План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
Оценка 4.8
английский язык
"Education'' тақырыбында сабақ жоспары. Мұнда сын тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясының әдістерін қолдандым. практический курс английского языка - 2 курстарға арналған оқулығы арқылы оқытылатын кәсіптік шет тілі пәні бойынша құрылған сабақ жоспары. Сабақта "Таза тақта", "Суретке қарап әңгіме құра" сынды әдістермен жұмыс жасайды. Текстпен жұмыс жасайды."Education'' тақырыбында сабақ жоспары. Мұнда сын тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясының әдістерін қолдандым. практический курс английского языка - 2 курстарға арналған оқулығы арқылы оқытылатын кәсіптік шет тілі пәні бойынша құрылған сабақ жоспары. Сабақта "Таза тақта", "Суретке қарап әңгіме құра" сынды әдістермен жұмыс жасайды. Текстпен жұмыс жасайды.
plan of the lesson education.docx
Қ. Дүтбаева атындағы Атырау гуманитарлық колледжі
Директордың оқу ісі
жөніндегі орынбасары
______ М.К.Усербаева
«__» ______ 2016 жыл
Ашық сабақ
Тақырыбы: Topic: Education.
Тобы: 3(9)и
Пән оқытушысы: Кульчикова М.С. Атырау – 2016 жыл
The plan of the lesson
Group: 3(9)i
Date: 27.12.2016.
The theme of the lesson: Topic: Education. Text A: Higher Education and Teacher Training in Great Britain.
Aims of the lesson. Practical: To develop their skills in improving oral speech.
Educational: To enlarge students’ vocabulary, to teach how to write correctly, to work
with text. To practice about Education in Britain.
Cultural: To motivate students by watching video material and speaking, writing,
reading habits.
Type of the lesson: New lesson
Method of the lesson: Palmer’s method (direct method), Clean blackboard, Picture story,
Literature: Practical course of English by V.D.Arakin II course, Internet materials, dictionary.
Visual aids: Video material, IPBOARD, slides, book, song.
The procedure of the lesson
Organization moment.
Greeting with duty.
Checking homework: So, everybody let’s sing a song.
What was your homework for today?
Our homework for today is Ex13. p170. Translate into English.
Who is writing? Who wants? Ok, let’s begin…
Ex 13. p170.. Revise Essential Vocabulary (I) and translate the following:
1. Вы должны догнать группу, как бы много ни пришлось вам работать. 2. Он до смерти надоел мне
рассказами о своих приключениях. 3. У него по крайней мере пять ошибок в каждой контрольной. 4.
Вся беда в том, что у меня с собой только 50 копеек. Что я могу купить на эти деньги? 5. Как бы
много новых слов ни было в тексте, я все их смотрю в словаре. 6. Вы делаете ошибки в каждом втором
предложении. 7. Я не раз говорила Борису Петрову, студенту второго курса, что, если он хочет
выдержать экзамен, ему надо больше заниматься. 8. Предполагается, что все студенты знают, когда
начинаются экзамены, 9. Трудно признаваться в том, что ты не прав, но он был вынужден сделать это.
10. Я знаю, что поступила плохо, но по крайней мере я осознала, что мне не следовало так поступать.
11. Этот живой, сообразительный мальчик очень понравился Оливеру, и они стали друзьями. 12, Я вам
признателен за помощь. 13. Вы должны читать больше, это позволит вам значительно расширить ваш
запас слов. 14. Он смотрел на меня непонимающим взглядом, как будто не слышал, что я говорю. 15. С
какой стати вам так волноваться изза мелочей? 16. Учитель указал на наиболее грубые ошибки в
диктанте, просто и ясно объяснил правила, которыми нужно пользоваться, чтобы избежать их. 17.
Подробно опишите свои впечатления от этой поездки. 18. Мне нравились в нем ясный ум и простая
речь. 19. Что привело класс в такое возбуждение? — Волнующая для них новость; у них будет новый
учитель по геометрии. 20. Они были когдато хорошими друзьями. Просто не могу себе представить,
почему они поссорились. 21. Старик указал на картину, которая висела на противоположной стене.
1 You must catch up with the group no matter how hard you have to work. 2. He bored me to
death with stories about his adventures. 3. He has at least five mistakes in every test. 4. The
trouble is that I've got only fifty kopecks/with/on/about me. What can I buy with this money?
5. No matter how many new words there are in the text, I look all of them up in my
dictionary. 6. You make mistakes in every other sentence. 7. I have time and again/I have repeatedly told Boris Petrov, a sophomore/a second year student, that if he wants to pass the
exam, he should study harder. 8. All the students are expected/supposed to know when the
examinations begin. 9. It's difficult to confess/admit that you are wrong, but he had to do it/he
was forced to do it. 10. I know that I have done wrong, but at least I have realized that I
shouldn't have acted (in) that way/like that. 11. Oliver liked this lively/highspirited/active
bright boy very much, and they became friends. 12. I am obliged to you for your help. 13.
