План -конспект к уроку английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Выбор профессии"

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  • 18.08.2021
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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ХОД урока:

1 Орг.момент:  Good morning, children! Sit down, please. Good morning, dear guests! I’m glad to see all of you. It is time to start our lesson.

2 Постановка целей

T:  Please, open your textbooks at page 48.As you see, the topic of the lesson is “Jobs”.

Now think   and say what are the purposes ( aims) of this lesson?

P: (  - to learn new words, -to get information from exercises and dialogues about jobs)

T: And do you need such information?

P: Yes? We do. It will help us to make the right choice.

T: Good of you!

 Today we are going to speak about your plans for the  future, about you future professions.  It is very important for a person to make the right choice. But it is also very difficult . It’s a real challenge. So you should answer some questions before you make up your mind.

3 Определение  слов  JOB, CAREER, PROFESSION. ( слайд 1)

T:But first I would like you to make a difference between the words JOB, CAREER, PROFESSION.

P1  A job is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money.

P2  A career is the series of jobs that a person does in his/her life to have a rather high status.

P3  A profession is a job that requires special education and  training.

4 Активизация лексики посредством просмотра видеоролика и работы с картинками  на стр 48 и со словарем.

And now let’s revise some popular professions. Look at the screen .


картинки с профессиями

5 Изучение новых слов и формирование коммуникативных умений посредством выполнения упр.1, 2 стр 48.

T: Let’s learn some new professions from the Ex. 1. Look at the job categories , read and translate , using vocabulary 3b.

Ex. 2a    P1- read and translate the task.

T: Read , translate and answer. P1-P2-P3…

Let’s continue Ex.2b

T:Well, we have spoken about conditions, requirements, skills, contents of some jobs.

6 Развитие навыков запрашивать и выражать желания, намерения. Выполнение упр 3 стр 48 – микродиалоги.

Now use the language in the box of Ex. 3 and the adjectives on the screen to ask each other and answer as in the example . P1 – read the example.

(Слайд2 презентации с прилагательными: sociable, creative, patient, brave, polite, active, attentive, confident , determined, fair, imaginative, responsible,tolerant, understanding, careful, courageous, intelligent.

T: That’s enough, thank you.

7 Аудирование с целью извлечения информации и ответы на вопросы упр. 5,6 7а стр 49

T: Read the task of Ex.6 at page 49.What should we do?

P: We’ll listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

P2 : I think she wants to be a secretary . She is hardworking, outgoing .

T: And which heading best describes the dialoge and why?

P1: A job interview, because she is a student and can’t begin to work right now.

8 Аудирование и выполнение задания по прослушанному упр.8а стр 49

Now look at the Ex.8 and try to predict the questions of Sara’s  job interview

P1-P2  predict questions

T: Now be ready to listen and fill in the the gaps.

T:  P1- Read the note.  

9 Составление списка вопросов , на которые необходимо ответить при профессиональном  самоопределении путем просмотра видеоролика.


как выбрать карьеру

T. Choosing a career is not an easy thing. Young people face a lot of difficulties when they make up their mind about the future profession. Have you decided what profession to choose? If you are not sure this film can help you to take a right decision. 

I would like you to listen attentively and try to remember the questions and recommendations .

10 Контроль понимания прослушанного  .

Well, before choosing a career you should understand:

- Who  are you?,

- What are you  interested in?

- Who inspires you?
-What are your values?

- What skills do you posses ?

- What kind of personality are you?
- What are you fond of?

- Can your hobby help in your future profession? 
-Are you going to follow your parent’s footsteps? 
-What are you good at? 
- What kind of work experience would be helpful for your future job? 
-What will your future profession be connected with? 
- What qualities are required for your profession? 

Let’s think over these important questions, and we ‘ll discuss them  two lessons later,  learning how to write Curriculum Vitae.

11 Рефлексия, домашнее задание

T: Tell me , please , was the lesson interesting or useful for you? Did you remember any new words? That’s good! Use them in your home  work  Ex 1-3 p 21 workbook.

12 Оценки  !!!

T:The lesson is over . Thank you very much! You may be free !


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