Презентация "Во имя жизни на Земле"
Оценка 4.6

Презентация "Во имя жизни на Земле"

Оценка 4.6
английский язык
8 кл—11 кл
Презентация "Во имя жизни на Земле"
Презентация посвящена ВОВ, городам-героям
Во имя жизни на земле.pptx

"Feat in the Name of Life"

"Feat in the Name of Life"

"Feat in the Name of Life"

I find it difficult to get away from the simple fact that the

I find it difficult to get away from the simple fact that the

I find it difficult to get away from the simple fact that the Russian armies are killing more Axis personnel and destroying more Axis material than all the other twenty-five United Nations put together"
Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America

"It is the Russian army that tore the guts out of the German military machine..."
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain

"Frenchmen know what Soviet Russia has done for them; they know that it is Soviet Russia which has played the leading role in their liberation"
General Charles de Gaulle of France

The United Nations are all indebted to the

The United Nations are all indebted to the

"The United Nations are all indebted to the Red Army for its determination, its military efficiency, and its vast contribution to ultimate victory"
M. King, Prime Minister of Canada, February 24, 1943

We fully appreciate the magnificent contribution made by the mighty Soviet Union to the cause of civilization and liberty"
H. Truman, President of the USA. May 8, 1945

Content Victory Day Learn history by examples

Content Victory Day Learn history by examples


Victory Day

Learn history by examples
The Battle for Stalingrad
900 days of hope
Victory Day in My Region
The Ninth of May
"Do you know that...?"

Russia is immense, but there is nowhere to retreat

Russia is immense, but there is nowhere to retreat

"Russia is immense, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is at our backs"
V. Klochkov

Every year on the ninth of May all the people in our country celebrate Victory Day. The 9th of May was the final day of the Great Patriotic War. It was in 1945. That war began on the twenty-second of June in 1941. People from 5elarus, Russia, the Ukraine and other countries fought against Nazis.

England, the USA, France and Poland took part in that war, too.
Many people were killed.
There are many monuments and Victory memorials in our country. Every year in spring we put flowers to the monuments to honour the memory of the war heroes.
We congratulate war veterans and give them flowers, too.

Leningrad From September 1941 to

Leningrad From September 1941 to

900 day siege of Leningrad

From September 1941 to January 1944, Leningrad was completely surrounded by German army and cut off from the rest of Russia. Unable to take the city by all-out attack, the Germans decided to starve the city population to death. Only way out was on the ice of Lake Ladoga, which was under constant bombardment of German planes. One third of three million city population died of starvation. But the city stood firmly and heroically till the end.
This was certainly the most tragic period in the history of this city. It was full of suffering and heroism. For everyone who lives in St. Petersburg the Blockade (the Siege) of Leningrad is an important part of their heritage and for the older generations it brings the memories that they will never forget. Less than two and a half months after June 22,1941, when the Soviet Union was attacked by Nazi Germany, German troops were already approaching Leningrad.
The Red Army was outflanked and on September 8,1941 the Germans had fully encircled Leningrad and the siege began.

Road of Life" Two million 887 thousand civilians (including about 400 thousand children) plus troops didn't even consider any calls for surrender

Road of Life" Two million 887 thousand civilians (including about 400 thousand children) plus troops didn't even consider any calls for surrender

"Road of Life"

Two million 887 thousand civilians (including about 400 thousand children) plus troops didn't even consider any calls for surrender. Food and fuel stocks were very limited (1-2 months only). All the public transport stopped. By the winter of 1941-42 there was no heating, no water supply, almost no electricity and very little food. In January 1942, in the depths of an unusually cold winter, the lowest food rations in the aty were only 125 grams (about 1/4 of a pound) of bread per day. In just two months, January and February, 1942, 200 thousand people ('!!) died in Leningrad of cold and starvation. But some of the war industry still worked and the city did not surrender. Several hundred thousand people were evacuated from the city across Lake Ladoga via the famous "Road of Life" (Doroqa Zhizni) - the only route that connected the besieged city with the mainland. During the warm season people were ferried to the mainland, and in winter - carried by trucks that drove across the frozen lake under constant enemy bombardment.

It lasted for about 900 days, from September 8,1941 till January 27, 1944.

Meanwhile, the city lived on. The treasures of the

Meanwhile, the city lived on. The treasures of the

Meanwhile, the city lived on. The treasures of the Hermitage and the suburban palaces of Petrodvorets, Pushkin, etc. were hidden in the basements of the Hermitage and St Isaac's Cathedral. Most students continued their studies and even passed finals. Dmitry Shostakovich wrote his Seventh "Leningrad" Symphony and it was performed in the besieged at.
In January 1943 the Siege was broken and a year later, on January 27,1944 it was fully lifted. At least 641 thousand people had died in Leningrad dunng the Siege (some estimates put this figure at 800 thousand). Most of them were buried in mass graves in different cemeteries. The Piskariovskoye Memorial Cemetery, where almost 500 thousand people are buried, became one of the most impressive national war memorials.

The Battle for Stalingrad It was one of the most memorable events of the

The Battle for Stalingrad It was one of the most memorable events of the

The Battle for Stalingrad

It was one of the most memorable events of the World War II. It began on the steppe-lands lying between the Volga and Don rivers, on the distant approaches to the city; gradually more and more forces were introduced into the fighting, which finally encompassed an area of over 100,000 square kilometres. Mamayev Kurgan, rising to a height of 102 metres above sea level, is situated just to the north of the city center.
During the Battle for Stalingrad (now Volgograd)
Mamayev Hill was called the most important hill in Russia. 

In our country V-Day is celebrated by all people in every city, town, village

In our country V-Day is celebrated by all people in every city, town, village

In our country V-Day is celebrated by all people in every city, town, village. It is the most important holiday in our country because it brought peace not only for the Soviet people but for the people of many European countries. It became a tradition for participants of World War II to meet with their war friends in hero-cities. Many representatives from different countries come to the USSR to celebrate V-Day with our people. In Moscow war veterans usually meet near the Bolshoi Theatre or in the Park of Culture and Rest. There are many people with flowers at the places where veterans meet. Young people greet veterans and present them with flowers. War veterans talk about the part they played in the battles of the war and what they are doing at present. They also sing their favourite war songs. Everywhere in our country Soviet people honour the memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland. People bring flowers and put them on the graves where war heroes are buried. Schoolchildren usually organize school parties devoted to V-Day. They invite war veterans to the parties. Boys and girls listen to the stories about the battles and heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers. They also ask questions to obtain some more information about war period.

Do you know that... v on November 7, 1941, there was the parade of the

Do you know that... v on November 7, 1941, there was the parade of the

Do you know that...

on November 7, 1941, there was the parade of the Red Army troops in Red Square;
v the troops marched through the square on their way to the front;
v in November 1941 the heroes from Panfilov's division stopped fascists near the Dubosekovo Halt;
v there were only 28 hero-soldiers. They were headed by a political instructor named Klochkov;
v it was not far from Moscow where Nazi Germany suffered its first major defeat in the Second World War.
v World War II lasted 6 years. 60 coun­tries took part in it;
v about 50 million servicemen and civi­lians were killed in the Second World War;
v the Soviet Union lost 20 million of their people; the Soviet victory at Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the Second World War;
v in the Stalingrad sector fascists penetrated 650 kilometers into Soviet territory;
v on February 2, 1943, the last fascist troops capitulated;
v in the battle of Stalingrad the Soviet forces routed 5 enemy armies (2 German, 2 Romanian and 1 Italian).

"Feat in the Name of Life"

"Feat in the Name of Life"

"Feat in the Name of Life"

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