You should read more, it will enable you to considerably enlarge your vocabulary. 14. He
was staring at me blankly as though he didn't hear what I was saying. 15. Why should you get
excited about/over so many trifles? 16. The teacher pointed out the worst/grossest mistakes in
the dictation and plainly and clearly explained the rules one should use/to be used to avoid
them. 17. Describe in detail your impressions of the trip. 18. I liked his bright mind and plain
speech. 19. "What has agitated/excited the class so much?" — "A piece of news/News they
have found exciting: they are going to have a new geometry teacher." 20. They used to be
good friends. I can't imagine why they have quarreled. 21. The old man pointed to the picture
(hanging/ that hung) on the opposite wall.
Warm – up: All together look at the screen. Let’s watch a video material. So, what do you think
about this video? What about this video?
(After watching video students give their own answers about video)
Explaining new theme: Let’s begin our lesson. All together write down the date and new theme.
Today our new theme is Topic: Education. Text A: Higher Education and Teacher Training in
Great Britain.. First of all, I’ll give you some kinds of stickers, and you must take one of these
stickers. If everyone has taken, I divide you into two groups. I group: pinks, II group: greens.
All together look at the screen. There are new words about our theme. Let’s learn these words.
Words and Word Combinations
scientific subjects
an intending teacher
core component (core)
school (teaching) practice
Schoolbased experience
Subject studies
білім беру жүйесі
ғылыми пәндер
жалпыға міндетті білім беру
жақсы мұғалім (потенциальный учитель)
бастауыш мектеп
міндетті емес
орта мектеп
негізгі компоненті (негізгі)
жалпы білім беретін мектеп
Мектептегі (педагогикалық) тәжірибе
қоғамдық мектеп
Мектепкенегізделген тәжірибе
қосымша білім беру
пәндік зерттеулер
ғылыми зерттеулер
жоғары білімді колледж
Білім (теориясы)
басты тақырыбы
мұғалімдерді даярлау
жасы ауқымды деңгейі
жасөспірімдер студенттер
бакалавриат, бітіруші түлек
жоғары сынып оқушылары
өндірістік тәжірибеден өту
оқуәдістемелік құрал
күндізгі бөлімде оқитын студент
аудиовизуалды объектілері
сырттай бөлімде оқитын студент
көрнекі құралдар
жетекшісі (репетитор)
практикалық сабақтар
емтихан өткізуге
соңғы емтихандар (финал)
киім ауыстыратын бөлме
колледж (жатақханасымен)
Студенттер қоғамы
колледж (жатақханасы жоқ)
Студенттік кеңес (одағы)
тұрғылықты залы
С. а Б.А., B.Ed., B.Sc, B.S.E., B.S.M. дәрежесі
(өнер бакалавры, Білім, ғылым, техника,
Медицина және т.б.)
залда өмір сүру (жить в зале)
негізгі ғимараты (Сенат)
Профессороқытушылар құрамы
M.A., M.Ed (және т.б. өнер, білім, магистрі)
Дене шынықтыру (P.E.)
гимназия (тренажер залы)
PhD. (Философия докторы)
Education studies
(Theory of) Education
main subject
junior students
senior students
play production
educational aids
audiovisual facilities
visual aids
supervisor (tutor)
to hold examinations
final examinations (finals)
changing room
students' society
nonresidential college
Students' Council (Union)
С. а B.A., B.Ed., B.Sc, B.S.E., B.S.M. degree
(Bachelor of Arts, Education, Science, Engineering, Medicine etc.)
M.A., M.Ed (Master of Arts, Education, etc.)
PhD. (Doctor of Philosophy)
So, let’s read and translate these texts.
Libraries full of books have been written on the education system in Britain, but recently it has been
changing considerably.
Compulsory education begins at 5, and children attend primary school until they are 11. Normally the
primary school is divided into Infants (5—7) and Juniors (7—11).
At the age of 11 most children go to a comprehensive school where they stay until they are 16. In the past
children went to different types of secondary schools, but in most parts of the country everybody now goes
to a comprehensive.
Some parents, who do not want their children to go to a comprehensive pay to send them to a private
school. The most expensive and prestigious private schools are actually called public schools.
At the age of 16 people take their examinations. Most take General Certificate of Education (G.С.E.).
Ordinary Levels — normally called just 'O' Levels. People take 'O' Levels in as many subjects as they want
to; some take one or two, others take as many as nine or ten.
If you get good 'O' Level results, you can stay on at school until you are 18, in the Sixth Form. Here you
prepare for Advanced Level Exams ('A' Levels). Again, you take as many of these as you want to, but most
people take two or three.
In case you pass your exams well you have a chance of going on to university though this is not
automatic. The number of people who study there is strictly controlled. Other types of further education are
offered at polytechnics and colleges of higher education. Polytechnics offer the chance to study subjects in a
more practical way, and many colleges of higher education specialize in teacher training.
(See: Johnson K. and Morrow K. Approaches. Cambridge, 1979)
Nowadays teacher training in Great Britain is realized at universities, polytechnics and colleges of higher
education. Students working for their first degree at university are called undergraduates. When they take
their degree we say that they graduate and then they are called graduates. If they continue studying at
university after they have graduated, they are called postgraduates. In general, the first degree of Bachelor is
given to students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study.
