Оценка 4.8


Оценка 4.8
Занимательные материалы +7
английский язык +1
7 кл—11 кл +1
ПОСОБИЕ направлено на учащихся среднего звена Подробно разработан каждый праздник, фестиваль, или любой другой праздничный день Англии Интересные тексты, иллюстрации, освобождает от долгих поисков Информации в просторах интернета. Все будет у Вас под рукой. Этот материал можно использовать для подготовки проектов учащихся. Можно оформлять классный уголок

Pupils with one or more years of English

Pupils with two or more years of English

Pupils with three or more years of English

Festivals celebrated by large ethnic groups which now form the multi-cultural Britain of the third millennium, and which are more recent additions to our calendar.


Practice Points  


Information about the festivals     . 4 & 5

Valentine's Day [February 14th]

Festivals in Britain

                          Valentine's Cards                                             48

Festivals and Special Days       

 computer Dating  . 49




                The Story of Valentine's Day  . 50

vk.com/create_your english

Birthday PartiesPancake Day [February/March]

Birthday PresentsPancake Fillings. 51

Pancake Tossing Competition .. 52


AUTUMN                                                                                                                                                                                         Lent. 53

Animal Photographs


                   Spring Festivals

Patron Saints' Days [March/April/November]


Saints' Names


                         St Patrick's Day Postcard                

. 57

                       Welsh and English    

Mother's Day [February/March]


Making Words


What's in the Picture10 Find the Differences .

Back to School [September: week 1]


                      The Back to School Alphabet           


                          Going Back to School                       


                       GCSE Options           

Harvest Festival [September/October]


                       Fruit and Vegetables                        


                         Harvest Boxes           

Rosh Hashanah [September]


                         Rosh Hashanah Traditions               


                   Bad Things               

Clocks Go Back [October: week 41


 What Time Is It?. 19

An Hour Ahead• 20

Hallowe'en [October 31st]

Are You an April Fool? Easter [March/April]


Easter Egg Hunt Hot Cross Buns

. 67

Hallowe'en Costumes .21 Hallowe'en Apples22

Easter Words

May Day [May 1st]

Maypole Dancing


word Spirals


Are You Superstitious?. 23 Who's the Thief?. 24

Bonfire Night [November 5th]


Winter Weather32

                       Who Likes Winter7                                                             . 33

Christmas [December 25th]

Advent Calendar. 34

Christmas Show. 35

Q-è Giant Christmas Crossword36 & 37

A Christmas Carol38

New Year [December 31st]

New Year in Scotland. 39.

New Year's Resolutions

Celebrating the New Year .. 41

'Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr [Changes each year]

The Muslim Year

 Fast and Festival. 43

• Chinese New Year [January/February]

 Animal Years44 Code Breaker• 45

Burns Night [January 25th]

                         Burns Niaht Quiz                                            . 46

What Colour Is It?


New Schoot Rules charity Projects

April Fool's Day [April 1st] Who Is the Fool?

. 63

Mother's Day Traditions. 60 & 61

Comic Relief [March]

Theme Park Maze

Rollercoaster. 73

Sports Day [June/July]

Which Event?. 74

Who's the Winner?. 75

Summer Fête [June/July] Tombola76 prize Puzzle. 77

Father's Day [June: week 3]

Father's Day Cards

Why Don't We ... ?. 79

Summer Holidays [July/August]

Souvenir Shopping80

On Holiday in London. 81

Holiday Dot to Dot

Summer Holidays: Lost at the Airport

Holiday Puzzle. . . . . . . 84

Notting Hill Carnival [August: week 4]

Carnival Wordsearch Looking Good. 86

carnival Maze

Highland Games [August/September]

Odd One Out88




Spring: Animal Photographs54 Summer Fête: Tombola76


Valentine's Day: Valentine's Cards. 48


Autumn: What's in the Picture?10 Spring: Animal Photographs54

Asking for/giving permission

(can l?/yes, you can/no, you can't)

Summer Hotidays: On Holiday in London81


Valentine's Day: Valentine's Cards48


Hallowe'en: Hallowe'en Costumes .21 Comic Relief: What Colour Is It?


Harvest Festival: Fruit and Vegetables

Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr: The Muslim Year42

Comic Relief: What Colour Is It?. 62


Birthdays: Birthday Parties .

Describing people

Bonfire Night: Guys25

May Day: Maypole Dancing .70


Summer: Theme Park Maze72


Pancake Day: Pancake Fittings51

Fruit and vegetables

Autumn: What's in the Picture?10

Harvest Festival: Fruit and Vegetables15

Great Britain

Patron Saints' Days: Saints' Names. 56

Summer Holidays: Souvenir Shopping80

Have got

        Summer Fête: Tombola ...              ,. 76


Birthdays: Birthday Parties

Father's Day: Father's Day Cards ... 78 How many?

Pancake Day: Pancake Tossing Competition52 How much is it?

Summer Holidays: Souvenir Shopping80


Birthdays: Birthday Parties


Father's Day: Father's Day Cards .. 78


Hallowe'en: Hallowe'en Apples. 22


Easter: Easter Egg Hunt67 Christmas: Advent Calendar

Burns Night: Burns Night Quiz .

Summer Fête: Tombola

Ramadan and fd-ul-Fitr:

Comic Relief: What Colour Is It?

Bonfire Night: Where Are the Pets? .

Burns Night: Burns Night

Bonfire Night: Where Are the Pets?

Back to School: The Back to School Alphabet

Clocks Go Back: What Time Is It?

April Fool's Day: Who ts the Fool?

Winter: Winter Weather

New Year: New Year in Scotland

Mother's Day: Making Words

Notting Hill Carnival: Carnivat Wordsearch

Chinese New Year: Animat Years

Winter: Who Likes Winter?

Back to School: Going Back to School

Clocks Go Back: An Hour Ahead

Festivals and Special Days

Chinese New Year: Animal Years

Diwati: Preparing for Diwali

Harvest Festival: Harvest Boxes

New Year: New Year's Resolutions .

Sports Day: Which EvenP

Bonfire Night: Bonfire Night Safety

Easter: Hot Cross Buns

Winter: Who Likes Winter?

Notting Hill Carnival: Looking Good



Making suggestions

(let's/how about?/shall we?/why don't we?)

       Christmas: Giant Christmas Crossword               . 36 & 37

Father's Day: Why Don't We ... ?. 79

Must/must not

Comic Relief: New School Rules

Ordinal numbers

Festivals and Special Days.

Present continuous

Hallowe'en: Are You Superstitious?23 Diwali: Preparing for Diwali. 30

Christmas: Christmas Show

Present perfect

Patron Saints' Days: St Patrick's Day Postcard57

Summer Fête: Prize Puzzle. 77

Present simple

Rosh Hashanah: Rosh Hashanah Traditions. 17

Some/not any

Harvest Festival: Harvest Boxes16

Word order

Bonfire Night: Bonfire Night Safety .. 27

Would you like?/l'd like (to)

Harvest Festival: Harvest Boxes16

Father's Day: Why Don't We ... ?. 79

Will future

Clocks Go Back: An Hour Ahead20

Words (making words)

Summer Holidays: Holiday Dot to Dot

Words (understanding words in context)

Highland Games: Odd One Out88



Adverbs (regular)

Bonfire Night: Toffee Apples. 29

Adverbs (irregular)

Highland Games: Competitions. 89

Answer tags

Bonfire Night: The Story of Guy Fawkes. 28


Summer Holidays: Lost at the Airport

Can't be/must be/can't have been/must have been

Hallowe'en: Who's the Thief?. 24


Highland Games: Competitions89

Compound adjectives

Sports Day: Who's the Winner?. 75

Either ... or ... / Neither ... nor ...

Valentine's Day: Computer Dating49

First conditional

Chinese New Year: Code Breaker45

I should/l'd better

Pancake Day: Lent. 53

Indirect speech

April Fool's Day: Are You an April Fool?66

Likes and dislikes

Valentine's Day: Computer Dating49

Lots of/plenty offa few/a couple of

Autumn: Find the Differences. 11

Passive voice (past simple)

New Year: Celebrating the New Year . . 41

Past continuous

Hallowe'en: Who's the Thief?. 24

Past simple

Rosh Hashanah: Bad Things18

Diwali: Rama and Sita. 31

Valentine's Day: The Story of Valentine's Day. 50

May Day: Word Spirals. . . . . 71

Past perfect, past simple and past continuous

Summer: Rollercoaster. 73

Phrasal verbs

Comic Relief: Charity Projects64

Notting Hill Carnival: Carnival Maze

Second conditional

Back to School: GCSE ODtions. . 14

School subjects

Back to School: GCSE Options14

Stative verbs + that clauses

Spring: Spring Festivals55

Time words

Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr: Fast and Festival43

Too ... to ... / Not ... enough to ...

Birthdays: Birthday Presents

Verb tenses

Christmas: A Christmas Carol. 38


Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr: Fast and Festival43

Who/thathvhere clauses

Diwati: Rama and Sita. 31

Will future

Christmas: A Christmas Carol. 38

Words (understanding words in context)

Burns Night: Poem47

Valentine's Day: The Story of Valentine's Day50 Patron Saints' Days: Welsh and English. 58 Mother's Day: Mother's Day Traditions. 60

Easter: Easter Words. 69

May Day: Word Spirals71

Summer: Rollercoaster

Words (making words)

Summer Holidays: Holiday Puzzle. 84

Information about the festivals featured in this book

Back to School (Pages 12-14)

The school year in England, Wales and Northern Ireland begins in the first week of September. Children start primary school when they are four or five years old. The first class in primary school is called Reception, then pupils progress through Years 1—6. They start secondary school when they are 11 years old in Year 7. At the end of Year 11, when they are

16 years old, pupils sit the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams in around 8—10 subjects. Maths, English, a science and a foreign language are compulsory and pupils choose their remaining examination subjects from those offered at their school. The remaining two years at secondary school are not compulsory and are known as the Sixth Form; the first year is the Lower Sixth and the second year is the Upper Sixth.

Pupils in the Sixth Form generally study for examinations which will lead to a place in university or college. Scotland has a different school year and examination system from the rest of the UK.

Harvest Festival (Pages 15-16) Harvest Festival is a Christian festival of thanksgiving for all the good things we have. There is no set date for Harvest Festival but it usually takes place in September or sometimes October. It is traditional to take gifts of food to elderly people after the church or school Harvest Festival. At one time, these gifts were locally grown fruit and vegetables, but nowadays it is more common to offer dried and tinned foods. Many churches also hold a Harvest Supper. A traditional decoration is the 'Corn Dolly', made from straw.

Rosh Hashanah (Pages 17-18) Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is celebrated on the first day of the Jewish month Tishri, which occurs in September according to the western calendar. It is a time to ask God's forgiveness for the wrongdoings of the past year. At the beginning of the Rosh Hashanah service a shofar (ram's horn) is blown to call the worshippers to prayer. Apples dipped in honey are eaten for a good and sweet new year.

Clocks Go Back (Pages 19-20) The clocks in the UK go back an hour at midnight on the last Saturday in October. This marks the end of British Summer Time and a return to Greenwich Mean Time. British Summer Time lasts from the end of March until the end of October. The clocks going back is not a festival; in fact most people dread the darker nights and the cold weather to come after this date.

Hallowe'en'(Pages 21-24) Hallowe'en is celebrated on 31 October. It was originally the Celtic festival of the dead, known as Samhain. The Christian church tried to suppress this pagan festival, renaming it All Hallows' Eve (hence the name Hallowe'en). However, the festival remains essentially pagan and has been banned in some Christian schools in Britain. Pumpkin lanterns, masks and costumes are all part of Hallowe'en, as is the custom of 'trick or treat'. This involves children in costumes going from house to house asking for treats such as sweets, fruit and money. If the householder refuses to give them a treat, the children may then play a trick or practical joke on them.

Bonfire Night (Pages 25-29)

Bonfire Night is celebrated on 5 November. It falls on the date when, in 1605, a group of Catholics tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. This was known as the Gunpowder Plot. It was a time of great religious and political unrest in England and the Catholics were suffering persecution at the hands of the Protestant government. The plan failed and the plotters were put to death. The festival is also known as Guy Fawkes' Night, after the man who laid the explosives in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament. It is still the custom to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes, called a 'guy', on the bonfire. Bonfire Night has survived to this day, perhaps because people welcome the opportunity to have a bonfire, fireworks and a party in the cold, dark month of November.

