Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
Оценка 4.8

Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии

Оценка 4.8
Презентации учебные
английский язык
8 кл—11 кл
Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии

Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии

Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии

Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
Arthur Conan Doyle (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh in 1859 of Irish Catholic parents. He was a British physician and writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes. He was a prolific writer whose other works include science fiction stories, historical novels, plays and romances, poetry, and non-fiction. He graduated in medicine in 1881 and then practiced as a doctor in Britain and abroad: in a Green-land whaler, a West African trader, a Boer War Hospital. Conan Doyle died in 1930.

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA A Scandal in Bohemia" was the first of Arthur Conan Doyle's 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories to be published in The Strand Magazine and the first Sherlock Holmes story illustrated by Sidney Paget. Sherlock Holmes, a famous detective, is commissioned by the King of Bohemia to retrieve a potentially compromising photograph from Irene Adler, his former mistress. Holmes sets out in disguise to search her house but is sidetracked when he becomes caught up as a witness at her wedding. Later he returns and tricks her into revealing the hiding place. When he goes back next day however she has left a note saying she perceived his ruse and has emigrated, taking the photograph with her.

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
SHERLOCK HOLMES The principal point of interest in the Sherlock Holmes stories and the reason that they have been so popular is the character of Holmes himself. From «A Scandal in Bohemia» alone we learn that he has an international reputation as a detective and is well known amongst European royalty. He has acute powers of observation and an ability to interpret visual data. He is a master of disguise, and is able to transform his actions into those of the person he is imitating. Holmes is philosophical, brilliant, charismatic, benevolent and enigmatic. At the end of the story he shows a lofty disregard for the King by ignoring his handshake.

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
Dr. Watson The stories are narrated by Dr. John Watson, Holmes's good friend and companion. That means that everything the reader knows about the world of Sherlock Holmes is coming from Watson's particular perspective. When the story begins, Watson and Holmes are already close friends. Watson regrets not having seen Holmes for some time. Given Watson's recent marriage to Mary Jane, he has been spending most of his time at home. Apart from narrating the events, Dr. Watson himself plays a relatively small role in the story.

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
Irene Adler To Holmes, the beautiful and cunning Irene Adler is simply 'the woman.' Holmes admires her wit and cleverness. Irene Adler is a trained actress and as good at putting up a disguise as Holmes himself. The King admires Adler, too: 'Did I not tell you how quick and resolute she was? Would she not have made an admirable queen?' In one important scene, Adler marries Godfrey Norton, a dark, handsome, and dashing lawyer from London's Temple district. Holmes is intrigued, since he cannot discern her motive.

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
MINOR CHARACTERS IN "A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA" Godfrey Norton – Lawyer and Irene Adler's fiancé. Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein and Hereditary King of Bohemia – Holmes's client and former lover of Irene Adler.

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
There have been any number of radio, stage, and film adaptations of the stories, and there is currently a very successful television series in which the stories are transposed into present day settings. Gayle Hunnicutt in TV episode A Scandal in Bohemia (1984) Michael Carter in TV episode A Scandal in Bohemia (1984) Wolf Kahler in A Scandal in Bohemia (1984)

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
MY OPINION I like this book. It arouses a lot of feelings and emotions and it is very catching and exciting. I advise you to read it because time spent on this book is never wasted. I’m sure you will devour page after page with great pleasure.

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
t h e y   a r e   t h e   s o u r c e   o f     m a y   b e   d i v i d e d     r e a d , t o   t o   b e     b o o k s   n o t     I   b e l i e v e d , t h r e e   g r o u p s :   b o o k s   t o   O . W i l d e « L o v e   b o o k s , k n o w l e d g e » . « B o o k s , i n t o   b o o k s   r e a d   a t   a l l »   r e ­ r e a d ,

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Презентация и текст Скандал в Богемии
THE END Thank you for attention !
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