Контрольная работа по английскому языку
Вариант 1
№1. Расшифруй и напиши слова
csuoin isters sdesr
omehtr okwr omeh
№ 2. Впиши пропущенные буквы в слова
in_er_ _t_ng pr_g_a_me ga_d_n
_us_c b_th_room dr_v_
№3. Закончи предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола в скобках.
1 Little Justin (have / has) 2 brothers, but he (do not/ does not) have cousins.
2 My friend (like / likes) to watch interesting programs on TV.
3 Mark (have / has) a big white dog. 4 We (are singing / is singing ) a good new
song. 5 I (am finishing / is finishing) my lunch.
№4. Составь и напиши словосочетания по образцу.
Образец: my cousin/ cute teddy my cousin’s cute teddy
1 his granny/ white cat 4 the brown horse/ tail
2 Boris/ red bike 5 the woman/ blue dress
№ 5 Подчеркни в предложении нужное местоимение.
1 John is playing football with (him/ his) friends.
2 Children, open (you / your) books, please.
3 Mrs. Green likes to play lotto with (she / her) friends on Saturday.4 (Our / Us) friends can’t see (we / us). 5 (Me / My) grandmother lives downstairs.