Diwali (Pages 30-31) Diwali is a Hindu festival which takes place on the 1 5th day of the month of Kartik according to the Hindu calendar (October or November in the western calendar). The name comes from the word diva, which is a small lamp. A story which is associated with Diwali is that of Rama and Sita (see page 31). Many Hindus also celebrate new year at this time. Many Hindus in Britain celebrate Diwali with fireworks in the local park. The Hindu population in Britain is currently 155,000 (1999 figures).

Christmas (Pages 34-38)

The name 'Christmas' comes from 'Christ's Mass'. It is celebrated on 25 December, when people visit their families, exchange presents and eat a Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. Practising Christians usually attend Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and go to church again on the morning of Christmas Day. It is the tradition for children to leave out a stocking when they go to bed on Christmas Eve for Father Christmas to fill with presents. Christmas Day and Boxing Day (26 December) are both bank holidays (public holidays) in the UK.

A Christmas Carol (Page 38) Charles Dickens (1812—1870) is one of the most famous and enduringly popular of English novelists. Film and cartoon versions of his novel A Christmas Carol (see page 38) are shown nearly every year on British television. tt is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a rich but miserly old man. He learns to become more benevolent when he is visited on Christmas Eve by three ghosts who show him what the consequences of his meanness will be if he doesn't change. Novels by Dickens include The Pickwick Papers (1837), Oliver Twist (1838), Nicholas

Nickleby (1839), The Old Curiosity Shop (1841), A Christmas Carol (1842), David Copperfield (1850), A Tale of Two Cities (1859) and Great Expectations (1861).

New Year (Pages 39-41)

In Britain, New Year's Eve is celebrated on 31 December when many people hold parties or go to pubs and night clubs. Many of the New Year traditions practised in Britain come from Scotland, where the festival is know as Hogmanay. All over the UK, people join hands at midnight and sing the Scottish song 'Auld Lang Syne' by Robert Burns. In Scotland the New Year is welcomed by the playing of bagpipes and the custom of 'first footing' — this involves visiting friends and relatives after midnight. It is tucky if the 'first footer' is a dark-haired man bringing a gift of coal and a bottle of whisky. New Year's Day is a bank holiday in the UK.

Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr

(Pages 42—43)

Ramadan and fd-ul-Fitr fall a few days earlier every year according to the western calendar, as the Muslims have a lunar calendar. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and is the month of fasting. Most Muslim people do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan. This is to help them live as better Muslims. Id-ul-Fitr is the festival at the end of the month of Ramadan. On the last day of Ramadan, many people watch for the new moon, which marks the end of the fast. Id-ul-Fitr is a time for visiting friends and relatives, exchanging gifts and having a special meal. The Muslim population in the UK is currently 580,000 (1999 figures).

Chinese New Year (Pages 44-45)

There is a big Chinese New Year festival in Chinatown in London every year. The Chinese New Year is celebrated in January or February. ft is the most important festival in the Chinese year. The festivities traditionally include firecrackers and dragon dances. Special foods such as dumplings and cakes are eaten. Red is a lucky colour for the new year, and children are given lucky red envelopes filled with money.

Burns Night (Pages 46-47)

Robert (or 'Robbie') Burns (1759—1796) is Scotland's national poet. He wrote many poems and songs in Scottish dialect. His birthday (25 January) is celebrated in Scotland as Burns Night. Customs include eating haggis (a traditional Scottish dish of minced meat) and drinking whisky, playing the bagpipes and reciting poems by Burns. The Burns Night dinner is usually followed by singing and a ceilidh (traditional Scottish dancing).

Valentine's Day (Pages 48-50) Valentine's Day is the festivat of lovers and is celebrated on 14 February. People send an anonymous card to the person they would like to be their girlfriend or boyfriend. St Valentine was an early Christian who was put to death for his beliefs. He is said to have left a message for his beloved on the wall of his prison cell, signed 'Your Valentine'.

Pancake Day (Pages 51-53)

Pancake Day is the popular name for Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent starts. In the days when people fasted during Lent, Shrove Tuesday was the last day they could enjoy themselves. Pancakes are the traditional dish for Shrove Tuesday, eaten with lemon juice and sugar. The name Shrove Tuesday comes from the verb 'to shrive', which means 'to make a confession', as this was the day for people to confess their sins before Lent started. Although it is unusual for Christians to fast during Lent these days, many people give up something they enjoy during this period, often sweets, chocolate or alcohol.

Patron Saints' Days (Pages 56-58) St David is the patron saint of Wales and his feast day is 1 March. Little is known about his life, except that he was the primate of South Wales in the sixth century and founded many churches there. St David's, in South Wales, was the place of his shrine and became a place of pilgrimage. The feast day of St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is 17 March. Born in Wales in around 389 AD, he was kidnapped by Irish marauders at the age of 16. After six years he escaped to France and spent a few years in a monastery there. On his return to Britain he was ordained as a bishop and went to Ireland as a missionary. He established churches in the north of Ireland. St George's feast day is 23 April. He is the patron saint of England. A traditional story about him is that he killed a dragon to save a princess from being eaten. St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. His feast day, 30 November, falls outside the spring period covered in this section of the book. He has been included here as all the other patron saints' days occur in the spring.

Mother's Day (Pages 59-61) In Britain, Mother's Day is celebrated on the Sunday three weeks before Easter so it usually occurs in March. Mother's Day is the popular name for Mothering Sunday, the day when Christians used to return to the 'mother church' for the Sunday service. Later, when many young girls left home to become servants and boys went to be apprentices, the festival became a holiday for young people to visit their mothers. It was the custom to take flowers and gifts. Many young girls were given a 'simnel cake' to take home to their mothers.

Comic Relief (Pages 62-64) Comic Relief is a recent addition to the festivals calendar. It began in the 1980s to raise money for charity projects in Britain and Africa. It takes place in March every two years (the last one was in 1999). There is a big build-up to Comic Relief day (which is a Friday) on television, and people all over the country organise fund-raising events. The idea is to make fund-raising fun so atl the events must be humorous. Red noses (for people and for cars, similar to those worn by clowns) are sold, giving the day the popular name of 'Red Nose Day'.

April Fool's Day (Pages 65-66) April Fool's Day is on 1 April. People play tricks and practical jokes on their friends. If the friends fall for the joke, they are 'April Fools'. Traditionally, the tricks must be played before midday. If someone plays an April Fool's trick after midday, he or she is the fool.

Easter (Pages 67-69) Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and celebrates the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem. Small crosses made of palm leaves are given to church-goers to mark

the occasion.

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before

Easter and commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus and his disciples. It is the day when the Queen gives small purses of money to some specially chosen people. Originally the sovereign used to wash the people's feet, too, as Christ once washed the disciples' feet. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. The name comes from 'God' rather than 'good'.

Easter Sunday is the day for celebrating Jesus's rising from the dead. It falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, in March or April. Chocolate Easter eggs are given to children on this day. Easter Monday, the day after Easter, is a bank holiday in the UK, as is Good Friday.

May Day (Pages 70-71) The first day of May is traditionally the festival of the coming of spring. It is usually celebrated with Maypole dancing (see pages 70—71) and Morris dancing. In some towns a May Queen is elected. The May Queen is a beautiful girl who is crowned with a garland of flowers and then goes on a procession around the town. The first Monday in May is a bank holiday in the UK.

Sports Day (Pages 74-75)

Every school in the UK has a sports day in June or July, shortly before the summer holidays. The event usually takes up a whole day and parents come to watch. Traditional races for primary school children include the 'egg and spoon race' (running while holding an egg on a spoon), 'the three-legged race' (in which two people run with their adjacent legs tied together) and the 'obstacle race'. Secondary school pupils compete in athletics events, such as running races, the high jump and long jump and javelin throwing.

Summer Fête (Pages 76-77) Many schools, churches and other organisations, such as the boy scouts and girl guides, hold a fund-raising summer fête in June or July. There are stalls selling home-baked cakes, crafts and second-hand items. There are always games at the fête. Popular games include: the 'tombola', in which people pick numbered tickets to try and win a prize; 'guess the weight of the cake', in which people try to win the cake (variations include 'guess the name of the dolt', 'guess how many coins in the jar', etc.); and 'hoopla' (in which people try to throw a hoop over the prizes). Food and drinks are also sold and nowadays there is often a barbecue.

Father's Day (Pages 78-79) Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. It is a new festival, introduced to provide fathers with a similar occasion to Mother's Day. Children give their fathers cards and presents.

Summer Holidays (Pages 80-84) Schools break up for the long summer holidays in the third week of July. Children are then on holiday until the first week of September. Naturally this is the time when many families go on their annual holiday. Most British people go away for two weeks, usually abroad. Popular holiday destinations include Spain, Greece and Portugal.

Notting Hill Carnival (Pages 85-87) The Notting Hill Carnival is a big Caribbean festival which takes place every year in Notting Hill in London. Carnival is always on the August bank holiday weekend (the last Sunday and Monday in August). The first Carnival took place in August

1964 and was organised by some Notting Hill inhabitants from Trinidad. Since then, the Carnival has grown and now attracts nearly two million visitors every year. The Carnival procession includes dancers and music. The traditional Carnival music is played by steel bands.

Highland Games (Pages 88-89)

The Highland Games take place alt over

Scotland in late August and early

September. The most famous event is 'tossing the caber' in which men throw a huge tree trunk as far as they can. Other events include hammer throwing, the hill race, the tug-of-war (in which two teams pull on either end of a rope to try to pull the other team over a line marked on the ground), bagpipe-playing competitions and Scottish dancing competitions. The Highland Games end with a huge pillow fight in which everyone can take part.

                                        Bonfire Night                                                                 May Day



This is the Spring festival. It's in May, of course.


This is a festival with fireworks and bonfires. It's in the Autumn. The letter of this month is V.


New Year's Day

Mother's Day


On Mother's Day children presents and cards to mum. It's in the Spring. month has got five letters.


This is the first day of the new year. It's in the Winter. The first letter of this is J.

give their monthThis

The first letter is M.





































This is a big Caribbean carnival in London. It's Summer. The first letter month is not J.


This is when the new year starts. Everybody back to school after the summer holidays. It's in

St David's Day


St David is the patron

Wales. St David's Day is Spring. This month has five letters. The second A.

April Fool's Day


On April Fool's Day people play tricks on their friends.

It's in March. Only joking! It's in April, of course.

Notting Hill Carnival

in the of this

Back to School

school goes

I the Autumn. This month has got nine letters.

saint of in the got letter is

Summer Holidays



This isn't a festival but end of school and the the summer holidays. This month is in the Summer. first letter is J and the



St George is the patron of England. St George's in the Spring. The first of this month is A.

St George's Day

saintis the Day is               start of letter

The last letter is Y.


Birthday Parties

British teenagers often organise a party for their birthdays. They give invitations to all their friends.


What are these people doing for their birthdays? Write the names on the invitations.





        Matthew                            Davina                            Harriish

Please come bowling

to the cinema on my birthday?

on my birthday:

Please come on

Wednesday 7 February at 5 p.m.

Friday 28 March at 6 p.m.

Lots of love

Love from

Please come to

Would you like to

celebrate my birthday on

come skating on my birthday?

Tuesday 4 December. We're going

Please come on

to the restaurant at 6 p.m.

Thursday 10 April at 7 p.m.

Love from


Would you tike to come

It's my birthday on Saturday 12 July.

Please come to a picnic at 1 p.m.

Lots of love

It's my birthday on Monday 15 October.

We're going to the theme park.

Please come at 1 p.m.


Would you like to come to my birthday party?

It's on Sunday 30 May at 6 p.m.

Lots of love

Solve the anagrams and write the words in the grid. What is in the mystery birthday present?


4         wobling mincea methe rapk raunstreat tikangs treathe

trypa oaaoa

Birthday Presents

In Britain, it's usual to give presents to the birthday girl or boy.

It's Rachel's birthday. She has got lots of presents from her friends and family. However, she's not happy. She doesn't like any of her presents.

Read what she says. Which present is she talking about in each sentence?

What's in the Picture?

Which of these things can you see in the picture? Tick the things you can see.

1.   a butterfly

2.   grass

3.   a house

4.   an elephant

S. a dog

6.       a man

7.       the sun

8.       nuts

9.       a boy

10. tomatoes

11. a mouse

12. a ghost

13. a monkey


a baby

15. a fox

16. oranges

17. a girl

18. mushrooms

20.    birds

21.    a rainbow

22.    an umbrella

23.    bananas

24.    squirrels

25.    a rabbit

26.    spiders

27.    flowers

28.    a woman

29.    cherries

30.    trees

Find the Differences

Find the differences between the two pictures. Write sentences about them. Use these phrases:

For example:

In picture A there are lots of leaves on the tree.