Further study or research is required at the moden universities for the first postgraduate degree of
Master, and at all British universities for that of Doctor.
In Britain fulltime university students (students who spend all their time studying and have no other
employment), have three terms of about ten weeks in each year. University teaching combines lectures given by professors, readers or lecturers, practical classes (in
scientific subjects) and small group teaching in seminars or tutorials.
The course of study for intending teachers is based upon compulsory and optional subjects.
The Programme usually consists of three core components: Schoolbased experience, Subject studies and
Education studies.
Theory of Education is one of the main subjects. At the end of the first or second year students are to
make their choice as to the agerange of children they wish to prepare to teach.
Junior students go into schools for one day each week, watching experienced teachers at work. They take
part in the life of the school, help with games, societies or play productions.
Senior students spend fifteen weeks on teaching practice. They learn the use of different educational aids,
audiovisual facilities, observe lessons and take an active part in discussing them with a supervisor (tutor) on
school practice.
Examinations are held at the end of each term. Final examinations (or finals) are taken at the end of the
(See: Tibbits E. L. Exercises in Reading Comprehension. Longman, 1974)
Did you understand about educational system of Great Britain? If it is clear for you everybody look at the
screen. There is Ex 1. Let’s write their answers on the blackboard and put down your copy books.
Ex1. p180. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
педагогическое образование (обучение учителей), политехнический институт, колледж высшего
образования, степень, выпускник, аспирант, бакалавр, дальнейшее обучение, исследовательская
работа, магистр, студент дневного отделения, студент вечернего отделения, лектор (2 words),
практические занятия, будущий учитель, быть основанным на чёмn., обязательный,
факультативный, практика в школе, изучение основного предмета, комплекс предметов
педагогического цикла, педагогика, профилирующая дисциплина, возрастная группа, студенты
младших курсов, постановка пьесы, студенты старших курсов, учебные пособия, аудиовизуальные
средства, посещать уроки, руководитель по педпрактике, проводить экзамены, выпускные
Pedagogical education (teacher training), Polytechnic Institute, College of Higher Education, degree,
graduate, postgraduate, bachelor, further training, research, master's degree, fulltime student, a student at
the evening department, lecturer (2 Words), workshops, future teacher, to be based on whatn., a mandatory,
optional practice at school, learning the basic subject complex subjects pedagogical cycle, education,
profiling discipline, age group, junior students, staging plays, senior students, textbooks, audiovisual means
attending lessons, head of supervised practice (2 words), to conduct examinations, final examinations.
Ok, all together look at the blackboard. I’ll give you paper with a task. You must write or give English
equivalents of the following words and phrases.
Ex 2. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases:
система высшего образования, практические занятия, колледж с общежитием, колледж без
общежития, общежитие (студенческое), территория колледжа (университета), жить в общежитии (о
студентах), педагогический состав, лекционный зал, гимнастический зал, раздевалка, студенческое общество, студенческий совет, бакалавр гуманитарных наук, магистр гуманитарных наук, доктор
философских наук.
system of higher education, practical training, college with a hostel, without dormitory college dormitory
(student), the college area (University), live in a dormitory (for students), teaching staff, lecture hall, gym,
locker room, Student Society, Student Council , BA, MA, PhD.
So, everybody open your books on page 181. Exercise 6. Fill in prepositions.
1.... Great Britain the course... study... intending teachers is based ... compulsory and optional subjects. 2.
The Programme usually consists ... three core components. Do you remember what they are? 3. Are you
going to specialize ... Education? 4. It is important... a student to learn the use ... different visual aids ... his
blockteaching practice. 5. My school practice began when I was ... the first year. 6.... our department
examinations are held ... the end ... each term; ... each examination students are given several days which
they spend ... revising the material. 7. The English club organized ... the students is concerned .., extra
curricular activities. 8. Do you enjoy your lectures ... Theory ... Education? Are they supplemented...
1. In Great Britain the course of study for intending teachers is based on compulsory and optional subjects.
2. The Programme usually consists of three core components. Do you remember what they are? 3. Are you
going to specialize in Education? 4. It is important for a student to learn the use of different visual aids
for/in/during his blockteaching practice. 5. My school practice began when I was in the first year. 6. At
our department examinations are held at the end of each term; before each examination the students are
given several days which they spend (on/in) revising the material. 7. The English club organized by the
students is concerned with extracurricular activities. 8. Do you enjoy your lectures on Theory of Education?
Are they supplemented by/with seminars?
Are you tired? Let all of us have to make a circle and congratulate to each others.
Conclusion: Ok, everybody look at the screen and write a story using this picture. I’ll give you
only 8 or 10 minutes to write it. Have you finished? Let’s read…
VIII Giving the homework: Ex10.p182. Read and translate into Kazakh. Review new words.
The lesson is over. Good bye!
План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
План урока на английском языке по теме ''Education''
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