Презентация по английскому языку в 4 классе "Where is Mr Big?"

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  • pptx
  • 28.04.2022
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Презентация по английскому языку в 4 классе "Where is Mr Big?" по программе "Forward" Вебицкой М.В.
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Where is Mr Big?

New words

nobody |ˈnəʊbədi|- никто
stay |steɪ|   -остановка
take away |teɪk əˈweɪ|  – забирать
search |sɜːtʃ| – искать, обыскивать
campsite |ˈkæmpsaɪt|– палаточный лагерь
friend of mine |frend| |ɒv| |maɪn-мой друг
Hurry up! [ˈhʌrɪ ʌp]— Поторопись!
Not so fast [nɒt səʊ fɑːst]— Не так быстро
Arrest those men! |əˈrest| — Арестуйте этих людей!

Ex. 3 p.49

to go to prison |ˈprɪzn|– попасть в тюрьму
laboratory - лаборатория
to stay in quarantine |ˈkwɒrəntiːn| – находиться в карантине

Ex. 4 p. 50

bench |bentʃ| - скамейка
path |pɑːθ|- тропинка
football pitch |pɪtʃ|– футбольное поле
muddy |ˈmʌdi| - грязный
flower bed – цветочная клумба
between - между
fence |fens| – забор, изгородь
grass |ɡrɑːs| -трава
cola can- банка от кока-колы
crisp packet- пакет от чипсов
ticket- билет
orange peel- апельсиновая кожура
comic- комиксы

under- под
next to- рядом
behind –за
in the middle of- в середине

Ex. 4 p. 50

Ex.8 p 51

The park keeper found some litter in the park.
First he found a crisp packet.
The packet was in the middle of the football pitch.
Then he found an old comic.
The comic was under the tree near the lake.
Then he found some orange peel behind the fence next to the bus stop.

Ex. 9 p. 51

1. Professor Wallace saw the smoke signal.
2. Joseph Alexander rescued Kate and Sam from the old temple.
3. Joe arrived with the police and they arrested Zack and Tex.
4. The police do not know where Mr Big is.
5. Kate, Sam and Joe will go back to Britain.


Ex. 12 p. 52

a paper bank- пункт приема макулатуры
a bottle bank- пункт приема стеклотары
can bank- пункт приема жестяных банок

Ex. 12 p. 52

Don’t throw away old comics. - Take them to a paper bank.
Не выбрасывайте старые комиксы. Отнесите их в пункт приема макулатуры.
Don’t throw away drink cans. — Take them to a can bank.
Не выбрасывайте жестяные банки. Отнесите их в пункт приема.
Don’t throw away old clothes. - Give them to poor people.
Не выбрасывайте старую одежду. Отдайте ее бедным людям.
Don’t throw away old envelopes. - Use them again.
Не выбрасывайте старые конверты. Используйте их снова.
Don’t throw away old toys.- Give them to poor children.
Не выбрасывайте старые игрушки. Отдайте их бедным детям.
Don’t throw away old yoghurt pots. - Grow seeds in them.
Не выбрасывайте старые горшки из-под йогуртов. Выращивайте семена в них.
Don’t throw away plastic bags. - Use them again.
Не выбрасывайте полиэтиленовые пакеты. Используйте их снова.
Don’t throw away glass bottles. - Take them to a bottle bank.
Не выбрасывайте стеклянные бутылки. Отнесите их в пункт приема стеклотары.

Ex.13 p. 53

flour – flower – | ‘flaʊə |-мука- цветок
there – their –|ðeə|- здесь-их
see – sea - | ‘si: | - видеть -море

eye - I – [ai]
be- bee- [bi: ]
dear - deer- [dɪə]
meet- meat- [mi:t]
tail - tale – [teil]
wear- where-[weə]

Ex.14 p. 53

Ex. A p.58 WB

Police arrest plant thieves!
Yesterday the Indonesian police arrested Zack Barrington and Tex Parker, the plant thieves.
Professor Wallace, the famous scientist, and her friend Joe Alexander, the explorer, went to Indonesia and camped in the rain forest.
They wanted to find a very rare orchid.
Zack and Tex followed them.
They wanted to steal the orchid and sell it.
Zack and Tex are members of a gang of thieves.
Their leader is Mr Big.
He steals rare plants.
He also steals rare birds and animals and sells them for pets.
He is very rich.
The police do not know where Mr Big is.

Ex. B p.58 WB

[еэ] – hair , where, there , bear , rare , their
[ie] — here, near, dear

Dear Vera,
Kate and Sam are in Indonesia. There are their photos. They are near the temple. And this is the rare orchid.
Where are you?

Ex. D p.62 WB

1. He went to Indonesia by train / by plane / by ferry.
2. He wanted to help the animals / to help Professor Wallace / to find Sam and Kate.
3. He saw Sam and Kate in the temple / in the camp / near a volcano.
4. He followed them / looked after them / saved them.
5. He went to the camp to see Professor Wallace / to see Joe / to see Kate and Sam.
6. He was Joe Alexander’s friend / brother / uncle.

Ex. E p.62 WB

late – weight — поздно — вес
grow – go — расти — идти
do – two — делать — два
rare – hair — редкий — волосы
are – far — есть — далеко
bury – very — хоронить — очень
five – dive — пять — погружение
live – give — жить — дать
high – dry — высокий — сухой
height — weight — высота — вес