Презентация на тему "National musical instruments in the UK"
Оценка 4.6

Презентация на тему "National musical instruments in the UK"

Оценка 4.6
Презентация на тему "National musical instruments in the UK"
National musical instruments in the UK.pptx

National musical instruments in the

National musical instruments in the

National musical instruments in the UK

the cultural heritage

Introduction National musical instruments are an integral part of the cultural heritage

Introduction National musical instruments are an integral part of the cultural heritage


National musical instruments are an integral part of the cultural heritage. So each country has its own National musical instruments.
Let's talk about national instruments in the United Kingdom. In English folk music, the emphasis is on vocals, which are usually male and polyphonic. Musical instruments — violin, accordion, whistle, drum, bagpipes.

Scotland The national musical instrument of

Scotland The national musical instrument of


The national musical instrument of Scotland is the bagpipe. It is also an unofficial symbol of this country. Bagpipes are the official instrument of military orchestras. The most popular and widespread bagpipe in the world — Great Highland Bagpipe.

Wales In Wales, the traditional musical instrument for

Wales In Wales, the traditional musical instrument for


In Wales, the traditional musical instrument for Welsh folk music is the harp, in particular: the Welsh Triple Harp.
The harp belongs to the oldest musical instruments. It is a plucked musical instrument, consists of two angled frames, between which many strings are stretched.

England In England, the violin, concertina and the

England In England, the violin, concertina and the


In England, the violin, concertina and the Northumbrian bagpipe, which is different from the Scottish/Welsh, are considered national musical instruments.
The violin is a bowed musical instrument with four strings.
Concertina is a reed pneumatic musical instrument — a harmonica with a chromatic scale without ready—made chords.

Each of the countries of the United

Each of the countries of the United

Each of the countries of the United Kingdom has its own diverse and distinctive forms of folk music. National instruments are also very diverse. Their study is very exciting.

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