Презентация " Books"к уроку на английском языке. (8 класс)
Оценка 4.9

Презентация " Books"к уроку на английском языке. (8 класс)

Оценка 4.9
Презентации учебные
английский язык
8 кл
Презентация " Books"к уроку на английском языке. (8 класс)
Презентация " Books"к уроку на английском языке "Преимущества и недостатки печатных книг и книг на дисках" поможет учителю провести урок для учащихся 8 класса, учебник Биболетовой М.З. Enjoy English Unit 3 "Mass Media: Good or Bad". Данный урок соответствует требованиям ФГОС.
Books are the best friends.pptx

Books Выполнил: учитель английского языка

Books Выполнил: учитель английского языка


учитель английского языка
Матвеева Надежда Александровна
МБОУ ЦО №18 город Тула

Reading books makes you smarter

Reading books makes you smarter

Reading books makes you smarter Books keep alive for us the knowledge of the past

Презентация " Books"к уроку на английском языке. (8 класс)

Презентация " Books"к уроку на английском языке. (8 класс)

Find in the story the sentences to prove the following ideas

Find in the story the sentences to prove the following ideas

Find in the story the sentences to prove the following ideas. If the statements are wrong correct them with the help of the text.

Pamela likes to spend her time going to noisy parties
Pamela thinks that turning pages over and holding the book in her hands are enjoyable
Pamela thinks that she is happy because she reads a lot
Pamela thinks that traditional books are good for teens.

Find in the opinion the sentences that can help you to explain why

Find in the opinion the sentences that can help you to explain why

Find in the opinion the sentences that can help you to explain

why Andy likes CD books
why he doesn’t feel lonely
how he likes to spend his time
which books will be much more popular of his

Search in the girls’ opinion for the phrases which would be the best continuation of the following statements

Search in the girls’ opinion for the phrases which would be the best continuation of the following statements

Search in the girls’ opinion for the phrases which would be the best continuation of the following statements

Margaret loves…
She believes that…
Books written ages ago are still…
Books are still interesting because they give

Andy didn’t like reading because … it was boring to sit for hours with a book he used to play football with his friends he…

Andy didn’t like reading because … it was boring to sit for hours with a book he used to play football with his friends he…

Andy didn’t like reading because …

it was boring to sit for hours with a book
he used to play football with his friends
he couldn’t read

When his father bought him the first

When his father bought him the first

When his father bought him the first CD book …

he was upset
he was happy
the situation changed 

Andy thinks that CD book is fantastic because… turning the pages over you can see what’s happening in pictures, in colours and in action! you…

Andy thinks that CD book is fantastic because… turning the pages over you can see what’s happening in pictures, in colours and in action! you…

Andy thinks that CD book is fantastic because…

turning the pages over you can see what’s happening in pictures, in colours and in action!
you should have a computer to read it
they are more expensive than printed books

Andy thinks that CD books will be much more popular with teenagers because they are like computer games you can see what’s happening in pictures…

Andy thinks that CD books will be much more popular with teenagers because they are like computer games you can see what’s happening in pictures…

Andy thinks that CD books will be much more popular with teenagers because

they are like computer games
you can see what’s happening in pictures
the Internet provides us with access to any library in the world

Try to explain: why he didn’t like reading when he was a little boy why the situation changed why he thinks that

Try to explain: why he didn’t like reading when he was a little boy why the situation changed why he thinks that

Try to explain:

why he didn’t like reading when he was a little boy
why the situation changed
why he thinks that CD books are fantastic
why he thinks that CD books will be much more popular with teenagers

Advantages and disadvantages of printed and e-books

Advantages and disadvantages of printed and e-books

Advantages and disadvantages of printed and e-books.

The advantages of printed books:
- Pay once and can also borrow from the library.
- A chance to feel the atmosphere of previous generation.
- They keep the knowledge of the past.
The disadvantages of printed books:
- They can be quite expensive.
- Some of them are of a poor quality.
- The allergy for books’ dust. - Reading is not good for eye sight.

The advantages of books on CD:
- Convenient to keep.
- You can download any book you want from the Internet.
- They are available and cheaper. - More colorful.
The disadvantages of books on CD:
- Computer is bad for eyes and the whole organism.
- Books on CD are expensive.
- It’s hard to use them for old people

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of printed books or

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of printed books or

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of printed books or CD books

I believe/ I think…
In my opinion… have many advantages
On the other hand, ….
Finally, I can say that…

There are some proverbs about books

There are some proverbs about books

There are some proverbs about books. The next task is: Match the verbs and their translation.

Some books are to be tasted; others to be swallowed; and some few to be chewed and digested.
The books that help you the most are those which make you think the most.

A book is a mirror; if an ass peers into it you can't expect an apostle to look out
A room without books is like a body without a soul.
Some books leave us free, and some books make us free

Одни книги оставляют нас свободными от мыслей, другие - делают нас свободными людьми.
Одни книги пробуют на вкус, другие - проглатывают, и лишь немногие - разжевывают и усваивают.
Книга подобна зеркалу: если в нее заглядывает осел, трудно ожидать, что там отразится апостол.
Комната без книг подобна телу без души.
Самые ценные книги те, которые заставляют Вас много думать.

Reading is a special world full of adventures and joy

Reading is a special world full of adventures and joy

Reading is a special world full of adventures and joy

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