aspirin. This ii help to bring your temperature down, but don't take more than two every four hours. Caller: Ok, I'll do that.

Operator: Now, it sounds like you could have an ear Section and if so you'll need to see a doctor and get some antibiotics. I can ask the doctor-on-call to make a nouse call if you like.

Caller: Oh ... yes, that would be great. Would he be able to come this evening?

Operator: Err ... let's see ... Monday evening ... no,

I'm afraid he's already got too many other calls to

Tiake this evening, but he could come and see you on

Tuesday morning - that's tomorrow - at ten o'clock, or

on Wednesday at the same time.

Caller: No, Wednesday is too far away. Tuesday would

be better. Thank you so much.

Operator: You're welcome. I hope you feel better soon.

The operator thinks James might have an ear infection

Ex. 4 Fill in the gaps in the table. (Слайд 8)

Ex. 5 Complete the endings of each sentence using by and with (Слайд 9)

7) Подведение итогов урока

Good work, children. I’m proud of you today. You worked hard.

     Домашнее задание: Workbook p.35 ex. 1


План – конспект урока английского языка

План – конспект урока английского языка

Оснащение урока: УМК; карточки с изображением животных; карточки с заданиями по грамматике; фотографии животных; аудиозапись с «голосами» животных; мультимедийная презентация в

Оснащение урока: УМК; карточки с изображением животных; карточки с заданиями по грамматике; фотографии животных; аудиозапись с «голосами» животных; мультимедийная презентация в

T: Now read the text to yourselves and say which animals are in the dialogue

T: Now read the text to yourselves and say which animals are in the dialogue

What does it look like? Why not?

What does it look like? Why not?

We have a wonderful collection of animals for you to see, including otters, penguins, lions, tigers, giraffes and lots, lots more!

We have a wonderful collection of animals for you to see, including otters, penguins, lions, tigers, giraffes and lots, lots more!

I:] – please, field, sea, eagle [ e ] – weather, elephant, desert [ э u] – cold, road, most, ocean [au] – town, flower,…

I:] – please, field, sea, eagle [ e ] – weather, elephant, desert [ э u] – cold, road, most, ocean [au] – town, flower,…

- where animals live; where the animals live; - what they eat; what they eat; - what they can do; what they can do.

- where animals live; where the animals live; - what they eat; what they eat; - what they can do; what they can do.

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 11-м классе по теме: «Осторожно!

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 11-м классе по теме: «Осторожно!

They are in a good mood too, aren’t they?

They are in a good mood too, aren’t they?

Interview: What an amazing story!

Interview: What an amazing story!

I feel dizzy I think I’m going to faint

I feel dizzy I think I’m going to faint
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