In picture B there are a few leaves on the tree.

The Back to School Alphabet

It's the beginning of September and it's time to go back to school. Look at all the school pictures. Write the words under the pictures.

Going Back to School

It is the first day back at school for Shona, Natalie, Daniel, Nathan, Raminder and James.

Look at the information and read what the people say.

Which year is each person in? How does each person travel to school? What is the name of each person's teacher? Complete the table.

Year at ages of

Year 7:

Year 8:

Year 9:

Year 10:

Year 11:

Sixth form: (two years)

school and pupils

age 1 1 —12 age 12—13 age 13—14 age 14—15 age 15—16 age 16—18


Teachers and number of pupils in the class


Transport and journey times to school

Mr Raman:

Ms Martinez:

Mr Bryant:

Mrs Peel:

Mr Turton:

Ms Moore:

18 pupils

22 pupils

26 pupils

28 pupils

30 pupils

32 pupils

walking: 5 minutes van: 10 minutes bike: 12 minutes bus: 15 minutes car: 16 minutes train: 20 minutes

am three years younger than James.

There are six more pupils in my class than in Raminder's.

My journey is five minutes longer Shona  than Daniel's.

I am five years older than Shona. There are twelve fewer pupils in my class than in James's.

My journey is ten minutes longer Natalie                than Shona's.


I am one year younger than Natalie. There are six fewer pupils in my class than in Nathan's.

My journey is ten minutes shorter

I am one year older than Raminder.

There are ten more people in my class than in Natalie's.

My journey is four mintues shorter Nathan         than James's.

I am three years younger than Daniel.

There are four more people in my class than in Daniel's.

My journey is three minutes longer Raminder    than Nathan's.

            i))               I am one year older than Nathan.

There are two fewer people in my class than in Shona's.

My journey is four minutes shorter

1.   Who is the oldest?

2.   Who is in the biggest class?

3.   Who has the shortest journey to school?


Who goes to school by car?

5.   Who is in Year 9?

6.   Who is in Mr Bryant's class?

GCSE Options

C] Maths (compulsory)                                  Tuesday Session 1; Wednesday Session 3

Sciences (at least one science is compulsory)

      C] General Science                              Monday Session 1, Thursday Session 3

           Biology                                              Monday Session 2, Wednesday Session 2

           Chemistry                                          Thursday Sessions 3 and 4

            Physics                                                   Monday Session 1, Tuesday Session 2

        English (compulsory)                             Monday Session 4, Thursday Session 1

Modern languages (at least one langage is compulsory)

            French                                                   Thursday Session 2, Friday Session 3

     C] German                                             Monday Session 3, Wednesday Session 1

      [2 Spanish                                             Monday Session 3, Wednesday Session 1

       [2 Italian                                                     Tuesday Session 2, Thursday Session 4

            Russian                                                  Monday Session 2, Wednesday Session 2

12 Design and Technology (optional) Friday Sessions 1 and 2

     Religious Studies (optional)             Tuesday Sessions 3 and 4

C] History (optional)                                Tuesday Session 2, Thursday Session 4

     Politics (optional)                                Monday Session 3, Wednesday Session 1

C] Drama (optional)                                 Tuesday Sessions 3 and 4

     Physical Education (optional)         Wednesday Session 4, Friday Session 4

     Food Technology (optional)              Friday Sessions 1 and 2

     Textiles and Fashion (optional)      Wednesday Session 4, Friday Session 4

     Latin (optional)                                    Thursday Session 2, Friday Session 3

       Art (optional)                                            Tuesday Sessions 3 and 4

     Computer Studies (optional)            Friday Sessions 1 and 2

     Geography (optional)                        Wednesday Session 4, Friday Session 4

     Business Studies (optional)             Monday Session 2, Wednesday Session 2

C] Music (optional)                                  Thursday Session 2, Friday Session 3

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland pupils start studying for their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams in Year 10.

They can choose nine subjects. Some of the subjects are compulsory (you have to do them) and some are optional (you can choose them if you like).

These are the subjects pupils can take at Littleton Comprehensive School.

If you were starting in Year 10, which nine subjects would you choose?

You must do compulsory subjects, but you can choose your optional subjects. You can't choose subjects that clash (are at the same time).

If you chose these subjects, what would your timetable be? Complete your timetable.

Fruit and Vegetables

Colour the fruit and vegetables these colours.

Harvest Festival is a Christian festival.

It is on a Sunday in September or October. It is to celebrate the harvest. People take flowers and food to school or to church.

Rosh Hashanah Traditions

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is the most important time in the Jewish year. Rosh Hashanah is in September or October.

What do you know about Rosh Hashanah?

Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Choose the correct verb in each sentence.

Example:The Jewish new year begins / ends in the Autumn.

Before Rosh Hashanah people              People h give/ i take cards to     They O go/ p bring to r cook/ S clean their houses.           their friends.     the synagogue.

They e talk/ f ask God to forgive               They a eat/ b write honey and   They q fly/ r say 'Leshanah Tovah all the bad things they do. apples. This is for a sweet and   Tikatev' (Happy New Year). happy new year.

Bad Things

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year.

People ask God to forgive them for all the bad things they have done.

Some people are talking about the bad things they did last year. Put the verbs in the past tense and write them in the grid.

 (keep) some money that was party.    supposed to be for charity.


(say) it my sister.

(wear) my brother's jumper without asking his permission.

(hide) my sister's favourite T-shirt when she was going to a party.

(hit) my little brother when he annoyed me.

(forget) my best friend's birthday.

(throw) my friend's homework in the bin.

(put) a spider in my sister's hair.

(swear) at my dad.

(spend) my school lunch money on crisps and sweets.

(hurt) my friend's feelings by saying she was fat.

(sell) my brother's Walkman to my friend because t needed some money.

(steal) five pounds from my mum's purse.

(go) to my friend's house instead of doing my homework.

(tell) my mum a lie.

What Time Is It?

The last Saturday in October is the last day of British Summer Time. At midnight, British people put their clocks back one hour.

These are the times on Saturday. What time is it at the same time of day on Sunday? Write the times and draw them on the clocks and watches.

An Hour Ahead

Today is the last Saturday in October. Tonight the clocks go back one hour, but David and his family have forgotten.

This is David's plan for tomorrow.

Read the sentences about what David will do tomorrow. Which  sentences are true and which are false? If the sentence is false, write a true sentence. (Don't forget that David is one hour ahead of his plan.)

For example:

At eight o'clock David will take the dog for a walk.

False. At eight o'clock David will have breakfast.

1.      At six o'clock David will read a magazine.


8   a.m. take the dog for a walk

9   a.m. have breakfast

10       a.m. go to my friend's house

11       a.m. play football

12       a.m. wash Mum's car

1                p.m.     have lunch

2                p.m. tidy my bedroom

3                pm, do my homework

4                p.m. ride my bike

5                p.m. play computer games

6                p.m. have dinner 7 pm, read a magazine e p.m. watch TV

10 p.m. go to bed


2.      At five o'clock David will ride his bike.

3.      At twelve o'clock David will wash his Mum's car.


At two o'clock David will do his homework.

5.      At ten o'clock in the morning David will go to his friend's house.

6.      At four o'clock David will do his homework.

7.      At seven o'clock David will read a magazine.

8.      At three o'clock David will tidy his room.

9.      At seven o'clock in the evening David will watch TV.

10.At eleven o'clock David will play football.

Hallowe'en Costumes

Hallowe'en is the 31st of October. It is the night of ghosts and evil spirits.

In Britain, lots of people go to Hallowe'en parties. They wear spooky costumes.

Hallowe'en Apples

Are You Superstitious?

What does Hallowe'en mean for you? Choose your favourite description for each picture.

Andy is all alone in a haunted house. C]

Andy is using a

-A- candle because there is a power cut.

Now ask your teacher for the analysis.


Who's the Thief?

This was a really good Hallowe'en party. However, at midnight someone stole all the money from people's coats in the hall, Two minutes before the theft, the security camera broke. This is the last picture on the camera.

PC Williams found these teeth in the hall near the coats.

These are the suspects.

I was

I was



with the

the karaoke.


I was standing next to the bat.

What were you doing at midnight on the 31st of October?


I was


singing karaoke with the



I was eating some cake.

I was standing next to the table.


I was queueing for the toilet.

I was next to the frog.

PC Williams is writing a police report. Can you complete the report for her? You will need some of these words.

alien astronaut bat cat Frankenstein frog ghost gorilla mummy pumpkin skeleton Dracula L witch

It can't have been Hannah because she must be the witch.

It can't have been .                            because

It can't have been                              because

It can't have been .                           because

It can't have been .                           because

It can't have been .                           because

It must have been ..                              because

I was bobbing for apples with the astronaut.

Steve                                       Naima

I was talking to the mummy.



Bonfire Night is the 5th of November. British people celebrate with bonfires and fireworks. Children make guys to burn on the bonfire. A guy is a model of Guy Fawkes. Another name for Bonfire Night is Guy Fawkes' Night.

Sam, Paul, Gloria and Marcus are making guys for Bonfire Night.

Find Sam's guy. He's tall and thin.

Find Paul's guy. He's small and fat.

Find Gloria's guy. He's got a long nose and a big black hat.

Find Marcus's guy. He's got a long moustache and a long beard.

               Sam                                   Paul                                 Gloria                              Marcus

Where are the Pets?

The animals don't like Bonfire Night. They are frightened of the fireworks. They are hiding in the house.

1.    Which animal is behind the sofa?


2.    Which animal is under the bed?

It's .

3.    Which animal is on the chair?

It's —

4.    Which animal is on the cupboard?

It's .

S. Which animal is in the drawer?

It's .

6.      Which animal is behind the wardrobe?


7.      Which animal is between the cooker and the cupboard?


8.      Which animal is on the shelf?

It's .

9.      Which animal is under the table?


10.         Which animal is behind the bed?

                                                                                                                                                       It's                .... .

I I. Which animal is in the bath? It's .

12. Which animal is on the fridge?


Bonfire Night Safety

On Bonfire Night, lots of people have bonfires and fireworks in their gardens.

Fireworks and bonfires are dangerous. These are the rules for Bonfire Night safety. But the sentences are in the wrong order. Put them in the right order.

fireworks Don't throw                                box fireworks metal Keep in your a      Don't near bonfire the fireworks put

in house light the fireworks Don't         light with a fireworks Don't match        taper Light fireworks a with

house in Keep pets the your                   cook Don't food bonfire on the               warm clothes Wear

The Story of Guy Fawkes

Bonfire Night is also called Guy Fawkes' Night.

Read the questions about Guy Fawkes. Find the correct answer to each question.

Guy Fawkes wasn't the leader of the Gunpowder Plot. Write the letter of each answer under the correct number. You can find the name of the leader of the Gunpowder Plot.

Toffee Apples

Toffee apples are popular on Bonfire Night.

Yasmin and Tom are making toffee apples. Read what they say and write the amounts next to the ingredients.


10 350 grams

450 grams

5 millilitres

150 millilitres

We need the same number of wooden skewers as apples.

This is the recipe. Write the adverbs in the sentences.

Drop a teaspoon of toffee in a saucer of cold water. If the toffee sets

, it is ready.

Push a wooden skewer into each apple.

dip the apples in the toffee.

Place the toffee apples on the baking tray. Leave them to set.

Cut squares of cellophane.

Wrap the apples in the cellophane.

Preparing for Diwali

Diwali is the Hindu festival of light. In India, the festival lasts for five days.

In Britain, Hindus celebrate for a weekend. Diwali is in October or November.

Rama and Sita

Diwali celebrates the time when Rama came home to become king. Rama is the Hindu god Vishnu in human form.

Read the story of Rama and Sita.

In the city of Ayodhya, Prince Rama lived with his wife Sita and with Sita's brother Lakshman. The king's wife didn't like

Rama, so the king sent Rama, Sita and Lakshman away for 14 years. They lived in the forest and were happy.

Ravana was the wicked king of Lanka. He wanted Sita to be his wife, so he kidnapped her. He took her to the island of Lanka in his flying chariot. A bird tried to help Sita, but Ravana shot it.

