Презентация Scottish Culture: Music
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Презентация Scottish Culture: Music

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Презентация Scottish  Culture: Music
Шотландская культура. Музыка
Scottish culture Music.pptx

Scottish culture: Music by Kalislyamova

Scottish culture: Music by Kalislyamova

Scottish culture: Music

by Kalislyamova Dilyara
group 1872

Content Symbols The culture of

Content Symbols The culture of


The culture of Scotland 
Traditional Music
Scottish Music Venues

Презентация Scottish Culture: Music

Презентация Scottish  Culture: Music

Symbols A red octagon symbolizes "stop" even without the word

Symbols A red octagon symbolizes "stop" even without the word


A red octagon symbolizes "stop" even without the word

Wearing variously colored ribbons is a symbolic action that shows support for certain campaigns.

Scotland's culture can be traced back almost a thousand years and it's just as alive today as it has ever been

Scotland's culture can be traced back almost a thousand years and it's just as alive today as it has ever been

Scotland's culture can be traced back almost a thousand years and it's just as alive today as it has ever been. From the ancient clans of the 12th century, each generation has added their own cultural thumbprint, creating a unique and vibrant country.

Scotland’s national animal is a unicorn

Scotland’s national animal is a unicorn

Scotland’s national animal is a unicorn

Scottish Music Scotland is home to a wealth of world-renowned contemporary bands and classical musicians currently gracing stages, stereos and soundtracks around the world

Scottish Music Scotland is home to a wealth of world-renowned contemporary bands and classical musicians currently gracing stages, stereos and soundtracks around the world

Scottish Music

Scotland is home to a wealth of world-renowned contemporary bands and classical musicians currently gracing stages, stereos and soundtracks around the world. From Celtic music to pop and rock, personal gigs to massive arenas - we've got you covered.

Traditional Music Scotland is world renowned for its traditional music – sometimes referred to as folk music – and its origins can be traced back…

Traditional Music Scotland is world renowned for its traditional music – sometimes referred to as folk music – and its origins can be traced back…

Traditional Music

Scotland is world renowned for its traditional music – sometimes referred to as folk music – and its origins can be traced back thousands of years. Today, this music remains just as popular and culturally relevant as it has ever been.

Of course, for many people, the mere mention of this style of music usually means one thing – the bagpipes

Of course, for many people, the mere mention of this style of music usually means one thing – the bagpipes

Of course, for many people, the mere mention of this style of music usually means one thing – the bagpipes. However, while this iconic instrument does play a major role in Scottish traditional music, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s fair to say that music has always been an integral part of

It’s fair to say that music has always been an integral part of

It’s fair to say that music has always been an integral part of Scottish culture. Going back as far as the medieval period, one of the most important roles throughout Scottish communities was an individual known as the bard. Bards relied on a strong oral tradition and acted primarily as the community’s musician, poet and storyteller. However, they were also known to fulfil the role of local historian and at times even the lawyer.

Classical music The classical music scene is thriving in

Classical music The classical music scene is thriving in

Classical music

The classical music scene is thriving in Scotland, with our musicians and orchestras making a significant contribution to cultural life both in Scotland and around the world.

Classical music in Scotland can be traced back hundreds of years to the late 17th century

Classical music in Scotland can be traced back hundreds of years to the late 17th century

Classical music in Scotland can be traced back hundreds of years to the late 17th century. Originally brought to our shores thanks to wealthy merchants with a taste for the genre, classical music has thrived in Scotland ever since. From these humble origins as a source of entertainment in the drawing rooms of the wealthy, Scottish classical music has gone on to gain worldwide acclaim.
Today our national orchestras regularly travel the world, bringing their incredible sounds to millions of people as they go.





Scottish Music Venues Scotland is home to some amazing music venues, because we know that nothing compares to seeing your favourite acts live

Scottish Music Venues Scotland is home to some amazing music venues, because we know that nothing compares to seeing your favourite acts live

Scottish Music Venues

Scotland is home to some amazing music venues, because we know that nothing compares to seeing your favourite acts live. From small, personal sets to massive stadiums and weekend-long events – you're never far away from a great gig!




If music is the lifeblood of Scottish culture, then Glasgow is most definitely its beating heart. The city’s passion for music is unparalleled, so it came as no surprise that it was officially recognised as a UNESCO City of Music in 2008 – at the time, becoming only the third country in the world to have this honour. Today, Glasgow is part of a 47-strong network of ‘Cities of Music’ and lives up to this prestigious title by showcasing more than 130 live performances on any given week.

Naturally, a city so well known for its musical pedigree is also home to an impressive array of venues

Naturally, a city so well known for its musical pedigree is also home to an impressive array of venues

Naturally, a city so well known for its musical pedigree is also home to an impressive array of venues. Upon these stages have walked not only an impressive crop of home-grown talent, but also some of the world’s biggest superstars

Презентация Scottish Culture: Music

Презентация Scottish  Culture: Music
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