Подготовка к международному экзамену CAE, раздел writing.
Оценка 4.8

Подготовка к международному экзамену CAE, раздел writing.

Оценка 4.8
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10 кл—11 кл +1
Подготовка к международному экзамену CAE, раздел writing.
Данная памятка будет незаменима для тех, кто собирается сдавать международный экзамен CAE. Данная памятка специально разработана для раздела writing. В ней Вы найдете полезные фразы для каждого из возможных видов письма (эссе, формальное письмо, неформальное письмо/email, отзыв, отчет и предложение).


It is undoubtedly true that

It is well-known fact that

It is common knowledge that

It is generally believed that

It is often claimed that

It is often claimed that

It is generally accepted

Many people contend that

Nowadays we frequently hear people complaining about

We often hear that

But how  might this be achieved?

In this essay I will discuss two possible approaches that could be taken

That would alert people

Need to take steps to address this issue

One possible approach would be to / one answer might be to

One obstacle to this, however, is the fact

A second tactic could be / another option could be

A possible solution might be to

While it is true that …, it is not

Not only do people ….. but they also

That may be so, but, surely, ..

In fact,

I can honestly say that

In my view,

As I see it,

On balance,

In conclusion, I must point out

Taking everything into consideration, there are many good arguments for

If this were done, …. would …. and thus

In terms of

Go hand in hand

Formal letter

 Dear Dr, Ms, Mr________ ,

Dear Sir or Madam,

To whom it may concern,

I’m writing with regard to….

I’m writing to you on behalf of 

I am writing in reply to

I have been asked to write to you concerning

Thank you once again bringing to the public’s attention

As it is well known

Provide many opportunities for …

In addition,

Aside from this…., there are also

Have a great deal to offer

I very much hope you will consider…/to hear from you in the near future

I would be very grateful if

I am sure you will see

I look forward to receiving your response to/ hearing your views on

It is hoped the _____________ soon realises there is little to be gained by waiting any longer and much to be lost

We feel sure

Your sincerely, (если изначально знали к кому обращались)

Your faithfully, (если не знаем к кому обращались)

Informal letter / email

Thanks so much for your letter/email. It was so good to hear from you.

I’m really sorry not to have written/been in touch for so long/ such a long time

I’ve been up to my eyes in work/preparing for my exams/out of email contact for a couple of weeks

Remember _________ you said you had?

You told me in your letter/email that

Last time you wrote, you wanted to know

I was absolutely thrilled to get your invitation

If you’ve got a spare time, do you think you could

Do you fancy Ving?

If I were you, I’d definitely …

Do write soon and let me know…

Once again, thanks so much for…

I’m really looking forward to Ving….

Well, I’d better stop now.

Give me a call as soon as …

Do let me know how you get on

Give my love to

All the best,

Take care,


Introduction                      Current situation     __________ Recommendations

The principal aim/ purpose/objective of this report is to provide a description of/present results of/assess the importance of …

This report describes/ provides an assessment of/presents result of …

The final section makes recommendations as to how the situation could be improved


I conducted interviews with local council officers/ a survey of

responded to an online questionnaire

A minority of those questioned expressed concerns about

I visited three of the most popular restaurants:

Most of those responding to survey stated that / expressed the opinion that

According to the one interviewee

A large/significant proportion of those surveyed/responders/informants/participants said that…

Nearly three quarters/ Fewer than half of the shop keepers

While a little more than a third express dislike, the rest gave either neutral or positive answers.

Strange it may seem, although there are many positive responses


The arguments against …. are the following:

The following were the main reasons given for supporting … : firstly… secondly

 Notwithstanding – хотя, несмотря на то, что

Clearly, _______

Taking all the factors mentioned into account, __________would appear to be the most viable solution/option/approach.

I would therefore recommend __________

I would make the following recommendations

My recommendations would include

Should these recommendations be implemented, __________


This proposal is intended to

In this proposal I describe/evaluate/present/assess the current situation/give reasons for 3


Comments made at the end of the questionnaires suggest

Following a survey among …

Feedback from other members of staff


There should be …

I recommend that …


The results of the survey/questionnaire suggest that …. would seem to be the best solution/option/ choice

If these recommendations are implemented, the situation is bound to improve.

I strongly believe that a programme like this would benefit … and allow to get maximum profit from


Concert: artist, band, group, musician, singer, drummer, orchestra, ensemble, soloist, lyrics, piece, tune, song, stage, symphony, composer, conductor, songwriter, music video (клип)

Exhibition: painting, sculpture, photography, design, handicrafts, gallery, catalogue, displays

Book: fantasy, mystery, thriller, atmosphere, author, character, dialogue, plot, setting, writer, chapter, illustration

Film: animation, costume, design, role, screenplay, script, special effects, soundtrack, cast, actor, producer, director, scriptwriter

TV programme: chat shows, debate, series, soap operas, actor, cast, compere – ведущий, host

Background: First starring role / third individual exhibition

Opened at


Set in …

The film tells the story of / recounts events in

In the context of the period

The novel explores themes of

The series begins with


The script seemed rather conventional/ predictable to me

The plot struck me as completely bizarre/absurd/incomprehensible

The director has succeeded in creating a film that is both believable and engaging

The characters are appealing and true to life

The script is witty and the characters are superb

The dialogue is witty/natural/artificial

The dancers were quite brilliant

The music was thunderous and stirring/moving

Raised the hairs on the back of my neck

What an incredibly talented designer

I had hardly dared to move for the duration of the performance

I was completely mesmerised / fascinated/ spellbound

The script writer has not been able to reflect the detailed information about ___________

Happily, the disastrous performance finally came to an end …

___________’s sets were a particular strength/weakness of the production


I would strongly encourage you not to miss/ not to waste your money on …

I would definitely recommend seeing/ watching/ visiting/reading/ having a look at __________

It’s the experience of a lifetime

Go out and buy this album. I promise you won’t regret it

I can almost guarantee that you won’t be able to resist smile

Слова: to find excitement and awesomeness in places I’m not expecting, discover something extraordinary, an exquisite compilation of fun, high energy, bubbly rock that makes you want to sing like a local crazy, great melody, songs are catchy, after a few listens you’re humming along, I could go on and on about all the wonderful things about …such as amazing vocals

Fed up with life, make you giggle, unlikely source of amusement for… , I am glad I switched on, revolves around the lives

It is refreshing to watch series where the jokes are innocent but extremely funny



Essay It is undoubtedly true that

Essay It is undoubtedly true that

Formal letter Dear Dr, Ms,

Formal letter Dear Dr, Ms,

If I were you, I’d defin i tely …

If I were you, I’d defin i tely …

Taking all the factors mentioned into account , __________would appear to be the most viable solution/option/approach

Taking all the factors mentioned into account , __________would appear to be the most viable solution/option/approach

The film tells the story of / recounts events in

The film tells the story of / recounts events in
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