Rama and Lakshman went to look for Sita. The injured bird told them that she was on the island of Lanka. Rama and Lakshman met Hanuman, the monkey king. Hanuman and the monkeys travelled with Rama and Lakshman. When they came to the sea, the monkeys built a bridge over the sea to Lanka. There was a big battle. Rama killed Ravana and rescued Sita.

Now the 14 years were over. Rama, Sita and Lakshman returned to Ayodhya.

The people welcomed them with small

0                        lamps called divas. Rama and Sita became king and queen.

Read the clues and fill in the gaps with these words: who, that, where. Do the crossword.


1.      The person  went to the forest with Rama and Sita

2.      The king  helped Rama and

Lakshman cross the sea

3.      The animalsbuilt the bridge

4.      The islandRavana lived

5.      The placeRama, Sita and

Lakshman lived after they left Ayodhya

6.      The personkidnapped Sita

7.      The animaltried to help Sita

8.      The lamps  the people lit to welcome Sita and Raman home

9.      The personkilled Ravana

10. The cityRama and Sita lived

1 1. The person                   was married to Rama

Winter Weather

Look at the letters in the pictures and make eight winter weather words.

The words are all in the wrong pictures.

Write each word under the correct picture.

Who Likes Winter?

Some of these six people like winter and some don't.

Choose the answer to each question to find out who likes winter and who doesn't.

No, he doesn't. No, he isn't. No, she doesn't.

No, he won't. No, he wouldn't.

Yes, she can. Yes, she is. Yes, she will. Yes, he has. Yes, he can. Yes, she would. Yes, she has.

3.     Ian is reading about the North Pole. Would he like to go to the North Pole?

4.     Ian is playing football tomorrow, but it is going to snow tonight. Will he still play?

5.     Mike's class is going skiing. Can Mike ski?

6.     Has Mike got some skis?

9.      The pond froze last night. Can Angela skate?

Does Ian like the winter?

Does Catherine like the winter?


Would Angela like a pair of skates for Christmas?

Answer the questions:

Does Eleanor like the winter?

Does Mike like the winter?

7.     Catherine's mum wants her to take the dog for a walk. It's windy and rainy. Will Catherine take the dog for a walk?

8.     Has Catherine got an umbrella and a raincoat?

1 1. It's been snowing and

Paul is going to school. Is he good at walking in the snow?

12. Does Paul like playing in the snow?

Does Angela like the winter?

Does Paul like the winter?

Advent Calendar

Advent calendars are popular in December. You can count the days from the 1st of December to the 25th of December — Christmas Day. Every day you open a door and find a picture.

Look at the advent calendar. Write the names of the pictures next to the numbers.



Christmas Show

Jonathan's school is doing a Christmas show. Lots of people are helping. Find the words in the wordsearch and complete the sentences.

Martine is acting Alistair is p Rebecca is P in the Nativity playthe tthe c

Ranjeet is . PAnna is PLiam is r

the . S

Adelle is s                                                        Paul is .h                                           with      Danielle is .g


Giant Christmas Crossword

22. Anagram of AWNE


"Why don't      go carol


(boy's name). (4)



37. "How about playing some      



a good idea." (2)

after Christmas dinner?" (5)

for the Christmas party?"

Christmas morning to open our presents." (3)

   16.                            (3)



                                                                                               28.(5)                                                                                                             39.(8)

Claus (5)

The 25th of December is Christmas    (3)

44.     Ducks quack, horses neigh and dogs           (4)

45.     "Shall we the film on television now?" (5)

48. David is very happy loves his Christmas presents. (2)


50.   Christmas a very happy time of year. (2)

51.   The day before Christmas Day is Christmas              (3)


The snowman is the table. (2)

3. A kind of music. (3)

" How about      the

At Christmas, people


Christmas cake?" (6)

lot. (3)


36. "Would you like a mince pie

6.a slice of Christmas cake?" (2) This is angel. (2) 38 k (4)




13. The colour of 7 down. (6)

42. dear. I don't like any of my Christmas presents." (2)


                                              44.          (4)

17. Japanese money. (3)

45. "Let's go to church on


"Why don't you do some

31.(4)                                                                                                                is               the oven. (2)

These are the three ghosts and the things that they show to Scrooge. Write the number of each sentence in the picture of the correct ghost.

1.      All the shops in London are busy and there are decorations everywhere. Some people are buying food for Christmas dinner and some people are going to church.

2.      When Scrooge was a boy, he went to boarding school. Alf the boys went home for Christmas but Scrooge had to stay at school on his own.

3.      One Christmas, Scrooge will die all alone.

4.      Some poor people witl steal his clothes and sell them.

5.      Bob Cratchit is coming home from church with Tiny Tim. Tiny Tim is his youngest child and he is very ill.


The Cratchit family are very poor. They are having a very small Christmas dinner but they are happy because they love each other.

7.      Nobody will visit Scrooge's grave because nobody loves him.

8.      Scrooge started work. His boss was very kind and gave a big Christmas party. Scrooge had a great time.

9.      Tiny Tim will die because the family is too poor to pay for a doctor. Bob Cratchit will be very unhappy.

10. Scrooge fell in love with a girl, but he loved money more than he loved her so she left him.

1 1. Scrooge's nephew Fred is having a Christmas party. Fred's family and friends are playing music, singing and playing games.

12. The girl married another man and had lots of children.

What happens next?

What do you think will happen next in the story?

- l

New Year in Scotland

                              The biggest New Year's celebrations in Britain are in Scotland.         

Scottish people have a special word for New Year. Do the puzzle to find out what it is.

Match up the two parts of each word. Write the words under the pictures.

Everybody goes to a

New Year's Eve.

Now write all the letters in the grey squares. This is the Scottish word for New Year.  

Celebrating the New Year

The New Year has been celebrated for thousands of years.

Every culture has its own New Year festival. Here are some New Year festivals from the past and also some New Year festivals that are celebrated in Britain by people from different cultures.

Choose the correct word in each sentence. Find the words in the wordsearch. The letters left over spell a message for you.


Ancient festivals



Ancient Egyptian New Year

The Ancient Egyptian New Year was

(1) celebrated/happened in September. There was a big procession along the River Nile. The procession was (2) led/gone by the Pharaoh. Trumpets, drums and tambourines were (3) listened/played.

Roman New Year

During Roman times a new calendar was (4) arrlved/lnvented and the New Year was (5) run/moved from March to January. At New Year gifts were (6) sent/made to friends and even to the Emperor. Funny costumes were (7) danced/worn at parties.


Celtic New Year

The Celtic New Year was in October and was called Samhain, which means 'summer's end'. Bonfires were (8) shone/burned and people danced around them.





Hogmanay is the Scottish word for New Year's Eve. People go to parties. At midnight an old song called 'Auld Lang Syne' is (1 5) sung/seen. There is also a tradition called 'first footing'. If you are (16) shouted/visited by a man with dark hair you will have good luck in the next year.


Muslim New Year The Muslim New Year is called the Day of the Hijrah. It remembers the journey (17) made/gone by Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem.

Children are (18) played/glven presents and new clothes.


Jewish New Year

The Jewish New Year is called Rosh

Hashanah and it is (9) taken/celebrated in October. Special services are (10) held/got at the synagogue. Honey and fish are (1 1) eaten/looked — honey is for a sweet year and fish is for a year of plenty. Special round loaves of bread are (12) bolled/baked. People's houses are (1 3) done/cleaned and new clothes

are (14) bought/glve for children.

Hindu New Year

Many Hindus celebrate New Year in October, at the same time as Diwali, the festival of light. Little lamps called divas are (19) lost/lft and they are (20) swum/floated on lakes and ponds. The story of Rama and Sita is

(21) talked/told to children.

Chinese New Year

There is a big Chinese New Year festival in London every January or February. Dragon and lion dances are (22) performed/laughed. Evil spirits are (23) frightened/haunted away with firecrackers. Red clothes are (24) put/worn for good luck.


                             A H L I T F E D 

                    The Muslim Year                        

Fast and Festival

Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr are very important times in the Muslim year.

Ramadan is one of the months in the Muslim calendar. Each new month begins with the new moon. Id-ul-Fitr is the festival at the end of Ramadan.

                                         Nadia is talking about Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr.                           at (x 3) before (x 3)

Read what she says and fill in the missing first (x 1) later (x 1) during (x 4) time words. Write the words in the text and often (x 1) on (x 2) until (x 3) in the grid. (The grid will help you to choose when (x 2) while (x 4) the correct words.)

the month of Ramadan we can't eat or drink the day. This is called fasting. We have to wait

22 the evening to eat. 4sunset, we have a snack and 7we have

a main meal. All eating must finish 2the sun rises.

20 we are fasting we learn to be patient.

It is very difficult not to eat or drink 3 the day. Not all Muslims have to fast 13Ramadan. Very old people don't fast and children don't have to fast 6they are twelve years old. People who are on a journey can eat 5they are travelling. Women don't fast 19 they are expecting a baby. Ill people don't fast but they must fast 1  they are healthy again. 23  we are fasting,

we pray more than usual and read the Qur'an more.

Id-ul-Fitr is the festival 8 the end of Ramadan. It begins

10 the first day of the next month. 17 Id-ul-Fitr, we give money for the poor, so that everyone will be able to celebrate the festival.

the night 15  Id, we 24  don't go to bed. We stay up all night and wait 14 the new moon appears.

we can see the new moon the festival begins.






February 1984-19 February 1985


happy, sociable

February 1985-8 February 1986



February 1986-28 January 1987



January 1987-16 February 1988



February 1988-5 February 1989



February 1989-26 January 1990


January 1990—14 February 1991



February 1991-3 February 1992



February 1992-22 January 1993



January 1993—9 February 1994



February 1994-30 January 1995



January 1995-18 February 1996



Animal Years

The Chinese New Year is in January or February.

In the Chinese calendar, every year has the name of an animal: rat, snake, tiger, etc.

There are 12 animals. If you are born in the year of the tiger, you have the tiger's personality.

These are the Chinese years. Find the animals and write the adjectives in the table.


       patient                                                                                                   crþodg


-funn 'L shø


hays clever


ar€ùic shy        bossy          øenecous

When Is your birthday? Which animal are you?

Do the words for your animal describe your personality? Write four words to describe yourself.

Code Breaker

It is an old Chinese superstition that whatever happens on New Year's Day will happen for the whole year.

Can you solve the codes for these words? Each number is always the same letter. Then when you have all the words, write each word in the correct sentence.

cold cut death good happy knife money rains red snows year

Burns Night Quiz

How much do you know about Burns Night?

Do the quiz with a friend. Take turns to ask the questions. Start at number one. When you know the answers, you can write a story about Burns Night.


Is Burns Night an English or a Scottish festival?


(go to 15)

Scottish (go to 6)



Go back to 16


Correct. What do men wear on Burns Night?

a kilt

(go to 16) a big hat (go to 7)


Go back to 6 and try again.

seventeen Correct.

Which musical instrument do people play on Burns Night? the bagpipes (go to 9) the flute

(go to 12)



Go back to 14 and try again.



Burns Night is the birthday of Robert Burns.

When was he born?

25 January 1759

(go to 19)

25 August 1959 (go to 13)



Go back to 19 and try again.


Correct. On Burns Night people eat haggis. What is haggis? a pie made of salmon and eggs

(go to 2)

a pudding made of meat, oats and spices (go to 1 1) eighteen


Go back to 8 and try again.


Correct. Go to 20.



Go back to 9 and try again.



What do people eat with haggis?

peas and carrots (go to 4) potatoes and turnips (go to 17) fifteen


Go back to 1 and try again.



Who is Robert Burns?

He Is a famous poet.

(go to 8)

He is a famous dancer.

(go to 10)



Go back to 1 1 and try again.



When do people celebrate Burns Night?

In the morning

(go to 18)

In the evening (go to 14)



Go back to 17 and try again.


Correct. After the Burns dinner there is a big dance. What is it called? a waltz (go to 5) a ceilidh (go to 3)



Well done! You know a lot about Burns Night.


Robert Burns wrote all his poems and songs in Scottish dialect.

Scottish people read his poem 'To a Haggis' on Burns Night and they sing his song 'Auld Lang Syne' on New Year's Eve.

Here is a poem that you could write in a Valentine's card. A lot of the words are old Scottish words. What do these words mean in modern English? Find the words in the box.

My Love is Like a Red Red Rose

My love is like a red, red rose That's newly sprung in June;

My love is like the (l) melodie

That's sweetly (2) play'd in tune.

