Презентация по английскому языку "Великая Отечественная война: по страницам истории родного края"

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  • pptx
  • 10.09.2021
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Презентация по английскому языку "Великая Отечественная война: по страницам истории родного края" была выполнена обучающимся 7 в класса Байдаловым Егором для конкурса "Мой дом, Моя земля" , занял 1 место. В презентации Егор рассказал про своего прадеда, участника Великой Отечественной войны.
Иконка файла материала Байдалов.pptx

My Home, My land The Great Patriotic war: according to pages of history of the native land


Author: Baidalov Egor, the 7th grade, school 41, Kurgan,2020
Teacher: Samkova Svetlana Vasilievna

Baydalov Alexey Gavrilovich

I want to tell about my great-grandfather. He was born on January 20, 1926 in the village of Dudinka in the Kurgan region. He lived here and finished  7 classes of school.

On June 22, 1941 the Great Patriotic War began

As many young people my great-grandfather left on to be at war with fascists. He was called on the front in November, 1943. At first he was a cadet in the 24th an educational and shooting regiment.

General information

Surname, name, middle name: Alexey Gavrilovich Baydalov
Date of birth of the serviceman: __. __. 1926
Time of revenues to service: __. 11.1943
Place of an appeal: Ust-Uysky RVK, Kurgan Region, Ust-Uysky district
Military rank at the time of the rewarding: гв. corporal
Duty station: 60 гв. тбр


What it is awarded with: Award of the Red Star
Date of representation to an award: 
Date of commission of a feat: 18.02.1945

In 1944 the great-grandfather passed into the 40th educational shooting regiment with the sniper. In 1945 he was at war in the 60th a Guards regiment; specialty - the tipper-of-tankman. In March, 1945  awarded the order to him the Red Star for the shot-down fascist plane.

“My great-grandfather told that he then shot down two planes, all left to have dinner, and he tarried and sees that fascist planes fly, he did not become puzzled loaded a shell and slapped one, and then and another"

Awards of my great-grandfather


On April 10, 1950 my great-grandfather  returned from the front. On a breast the Award of the Red star fairly deserved for 2 brought-down Messerschmitts, the medal "For Liberation of Belarus" flaunted.  My great-grandfather  married to Anastasia Pavlovna, brought up two daughters Lyubov and Olga and the son Vladimir.

Alexey Gavrilovich and Anastasia Pavlovna Baydalovy with the grandson Denis

With the great-grandson Anton. 2006

Baydalov' children - the oldest daughter Liouba and the son Vladimir

Alexey Gavrilovich and Anastasia Pavlovna Baydalovy

After war my great-grandfather  worked in collective farm the driver. He worked as the driver in collective farm to the pension.

 My great-grandfather  died on December 25, 2007 at the age of 81 years.

Every year for the Victory Day with the great-grandfather's portrait I participate in a procession of an immortal  regiment. I am proud of the great-grandfather  and I will always remember him.

Internet resources

3. https://kurganobl.ru/content/baidalov-aleksey-gavrilovich