[t] – coast, vast, mountain, mountainous, flat
[d] – desert, land, island, landscapes, deep
[r] – forest, river, prairie, range
[w] – wood, world, wash, washed by
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
an ocean
a canyon
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
-Land surrounded by water.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
-Land surrounded by water.
-A narrow part of land at a sea or an ocean.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
-Land surrounded by water.
-A narrow part of land at a sea or an ocean.
-A very flat territory without mountains in Europe and Asia.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
-Land surrounded by water.
-A narrow part of land at a sea or an ocean.
-A very flat territory without mountains in Europe and Asia.
-A very flat territory without mountains covered with grass in America.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
-Land surrounded by water.
-A narrow part of land at a sea or an ocean.
-A very flat territory without mountains in Europe and Asia.
-A very flat territory without mountains covered with grass in America.
-A territory covered with trees.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
-Land surrounded by water.
-A narrow part of land at a sea or an ocean.
-A very flat territory without mountains in Europe and Asia.
-A very flat territory without mountains covered with grass in America.
-A territory covered with trees.
-A small mountain.
How different the world is!
a prairie
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
-A large area of sand.
-Several mountains one after another.
-Land surrounded by water.
-A narrow part of land at a sea or an ocean.
-A very flat territory without mountains in Europe and Asia.
-A very flat territory without mountains covered with grass in America.
-A territory covered with trees.
-A small mountain.
-A small forest
How different the world is!
a coast
a desert
an island
a plain
a prairie
a canyon
a hill
a mountain range
a forest
a wood
an ocean
How different the world is!
The | Geographical names |
Continents | |
Countries | |
Cities | |
Oceans | |
Seas | |
Rivers | |
Deserts | |
Mountain ranges | |
Single mountains | |
Single islands | |
Groups of islands | |
Some countries |
Great Britain
Pacific ocean
Atlantic ocean
Simpson desert
Great Sandy
Great Victoria
Appalacian Mountains
How different the world is!
The | Geographical names |
- | Continents |
Countries | |
Cities | |
+ | Oceans |
Seas | |
Rivers | |
Deserts | |
Mountain ranges | |
- | Single mountains |
Single islands | |
+ | Groups of islands |
Some countries |
Great Britain
Pacific ocean
Atlantic ocean
Simpson desert
Great Sandy
Great Victoria
Appalacian Mountains
How different the world is!
…is the largest island of the British Isles.
It consists of …, … and … .
The coasts of the country are washed by …, …, … and … .
The main rivers are … , … and … .
There are many lakes in … .
… are the oldest mountains in the world.
Scotland’s biggest city is …
… is the highest mountain in England and Wales.
How different the world is!
The wonderful world
(by William Rands)
Great, wide, beautiful wonderful world.
With the wonderful water round you curled,
And the wonderful grass upon your breast
World, you are beautifully dressed!
The wonderful air is over me,
And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree –
It walks on the water, and whirls the mills,
How different the world is!
1. Geographical position.
2. Landscapes.
3. Climate.
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Simpson Desert
Great Sandy
Great Victoria
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