(3) So fair art thou, my (4) bonnie (5) lass, So deep in love am l:

And I will love (6) thee still, my dear, Till (7) a' the seas (8) gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,

And the rocks melt (9) wi' the sun:

And I will love thee still, my dear,

While the sands (10) o' life shall run.

And (11) fare thee weel, my only love, And fare thee weel (12) awhile! And I will come again, my love,

(13) Tho' it were ten thousand mile.

Find the picture that goes with each verse of the poem.

Valentine's Cards

On the 14th of February, people send a Valentine's card to the girl or boy they like. Sometimes people write a poem, too.

Look at these poems and fill in each gap with an adjective from the box. Remember that the poems must rhyme.


Valentine's Day

[February 14th]










Computer Dating

These people are going to a Valentine's party. The party is for people who are looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend. They all have to fill in a form, then the computer finds their ideal partner. When they go to the party, they meet the person recommended by the computer.

Name: Ben Taylor


Age:                           Male        Female

Likes and dislikes:

tick three things you like doing and cross three things you don't like doing. watching TV/videos

[V going to the cinema shopping

X listening to music

X playing sports

C) playing computer games

X reading drawing/painting/making things

The computer chooses people who have two likes and two dislikes the same. Ideally the two people should be the same age.

o                   O

Anna Watters Neither Darren nor Ben

o                   is suitable for you. Your ideal partner is Curtis.    o

o                   o O      o

O         O O      o o

o          O O      O

O                                                                                                                                                                O

O         O O      o o       O o      o O      O

O                                                                                                                                                                O

Read the forms that the eight people have filled in. Then complete the computer reports. Find the best partner for everybody.


Curtis Jackson Name:

Age 15                       Male     Female a

Likes and dislikes:

tick three things you like doing and cross three things you don't like doing. watching TV/videos going to the cinema shopping

[V listening to music playing sporß playing computer games

V reading

Xl drawing/painting/making things


Name• Vicky Bradshaw

Age 16                        Male Female

Likes and dislikes:

tick three things you like doing and cross three things you don't like doing.

X watching TV/videos going to the cinema

[2 shopping

X listening to music playing sports playing computer games

X reading

IV drawing/painting/making things


Darren Wallis Name•

Age 16                       Male      Female a

Likes and dislikes:

tick three things you like doing and cross three things you don't tike doing. watching TV/videos going to the cinema shopping

C] listening to music

X playing sports playing computer games C) reading

X drawing/painting/making things


Name: Amy Callaghan


Age:         Male Female

Likes and dislikes:

tick three things you like doing and cross three things you don't like doing. watching TV/videos going to the cinema

X shopping listening to music

C] playing sports playing computer games

C] reading

X drawing/painting/making things


Nick Short



Ages                          Male     Female a

Likes and dislikes:

tick three things you like doing and cross three things you don't like doing.

X] watching TV/videos

IV going to the cinema shopping

X listening to music playing sports

X playing computer games reading

C] drawing/painting/making things

Gemma Theakston



                                                                                                                                                             Age•                         Male C] Female

Likes and dislikes:

tick three things you like doing and cross three things you don't like doing.

C] watching W/videos

X going to the cinema shopping listening to music

X playing sports

C.V playing computer games

X reading drawing/painting/making things

Valentine's Day [February 14th]

The Story of Valentine's Day

Read the story of Valentine's Day. Choose the correct word to go in each gap and write it in the heart. When you have finished you will find the names of two famous lovers.

baby books boyfriend boys cards February festival holidays husband in Juno kissed loved men Saturday on people poems post sofa stories take teddy times wall weeks women Vishnu

In Roman times people celebrated a festival of love in the month of

The festival was called Lupercalia. It was the festival of the Roman gods Pan and 2 Young men and young played games to find a wife or a 4

In early Christian 5                                       St Valentine was a holy man.

He was killed for his beliefs. Before he died he wrote a message on the prison 6               The message was for the woman he and he signed the message 'Your Valentine'.

The feast day of St Valentine is the fourteenth of February.

                                                                                            St Valentine's Day became the 8                                       of lovers.

                                                                                             Young men wrote 9                                         to give to young women.

If they were no good at writing poetry, they copied one from a book. Girls made cards to give to the young 10

The sender of the card was a secret. People never signed the cards.


In the nineteenth century, the postal service started. Now people could their

Ganao                                                                                                           Valentine's cards.




Today you can buy lots of

12               and presents to send 13

Valentine's Day. How about a cute bear, a heartshaped balloon or twelve red roses?

Pancake Fillings

Pancake Day is the day before Lent. It is forty days before Easter.

In Britain, people eat pancakes. These are made of eggs, flour and milk.

It is traditional to eat pancakes with lemon juice and sugar. This is delicious, but now lots of other pancake fillings are popular, too.

Look at the ingredients for pancake fillings. Write the correct word under each picture.

Then look at the number in the box. Count the number of letters in the word and write the letter. Find another name for Pancake Day.

For example, the first picture is cheese. The fifth letter of cheese is S.


Pancake Tossing Competition

In many places in Britain, there are pancake tossing competitions on Pancake Day. The person who cooks and tosses the most pancakes in   minutes wins.

Kieran, Holly, Martine Jason and Tiffany are in a pancake tossing competition.

How many pancakes does each person toss in ten miputes?

Write the numbers on the pancakes, then answer the questions.

How many pancakes does Kieran toss?

How many pancakes does Holly toss?

How many pancakes does Martin toss?


Pancake Day is the day before Lent. Lent is the period of forty days before Easter. Many Christians give up something they enjoy doing for Lent.

Spring Festivals

Look at the Spring flowers. Find the pairs that are exactly the same to make sentences.

Saints' Names

Who are the patron saints of Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England?

Look at the towns on the map. Make a name from the bold letters in each country.

Read the information about each saint's day. Write the correct name in the sentences.

St Patrick's Day Postcard

St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. St Patrick's Day is the 17th of March. It is a big festival in Ireland.

Tara is on holiday in Ireland. She is writing a postcard to her friend. Read the postcard and find the correct verbs to


go in the spaces. Change the verbs to the correct tense and write them in







Write the words in the grid and find the Irish word for festival.

Welsh and English

St David's Day is on the 1st of March. It is an important festival in Wales. Welsh people celebrate their country and their language.

                          RAIN       SHEEP       WALES      DAVID      RUGBY


Making Words

Mother's Day is on a Sunday. It is three weeks before Easter. On Mother's Day children give presents, flowers and cards to their mothers. An old name for Mother's Day is Mothering Sunday.

How many words can you make from the letters in Mothering Sunday?


Mother's Day Traditions

Work out the code and write the words in the crossword.

Each letter has a number. There are four letters already in the crossword to help you.































14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Mother's Day Traditions

Read about Mother's Day today and in the past.

Choose words from the crossword to fill the gaps in the story. Use each word only once.

Mother's Day is in (a)

in many countries, but in Britain it is in March, three weeks before

Easter. Children give cards and (b) to their mothers. They say thank you for all the things their mothers do for them.

What Colour Is It?

Comic Relief is in March once every two years.

People do funny things and make money for charity. Find something that people wear for Comic Relief.

New School Rules


6 You must be polite to your teachers.

You must arrive at school on time.

6 You must wear a red nose.

6 You must sing in lessons.

You must not chew chewing-gum.

You must be quiet in the corridor.

You must work hard in lessons.

You must throw wet sponges at your teacher.

You must not fight.

You must dance in the corridor.

You must not smoke.

You must laugh when your teacher speaks. You must stand on your head in assembly.

You must not run in the corridor,

You must wear school uniform.

You must do your homework.

17 You must wear your clothes back-to-front.

You must write with a pink pen.

You must not wear make-up at school.

Comic Relief is in March every two years. Another name for Comic Relief is Red Nose Day. People wear red noses and do funny things to make money for charity.

At Alan's school, the students are writing funny rules for Comic Relief.

On Red Nose Day they must obey the funny rules.

Read the rules. Which are the real school rules and which are the rules for Red Nose Day?

Tick the Red Nose Day rules.




9 14 18

8 13 17

Now colour the red noses with the same numbers as the Red Nose Day rules. What is the picture?

a    a flower

b   a face

c    a star 0

Charity Projects

Comic Relief happens every two years in March.

There are lots of humorous events all over the UK to raise money for charity projects.

Every year Comic Relief makes millions of pounds for projects in the UK and in Africa.

These people all need money from Comic Relief to help people where they live.

Read about the projects and complete the phrasal verbs. Choose the correct word from the box.

There is no water supply in my village. We have to collect water from the stream. When the stream dries  we have to walk 20 kilometres to find water. We want to build a well in the village.

We want to help children and teenagers who are the victims of abuse. We want to start a counselling service to help people get  their bad experiences.

It is very difficult for disabled people to go  in my town. We can't be as independent as we would like to be. The buses aren't adapted for wheelchairs. We want to buy a special bus so that people in wheelchairs can get the bus.

I live in a big city and there are lots of young homeless people. We want to build a hostel to help the young people get the streets and start a new life.

I live on a big council estate. There is nothing for young people to do. A lot of teenagers get drugs and crime. We want to build a sports centre so that young people have something positive to do.

Where I live HIV and AIDS are big problems. We want to employ a teacher so that people can find  how to prevent AIDS.

People in my town are very poor. , Many people are born with disabilities. We want to build a special school so that disabled children can grow to be independent and happy.

My country is going some terrible times. There is a war and lots of people have lost their homes. We want to help people to build new homes.

In my town there is a lot of unemployment. Most families don't have enough money to go on holiday. We want to provide adventure holidays for children and teenagers.

who Is the Fool?

April Fool's Day is on the 1st of April. If you play a trick before 12 0'clock A fool is a silly person. you can say 'April Fool'.

On April Fool's Day people play tricks If you play a trick after 12 0'clock on their family and friends. you are the fool.

These people are all playing tricks. Look at the clocks and write the times under the pictures. Who is the fool in each picture?

What time is it?                                Who is the fool?       What time is it?                              Who is the fool?

It's nine o'clock.                                             Esther

What time is it?                                Who is the fool?       What time is it?                               Who is the fool?

What time is it?                                Who is the fool?       What time is it?                               Who is the fool?

What time is it?                                Who is the fool?       What time is it?                               Who is the fool?



April Fool's Day is on the 1st of April. It isn't



a holiday but it is a day for playing tricks.


I told my big sister that a spider

Do you like playing tricks?


in her hair. She hates spiders so she

Seven teenagers are talking about tricks they have


started screaming.

played on April Fool's Day. Choose the correct tense of


crawls / was crawling

each verb and write it in the gap in the sentence.


What do you think of this trick?

Then decide what you think about each trick.


a It's funny.

Tick the box.


b It's silly.

Ask your teacher for the analysis.


c It's unkind. [2

Are You an April Fool?


I put a cup of water on top of I told my dad that there the kitchen door. I said to my dad a fire in the living that I to talk to room. He came running into the him in the kitchen. When he room but there wasn't a fire. opened the door the water fell on him. He got very wet.               was / is

want / wanted What do you think of this trick? a It's funny.

                                  What do you think of this trick?                                                     b It's silly.

                         a b It's It's funny. silly.                                                                  Cl                       FIREI  c It's unkind. C]



6                                c It's unkind.




I said to my mum that



present for her. When she

the doorbell. When she came

opened it there was just a big

there was nobody there.

stone in the box.

to ring / was ringing

am buying / had bought

What do you think of this trick?

What do you think of this trick?

a It's funny.

a It's funny.

b It's silly.

                    b It's silly.        C)

c It's unkind.

c It's unkind.

I said to my friend that I


I told my little sister that it outside. She looked out of the window but it wasn't snowing.

will snow / was snowing

What do you think of this trick? a It's funny. b It's silly. c It's unkind.

I pushed over a chair to make a loud noise and I lay down on the floor. My brother heard the noise and came into the room. I said that I            my leg. He wanted to call an ambulance. have broken I had broken

What do you think of this trick? a It's funny. b It's silly.

c It's unkind.

Hot Cross Buns

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday. On Good Friday, Christians remember when Jesus died on the cross. In Britain, hot cross buns are popular on Good Friday.

Look at the pictures and read the anagrams. Read the recipe and find the verbs. Write the verb under each picture. Match the pictures and the instructions.

Easter Words

Can you make these Easter words by changing letters each time? Read the clues to help you find the words.

the opposite of colder BUNS On Good Friday, people eat special buns called hot cross ... 'I'm sorry I forgot your birthday.' 'Don't worry. It BANS forbids

doesn't ... ' pop group crazier

It's got four fingers and a thumb. more difficult the opposite of easy a German composer


a shoe for the summer


Write the first letter of each person's name and find another name for May Day.

                                                     1 2 3 4                     5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Word Spirals

May Day is a very old festival. It used to be a pagan festival.

People danced and sang and they asked the gods to give them a good year.

Today celebrates the beginning of summer. Lots of people still dance on May Day.

Here are two things that are traditional on May Day. Complete the word spirals.

All the words have got four letters. The last letter of each word is the first letter of the next word.


















































People dance around a Maypole on May Day. Can you complete the word spiral?

1.      past simple of to sell

2.      past simple of to draw

3.      quite hot

4.      plural of mouse

5.      not difficult

6.      my, his/her       our, their

7.      The first school ... is 'You must wear school uniform'

8.      You hear with these

9.      She ... that she likes swimming

10. You sit on this. It is      12. opposite of west bigger than a chair                13. past simple of to tell


I won't be ... to come 14. short name for David to your party because 15. You see with these I'm going on holiday 16. opposite of go

In the Middle Ages, every girl in the village used to make one of these on May Day.

You can still see them in some places in England. What is it called?



























1 1























1 . past simple of to grow

2.  A bird uses this to fly

3.  an expensive metal

4.  You go into a room through this

5.  It's on top of a house. It stops the rain coming in

6.  past simple of to fall

7.  How ... do we have to wait?

8.  past simple of to give 9. She ... her lunch at one o'clock every day

10.  Have you ... Dan?

I'm looking for him

11.  We ... some eggs to make the cake

Let's ... into the pool

13.  a test

14.  I'll ... you when you move house

15.  past simple of to sing

16.  opposite of boy

Theme Park Maze

In the Summer, lots of people go to theme parks.

Look at the symbols. Follow the directions and go to five rides.


Summer is the time to go to the fun fair. Marcus is talking about the first time he went to a fair.

Choose the words to fill the spaces in the story. Write the missing words in the roller coaster grid. The last letter of each word is the first letter of the next word.

I was seven years old and it was the first time 1 24 had ever gone to a fair. It was 12

when we arrived and it was already 25 It was like a 18 1 20

believe that there were so many 16 to go on. There were lots of people — adults and  was playing everywhere. First we went on the roller coaster. I had on a roller coaster before. I liked it, 23it made me feel a

bit S

19 because I was 7 However, 1 8  

have a go at the

darts. You had to 21 darts and score over 50. I had never 10   

this game before,

so I was 17 to find that I was very 3 at it. 1 27 

   a teddy bear.

My mum bought us some fizzy 4 t didn't 26 what to do next.


high jump


100 metres

800 metres

long jump































Which Event?

Christine chooses the

Neelam chooses the

Gemma chooses the

Melanie chooses the

Bryony chooses the

who's the Winner?

Schools in Britain have a sports day before the summer holidays.

There are athletics events, such as races, high jump and long jump competitions.

These pupils are in the 200 metres race.

Look at the picture and make a compound adjective to describe each person. Choose one word from each box.

Then look at the letters in the shaded squares to find out who wins the race.

6. Mark



Lots of schools, churches and villages have a fête in the Summer.

There are things to buy, games and food. A popular game is the tombola.

Look at the tickets on the tombota prizes. Write the name of each prize under the correct person. Write nothing if the person hasn't got a prize.

Which prize is left?                  Write the ticket number In words.

Prize Puzzle

At the Summer fête there are lots of games to play.

Look at the games at this fête. Fit the pieces into the jigsaw puzzle and make five sentences. Write the names of the people in the picture.

Father's Day Cards

Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. Children give cards and presents to their dads. Which dad likes which hobby? Look at the maze and complete the sentences.

Why don't we ...

Richard, Robert and Rebecca are making suggestions for Father's Day.

Choose the first half of each suggestion. Write the letters to find out what Dad would like to do.

Souvenir Shopping

Here are some souvenirs from seaside towns in Britain.

Read the prices and write the names of the places on the souvenirs.

On Holiday in London

Karen is on holiday in London with her family.

Look at the signs and write the answers to Karen's questions.

Use these answers:

Holiday Dot to Dot

Join the words and make twelve holiday words. Write the words under the pictures. Then join the numbers. What is the picture?




surf (4)                       weed (3)

life (6)

cream (7)

volley (2)                    suit (9)

sun (3)

coaster (10)

post (1)fish (4) ice- (4) guard (8) star (1)board (5) suit (5) site (8) swim (6)ball (6) camp (7) glasses (5) sea (2)card (2) roller case (10)


Lost at the Airport

Read what happened on Mark's holiday last year.

Choose the correct words and write the letters. Find out where Mark's little brother was.

We were going on holiday to Ibiza. We checked in our luggage at the airport and went to look in the shops because we were an hour early. Suddenly we realised that my little brother, Danny, wasn't with us.

1.      'Oh, no,' said my mother. 'l hope something a / nothing i has happened to him.'

2.      'He must be somewhere n / nowhere        I said.

3.      We looked for him in all the shops, but we couldn't find him everywhere @/anywhere

4.      An air steward came and asked, 'Is everything / something alright?' So we told him about our problem.


He asked all his friends, 'Has anyone e / everyone seen a little boy?'

6.      But someone [t] / noone had seen him.

7.      We looked in the newsagent's and in the chemist's, but Danny was nowhere @ / everywhere @ to be seen.

8.      I thought I saw Danny in the cafe, but it was anyone b / someone i else.

9.      I called Danny's name but noone 6] / evetyone in the cafe stared at me and I was embarrassed.

10.'We've looked everywhere e / nowhere           said my mum.

1 1. 'There isn't something Y / anything t else we can do,' said my dad.

Then I had an idea. I went to look for Danny and I found him. We had to run to catch our plane because we were very late.

Which boy is Danny?

Holiday Puzzle


























Work out the code and write the words in the crossword.

Most of the words are connected with summer holidays.

Each letter has a number. There are four letters already in the crossword to help you.

Carnival Wordsearch

Every year in London there is a Caribbean carnival. It is in a part of London called Notting Hill. Find 22 Carnival words in the wordsearch. Solve the anagrams and write the words.

                                                        The words go             and

1. drinchle

12. odof

2. Agustu

13. suneshin

3. surnci

14. abdn

-3                                                 4. gadincn

15. rdaepa

5. raggee

16. mseag

6. tumessoc

17. unf

7. racvnali

18. miseifal

8. ttiNong liHl

19. nodLno

9. zseirp

20. eknwede

10. Trandidi

21. crodws

1 1. tarpy

22. ysoin


U T o


































w T c R

D O c




Ni l

s s







M N o


E M o G





T o K


w G


S H o





E s





s T


N E s E











O o c —S



In lots of countries Carnival is in February or March. In London Carnival is in August. Why? Write the letters that are left in the wordsearch grid to find the answer.

Looking Good

Look at the Carnival picture and choose the correct word in each speech bubble.

That's a great costume. You look quiet / funny

Maria has eaten too much and she feels greedy

Shall we buy some food here? It smells nice

Would you like some curry? It tastes delicious   / comfortable [ŽS@] ( 2

How many people go to the Notting Hill Carnival every year?

Add up all the numbers of the correct answers. Multiply the total by 1,000.

people go to carnival every year.

In the 1950s and 1960s black people had to out put . with a lot of racism in Britain.

G up

In the 1960s


some people in London decided to put . a carnival.



B down

E in




Carnival starts with the parade. I'll be dancing on a float.

O off


1 in


I love seeing everybody showing .         . in their costumes.

S off

J across

I'll probably


bump    lots of old friends.


The idea really

    took                and now


hundreds of thousands of people come to Carnival every year.


L out

O place

The first

Carnival took in Notting Hill in August 1964.

It was very small.

I notice


         A over                  T

I'm going to dress     in my costume. I've been making it since February.

E down

I'll be dancing in the parade all day and I won't get the chance to sit ..... ..... ..

V out

H up

Carnival is a good place to catch



with people you haven't



Thousands of people take in Carnival.

They wear costumes, dance in the parade and play in bands.

A part

I'm really looking        . to Carnival this year.

S out

The Carnival finishes quite early, but lots of people carry dancing at private parties.

R on



I'll probably stay   all night.

E up


seen for a long time.

Odd One Out

Find out about the Highland Games. Find the word to complete each sentence.

Write the letters to complete the name of the most famous event in the Highland Games.

The Highland Games are in                                                              The Highland Games are in


Lots of people wear a There are competitions. dress @ shirt @

There areraces.                                                There is athrowing competition.


In the tug-of-war two teams pull a          At the end of the Highland Games there is a big fight.

This competition is called tossing Now find the word that Is different in each line. Write the letters and find the name of this Scottish instrument. You can hear it at the Highland Games.











I- F I

















































The Highland Games take place all over Scotland in August. There are traditional Scottish competitions.

These are some of the competitions.

Complete the sentences and find the words in the wordsearch.

James can't toss the caber as  as Hamish.

Andrew can toss the caber  than James.

Hamish can throw the caber the

can run the

can't run as  as can run    than






Festivals and Special Days

Autumn: September, October, November

Winter: December, January, February

Spring: March, April, May

Summer: June, July, August

January: New Year's Day

February: Valentine's Day

March: St Patrick's Day, St David's Day,

Mother's day

April: April Fool's Day,

St George's Day

May: May Day

June: Father's Day

July: Summer Holidays

August: Notting Hill Carnival September: Back to School

October: Hallowe'en

November: St Andrews Day, Bonfire Night December: Christmas Day

page 8

Birthday Parties

1. Natasha, 2. Simon, 3. Davina, 4. Rashid, 5. Louise, 6. Matthew, 7. Helen, 8. Hamish

The birthday present is a computer.

page 9 Birthday Presents

1. a ring, 2. a bicycle, 3. a teddy bear.

4. a picture, 5. a calculator, 6. a T-shirt, 7. a bag, 8. a hair dryer, 9. some books, 10. a flute

page 10 What's in the Picture?

You can see: 2. grass, 5. a dog, 8. nuts,

9. a boy, 11. a mouse, 15. a fox,

18. mushrooms, 19. leaves,

22. an umbrella, 24. squirrels, 26. spiders,

27. flowers, 30. trees


It's an apple.

page 11 Find the Differences

In picture A there are lots of leaves on

the tree.

In picture B there are a few leaves on the tree. In picture A there are lots of/ plenty of birds.

In picture B there are a couple of birds.

In picture A there are a few squirrels. In picture B there are a couple of squirrels.

In picture A thre are a few cars.

In picture B there are a couple of cars. In picture A there are lots of/ plenty of mushrooms.

In picture B there are a few mushrooms. In picture A there are lots of/plenty of flowers.

In picture B there are a few flowers. In picture A there are tots of/plenty of houses.

In picture B there are a few houses.

In picture A there are a few trees.

In picture B there are a couple of trees.

In picture A there are a few clouds. In picture B there is one cloud.

page 10 The Back to School


A atlas, B bag, C catcutator, D dictionary,

E exercise books, F football, G gym,

H homework, I infants, J jacket, K kids,

L lunch, M magazine, N notebook,

O overhead projector, P pens and pencils,

Q questions, R ruler, S sports kit,

T teacher, U uniform, V violin, W watch, X xylophone, Y yawn, Z zero

page 13

Going Back to School


Year         Name of teacher



Year 7      Ms Moore



Sixth form Mr Raman




Year 11

Year 9

Ms Martinez

Mrs Peel

walking bike

Raminder Year 8

Mr Bryant


James     Year 10

Mr Turton


1.                  Natalie, 2. Shona, 3. Daniel, 4. James, 5. Nathan, 6. Raminder.

page 14 GCSE options

There are several possible answers involving personal response to this puzzle.

page 15 Fruit and Vegetables

It's a corn dolly.

page 16

Harvest Boxes

2.                  Mrs Brown, 3. Mr Clare, 4. Mrs Gower,

5. Mrs Watts, 6. Mr Flint, 7. Mr Short Box number 1 is for Mrs Blake.

Rosh Hashanah Traditions

1. clean, 2. give, 3. go, 4. ask, 5. eat, 6. say The musical instrument is a shofar.

page 18 Bad Thiñgs

page 19

What Time Is It?

1. eleven o'clock, 2. half past five,

3. quarter to three, 4. quarter past six, 5. ten to seven, 6. ten past ten, 7. twentyfive past twelve, 8. twenty to two, 9. five past eight, 10. twenty to one, 11. five to four, 12. twenty-five to nine

page 20

An Hour Ahead

1. True. 2. False. At five o'clock David wilt have dinner. 3. False. At twelve o'clock David will have lunch. 4. True. 5. False. At ten o'clock in the morning David will play football. 6. False. At four o'clock David will play computer games. 7. False. At seven o'clock David will watch TV. 8. False. At three o'clock David will ride his bike. 9. True. 10. False. At eleven o'clock David will wash his mum's car.

page 21

Hallowe'en Costumes witch: 1. hat, 2. dress, 3. coat, 4. shoes vampire: 5. shirt, 6. cloak, 7. trousers cat: 8. mask, 9. jumper, 10. gloves,

11. leggings, 12. slippers












































































1) ghost, 2) bat, 3) alien, 4) monster

page 22

Hallowe'en Apples

girt's name           boy's name Deborah          Daniel

Sarah Stephen Paula Peter

Alice                  Andrew

Tina                   Tony

Juliet                Jeremy

Michelle            Mark

Rachel               Richard

Caroline             Christopher

page 23 Are You Superstitious?

Mostly .1

You are not superstitious. You are a very practical person. You only believe what you can see and you believe that you make your own luck. For you, Hallowe'en is a time to have fun and go to parties.

Mostly© •

You are very superstitious. You believe in ghosts and in good and bad tuck. For you, Hallowe'en is a time for spells and magic. It's scary but it's exciting, too.

Equal and e:

You are sometimes superstitious. You would like to believe in magic, but you are also realistic. At Hallowe'en you like to try the superstitions and see if they come true.

page 24 Who's the Thief? It can't have been Hannah because she must be the witch.

It can't have been Kerry because she must be the cat.

It can't have been Darren because he must be the pumpkin. It can't have been Vicky because she must be the ghost.

It can't have been Steve because he must be Frankenstein. It can't have been Naima because she must be the alien. It must have been Chris because he must be Dracula.

page 23


A. This is Marcus's guy. B. This is Sam's guy. C. This is Paul's guy. D. This is Gloria's guy

page 26 Where Are the Pets?

(answers to come once the a/w is in)

1. Joey, 2. Sam, 3. Bubbles, 4. Ben,

5. Jaguar, 6. Morgan, 7. Snowy, 8. Tiger,

9. Sandy, 10. Captain, 11. Waffles,

12. Toby.

page 27 Bonfire Night Safety

1.                  Don't throw fireworks.

2.                  Keep your fireworks in a metal box.

3.                  Don't put fireworks near the bonfire.

4.                  Don't light fireworks in the house. 5. Don't light fireworks with a match.

6.  Light fireworks with a taper.

7.  Keep your pets in the house.

8.  Don't cook food on the bonfire.

9.  Wear warm clothes.

Draw a cross on pictures 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8.

page 28 The Story of Guy Fawkes 1. No it isn't. It's a story from the seventeenth century. (R) 2. No, they weren't. They were Catholics. (O) 3. Yes, there were. (B) 4. Yes, there was. (E)

5. Yes, they did. (R) 6. Yes, he did. (T)

7. No, it wasn't. It was the 5th of November 1605. (C) 8. No, it didn't. The king's soldiers discovered the plan. (A) 9. No, he didn't. He decided to kill Guy Fawkes and his friends. (T) 10. Yes, they do. (E) 11. No, they don't. They make models of Guy Fawkes. (S) 12. Yes, they are. (B) 13. No, they aren't.roffee apples, soup and baked potatoes are popular. (Y)

The leader of the Gunpowder Plot was called Robert Catesby.

page 29 Toffee Apples You will need: 450 grams soft brown sugar, 350 grams butter, 5 millilitres vinegar, 150 millilitres water, 10 apples, 10 wooden skewers

1. Lightly, 2. slowly, occasionally, 3. rapidly, 4. immediately, 5. Carefully, 7. neatly

page 30

Preparing for Diwali 1. Anita: Sheetal's auntie, Sanjay: Sheetal's tittle brother 2. Anand: Sheetal's uncle 3. Rahim: Sheetal's little cousin 4. Tara: Sheetal's little sister 5. Deepa: Sheetat's older cousin 6. Nilesh: Sheetal's big brother

7. Geeta: Sheetal's big sister 8. Ranjit: Sheetal's dad, Priya: Sheetal's mum

page 31

Rama and Sita

1. who, 2. who, 3. that, 4. where,

5. where, 6. who, 7. that, 8. that, 9. who

10. where, 11. who

Winter Weather 1. freezing (It's raining.) 2. windy (It's cloudy.) 3. cloudy (It's sunny.) 4. sunny (It's snowing.) 5. foggy (It's cold.) 6. raining (It's freezing.) 7. cold (It's foggy.) 8. snowing (It's windy.)

page 33

Who Likes Winter?

1. No, she doesn't. 2. Yes, she is. 3. No, he wouldn't. 4. No, he won't. 5. Yes, he can.

6. Yes, he has. 7. Yes, she will. 8. Yes, she has. 9. Yes, she can. 10. Yes, she would.

11. No, he isn't. 12. No, he doesn't. Does Eleanor like the winter? No, she doesn't. Does Ian like the winter? No, he doesn't. Does Mike like the winter? Yes, he does. Does Catherine like the winter? Yes, she does. Does Angela tike the winter? Yes, she does. Does Paul like the winter? No, he doesn't.

page 34

Advent Calendar twenty-one: Christmas card, sixteen: shepherd, seven: donkey, eleven: candle, twenty-four: angel, three: Father Christmas, thirteen: turkey, eight: snowflake, nineteen: Christmas tree, six: bell, fourteen: snowman, one: holly, twenty-five: baby Jesus, seventeen: reindeer, ten: kings, twenty-two: present, five: Christmas cake, four: hat, eighteen: star, twelve: robin, nine: bauble, twenty-three: Christmas pudding, two: cracker, fifteen: sleigh, twenty: stocking.

page 35 Christmas Show

1.    Martine is acting in the Nativity play.

2.    Alistair is playing the trumpet.

3.    Rebecca is pulling the curtains.

4.    Ranjeet is painting the scenery.

5.    Anna is playing the drums.

6.    Liam is reading a poem.

7.    Adelle is singing a carol.

8.    Paul is helping with the lights.

9.    Danielle is giving presents to the children.

10. Richard is selling the tickets.

11. Emma is making the costumes.

12. Oliver is making the masks.


n N

page 38

A Christmas Carol

The Ghost of Christmas Past: 2, 8, 10, 12

The Ghost of Christmas Present: 1, 5, 6, 1 1

The Ghost of Christmas Future: 3, 4, 7, 9 What happens next? b) Scrooge wilt become kinder and pay Bob Cratchit more money.

page 39

New Year In Scotland

1. whisky, 2. fireworks, 3. bagpipes,

4. champagne, 5. coal, 6. Edinburgh,

7. dance, 8. party The Scottish word for New Year is Hogmanay.

page 40

New Year's Resolutions lg, 2h, 3e, 4f, 5d, 6a, 7j, 9b, IOi

The message is: Happy New Year.

page 42

The Muslim Year

Month                              Number

Ramadan                        ninth month

Dhul-Qa'dah                 eleventh month

Jumada-I-Ula                    fifth month

Rajab                              seventh month

Dhul-Hijjah                    twelfth month

Muharram                        first month

Rabi ath-Thani              fourth month

Jumada-th-Thaniyyah      sixth month

Shawwal                        tenth month

Rabi al-Awwal               third month

Safar                               second month

Sha'ban                          eighth month

Fast and Festival                                                 j) happy, k) money, t) red

12. During, 16. during, 22. until, 4. At,

18. first, 7. later, 2. before, 20. While,

3. during, 13. during, 6. until, 5. while,

19. while, 1. when, 23. While, 8. at, 10. on,

17. Before, 9. On, 15. before, 24. often,

14. until, 21. When, 11. At

1. dragon, 2. rice, 3. cards, 4. firecrackers, 5. Buddha, 6. dumplings, 7. poster, 8. lion, 9. drum, 10. lantern

page 46

Burns Night Quiz

one Scottish six 25 January 1759 nineteen He is a famous poet. eight in the evening fourteen a pudding made of meat, oats and spices eleven potatoes and turnips seventeen the bagpipes nine a kilt sixteen a ceilidh

page 47 Poem

1. melody, 2. played, 3. you are so beautiful, 4. pretty, 5. girl, 6. you, 7. all,

8. go, 9. with, 10. of, 11. goodbye,

12. for a short time, 13. though    

First verse: picture B

Second verse: picture D Third verse: picture C Fourth verse: picture A

page 48

Valentine's Cards

1. cheeky, 2. mean, 3. fair, 4. sweet, 5. busy,

6. bright, 7. great, 8. funny, 9. clever

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet And so are you

page 49 Computer Dating

Anna Walters

Neither Darren nor Ben is suitable for you. Your ideal partner is Curtis.

Ben Taylor

Either Gemma or Vicky is suitable for you.

Your ideal partner is Gemma.

Amy Callaghan

Neither Ben nor Nick is suitable for you.

Your ideal partner is Darren.

Nick Short

Neither Amy nor Gemma is suitable for you. Your ideal partner is Vicky.

Gemma Theakston

Either Ben or Darren is suitable for you.

Your ideal partner is Ben.

Curtis Jackson

Either Anna or Amy is suitable for you.

Your ideal partner is Anna.

Vicky Bradshaw

Neither Curtis nor Darren is suitable for you. Your ideal partner is Nick.

Darren Wallis

Either Amy or Gemma is suitable for you. Your ideal partner is Amy.

page 50

The Story of Valentine's Day

1. February, 2. Juno, 3. women, 4. husband,

5. times, 6. wall, 7. loved, 8. festival,

9. poems, 10. men, 11. post, 12. cards,

13. on, 14. teddy aaaaaaao aattb datao acaao


page 51 Pancake Fillings

5 cheese

1 ham

3 strawberries

4 onion

2 avocado

1 eg g s

8 chocolate

3 nuts

6 ice-cream

1 spinach

6 smoked sa l mon

4                    bananas

5                    honey Shrove Tuesday

page 52 Pancake Tossing Competition Kieran tosses 17 pancakes.

Holly tosses 16 pancakes.

Martin tosses 22 pancakes.

Jason tosses 20 pancakes.

Tiffany tosses 18 pancakes. Martin tosses the most pancakes.

page 53 Lent

1. buying clothes 2. swimming 3. going to the theatre 4. eating cake 5. eating sweets 6. singing 7. going to the cinema 8. acting 9. going to school 10. listening to music 11. cycling. Number 9 is joking.

page 54

Animal Photographs adult          babies

1                   deer       fawn

2                   rabbit     baby rabbits

3                   bird        chicks

4                   fox          fox cubs

5                   mouse     baby mice

6                   badger   badger cubs

7                   frog         tadpoles

8                   otter       otter cub

9                   duck       ducklings

10                cow         calf

11                sheep lambs 12 horse foal

page 55 Spring Festivals

Id, 2b, 3f, 4a, 5g, 6h, 7e, 8c

1. Easter, 2. Mother's Day, 3. April Fool's

Day, 4. May Day, 5. St Patrick's Day,

6. Comic Relief, 7. Palm Sunday, 8. St David's Day

page 56 Saints' Names

The patron saint of Scotland is St Andrew The patron saint of Wales is St David. The patron saint of England is St George. The patron saint of Ireland is St Patrick.

page 57

St Patrick's Day Postcard

1. found, 2. listened, 3. been, 4. eaten, 5. watched, 6. bought. The Irish word for festival is fleadh.

page 58 Welsh and English CAERDYDD














































page 59

Making Words

1. house, 2. Monday, 3. dog, 4. hand,

5. man, 6. sun, 7. sum/maths, 8. shoe,

9. orange, 10. north, Il. Thursday,

12. radio, 13. ring, 14. rain, 15. ear,

16. nuts, 17. tongue, 18. mug, 19. mouse, 20. ghost, 21. south, 22. nose, 23. shirt, 24. horse, 25. Saturday, 26. rose, 27. mouth, 28. hen, 29. monster, 30. heart

pages 60 and 61 Mother's Day Traditions

A: a) May, b) presents, c) girls, d) from,

e) went, f) maids, g) hard, h) not, i) very,

j) off, k) but, t) holiday, m) home, n) visit,

o) used, p) mixture, q) sugar, r) marzipan

B: a) My, b) am, c) first, d) age, e) eleven,

f) mother, g) had, h) up, i) on, j) hat,

k) ate, l) at, m) out, n) journey, o) so,

p) walk, q) quickly, r) lots, s) cake, t) look,

u) flowers






















page 62 What Colour Is It?

a) blue, b) pink, c) brown, d) grey,

e) black, f) yellow, g) purple, h) green,

i) white. Red is left.

1. ears, 2. hair, 3. glasses, 4. trousers,

5. gloves, 6. teeth, 7. moustache, 8. tie,

9. shoes. Nose is left. People wear a red nose for Comic Relief.

page 63 New School Rules










aaaøiaa aaaaaaa








3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17 and 18 are Red Nose Day rules. The picture is b) a face.



eowo:o ôðôvo

page 64

Charity Projects

1. up, 2. off, 3. up, 4. over, 5. into, 6. through, 7. out, on, 8. out, 9. away

page 65

Who Is the fool? 1. It's nine o'clock. Esther. 2. It's half past eleven. Jason. 3. It's half past one. Simon. 4. It's half past nine. Anna. 5. It's eleven o'clock. Miss O'Donnell. 6. It's one o'clock.

Edward. 7. It's half past twelve. Sonia.

8. It's ten o'clock. Joseph.

Page 66

Are You an April Fool?

1. wanted, 2. was ringing, 3. was snowing, 4. was crawling, 5. was, 6. had bought, 7. had broken Mostly a You love playing tricks. You are funny and you are like making your friends laugh. Sometimes you go too far. Remember that not everybody likes it when you you play tricks on them! Mostly b You are cool and sophisticated. Your image is very important to you and you prefer intelligent conversation to playing tricks. Remember that it's important to have a sense of humour, too! Mostly c You are sensitive and kind. You

don't like to hurt people's feelings. You get upset when people play tricks on you. Try not to take it too seriously. Tricks are usually just fun, not nasty.

page 67

Easter Egg Hunt

1. 7D, 2. 2D, 3. 8J, 4. 8F, 5. 3K, 6. Il, 7. 51,

page 68 Hot Cross Buns

a) melt, b) knead, c) beat, d) pour, e) stir,

f) divide, g) add, h) put, i) sift, j) cover,

k) cut, I) place.

Id, 2g, 3i, 4a, 5c, 6e, 7b, 8f, 91, 10j, 11k,


page 69

Easter Words

1.                  PALM, PALE, MALE, MOLE, HOLE, HOLY

2.                  HOLY, HOLD, COLD, TOLD, GOLD,


3.                  EASTER, SISTER, FASTER, FITTER,


4.                  BUNS, BANS, BAND, HAND, HARD, HARE

page 70 Maypole Dancing

1.                  She is tall and she has got glasses.


2.                  He is auite short. (Ben)

3.                  She has got very long straight hair.


4.                  She has got straight hair and glasses.


5.                  He is tall and quite fat. (Damon)

6.                  She has got short curly hair. (Alice)

7.                  He is tall and thin. (Nick)

8.                  He has got curly blond hair. (Harry)

9.                  He has got straight dark hair. (Yusef)

10.              He has got round glasses. (Liam) 11. She has got straight dark hair. (Odile)

1) Ben. 2) Alice, 3) Nick, 4) Kirsten,

5) Harry, 6) Odite, 7) Liam, 8) Imogen,

9) Damon, 10) Andrea, 11) Yusef Bank Holiday is another name for May Day.

page 71 Word Spirals































aaaaaaa •unman aaaaaaa

page 72 Theme Park Maze

First ride: big wheel Second ride: rollercoaster

Third ride: water splash Fourth ride: dodgems Fifth ride: space rocket

page 73


1. been, 2. nothing, 3. good, 4. drinks,

5. sick, 6. kids, 7. scared, 8. did, 9. didn't,

10. tried, 11. dare, 12. evening, 13. ghost,

14. train, 15. never, 16. rides, 17. surprised,

18. dream, 19. music, 20. couldn't,

21. throw, 22. wouldn't, 23. though, 24. had. 25. dark, 26. know, 27. won

page 74 Which Event? Christine chooses the javelin. Neelam chooses the 100 metres. Gemma chooses the long jump. Melanie chooses the 800 metres. Bryony chooses the high jump

page 75 Who's the Winner?

1. Kate is

2. Jake is

3. Lucy is

4. Adam is

5. Beth is

6. Mark is











7. Arti is

8. Zach is

Beth wins.

page 76 Tombola

a) some perfume, b) a game, c) nothing, d) a teddy bear, e) some wine, a doll,

g) nothing, h) some candles, i) a Walkman The CD is left. It is number eight hundred and sixty:nine.

page 77

Prize Puzzle

1. Ben, 2. Tom, 3. John, 4. Nick, 5. Rick

page 78 Father's Day Cards Kerry's dad: I like gardening.

Nick's dad: I like playing golf.

Ruth's dad: t like swimming.

Ewan's dad: I like playing football.

Terri's dad: I like cooking.

Greg's dad: I like dancing.

If, 2e, 3d,        5b, 6a

page 79 Why Don't We ?

Richard: 1. How about, 2. Let's, 3. Would you like

Rebecca: 4. How about, 5. Why don't we,

6. Why don't we Robert: 7. Would you like, 8. Let's

b) Dad would like to play golf.

Souvenir Shopping

a) Blackpool, b) Scarborough, c) Rhyl,

d) Great Yarmouth, e) Torquay,

f) Brighton.

page 81 On Holiday in London

1.                  Yes, you can.

2.                  No, you can't. 3. No, we can't.

4.  No, you can't.

5.  No, you can't.

6.  Yes, we can.

page 82 Holiday Dot to Dot post (I)fish (4) star (1)board (5) swim (6) ball (6) sea (2)card (2) surf (4)weed (3) volley (2) suit (9) ice- (4)guard (8) suit (5)site (8) camp (7) glasses (5) roller- (9) case (10) life (6)cream (7) sun (3)coaster (10)

a) postcard, b) lifeguard, c) campsite,

d) rollercoaster, e) starfish, f) surfboard, g) swimsuit, h) volleyball, i) ice-cream,

j) sunglasses, k) seaweed, l) suitcase.

It's a pair of shorts.

page 83 Lost at the Airport

1.                  nothing

2.                  somewhere

3.                  anywhere

4.                  everything

5.                  anyone

6.                  noone

7.                  nowhere

8.                  someone

9.                  everyone

10.              everywhere 11. anything

in the toilet

Danny is in picture b.



page 84 Holiday Puzzle

The holiday destination is: Costa Del Sol

page 85

Carnival Wordsearch

1. children, 2. August, 3. music. 4. dancing,

5. reggae, 6. costumes, 7. carnival,

8. Notting Hill, 9. prizes, 10. Trinidad,

11. party, 12. food, 13. sunshine,

14. band, 15. parade, 16. games, 17. fun,

18. families, 19. London, 20. weekend,

21. crowds, 22. noisy

Because it is too cold in February.

page 86

Looking Good

1. beautiful, 2. funny, 3. nice, 4. delicious,

5. sick. 6. happy, 7. brilliant, 8. big,

9. disgusting, 10. tired

200 + 160 + 100 + 300 + so + 230 + 150 +

110 + 450 + 250 = 2,000

2,000 x 1,000 =

Two million people go to carnival every year.

page 87 Carnival Maze In the 1950s and 1960s black people had to put up with a tot of racism in Britain.

In the 1960s some people in London decided to put on a carnival.

The first Carnival took place in Notting Hill in August 1964. It was very small.

The idea really took off and now hundreds of thousands of people come to Carnival every year.

Thousands of people take part in Carnival. They wear costumes, dance in the parade and play in bands.

I'm really looking forward to Carnival this year.

I'm going to dress up in my costume. I've been making it since February.

Carnival starts off with the parade. I'll be dancing on a float.

I love seeing everybody showing off in their costumes.

I'll probably bump into lots of old friends.

Carnival is a good place to catch up with people yo haven't seen for a long time.

I'll be dancing in the parade all day and I won't get the chance to sit down.

The Carnival finishes quite early, but lots of people carry on dancing at private parties.

I'll probably stay up alt night.


page 88

Odd One Out

1. Scotland, 2. August, 3. kilt, 4. dancing,

5. hill, 6. hammer, 7. rope, 8. pillow

This competition is called tossing the caber.

The words that are different are: 1. London (London is a town. All the other words are countries.)

2.                  Monday (All the others are months.)

3.                  newspaper (All the others are clothes.)

4.                  sleeping (All the others are performing


5.                  telephone (All the others are natural features.)

6.                  frog (All the others are woodwork tools.)

7.                  cake (All the others are things you can tie.)

8.                  book (All the others are bed clothes.)


- l

page 89


Scottish dancing

Jenny can jump higher than Catriona. Fiona can jump the highest.

Catriona can't jump as high as Fiona.

Tossing the caber

James can't toss the caber as far as Hamish.

Andrew can toss the caber further than James.

Hamish can throw the caber the furthest.

Hill race

Robert can run the fastest.

Stuart can't run as fast as Moira. Moira can run faster than Stuart.


Pauline can play the bagpipes better than Angus. Donald can't play the bagpipes as well as Angus.

Pauline can play the bagpipes the best.



























































Pupils with one or more years of

Pupils with one or more years of

A Christmas Carol 38 New Year [December 31st]

A Christmas Carol 38 New Year [December 31st]

Comic Relief: What Colour Is It?

Comic Relief: What Colour Is It?

Hallowe'en: Are You Superstitious? 23

Hallowe'en: Are You Superstitious? 23

Information about the festivals featured in this book

Information about the festivals featured in this book

Chinese New Year (Pages 44-45)

Chinese New Year (Pages 44-45)

Popular holiday destinations include

Popular holiday destinations include



Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night



Simon What are these people doing for their birthdays?

Simon What are these people doing for their birthdays?

Birthday Presents

Birthday Presents

Read what she says. Which present is she talking about in each sentence?

Read what she says. Which present is she talking about in each sentence?

What's in the Picture? Which of these things can you see in the picture?

What's in the Picture? Which of these things can you see in the picture?

Find the Differences Find the differences between the two pictures

Find the Differences Find the differences between the two pictures

For example: In picture A there are lots of leaves on the tree

For example: In picture A there are lots of leaves on the tree



Going Back to School It is the first day back at school for

Going Back to School It is the first day back at school for

My journey is four minutes shorter 1

My journey is four minutes shorter 1

C] Drama (optional)

C] Drama (optional)

Fruit and Vegetables Colour the fruit and vegetables these colours

Fruit and Vegetables Colour the fruit and vegetables these colours

Harvest Festival is a Christian festival

Harvest Festival is a Christian festival



Rosh Hashanah Traditions Rosh

Rosh Hashanah Traditions Rosh

Bad Things Rosh Hashanah is the

Bad Things Rosh Hashanah is the

Walkman to my friend because t needed some money

Walkman to my friend because t needed some money

What Time Is It?

What Time Is It?

These are the times on Saturday

These are the times on Saturday

An Hour Ahead Today is the last

An Hour Ahead Today is the last

At seven o'clock in the evening

At seven o'clock in the evening





Hallowe 'en Apples

Hallowe 'en Apples

Are You Superstitious?

Are You Superstitious?

Andy is all alone in a haunted house

Andy is all alone in a haunted house

A- candle because there is a power cut

A- candle because there is a power cut

PC Williams is writing a police report

PC Williams is writing a police report

Guys Bonfire Night is the 5th of

Guys Bonfire Night is the 5th of



It's 1. Which animal is under the bed?

It's 1. Which animal is under the bed?

Don't throw box fireworks metal

Don't throw box fireworks metal

Guy Fawkes wasn't the leader of the

Guy Fawkes wasn't the leader of the

Toffee Apples Toffee apples are popular on

Toffee Apples Toffee apples are popular on

Drop a teaspoon of toffee in a saucer of cold water

Drop a teaspoon of toffee in a saucer of cold water



Rama and Sita Diwali celebrates the time when

Rama and Sita Diwali celebrates the time when

The person went to the forest with

The person went to the forest with

Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Who Likes Winter? Some of these six people like winter and some don't

Who Likes Winter? Some of these six people like winter and some don't

Choose the answer to each question to find out who likes winter and who doesn't

Choose the answer to each question to find out who likes winter and who doesn't
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